- Параметры системы
- Сравнение Биткоина и Кварка
- О проекте
- Easy to Use and Reading Friendly Report
- History
- Building: This module will provide a lot of new structural building blocks.
- Decoration: This module will come along with a lot of new decorative building blocks
- Management: This module comes along with inventory management functions.
- Tweaks: The main function of this module is to tweak different gameplay elements.
- Vanity: The main function of this module is to add vanity features for your in-game characters.
- World: This module comes along with world generation features including:
- English[edit]
- References
- Credits
- Quark Enterprise Solutions
- Free quarks
Параметры системы
Quark обладает впечатляющими техническими характеристиками:
- Площадка использует весьма продвинутый алгоритм хэширования.
- Генерация блока происходит за 30 секунд.
- Награда за каждый блок не может быть ниже 1.
В течение первого полугодия работы платформы было добыто свыше 200 миллионов кварков. Далее команда проекта ввела ограничение, в соответствии с которым каждый последующий год возможен майнинг не более 1 миллиона токенов. Стоимость же монет подвергли четырехпроцентной инфляции. Прекращение добычи валюты в обозримом будущем не планируется.
Денежные переводы совершаются буквально за 30 секунд. К сведению, в системе Bitcoin подлинность той или иной операции подтверждается не менее 10 минут. Конечно, иногда можно заметить некоторые глюки, однако, это отдельная тема.
Коины платформы не имеют общего эмиссионного центра и без труда меняются на прочие виды электронной валюты. Помимо этого, они гарантируют полную анонимность совершаемых операций. Как гласит манифест Quark, ее появление поможет сделать следующий шаг на пути к социальному возвышению человека. Главная задача проекта — разрушить валютные барьеры, мешающие развитию как отдельных индивидуумов, так и целых сообществ. Будучи инструментом, выходящим за пределы одной страны, он намеревается совершить финансовую революцию и улучшить положение людей в каждом уголке нашей планеты.
Кварк не отвергает справедливого правового регулирования и налогообложения, призванного защитить обычных граждан, но выступает за то, чтобы сердце валюты располагалась вне юрисдикции властных структур.
Сравнение Биткоина и Кварка
Сравнение сходств и различий Биткоина и форка Кварке будет происходить по основным параметрам, которые интересуют майнеров:
- Безопасность. Так как ВТС был криптовалютой-пионером, в его системе безопасности много брешей, и она не справляется с полученной нагрузкой. Для шифрования используется SHA-256, который уже долгое время попадает под экспертную и пользовательскую критику за свою уязвимость. В свою очередь Quark использует усовершенствованную структуру защиты, о которой говорилось в предыдущем разделе. Она состоит из 6 современных алгоритмов, которые продолжают функционировать, даже если из строя выведен один, а также из 9 раундов хэширования. В плане безопасности Биткоин проигрывает Кварку.
- Майнинг. В начале своего пути ВТС был «ходовой» криптовалютой, которую можно было майнить даже на откровенно средних пользовательских устройствах. Однако с ростом рыночной капитализации и популярности, требования к оборудованию и стартовым вложениям начали расти. На данный момент начать добывать «биток» с нуля без крупных капиталов и дорогостоящих GPU-ферм – невозможно. Единственная альтернатива – облачные сервисы, которые взымают серьезные комиссии. В период полного функционирования у системы Quarkcoin требования были гораздо лояльнее. Блоки генерировались в 20 раз быстрее, чем у прямого конкурента, но это, несмотря на пользу для начинающих майнеров, привело проект к провалу. Из-за перемайна за полгода было добыто 247 миллионов единиц, поэтому разработчикам пришлось заложить искусственную инфляцию, чтобы в последующие годы выпускать по 1 миллиону монет. С одной стороны это можно считать плюсом, так как вероятность превратить майнинг Кварка в «гонку вооружений» свелась к нулю, но с другой стороны это привело к обесцениванию валюты и полному упадку существующей системы.
- Скорость. В плане скорости обработки транзакций Биткоин уступает практически всем перспективным проектам. Переводы исполняются в рамках непозволительно долгих сроков – минимум 10 минут и до нескольких часов (а в случае с перегруженностью серверов во время сильных скачков стоимости – до суток). Именно этот фактор отвернул многих пользователей ВТС в сторону других «шустрых» криптовалют. В свою очередь среднее время подтверждения транзакции в сети QRK не превышает отметки в 40 секунд.
- Распределение. По этому параметру Биткоин также уступает Кварку по всем фронтам. Постоянный рост требований и запросов системы к современному оборудованию урезал аудиторию битка до маленькой группы людей, владеющей 85% всех криптовалютных капиталов (большинство из которых являются резидентами азиатских стран). АСИК-оборудование обходится дорого не только на этапе покупки, но и в процессе обслуживания. Минимальные стартовые затраты для начала майнинга превышают отметку в 10 000 долларов США. Quark же в основу идеи заложил доступность добычи для всех, в том числе и для владельцев производительных персональных компьютеров. Это подтверждается рядом факторов: основные «запасы» крипты находятся в руках не ограниченного небольшого круга пользователей, а у тысяч людей со всего мира, а также тем моментом, что большинство монет (247 миллионов) было добыто за короткий промежуток времени – за 6 месяцев. Простота и доступность майнинга снизила рыночную стоимость криптовалюты до рекордно низких отметок.
О проекте
Криптовалюта Quark основана летом 2013 года разработчиком Max Guevara. Как базу для разработки он взял исходный код популярного Биткоина, усовершенствовал и лишил главных недостатков – преимущественно «пробелов» в безопасности. Защите валюты было уделено больше всего внимания. Для проекта Max Guevara выбрал кодирование транзакций при помощи шести полуавтономных алгоритмов и девяти «кругов» хэширования.
Такая сложная структура обеспечила стабильность и устойчивость к хакерским атакам. Благодаря ей система функционирует, даже если строя выходит один алгоритм шифрования.
Это сделало Quark лидером по безопасности среди электронных валют состоянием на 2013 год. Пользователи могут быстро и без проблем расплачиваться монетами за покупки, и переводить средства в любую точку земного шара за считанные секунды (что в двадцать раз быстрее, чем у «прародителя» крипты – Биткоина).
В 2013 году Quarkcoin на фоне растущей популярности занял четвертое место по рыночной стоимости среди функционирующих крипто-проектов. Блоки на тот момент генерировались в 20 раз быстрее, чем у BTC, что сделало Кварк легкой добычей для предприимчивых майнеров. Монеты добывались легко, а на некоторых ценовых скачках сотни пользователей преумножили свои капиталы в сотни раз.
После ошеломляющего успеха проекта ждал ошеломляющий провал. С 2014 года курс криптовалюты Quark застыл на отметке меньше цента, и этому показателю не суждено вырасти. Его можно не рассматривать как источник для инвестирования.
Easy to Use and Reading Friendly Report
Quark is very easy to use and also provides flexible output formats. There are 6 types of output reports: detail report,
call graph, rules classification, summary report, label-based report, behaviors comparison radar chart. Please see below for more details.
Detail Report
This is how we examine a real android malware (candy corn) with one single rule (crime).
$ quark -a 14d9f1a92dd984d6040cc41ed06e273e.apk -d
and the report will look like:
There is the possibility to select only one label to filter the rules:
quark -a 14d9f1a92dd984d6040cc41ed06e273e.apk -d network
There is also the possibility to select only one rule:
quark -a 14d9f1a92dd984d6040cc41ed06e273e.apk -d 00058.json
Call Graph for Every Potential Malicious Activity
You can add the option to the quark command, and you can
get the call graph (only those rules match with 100% confidence)
quark -a Ahmyth.apk -s -g
Rules Classification
You can add the option to the quark command, and you can
output the rules classification with the mutual parent function (only those rules match with 100% confidence).
quark -a Ahmyth.apk -s -c
Summary Report
Examine with rules.
quark -a 14d9f1a92dd984d6040cc41ed06e273e.apk -s
There is the possibility to select only one label to filter the rules:
quark -a 14d9f1a92dd984d6040cc41ed06e273e.apk -s network
There is also the possibility to select only one rule:
quark -a 14d9f1a92dd984d6040cc41ed06e273e.apk -s <path_to_rule_folder>/00058.json
(If you want to select one of the rules of Quark-Rule, the default path to Quark-Rule is .)
Check which topic (indicated by labels) of the malware is more aggressive.
quark -a Ahmyth.apk -l detailed
Behaviors Comparison Radar Chart
With the following command, you can compare different APK actions based on the max confidence of rule labels and generate
a radar chart.
quark -a first.apk -a second.apk -C
Parallelizing Quark
Now Quark supports multiprocessing for analyzing APKs parallelly, by adding the option and set the number of processes. (the default is the number of CPUs in your computer.)
quark -a Ahmyth.apk -s --multi-process 4
Upcoming unstable feature
Now Quark also supports Rizin as one of our Android analysis frameworks. You can use option with to enable the Rizin-based analysis library.
quark -a Ahmyth.apk -s --core-library rizin
The notion of quarks evolved out of a classification of hadrons developed independently in 1961 by Murray Gell-Mann and Kazuhiko Nishijima, which nowadays goes by the name of the quark model. The scheme grouped together particles with isospin and strangeness using a unitary symmetry derived from current algebra, which we today recognise as part of the approximate chiral symmetry of QCD. This is a global flavor SU(3) symmetry, which should not be confused with the gauge symmetry of QCD.
In this scheme the lightest mesons (spin-0) and baryons (spin-½) are grouped together into octets, 8, of flavor symmetry. A classification of the spin-3/2 baryons into the representation 10 yielded a prediction of a new particle, Ω−, the discovery of which in 1964 led to wide acceptance of the model. The missing representation 3 was identified with quarks.
This scheme was called the eightfold way by Gell-Mann, a clever conflation of the octets of the model with the eightfold way of Buddhism. He also chose the name quark and attributed it to the sentence “Three quarks for Muster Mark” in James Joyce’s Finnegans Wake. The negative results of quark search experiments caused Gell-Mann to hold that quarks were mathematical fiction.
Analysis of certain properties of high energy reactions of hadrons led Richard Feynman to postulate substructures of hadrons, which he called partons (since they form part of hadrons). A scaling of deep inelastic scattering cross sections derived from current algebra by James Bjorken received an explanation in terms of partons. When Bjorken scaling was verified in an experiment in 1969, it was immediately realized that partons and quarks could be the same thing. With the proof of asymptotic freedom in QCD in 1973 by David Gross, Frank Wilczek, and David Politzer, the connection was firmly established.
The charm quark was postulated by Sheldon Glashow, Iliopoulos, and Maiani in 1970 to prevent unphysical flavor changes in weak decays which would otherwise occur in the standard model. The discovery in 1975 of the meson, which came to be called the J/ψ, led to the recognition that it was made of a charm quark and its antiquark.
The existence of a third generation of quarks was predicted in 1973 by Makoto Kobayashi and Toshihide Maskawa who realized that the observed violation of CP symmetry by neutral kaons could not be accommodated into the Standard Model with two generations of quarks. The bottom quark was discovered in 1977 and the top quark in 1996 at the Tevatron collider in Fermilab.
Dispenser Planting
- Dispensers come with the special possibility of planting seeds on the accurate type of soil.
- It functions for all seeds in the world, specifically, it works on Nether Wart, on Tilled Soil, on Chorus Flower, on End stone as well as on Soul Sand.
Obsidian Pressure Plates
Pressure Plates are created from obsidian. They will only trigger once the player walk s over them.
Building: This module will provide a lot of new structural building blocks.
Hardened Clay Tiles
Offer “Tile” style blocks for Hardened Clay as well as provide all colors of Stained Clay. It is worth noting that all of them are able to be turned into slabs and stairs as well as for roofs.
Sugar Cane Blocks
- A Sugar Cane Block is created from a 3×3 of Sugar Canes.
- Those blocks are able to be turned into slabs, walls, and stairs as well. If you want, they can be turned back into Sugar Canes.
Sandy Bricks
- Sandy Bricks will be created from a Brick Block and a Sand block.
- These bricks are able to be used for walls, stairs, and slabs.
Decoration: This module will come along with a lot of new decorative building blocks
- A Lit Redstone lamp is made from a Redstone Lamp and a Redstone Torch
- They are always emitting light in the game.
Blaze Lantern
- A Blaze Lantern is created from a + of Blaze Powder and Blaze Rods in the corners
- It is actually the unique fire equivalent of the Sea Lantern
Paper Walls
- They will make use of the “pane” look, which enables you to create unique oriental-style buildings.
- Paper Walls are made from three Paper in the middle row, as well as Sticks that cover other parts of the grid.
New Banner Motifs
New banner motifs are able to be crafted by making use of Eyes of Ender, Dragon Heads, Iron Chest-plates, and Iron Swords, as well as the selected dye color.
Management: This module comes along with inventory management functions.
F to Switch
When you press F on an item in your inventory, this item will be swapped with your off-hand item. This feature s just like when you press F outside of the inventory. That makes use of the same keybind for this objective.
Dropoff Button
It is added to the inventory screen. When you press this button, everything in your arsenal will be deposited in the nearby chests. Remember that the storing range of it is the same as the player’s reach, as a result, it does not store items in chests that the player is not able to open. The nearest chests will be picked first.
Favorite items
- When you ctrl-click on an item, it will become a “Favorite Item”.
- The special feature of these favorite items is that they will not be deposited by the last two Chest buttons as well as the Dropoff button.
Tweaks: The main function of this module is to tweak different gameplay elements.
Angry Creepers
When creepers are going to explode, they will turn red
Safe Mounts
Mounts will be immune to attacks of riders.
Slabs to Blocks
- Slabs are able to be switched back to their respective blocks. Those recipes are created flexibly for all types of the slab.
- If there is already a recipe of this type, this recipe will be used for crafting.
Vanity: The main function of this module is to add vanity features for your in-game characters.
Dyable Elytra
- The Elytra is possible to be dyed with any of the 16 dyes.
- You are allowed to dye the Elytra as many times as you want.
Stair Chairs
When you right-click on a stair block facing up with empty hands, you will be allowed to sit down on it.
World: This module comes along with world generation features including:
- Underground Clay
- Guardians in Oceans
- Basalt
- Big Mushrooms in Swamps
Don’t hesitate to download Quark Mod for free here and experience all of its modules as well as its features. Wish you have a good time enjoy this mod!
Etymology 1edit
by American physicist Murray Gell-Mann in 1963. The literary connection to James Joyce’s Finnegans Wake was asserted later; see the .
- (Received Pronunciation) enPR: kwôk, IPA(key): /kwɔːk/; enPR: kwäk, IPA(key): /kwɑːk/
Audio (UK) (file) -
Audio (UK) (file) - (General American) enPR: kwôrk, IPA(key): /kwɔɹk/; enPR: kwärk, IPA(key): /kwɑɹk/
- Rhymes: -ɔː(ɹ)k, Rhymes: -ɑː(ɹ)k
quark (plural )
(physics) In the Standard Model, an elementary subatomic particle that forms matter. They combine to form hadrons, such as protons and neutrons
2012 March-April, Jeremy Bernstein, “A Palette of Particles”, in American Scientist, volume 100, number 2, page 146:There were also particles no one had predicted that just appeared. Five of them n order of increasing modernity, are the neutrino, the pi meson, the antiproton, the quark and the Higgs boson.
(, X Window System) An integer that uniquely identifies a text string
2012, Keith D. Gregory, Programming with Motif (page 453)
Two functions are provided to convert between strings and quarks: XrmStringToQuark and XrmQuarkToString.
- quark matter
- quark nova
(physics) In the Standard Model, an elementary subatomic particle which forms matter
See alsoedit
Etymology 2edit
German quark.
Borrowed from German , from late Middle High German twarc, from a West Slavic language (compare Polish ), from Proto-Slavic *tvarogъ.
of .
quark ()
- A soft creamy cheese, eaten throughout northern, central, eastern, and southeastern Europe as well as the Low Countries, very similar to cottage cheese except that it is usually not made with rennet.
soft creamy cheese
See alsoedit
Etymology 3edit
, from the sound of the squawk.
quark (plural )
- (Falkland Islands, ) The black-crowned night heron, Nycticorax nycticorax.
Further readingedit
- quark on Wikipedia.Wikipedia
- quark (dairy product) on Wikipedia.Wikipedia
- quark (disambiguation) on Wikipedia.Wikipedia
James Gleick (1993) Genius: Richard Feynman and Modern Physics:
- Gell-Mann won the linguistic battle once again: his choice, a croaking nonsense word, was «quark». (After the fact, he was able to tack on a literary antecedent when he found the phrase «Three quarks for Muster Mark» in Finnegans Wake, but the physicists quark was pronounced from the beginning to rhyme with «cork».)
- Gell-Mann, Murray. 1964. A Schematic Model of Baryons and Mesons. Retrieved September 14, 2007.
- Gribbin, John. 1998. Richard Feynman: A Life in Science. New York, NY: Plume (Penguin). ISBN 0452276314
- Griffiths, David J. 1987. Introduction to Elementary Particles. New York, NY: Wiley. ISBN 0-471-60386-4
- Halzen, Francis, and Alan D. Martin. 1984. Quarks and Leptons: An Introductory Course in Modern Particle Physics. New York, NY: Wiley. ISBN 0471887412
- Povh, Bogdan. 1995. Particles and Nuclei: An Introduction to the Physical Concepts. Berlin, Germany: Springer-Verlag. ISBN 0-387-59439-6
- Observation of the top quark at Fermilab. Retrieved September 14, 2007.
Particle Data Group on quarks. Retrieved September 14, 2007.
New World Encyclopedia writers and editors rewrote and completed the Wikipedia article
in accordance with New World Encyclopedia standards. This article abides by terms of the Creative Commons CC-by-sa 3.0 License (CC-by-sa), which may be used and disseminated with proper attribution. Credit is due under the terms of this license that can reference both the New World Encyclopedia contributors and the selfless volunteer contributors of the Wikimedia Foundation. To cite this article click here for a list of acceptable citing formats.The history of earlier contributions by wikipedians is accessible to researchers here:
Quark history
The history of this article since it was imported to New World Encyclopedia:
History of «Quark»
Note: Some restrictions may apply to use of individual images which are separately licensed.
There are various features that are provided into the game, for example, decoration, automation, management, building, and much more. To get more details, let’s follow the list of features below
Offer some features for automation possibility:
- Dispenser Planting: Dispensers allows you to plant seeds on the accurate kind of soil
- Obsidian Pressure Plates: Only when you walk through them, they are activated.
Add new blocks for structural building
- Hardened Clay Tiles: are used to build stairs, slabs, and beautiful roofs
- Sugar Cane Blocks: have the ability to turn into slabs, stairs, and walls
- Besides, a lot of blocks with different functions including Polished Stone, Thatch, Sandy Bricks, Bark Blocks, Carved Wood, and much more.
Offer new blocks for decoration
- Lit Redstone Lamp: always emits light
- Blaze Lantern: is a fire corresponding with the Sea Lantern
- All The Trapdoors: are used to create trapdoors of every woodblock
- New Banner Motifs: are created by utilizing Eyes of Ender, Heads of Dragons, Iron Chestplates, and Iron Swords accompanied with the selected dye color
Provide features for managing inventory
- Press F on an item to switch it with your off-hand item
- Press Dropoff Button to put all items from your inventory into the nearby chests. If you hold Shift, it will store items in “smart” mode.
- Three Chest Buttons to get out every item from the chest that you own at least one in the inventory; put your whole inventory into the chest; use the “smart” mode
- Favorite Items: You can turn an item into a “Favorite Item” by Ctrl-clicking
Tweak different gameplay elements including:
- Angry Creepers
- Safe Mounts
- Glass Shards
- Ladder Sliding
- Effective Dragon’s Breath
- And much more
Various vanity features are provided for your characters
- Dyable Elytra: There are 16 dyes for dying the Elytra
- Stair Chairs: allow you to sit down on them
- Firework Duplication: You can duplicate Empty Firework with already made ones
- Emotes: Press a button in the corner of the Chat menu to open up an emote panel that includes 10 emotes in total for your character
Offer features for world generation that contain:
- Basalt
- Underground Clay
- Guardians in Oceans
- Big Mushrooms in Swamps
- Default World Options
Those are all basic characteristics of Quark Mod 1.16.4/1.15.2/1.14.4/1.12.2. Even though they are only small and simple features but enhance vanilla experiences a lot for players. You can download this mod for free here and remember to have Minecraft Forge and AutoRegLib (For Minecraft 1.10.2 and above) installed available. Wish you have a good time enjoying this game!
Quark Enterprise Solutions
Quark Publishing Platform
Quark Publishing Platform is a broad-reaching customer communication solution that streamlines and automates the publishing process. The modules of Quark Publishing Platform work together to automatically enable the assembly of content for different audiences, and publication and media types, creating an end-to-end publishing workflow that speeds time-to-market, improves customer satisfaction and lowers costs.
Quark Author
Quark Author is a Web-based content creation software that, together with Quark Publishing Platform, enables business and IT leaders to streamline and automate high-value customer communications across every channel. The intuitive online authoring experience means subject matter experts – wherever they are – can rapidly create, preview, publish and reuse content.
Quark XML Author
Quark XML Author is an add-in to Microsoft Word that enables subject matter experts to create semantic and metadata-rich content that can be reused, repurposed, and published automatically to multiple media and device formats. Quark XML Author integrates directly into Quark Publishing Platform, as well as content management systems such as IBM FileNet Content Manager and Microsoft SharePoint.
Docurated is the sales enablement platform that lets sales teams find, customize and share content, while empowering marketing to measure content effectiveness and revenue contribution. Guided selling — powered by AI — recommends the most effective content for each selling scenario.
QuarkCopyDesk provides the ability to edit content without altering the layout. Using components designated as editable, authors can amend text, place photos, and precisely fit copy.
QuarkXPress Server
QuarkXPress Server fuses the graphic capabilities of QuarkXPress with server-based automation. It is easy to program, integrate and scale, and can automate manual processes.
Free quarks
1974 discovery photograph of a possible charmed baryon, now identified as the Σc++
No search for free quarks or fractional electric charges has returned convincing evidence. The absence of free quarks has therefore been incorporated into the notion of , which, it is believed, the theory of quarks must possess.
Confinement began as an experimental observation, and is expected to follow from the modern theory of strong interactions, called quantum chromodynamics (QCD). Although there is no mathematical derivation of confinement in QCD, it is easy to show using lattice gauge theory.
However, it may be possible to change the confinement by creating dense or hot quark matter. These new phases of QCD matter have been predicted theoretically, and experimental searches for them have now started.