Текстур пак clean glass redstone 1.0/0.17.0/0.16.1/0.16.0


This page would benefit from the addition of isometric renders. 
Please remove this notice once you’ve added suitable isometric renders to the article. The specific instructions are: Comparing the TU25 terrain.png to the TU31 terrain.png shows that TU31 changes all glass and glass pane textures to appear more translucent.

Java Edition Beta
1.8 Pre-release Added glass panes.
Glass panes share the same model with iron bars.
Java Edition
1.0.0 Beta 1.9 Prerelease 2 Glass panes no longer drop as a resource when destroyed.
Beta 1.9 Prerelease 4 Glass panes now attach to transparent blocks, mainly stone slabs, stairs, pistons, sticky pistons, farmland, iron bars, doors, signs, and fences.
1.3.1 12w17a Glass panes can now be recovered by harvesting them with a Silk Touch-enchanted pickaxe.
1.7.2 13w41a Added stained glass panes.
The model of glass panes is now always prismatic, as opposed to the prior thick-rimmed thin panes from earlier.
All glass panes now connect to glass and iron bars.
13w42a The textures of stained glass panes have now been smoothed, their transparency has now been increased and their back side is now no longer showing, like in regular glass panes.
1.8 14w03a Glass panes now appear completely opaque.
14w03b Glass panes now render as normal again.
14w10a The model of glass panes has been changed slightly.
14w32a Beacon beams change color when shining through stained glass panes.
1.9 15w31a Glass panes without any connecting blocks are now 2×2 pixels in footprint (like a •, rather than a +).
1.11 16w39a Glass panes now generate in woodland mansions.
1.12 17w15a Glass panes now connect to the solid back sides of stairs.
1.13 17w47a The different block states for the ID have now been split up into their own IDs.
Prior to The Flattening, these blocks’ numeral IDs were 102 and 160.
18w10c Water can now be placed on the same block as glass panes.
1.14 18w43a Glass panes are now used to craft stained glass panes.
The texture of glass panes have now been changed.
19w02a Glass panes are now used to lock maps in cartography tables.
19w08a The textures of stained glass panes have now been changed.
19w11a Cartographer villagers now buy glass panes.
1.14.3 pre3 Torches can now be placed on glass panes.
1.16 20w15a Walls now connect to the bottom and sides of glass panes.
1.18 Pre-release 5 32px Top texture for glass pane was changed.
Pocket Edition Alpha
v0.3.2 Added glass panes.
Glass panes have a thin model.
v0.9.0 build 1 Glass panes now naturally spawn in villages.
Glass panes now render their back sides.
build 2 Glass panes now render as normal again.
? Glass pane model is now more of a cuboid.
Pocket Edition
1.0.0 alpha Added stained glass panes.
Stained glass panes are currently unobtainable and use the regular glass texture.[more information needed]
1.1.0 alpha Glass panes now generate in woodland mansions.
Bedrock Edition
1.2.0 beta Stained glass panes now have their own texture.
beta Beacon beams now change color when shining through stained glass panes.
Light blue stained glass panes no longer have a placeholder name.
1.4.0 beta Water can now be placed on the same block as glass panes.
beta Glass panes and stained glass panes can now be used to craft hardened glass panes.
1.10.0 beta The textures of all glass panes have now been changed.
Red, yellow, and orange glass panes now generate in the new villages.
1.11.0 beta Glass panes can now be used to lock maps in cartography tables.
Glass panes can now be sold to cartographer villagers.
1.13.0 beta Cartographer villager now buy 11 glass panes instead of 10.
beta Brown stained glass panes now generate in abandoned villages.
Legacy Console Edition
TU5 CU1 Patch 1 1.0.1 Added glass panes.
TU14 Glass panes can now be recovered by harvesting them with a Silk Touch enchanted pickaxe.
TU25 CU14 The inventory icon of glass panes has now been changed.[more information needed]
Added stained glass panes with all previous PC features.
TU54 CU44 Patch 24 1.0.4 Glass panes and stained glass panes now connect to the solid back side of stairs.
New Nintendo 3DS Edition
0.1.0 Added glass panes.

Data values[]


Java Edition:

Name Resource location Block tags (JE) Form Translation key
Glass Block & Item
White Stained Glass Block & Item
Orange Stained Glass Block & Item
Magenta Stained Glass Block & Item
Light Blue Stained Glass Block & Item
Yellow Stained Glass Block & Item
Lime Stained Glass Block & Item
Pink Stained Glass Block & Item
Gray Stained Glass Block & Item
Light Gray Stained Glass Block & Item
Cyan Stained Glass Block & Item
Purple Stained Glass Block & Item
Blue Stained Glass Block & Item
Brown Stained Glass Block & Item
Green Stained Glass Block & Item
Red Stained Glass Block & Item
Black Stained Glass Block & Item

Bedrock Edition:

Name Resource location Numeric ID Form Translation key
Glass Block & Item
Stained Glass Block & Item


See also: Data values

In Bedrock Edition, stained glass uses the following data values:

DV Description
White Stained Glass
1 Orange Stained Glass
2 Magenta Stained Glass
3 Light Blue Stained Glass
4 Yellow Stained Glass
5 Lime Stained Glass
6 Pink Stained Glass
7 Gray Stained Glass
8 Light Gray Stained Glass
9 Cyan Stained Glass
10 Purple Stained Glass
11 Blue Stained Glass
12 Brown Stained Glass
13 Green Stained Glass
14 Red Stained Glass
15 Black Stained Glass

Block states

See also: Block states

Bedrock Edition:
Stained glass:

Name Default value Allowed values Description
‘silver’ refers to Light Gray.


Classic-версия Java Edition
Идея стекла была предложена на форуме TIGSource.
0.0.18a_02 Стекло добавлено в игру в порядке тестирования.
0.0.19a Стекло официально добавлено в игру.
0.0.19a_01 Текстура стекла изменена.
0.0.19a_02 Текстура стекла изменена.
Альфа-версия Java Edition
1.0.5 Снег больше не падает сквозь стекло.
Бета-версия Java Edition
1.5_01 Дождь больше не льёт сквозь стекло.
1.8 Добавлены стеклянные панели, которые крафтятся из стекла и имеют толщину 1⁄8 блока.
Официальный выпуск Java Edition
1.0.0 Beta 1.9 Prerelease 2 Добавлены колбы, создающиеся из стекла.
Beta 1.9 Prerelease 3 Над крепостями появляются большие стеклянные столбы.
Beta 1.9 Prerelease 4 Стеклянные столбы больше не появляются над крепостями.
1.2.1 Факелы (в том числе красные) могут быть размещены на верхней части стекла.
1.2.4 Стекло, разрушенное инструментом, зачарованным на «Шёлковое касание», теперь выпадает.
1.3.1 12w21a Стекло можно купить у библиотекаря.
1.4.2 12w36a Добавлен маяк, в крафте которого используется стекло.
12w38a Добавлен новый звук разрушения стекла.
1.5 13w01a Добавлен датчик дневного света, в крафте которого используется стекло.
1.7.2 13w41a Из стекла и любого красителя теперь можно скрафтить окрашенное стекло.
13w42a Текстура сглажена, прозрачность увеличена, задняя сторона больше не отображается.
1.8 14w02a Библиотекарь в деревне NPC может продать стекло в количестве 3—5 штук за один изумруд.
14w18a Факелы могут быть поставлены на окрашенное стекло.
14w32a Цвет луча маяка меняется, если проходит через окрашенное стекло.
1.9 15w31a Пурпурное окрашенное стекло натурально генерируется в городе Края.
15w44b Стекло теперь участвует в крафте кристалла Края.
1.11 16w39a Стекло генерируется в лесных особняках.
1.14 18w43a Текстура стекла и окрашенного стекла изменена.
0.1.0 Стекло добавлено в игру.
0.9.0 build 1 Механизм «мягкого освещения» не распространяется на стекло.
build 2 Теперь текстура стекла отрисовывается только с той стороны блока, на которую смотрит игрок.
0.11.0 build 1 При размещении воды на стекле образовывается бесконечный источник воды.
0.12.1 build 1 Стекло теперь участвует в крафте колбы.
0.13.0 build 1 Стекло теперь участвует в крафте датчика дневного света.
0.16.0 build 1 Стекло теперь участвует в крафте маяка.
1.0 build 1 Стекло теперь участвует в крафте кристалла Края.
Добавлены окрашенное стекло и окрашенная стеклянная панель. Текстура такая же, как у обычного стекла.
Сиреневое окрашенное стекло генерируется в городах Края.
1.1 build 1 Стекло генерируется в лесных особняках.
Официальный выпуск Bedrock Edition
1.2 beta Добавлена собственная текстура для стеклянной панели. Теперь доступна для крафта без необходимости использования редактора инвентаря.
Окрашенное стекло теперь можно использовать.
Legacy Console Edition
Стекло добавлено в игру.
Стеклянная панель добавлена в игру.
PlayStation 4 Edition
Теперь неокрашенное стекло может быть покрашено в верстаке.
New Nintendo 3DS Edition
0.1.0 Стекло добавлено в игру.
1.5.25 Окрашенное стекло добавлено в игру.


Java Edition:

Sound Subtitles Source Description Resource location Translation key Volume Pitch Attenuationdistance
Block broken Blocks Once the block has broken 1.0 0.8 16
https://minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/File:Stone_hit1.ogg None Blocks Falling on the block with fall damage None 0.5 0.75 16
https://minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/File:Stone_hit1.ogg Block breaking Blocks While the block is in the process of being broken 0.25 0.5 16
https://minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/File:Stone_dig1.ogg Block placed Blocks When the block is placed 1.0 0.8 16
https://minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/File:Stone_hit1.ogg Footsteps Blocks Walking on the block 0.15 1.0 16

Bedrock Edition:
[needs in-game testing]

Sound Source Description Resource location Volume Pitch
? Blocks Once the block has broken ? 0.8
? Blocks Falling on the block with fall damage ? ?
? Blocks While the block is in the process of being broken ? 0.5
? Blocks Jumping from the block ? ?
? Blocks Falling on the block without fall damage ? ?
? Blocks Walking on the block ? ?
? Blocks When the block is placed ? 0.8


Стекло является одним из самых хрупких блоков: за очень короткое время ломается любым инструментом и даже рукой. Блоки стекла после разрушения не выпадают, а просто уничтожаются, то есть стекло можно установить только один раз. Однако, используя зачаровывание «Шёлковое касание», можно получить блок стекла обратно.

Все мобы, кроме паука, не видят игрока через стекло. Для них это непрозрачный блок, так же, как, например, булыжник или доски.

На стеклянные блоки можно установить слой снега, лестницу, кровать, рельсы, красную пыль, светильник Джека, рычаг, нажимную пластину и кнопку.

Если два блока стекла расположены вплотную друг к другу, то один из них не видно сквозь другой.



Glass drops itself only if it is broken with a tool enchanted with Silk Touch; otherwise, it drops nothing.

Block Glass
Hardness 0.3
Breaking time
Default 0.45

Natural generation


A secret room containing glass can be found inside woodland mansions.

Stained glass

Magenta stained glass blocks naturally generate as windows in end cities.

Magenta glass naturally generating in an end city.

White and yellow stained glass panes naturally generate as windows in villages.


Journeyman-level librarian villagers have a 50% chance to sell 4 glass for 1 emerald.‌[Bedrock Edition only]

Journeyman-level librarian villagers have a 2⁄3 chance to sell 4 glass for 1 emerald.‌[Java Edition only]

Data values[]


Java Edition:

Name Resource location Form Translation key
Glass Pane Block & Item
White Stained Glass Pane Block & Item
Orange Stained Glass Pane Block & Item
Magenta Stained Glass Pane Block & Item
Light Blue Stained Glass Pane Block & Item
Yellow Stained Glass Pane Block & Item
Lime Stained Glass Pane Block & Item
Pink Stained Glass Pane Block & Item
Gray Stained Glass Pane Block & Item
Light Gray Stained Glass Pane Block & Item
Cyan Stained Glass Pane Block & Item
Purple Stained Glass Pane Block & Item
Blue Stained Glass Pane Block & Item
Brown Stained Glass Pane Block & Item
Green Stained Glass Pane Block & Item
Red Stained Glass Pane Block & Item
Black Stained Glass Pane Block & Item

Bedrock Edition:

Name Resource location Numeric ID Form Translation key
Glass Pane Block & Item
Stained Glass Pane Block & Item


See also: Data values

In Bedrock Edition, stained glass panes use the following data values:

DV Description
White Stained Glass Pane
1 Orange Stained Glass Pane
2 Magenta Stained Glass Pane
3 Light Blue Stained Glass Pane
4 Yellow Stained Glass Pane
5 Lime Stained Glass Pane
6 Pink Stained Glass Pane
7 Gray Stained Glass Pane
8 Light Gray Stained Glass Pane
9 Cyan Stained Glass Pane
10 Purple Stained Glass Pane
11 Blue Stained Glass Pane
12 Brown Stained Glass Pane
13 Green Stained Glass Pane
14 Red Stained Glass Pane
15 Black Stained Glass Pane

Block states

See also: Block states

Java Edition:

Name Default value Allowed values Description
east When true, the glass pane extends from the center post to the east.
north When true, the glass pane extends from the center post to the north.
south When true, the glass pane extends from the center post to the south.
waterlogged Whether or not there’s water in the same place as this glass pane.
west When true, the glass pane extends from the center post to the west.

Bedrock Edition:
Stained glass pane:

Name Default value Allowed values Description
‘silver’ refers to Light Gray.


Glass panes are more efficient to use than glass blocks, as six glass blocks can be crafted into sixteen glass panes, yielding 22⁄3 panes per block. Windows built using glass panes can be up to 267% (22⁄3 times) larger in area than windows built with regular glass blocks.

A single space between two glass panes results in a 2×1 hole, which spiders can pass through.


If placed without anything on the sides, they appear as a thin vertical • shape, 2×2 pixels in size; but when other blocks occupy adjacent spaces, it becomes flat or turns into a or or shape depending on the items surrounding it. The collision box is identical to the shape of the pane. Therefore, two glass panes placed with one empty space in between forms a gap that is two blocks wide.

Glass panes are never oriented horizontally. Horizontal glass surfaces must be made from glass blocks.

Crafting ingredient

Name Ingredients Crafting recipe Description
Hardened Glass Pane Aluminum Oxide +Glass Pane +Boron Trioxide A representation of .‌[Bedrock and Education editions only]
Hardened Stained Glass Pane Aluminum Oxide +Matching Stained Glass Pane +Boron Trioxide A representation of .‌[Bedrock and Education editions only]

Locking maps

Glass panes can be used in cartography tables to lock maps, which makes them unable to be filled again when exploring. Stained glass panes cannot be used to lock map(s).


Java Edition:

Sound Subtitles Source Description Resource location Translation key Volume Pitch Attenuationdistance
Block broken Blocks Once the block has broken 1.0 0.8 16
None Blocks Falling on the block with fall damage None 0.5 0.75 16
Block breaking Blocks While the block is in the process of being broken 0.25 0.5 16
Block placed Blocks When the block is placed 1.0 0.8 16
Footsteps Blocks Walking on the block 0.15 1.0 16

Bedrock Edition:
[needs in-game testing]

Sound Source Description Resource location Volume Pitch
? Blocks Once the block has broken ? 0.8
? Blocks Falling on the block with fall damage ? ?
? Blocks While the block is in the process of being broken ? 0.5
? Blocks Jumping from the block ? ?
? Blocks Falling on the block without fall damage ? ?
? Blocks Walking on the block ? ?
? Blocks When the block is placed ? 0.8



Glass drops itself only if it is broken with a tool enchanted with Silk Touch; otherwise, it drops nothing.

Block Glass
Hardness 0.3
Breaking time
Default 0.45

Natural generation


A secret room containing glass can be found inside woodland mansions.

Stained glass

Magenta stained glass naturally generates as windows in end cities.

Magenta glass naturally generating in an end city.

White and yellow stained glass naturally generate as windows in villages.


Journeyman-level librarian villagers have a 50% chance to sell 4 glass for 1 emerald.‌[Bedrock Edition only]

Journeyman-level librarian villagers have a 2⁄3 chance to sell 4 glass for 1 emerald.‌[Java Edition only]


Java Edition:

Звук Субтитры Источник Описание Идентификатор Ключ субтитров Громкость Высота Мин. дистанция
https://minecraft.fandom.com/ru/wiki/%D0%A4%D0%B0%D0%B9%D0%BB:Glass_dig1.ogghttps://minecraft.fandom.com/ru/wiki/%D0%A4%D0%B0%D0%B9%D0%BB:Glass_dig2.ogghttps://minecraft.fandom.com/ru/wiki/%D0%A4%D0%B0%D0%B9%D0%BB:Glass_dig3.ogg Сломан блок Блоки Разрушение блока 1.0 0.8 16
https://minecraft.fandom.com/ru/wiki/%D0%A4%D0%B0%D0%B9%D0%BB:Stone_hit1.ogghttps://minecraft.fandom.com/ru/wiki/%D0%A4%D0%B0%D0%B9%D0%BB:Stone_hit2.ogghttps://minecraft.fandom.com/ru/wiki/%D0%A4%D0%B0%D0%B9%D0%BB:Stone_hit3.ogghttps://minecraft.fandom.com/ru/wiki/%D0%A4%D0%B0%D0%B9%D0%BB:Stone_hit4.ogghttps://minecraft.fandom.com/ru/wiki/%D0%A4%D0%B0%D0%B9%D0%BB:Stone_hit5.ogghttps://minecraft.fandom.com/ru/wiki/%D0%A4%D0%B0%D0%B9%D0%BB:Stone_hit6.ogg Нет Блоки Падение на блок с уроном от падения Нет 0.5 0.75 16
https://minecraft.fandom.com/ru/wiki/%D0%A4%D0%B0%D0%B9%D0%BB:Stone_hit1.ogghttps://minecraft.fandom.com/ru/wiki/%D0%A4%D0%B0%D0%B9%D0%BB:Stone_hit2.ogghttps://minecraft.fandom.com/ru/wiki/%D0%A4%D0%B0%D0%B9%D0%BB:Stone_hit3.ogghttps://minecraft.fandom.com/ru/wiki/%D0%A4%D0%B0%D0%B9%D0%BB:Stone_hit4.ogghttps://minecraft.fandom.com/ru/wiki/%D0%A4%D0%B0%D0%B9%D0%BB:Stone_hit5.ogghttps://minecraft.fandom.com/ru/wiki/%D0%A4%D0%B0%D0%B9%D0%BB:Stone_hit6.ogg Стук по блоку Блоки Добывание блока 0.25 0.5 16
https://minecraft.fandom.com/ru/wiki/%D0%A4%D0%B0%D0%B9%D0%BB:Stone_dig1.ogghttps://minecraft.fandom.com/ru/wiki/%D0%A4%D0%B0%D0%B9%D0%BB:Stone_dig2.ogghttps://minecraft.fandom.com/ru/wiki/%D0%A4%D0%B0%D0%B9%D0%BB:Stone_dig3.ogghttps://minecraft.fandom.com/ru/wiki/%D0%A4%D0%B0%D0%B9%D0%BB:Stone_dig4.ogg Блок размещён Блоки Размещение блока 1.0 0.8 16
https://minecraft.fandom.com/ru/wiki/%D0%A4%D0%B0%D0%B9%D0%BB:Stone_hit1.ogghttps://minecraft.fandom.com/ru/wiki/%D0%A4%D0%B0%D0%B9%D0%BB:Stone_hit2.ogghttps://minecraft.fandom.com/ru/wiki/%D0%A4%D0%B0%D0%B9%D0%BB:Stone_hit3.ogghttps://minecraft.fandom.com/ru/wiki/%D0%A4%D0%B0%D0%B9%D0%BB:Stone_hit4.ogghttps://minecraft.fandom.com/ru/wiki/%D0%A4%D0%B0%D0%B9%D0%BB:Stone_hit5.ogghttps://minecraft.fandom.com/ru/wiki/%D0%A4%D0%B0%D0%B9%D0%BB:Stone_hit6.ogg Шаги Блоки Ходьба по блоку 0.15 1.0 16
  1. MC-177082

Bedrock Edition:

Звук Описание Идентификатор Громкость Высота
? Разрушение блока ? 0.8
? Падение на блок с уроном от падения ? ?
? Добывание блока ? 0.5
? Прыжки с блока ? ?
? Падение на блок без урона от падения ? ?
? Ходьба по блоку ? ?
? Размещение блока ? 0.8


Glass blocks adjacent to other glass blocks are invisible when viewed through glass.

Mobs cannot normally spawn on glass blocks. An exception to this is , which can result in unexpected zombies «sneaking into» an otherwise secure area.

Redstone dust and components can be placed on glass, but cannot power glass. Glass can’t cut vertical redstone. Vertical redstone can be placed on glass. In Java Edition, it transmits redstone signals up, not down. Otherwise, glass in redstone circuits is functionally the same as an upside-down slab.

Light does not travel through tinted glass blocks.

Crafting ingredient

Name Ingredients Crafting recipe Description
Beacon Glass +Nether Star +Obsidian
Daylight Detector Glass +Nether Quartz +Any wood Slab
End Crystal Glass +Eye of Ender +Ghast Tear
Glass Bottle Glass
Glass Pane Glass
Hardened Glass Aluminum Oxide +Glass +Boron Trioxide A representation of .‌[Bedrock and Education editions only]
Hardened Stained Glass Aluminum Oxide +Matching Stained Glass +Boron Trioxide A representation of .‌[Bedrock and Education editions only]
Stained Glass Pane Matching Stained Glass
Tinted Glass Amethyst Shard +Glass

Data values[]


Java Edition:

Name Resource location Block tags (JE) Form Translation key
Glass Block & Item
White Stained Glass Block & Item
Orange Stained Glass Block & Item
Magenta Stained Glass Block & Item
Light Blue Stained Glass Block & Item
Yellow Stained Glass Block & Item
Lime Stained Glass Block & Item
Pink Stained Glass Block & Item
Gray Stained Glass Block & Item
Light Gray Stained Glass Block & Item
Cyan Stained Glass Block & Item
Purple Stained Glass Block & Item
Blue Stained Glass Block & Item
Brown Stained Glass Block & Item
Green Stained Glass Block & Item
Red Stained Glass Block & Item
Black Stained Glass Block & Item

Bedrock Edition:

Name Resource location Numeric ID Form Translation key
Glass Block & Item
Stained Glass Block & Item


See also: Data values

In Bedrock Edition, stained glass uses the following data values:

DV Description
White Stained Glass
1 Orange Stained Glass
2 Magenta Stained Glass
3 Light Blue Stained Glass
4 Yellow Stained Glass
5 Lime Stained Glass
6 Pink Stained Glass
7 Gray Stained Glass
8 Light Gray Stained Glass
9 Cyan Stained Glass
10 Purple Stained Glass
11 Blue Stained Glass
12 Brown Stained Glass
13 Green Stained Glass
14 Red Stained Glass
15 Black Stained Glass

Block states

See also: Block states

Bedrock Edition:
Stained glass:

Name Default value Allowed values Description
‘silver’ refers to Light Gray.



Glass panes can be obtained using a tool enchanted with Silk Touch. If one is broken without a Silk Touch enchantment, it drops nothing.

Block Glass Pane
Hardness 0.3
Breaking time
Default 0.45

Natural generation

Glass pane

Glass panes generate naturally as windows in villages and woodland mansions.

Stained Glass Pane

Orange and red stained glass panes generate in savanna village temples. Yellow stained glass panes generate in plains and savanna village temples. Brown stained glass panes generate in abandoned villages. White stained glass panes generate in plains village temples.


Name Ingredients Crafting recipe
Glass Pane Glass 16
Stained Glass Pane Matching Stained Glass
Stained Glass Pane Glass Pane +Matching Dye

Значения данных[]

ID блоков

Java Edition:

Название Текстовый ID
Стеклянная панель
Белая окрашенная стеклянная панель
Оранжевая окрашенная стеклянная панель
Сиреневая окрашенная стеклянная панель
Светло-синяя окрашенная стеклянная панель
Жёлтая окрашенная стеклянная панель
Лаймовая окрашенная стеклянная панель
Розовая окрашенная стеклянная панель
Серая окрашенная стеклянная панель
Светло-серая окрашенная стеклянная панель
Бирюзовая окрашенная стеклянная панель
Фиолетовая окрашенная стеклянная панель
Синяя окрашенная стеклянная панель
Коричневая окрашенная стеклянная панель
Зелёная окрашенная стеклянная панель
Красная окрашенная стеклянная панель
Чёрная окрашенная стеклянная панель

Bedrock Edition:

Название Текстовый ID Числовой ID
Стеклянная панель
Окрашенная стеклянная панель

Нумерация данных

Основная статья: Нумерация данных

НД Описание
Белая окрашенная стеклянная панель
1 Оранжевая окрашенная стеклянная панель
2 Сиреневая окрашенная стеклянная панель
3 Светло-синяя окрашенная стеклянная панель
4 Жёлтая окрашенная стеклянная панель
5 Лаймовая окрашенная стеклянная панель
6 Розовая окрашенная стеклянная панель
7 Серая окрашенная стеклянная панель
8 Светло-серая окрашенная стеклянная панель
9 Бирюзовая окрашенная стеклянная панель
10 Фиолетовая окрашенная стеклянная панель
11 Синяя окрашенная стеклянная панель
12 Коричневая окрашенная стеклянная панель
13 Зелёная окрашенная стеклянная панель
14 Красная окрашенная стеклянная панель
15 Чёрная окрашенная стеклянная панель

Состояния блока

Основная статья: Состояния блоков

Название Значение Описание
 north south east west Если установлено (истина), то стеклянная панель повёрнута в указанную сторону.
 waterlogged Есть ли вода в том же месте, что и эта стена.


Java Edition:

Sound Subtitles Source Description Resource location Translation key Volume Pitch Attenuationdistance
Block broken Blocks Once the block has broken 1.0 0.8 16
None Blocks Falling on the block with fall damage None 0.5 0.75 16
Block breaking Blocks While the block is in the process of being broken 0.25 0.5 16
Block placed Blocks When the block is placed 1.0 0.8 16
Footsteps Blocks Walking on the block 0.15 1.0 16

Bedrock Edition:
[needs in-game testing]

Sound Source Description Resource location Volume Pitch
? Blocks Once the block has broken ? 0.8
? Blocks Falling on the block with fall damage ? ?
? Blocks While the block is in the process of being broken ? 0.5
? Blocks Jumping from the block ? ?
? Blocks Falling on the block without fall damage ? ?
? Blocks Walking on the block ? ?
? Blocks When the block is placed ? 0.8


Glass blocks adjacent to other glass blocks are invisible when viewed through glass.

Mobs cannot normally spawn on glass blocks. An exception to this is , which can result in unexpected zombies «sneaking into» an otherwise secure area.

Redstone dust and components can be placed on glass, but cannot power glass. Glass can’t cut vertical redstone. Vertical redstone can be placed on glass. In Java Edition, it transmits redstone signals up, not down. Otherwise, glass in redstone circuits is functionally the same as an upside-down slab.

Light does not travel through tinted glass blocks.

Crafting ingredient

Name Ingredients Crafting recipe Description
Beacon Glass +Nether Star +Obsidian
Daylight Detector Glass +Nether Quartz +Any wood Slab
End Crystal Glass +Eye of Ender +Ghast Tear
Glass Bottle Glass
Glass Pane Glass
Hardened Glass Aluminum Oxide +Glass +Boron Trioxide A representation of .‌[Bedrock and Education editions only]
Hardened Stained Glass Aluminum Oxide +Matching Stained Glass +Boron Trioxide A representation of .‌[Bedrock and Education editions only]
Stained Glass Pane Matching Stained Glass
Tinted Glass Amethyst Shard +Glass
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