Топ-10 самых жутких монстров, которые превратят хэллоуин в кошмар: твари из resident evil, the last of us, s.t.a.l.k.e.r. и других игр
Обскура (Obscura)
С Обскурой, как и с предыдущим боссом, вы встретитесь в пятой главе. Обскура — это отвратительный, живой треножник, который может заморозить время после того, как вы активируете излучатели на втором этаже городской ратуши. Битва с ним не будет стандартной — вам не нужно убивать Обскуру, вам просто нужно держать его занятым в течение 80 секунд.
- Используйте высокие стены и укрытия, чтобы спрятаться от вспышки. Если у вас закончилась выносливость, спрячьтесь и подождите.
- Не расходуйте на монстра свои патроны.
- Дождитесь, когда остановится таймер и босс начнёт приближаться к излучателю. В этот момент стреляйте в объектив камеры.
Вокруг арены вы сможете найти дополнительные патроны. Старайтесь использовать шоковые арбалетные болты, которые мгновенно оглушат Обскуру с одного выстрела. Вам нужно продержаться всего 80 секунд. После этого битва закончится.
Отец Теодор (Father Theodore)
Вместо сражения с отцом Теодором, священник заставит прошлое охотиться за Себастьяном. После быстрой драки с Садистом, вооруженным бензопилой, вы окажетесь на арене сначала с Хранителем, а затем с Лаурой.
- Хранитель — очень жёсткий противник. Он постоянно будет пытаться разбить голову Себастьяна молотком. Скрыться от него нельзя, так что вам просто нужно сразиться с ним.
- В проходах вы найдёте коробки с боеприпасами, которые помогут вам в бою.
- Убегайте от него, а затем стреляйте в грудь. Помните, что он не получает урона от выстрелов в голову.
Вам просто нужно всадить в Хранителя побольше пуль. В этом нет ничего сложного, но когда он умрёт, вам придётся сражаться с двумя Хранителями одновременно. Старайтесь собрать их вместе и стрелять по ним взрывными болтами.
- После того, как они будут убиты, вернётся Лаура. Она умеет телепортироваться. Если ей удастся схватить Себастьяна, он мгновенно умрёт. Чтобы убить её, нужен огонь.
- Есть два способа убить Лауру: заманить её в огненную ловушку и сжечь или использовать отремонтированный огнемёт.
- Если у вас есть отремонтированный огнемёт, обязательно используйте его. Она остановится, когда будет гореть. Просто продолжайте жечь её и в конце концов она умрёт.
- Если у вас нет огнемёта или недостаточно топлива, вам придётся использовать ловушки в комнате.
- Оглушите Лауру ударными или замораживающими болтами, поверните один из двух клапанов на арене.
- Когда оба клапана будут активированы, в центре зоны сражения включится огненная ловушка. Заманите Лауру туда, оглушите с помощью ударных болтов и воспользуйтесь жёлтым рычагом.
Когда все боссы будут убиты, вы сможете покончить с отцом Теодором.
The article or section below may contain minor to major plot spoilers. Proceed at your own risk. | |
Three years after the events at Beacon Mental Hospital, Sebastian Castellanos has left the Krimson City Police Department and continues to be haunted by his experiences at Beacon, the disappearance of his wife Myra, and the death of his daughter Lily in a house fire. Sebastian is then approached by former partner and Mobius agent Juli Kidman, who reveals to him that Lily is still alive since Mobius faked her death. However, Mobius now needs Sebastian’s help in saving her. Sebastian is brought to a secret Mobius facility where he meets the Administrator, who further explains that Lily is being used as the Core for a new STEM system to simulate an idyllic town called Union. However, some time ago, Mobius lost contact with Lily and their agents inside Union, and they no longer have any control over the STEM. Sebastian reluctantly agrees to help Mobius so that he has a chance to save Lily and enter the STEM.
Upon entering Union, Sebastian quickly finds that the town has been turned into a nightmare realm where all of the inhabitants have either been killed or mutated into bloodthirsty monsters. In addition, Sebastian witnesses a mysterious photographer with supernatural powers hunting down and murdering Mobius operatives. He manages to meet Liam O’Neal, a surviving Mobius agent who helps Sebastian track Lily’s whereabouts. As Sebastian follows her trail, he realizes that Lily has been kidnapped by the photographer, who reveals himself as Stephano Valentini, a serial killer who had managed to infiltrate Union. Another surviving Mobius operative, Yukiko Hoffman, explains that Stephano’s status as a pyschopath gives him a measure of control over the STEM, granting him his powers. Sebastian tracks down Stephano, who reveals that he had originally kidnapped Lily under orders from another party, but decided to keep her for himself to exploit her powers as the Core. Sebastian kills Stephano, but is shocked to see Myra spirit Lily away.
Sebastian is then approached by Father Theodore Wallace, who attempts to convince Sebastian to join him to seize Lily from Myra since Stephano betrayed him. Sebastian, mistrustful of Theodore, refuses and is banished to a forest outside Union where he meets with Esmeralda Torres. She reveals to him that she, Kidman, Theodore, and Myra had conspired to break Lily out of STEM and destroy Mobius from within. However, the plan went awry when Theodore decided to kidnap Lily for himself. Sebastian goes to check on O’Neal to find a new lead but discovers that he has already been corrupted by Theodore. Sebastian rescues Hoffman from O’Neal and is forced to kill him, though O’Neal tells them how to find Theodore with his dying breath. Sebastian and Esmeralda assault Theodore’s realm, but the attack fails when Theodore disables Sebastian by using his own guilt and self doubt against him. Sebastian is visited by a vision of Myra, who assures him that what happened to Lily wasn’t his fault and that he should focus on saving her.
When Sebastian wakes up, he finds out that Esmeralda had sacrificed herself to get him to safety. Hoffman tells him that Theodore has erected his stronghold in the center of Union. Both Sebastian and Hoffman assault Theodore’s stronghold, but Hoffman is killed after helping Sebastian breach the stronghold. Sebastian then fights his way to and defeats Theodore, who is killed by Myra. However, Myra tells Sebastian to leave the STEM and leave her and Lily alone. Confused, Sebastian follows Myra to a recreation of their home.
Sebastian finally confronts Myra, whose desire to protect Lily has warped her into a monster determined to keep Lily locked in the STEM for her own safety. He reluctantly battles Myra and defeats her, knocking her back to her senses. She tells Sebastian to take Lily out of the STEM, revealing that she is planning to sacrifice herself to take Lily’s place as the Core and destroy Mobius by overloading the chips in their brains that keep them connected to the STEM. Meanwhile, in the real world, Kidman is ordered by the Administrator to eliminate Sebastian. She disobeys him and helps Sebastian and Lily escape the STEM while Myra enacts her plan, killing The Administrator and all Mobius operatives. Now free from Mobius, Sebastian, Lily, and Kidman leave the facility.
In a post-credits scene, Sebastian parts ways with Kidman and goes off to live a new life with Lily. Elsewhere, an abandoned STEM terminal begins activating.
Графика и звук
В свое время The Evil Within многие критиковали за плохую картинку. Причем претензии были даже не к качеству текстур или визуальной стилистике, а к неудобной камере и киношным черным полосам снизу и сверху экрана. У The Evil Within 2 с этим все абсолютно иначе — полос нет, а камера стала более приветливой к игроку. С технической стороны игра также сильно шагнула вперед.
В первую очередь стоит выделить качественное освещение, которое позволяет текстурам выглядеть намного лучше, чем они есть на самом деле. Если особо не приглядываться, стоя в упор перед каким-нибудь объектом, к картине вообще нет никаких претензий. Однако дизайн локаций в сиквеле уступает тому, что есть в оригинале. В первой части нас в каждом последующем уровне переносили в самые разные места, но в то же время все они представляли собой что-то особенное и крайне жуткое. В The Evil Within 2 такого не наблюдается. Большинство локаций выглядят неплохо, но до уровня оригинала не дотягивают.
Что касается монстров, то с ними все в полном порядке. Игра не стесняется преподносить нам страшных, уникальных и крайне разнообразных врагов. Даже зомби делятся на несколько категорий, серьезно отличаясь по внешнему виду. В случае с боссами все еще на уровень выше. Если первая игра включала в себя чудовищ только из американской и японской школ ужасов, то сиквел способен порадовать еще и некоторыми новыми видами монстров.
Со звуком все тоже получилось довольно неплохо. Бегая по миру игры, мы постоянно можем слышать жуткие стоны чудовищ и крики умирающих людей. Сделано это все таким образом, что в суть происходящего веришь без малейших сомнений. При этом каждый противник имеет свой собственный набор звуков, благодаря чему привыкнуть к происходящему в The Evil Within 2 ужасу очень тяжело. Каждая ситуация, которая призвана заставить нас понервничать, умело обыгрывается внутриигровой музыкой, положительно сказывающейся на общем впечатлении.
Потрошитель из The Suffering: Ties That Bind
The Suffering: Ties That Bind ужасала дизайном монстров. Покрытые кровью твари с лезвиями вместо конечностей впечатляли так сильно, что снились в кошмарах. Самым жутким из них оказался Потрошитель.
Раньше Потрошитель был сутенёром и кровожданым маньяком. После смерти он превратился в монстра, который прячет под плащом щупальцы с лезвиями на конце — на них насажены три мёртвые проститутки. На голове он носит маску, сшитую из женской кожи.
Встречи с Потрошителем всегда пробирали до мурашек, а битва с ним, в ходе которой он рассказывал о злодействах, была одним из самых ярких моментов в игре.
Не все запоминающиеся монстры попали в эту подборку. Регенераторы из Resident Evil 4, ведьмы из Left 4 Dead, Грант из Amnesia — чего уж там, одних лишь тварей из проектов великой FromSoftware хватит на внушительный топ. Если в статье нет монстра, которого вы считаете самым жутким, пишите о нём в комментах. Будем бояться вместе!
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Ruvik was the youngest son of the Victoriano Family. Despite his genius intellect, he had a disturbed mind, his sister Laura was the only person he had shown any sign of connection and love. During a fire, Laura died and Ruvik’s body was disfigured by the fire, this event, and his father’s abuse, eventually turned Ruvik completely insane, to the point that he murdered his parents in order to further boost his research about the human psyche, with the goal to create a perfect world inside his mind through the STEM project.
At some point, Ruvik started working along with the organization MOBIUS, but was betrayed and used as a test subject to the STEM, his body was almost completely destroyed, except his still-living brain, however his consciousness was still alive and living inside the STEM’s virtual world, as a virus.
The Evil Within (2014): The Assignment and The Consequence DLCs
- «Can you discern between evil and good?» -narrating
- «Our resources are not here for your pathetic fantasy.» -to Ruvik
- «Have you ever felt abandoned by the ones you’ve trusted?» -to Kidman, on multiple accounts
- «Do you wish to remain in the dark about information that will undoubtedly disturb you?» -to Kidman
- «Are there sins that you are ashamed of?» -narrating
- «Do your past secrets haunt you? Do you wish to tell them but something holds you back?» -narrating
- «Are you sure enough in yourself? Sure enough to face the responsibilities of your actions?» -to Kidman
- «Fear is such a subtle thing.» -to Kidman
The Evil Within 2 (2017)
- «Imagine it: millions of minds connected together. Happiness for one is happiness for all. This machine- this miracle- will allow our species to achieve greatness.» -to Sebastian
- «Think about this, Mr. Castellanos: I am providing you an opportunity. Not only to see your daughter again, but to save her life. Something you thought you failed to do before. You can save her… or let her die. It’s your choice.» -to Sebastian
- «Once extracted, have the med team terminate the Marker. He’s served his purpose.» -to Mobius operative
- «Come now, Kid. He signed his death sentence the moment he entered STEM. Now, do as I’ve ordered, or you’ll be signing yours, as well.» -to Kidman
- «A shame you’d attempt to betray us. I had such hope for you.» -to Kidman
- «You’re foolish! But oddly admirable.» -to Kidman
- «You had such potential. You could have amassed such power. And now you choose to throw it all away. Why!? After all you’ve seen, all you’ve done— why the crisis of conscience now!? Is it for the detective? For the child?» -to Kidman
Being an artist by nature, Stefano dresses in an extravagant manner. His attire throughout the game consists of a luxurious navy suit, light blue shirt, red scarf and maroon leather gloves, and dress shoes. Stefano wears his hair in a swept down bang over his singed right eye (replaced with a camera lens while inside Union) and is almost never seen without his signature dagger and camera, the latter of which sports the word «Veritas».
In the photograph of him in Sebastian’s room, he wears a white dress shirt and black blazer and black leather gloves.
Stefano was implied to have been a normally-functioning, if not slightly eccentric artist once. However, once exposed to the horrors of warfare, Stefano would develop a sinister outlook in his artistry.
Stefano’s notions of «art» became increasingly morbid, and he soon took interest in the taking of lives, in particular the immediate moment of one’s death. As demonstrated in a flashback, Stefano seems to hold the living in little regard, preferring them still and motionless instead, so that he can mold them to his twisted liking. After being granted supernatural powers by Theodore Wallace, Stefano put the denizens of Union to the knife while seemingly enjoying it.
Certain newspaper clippings found in the game are indications that Stefano does not take criticism of his «art» very well, and is indeed lampshaded several times throughout Sebastian’s pursuit of him, most prominently in the Grand Theater. He is shown to be obnoxiously arrogant, snobbish and prideful, and has an overly inflated ego. He prefers to gloat incessantly while belittling those he deem «uninteresting» or «boring» (e.g. Sebastian), though he does seem capable of recognizing and acknowledging credible threats if they persevere in the face of adversity. Underneath the facade of composure, however, Stefano has proven to be emotionally-sensitive and has a very low self-esteem that’s easily hurt, which can be witnessed first hand near the end of the fight against him, where he breaks down more and more as Sebastian manages to get the upper hand, becoming increasingly desperate and animalistic in his attacks while screaming in frustration at his adversary’s continued triumph against him.
In the end, Stefano’s greatest fatal flaw was his hubris, and his obsession with capturing the perfect art form that lead to his demise.
The Evil Within
- If one has the patience and the skill needed, they can continuously farm trap parts from the Keeper in Chapter 7 after shutting off the toxic gas, as he drops the barbed wire traps indefinitely. If the Keeper does not seem to be dropping traps, this can be fixed by making the Keeper flinch using the shotgun.
- Fully-upgraded can kill the Keeper in one hit and two normal explosive bolts will kill him.
- The Magnum is also a good choice against Keepers, capable of one-shot kills against them even with minor damage upgrades.
- The Keeper has a habit of banging on his head safe with his hammer whenever he spots Sebastian. As this makes a distinctive noise, it could serve as a warning for the player to start making some distance.
- If the player kills him enough times in Chapters 7 and 13, he will no longer have any safes to spawn from and will not antagonize them until they leave the area. There are 34 possible respawns for the Keeper during Chapter 7, but only 5 in Chapter 13.
- The Shotgun is actually very effective against him. The Keeper has to wind up slightly before attacking, leaving him exposed for a moment, which can be exploited to blast him full of pellets before backstepping to avoid his hammer. He is very easy to take down like this due to his center of mass being huge and not having any resistance, unlike his armored head which blocks nearly all damage.
The Executioner
- The Dark Keeper takes reduced damage from the Rocket Launcher, Dynamite and is stunned less by barbed wire traps. As such, melee weapons are recommended, although his own speed is something to worry about if the player cannot reliably dodge.
- The wide swing arc of his Sword leaves the Dark Keeper vulnerable for a few seconds after a miss, which is ample time for the player to follow up with several hammer blows or grind on him with the Chainsaw.
- If the player has already completed the DLC once, using the Sword on the Dark Keeper himself is also frighteningly effective, capable of taking off huge chunks of health off of him in just a few slashes.
- The Dark Keeper does not have to be incapacitated in order to crush his head safe in a trap. Just luring him under one and springing it on him is enough, and will directly skip to the next phase of the battle.
The Evil Within 2
- The Warden Crossbow is a good choice when fighting the three Keepers as it can stun/damage them effectively.
- Fully-upgraded Harpoon Bolts can kill a Keeper in 2-3 shots, if well placed.
- Despite this, it is best recommended to deploy tripwires after the first Keeper is killed, as two will spawn afterwards. Stopping to place direct hits on them is dangerous, as it will leave the player vulnerable to the other Keeper dealing damage from behind. Also, using Freeze or Explosive bolts on a charging Keeper or in close-range of one can damage Sebastian.
- Either the Sawed-off or Full-barreled shotguns would do fine against the three-Keeper rush. Invest into damage if needed.
- On a New Game+, the Magnum is an excellent answer.
MOBIUS’s detailed origins is a mystery. The organisation itself is an enigma with an agenda to dominate the world and those living in it. According to Marcelo Jimenez in an audio log, the organization has been in business for more than a century, with unimaginable wealth and vast networks of spies and connections at their beck and call. Their current grand scheme is the total enslavement of the world’s population using the STEM system, the designs of which were stolen from the reclusive Ruvik.
However, as powerful as it may be, MOBIUS itself is very secretive in its agenda, usually preferring to influence the world from the shadows instead of overt dominion. Indeed, one does not simply ask to join the enigmatic organisation, but must be invited. They can go to great lengths to erase their own tracks, usually by pulling strings. While there have been exceptions, these individuals were only inducted because of their skills that might prove valuable to the organisation’s schemes. To prevent defection, all MOBIUS personnel are required to undergo a procedure that implants a killswitch into their cranium that can be activated by a high-ranking official.
MOBIUS’s head of operations is The Administrator, though he himself seems to answer to a higher ruling council only known as «the Superiors».
The Assignment
Before the events of The Evil Within, a young Kidman is given a choice: Join MOBIUS or rot in jail. She chose to join MOBIUS, claiming it wasn’t a hard choice for someone out of their teens. Kidman was given an apartment in Krimson City and a job at the KCPD. Kidman was told by MOBIUS that she would have to enter STEM in order to retrieve Leslie, even against his will due to the fact he has compatible brainwaves with Ruvik and could be controlled to power STEM. MOBIUS had some precautions taken so Kidman would not become a Haunted. Kidman was chosen due to the fact she was «disposable» in the eyes of The Administrator.
The Consequence
MOBIUS retrieved the bodies of Marcelo Jimenez and Oscar Connelly and took an unconscious Joseph to an unknown location, leaving Sebastian to think Joseph was dead. They pulled the plug on the Beacon STEM and used it to build a new STEM system.
The Executioner
A man is given the opportunity to save his daughter from the Beacon STEM, but first must eliminate the many creatures to prevent his daughter from losing memory, and is given control of The Keeper in order to do so.
The Evil Within 2
Three years after the events of the first game, MOBIUS had created a new version of STEM, using the mind of Lily Castellanos as a core. At some point, however, the world inside STEM began to collapse. When the strike team sent to retrieve the Core stopped responding, MOBIUS enlisted the help of Sebastian Castellanos, who had initially assumed his daughter had perished in a house fire prior to the events at Beacon.
In the last chapter of The Evil Within 2, Myra Castellanos replaces Lily Castellanos as the STEM’s core. In the real world, Kidman mounts an attack on MOBIUS while preparing to broadcast a signal from Myra that would destroy the Cerebral Chips of every MOBIUS member. Once Sebastian and Lily escape STEM, Myra initiates the signal, and Kidman broadcasts it, killing every member of MOBIUS who has the implant in their brain, ultimately resulting in the organization’s complete destruction.
Shade pursues Juli relentlessly, killing anything that gets in her way while using her spotlight to search for her and Leslie.
Shade’s behavior is erratic and hard to predict; she may walk around her immediate surroundings with slow, deliberate steps, occasionally bursting into short jogs before resuming her usual speed, or suddenly turning around with no warning.
The spotlight on her head changes color depending on the situation and her awareness of Juli’s whereabouts, showing different moods:
- When idle, the light will be a faint white and Shade will occasionally flap the shutters as if blinking.
- When catching a glimpse of Juli, who then hides, the light will turn yellow as Shade investigates the player’s last known location. If she doesn’t spot them again, Shade will turn back to her white phase and resume patrol.
- When she catches Juli in the open, the light turns red and Shade lets out a high-pitched screech before beginning pursuit. The red spotlight will stun Juli constantly as long as it’s trained on her, which will disable her ability to sprint and slow her down considerably, allowing Shade to catch up.
Shade only has one attack, which is a large body bite via a massive maw hidden beneath her cloak, but this will instantly kill Juli if it connects. Short of scripted gameplay sections, or until the very end of Chapter 3, Juli doesn’t have any weapon with which she can use to defend herself against Shade. As such, she is to be avoided at all times, until the game allows Juli to fight back.
If playing on KURAYAMI, Shade’s spotlight will still be visible.
После заманивания в засаду Себастьяна и его напарников, Рувик переносит их в пространство собственного разума. Там он создал собственный мир, населённый порождениями его собственных кошмаров. В завершающих эпизодах игры Рувик выходит на прямой контакт с детективом через видения-воспоминания, которые он оставил в поместье своей семьи. Именно здесь Рувик намекает, что с ним связан Джозеф Ода и собственный разум Себастьяна, что он хорошо знает прошлое Кастелланоса и его желания. Он говорит, что сожалеет о том, что Себастьяна втянули в это дело, но тем не менее будет использовать его в своих целях.
Чем ближе к цели продвигается Себастьян, тем больше информации нам становится известно о Рувике, он часто предупреждает детектива пугающими сообщениями о том, что тот должен прекратить вмешиваться и что он заставит его страдать. Себастьян не единственный, кто связан с Рувиком; хоть об этом и не говорилось напрямую, но нам становится ясно, что Джули знала Рувика раньше и знает о нём больше, чем говорит. Она зашла так далеко, чтобы помешать Рувику осуществить свои планы, даже если для этого потребуется убить Лесли.
Вскоре Себастьян попадает на место убийства, которое он видел на мониторе охраны до того, как попал в ловушку Рувика. Он пытается противостоять, но Рувик легко разоружает его и начинает душить. Себастьян роняет и разбивает лампу, с которой ходил все это время, огонь охватывает Рувика, заставляя отступить.
Финальная битва
В конечном итоге, Себастьян и Лесли оказываются возле созданной в сознании Рувика версии STEM: огромного пульсирующего мозга, соединенного различными трубками и странной жидкостью. Несмотря на призывы Себастьяна остановиться, Лесли подходит к Рувику и тот обращает его в жидкость. После этого появляется гигантский монстр, Рувик как будто слился с его головой и управляет им, заменяя мозг. Происходит финальная битва: Рувик отбрасывает Себастьяна на шип, пронзая тем самым тело детектива. Кастелланос хватает у висящего рядом трупа гранатомёт и с его помощью значительно ослабляет существо. Рувик пытается проглотить Себастьяна, но последний выстрел добивает его и Кастелланос появляется в лаборатории.
Себастьян отключает бестелесный мозг Рувика от машины и топчет его ногой, тем самым ставя точку в его существовании. Однако, когда Себастьян приходит в себя и покидает больницу, он видит как Лесли, обычно шаркающий и перебирающий ногами, уходит уверенной походкой, но никто не обращает на него внимания. Себастьяна пронзает головная боль и мир снова мерцает, мальчик исчезает и детектив не может понять, был ли это на самом деле Лесли, или осуществивший свой план Рувик.
The Amalgam is the final boss of The Evil Within, being encountered at the very end of the main plot after Ruvik presumably assimilates the consciousness of Leslie Withers. Immediately after failing to stop Ruvik, the entire building starts shaking violently as if hit by an earthquake, before toppling over and throwing Sebastian out the window. As he falls, Sebastian witnesses the scenery around him crumble before landing on a massive brain, onto which the Amalgam lands and immediately starts attacking him.
As the massive creature approaches, Sebastian sees no chance at directly fighting it and flees through a nearby ruined building, but a claw swipe of the Amalgam hits him out of it and onto the bed of a nearby Humvee. Spotting Ruvik in the creature’s head dome, Sebastian mounts the Humvee’s machinegun in an attempt to ward it off, but the shots only serve to annoy the beast, who then tosses both the truck and the detective towards a nearby ruin, which impales him on a metal spike. Badly wounded and bleeding profusely, Sebastian sees Ruvik commanding the behemoth towards him. Unwilling to give up and die, he spots the corpse of the Sadist hanging nearby with a Rocket Launcher, which he quickly commandeers to fend off the Amalgam. Upon hitting and shattering its head dome, Sebastian manages to gravely wound the beast, prompting it to tear him off the spike and throws him onto the ground in an attempt to devour him whole. Fortunately for Sebastian, Ruvik also happens to be relocating into its mouth, presenting him with a chance to take down the villain for good. He takes the shot as the monster’s massive mouth engulfs him, though Ruvik seemingly dies before he does, taking his mount down with him.
Death Animations
The Evil Within
The Sadist has three separate instant kill moves that he employs should he manage to catch Sebastian with his weapons.
- If he detects Sebastian in his kitchen area, the Sadist will slice into the detective’s arm with his meat cleaver, knocking him down, and proceed to chop straight through his throat while he’s down, beheading him.
- If the Sadist catches Sebastian from behind during the later sneaking sequence, he will drive his chainsaw through Sebastian’s torso, spewing blood everywhere. He then tosses his corpse aside.
- If the Sadist attacks from the front with his chainsaw, he will grind it against Sebastian’s neck as the latter struggles in vain before being swiftly decapitated.
- If the Sadist discovers Sebastian hiding in a locker, he will raise his chainsaw to the air wildly before sawing down the top of the locker vertically as blood sprays.
If the Sadist discovers Sebastian hiding beneath a bed, he will bend down and plunge his saw below it, killing him.
The Evil Within 2
- The Sadist retains his previous back-impaling kill from the first game if he catches Sebastian from behind.
- If Sebastian tries to run past the Sadist rather than away from him, the Sadist will quickly step in the way and grind through his neck, decapitating him similarly to his frontal decapitation move from the first game.
If Sebastian fails to clear the quicktime event when trying to saw the Sadist in half, the crazed killer will knock his chainsaw away and quickly finish him off by a chop to the head with his cleaver.