Evilcraft — the origins of darkness

Hostile Species

  • 1.14 — present

  • 1.9 — 1.13

  • 1.8

  • 1.4 — 1.7

  • 1.0 — 1.3

  • Alpha/Beta



EnemiesHostile CreaturesEvil EntitiesJean (Ender Dragon; by Notch)Simmons (Wither, by the Minecraft dev team)Night Roamer (Zombie; in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate)End Dweller (Enderman; in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate)


The EndNether


AlchemyArcheryAxemanshipBuildingDamage immunityDuplicationElectricity absorptionFall damage immunityFighting skillsFireproofnessFlightFragokinesisHorsemanshipHigh jumpingInfestationInflictionInvisibilityLarge sizeLéizerkinesisLevitationMagicMarksmanshipMithridatismOxygen independencePyrokinesisRegenerationSuperhuman agilitySuperhuman durabilitySuperhuman reflexesSuperhuman speedSuperhuman strengthSwimmingSwordsmanshipTelekinesisTeleportationTransformationWallcrawlingZombification


BlazesChicken JockeysCreepersCharged CreepersDrownedElder GuardiansEnder DragonEndermen (when provoked/looked at by player)EndermitesEvokersGhastsGiantsGuardiansHerobrineHoglinsHusksIllusionersJockeysKiller BunniesMagma CubesPhantomsPiglins (when player is not wearing gold, when provoked, when player opens/breaks chest, or when player breaks gold)Piglin BrutesPillagersRavagersShulkersSilverfishesSkeletonsSkeleton HorsemenSlimesSpidersSpider JockeysStraysVexesVindicatorsWitchesWitherWither SkeletonsZoglins ZombiesZombified Piglins (when provoked)Zombie VillagersWarden (upcoming)Humans (deleted)Every hostile mob that were added and found in every mod of Minecraft


Chase and kill Steve, or the player’s character (main goal, can be both succeeded or failed; although it’s commonly succeeded in Hardcore Mode.).Destroy any players, villagers and other mobs who come in their way (sometimes failed, sometimes succeeded).Destroy and invade the player’s shelter or base (commonly succeeded).Kill every innocent mobs in the game (indirectly succeeded).Destroy everything the player loves like their pets (sometimes succeeded, sometimes failed).Take over the player’s world (optionally succeeded, or failed).Make the player’s lives miserable in Survival mode (common for new players).

Kill Jesse and his friends and anyone they come across (Minecraft: Story Mode).


AbuseTortureMass murder (inc. child murder)ManslaughterMass arsonMass destructionChild abuseTrespassingBrainwashingInvasionSlaveryVandalismAttempted omnicideTheftAnimal cruelty

Модификаторы для метлы

На этих страницах я опишу все эффекты модификаторов, которых мне только удалось обнаружить. Их можно добавить к метле, просто объединив модификатор с метлой на верстаке. Добавленный модификатор убрать из метлы нельзя.

Количество модификаторовМаксимальное количество модификаторов, которое метла может иметь.

СкоростьНаибольшая скорость метлы.

УскорениеЧем больше это значение, тем быстрее метла наберёт свою скорость.

МанёвренностьНасколько быстро метла может развернуться.

ЛевитацияЧем выше это значение, тем быстрее метла будет подниматься вверх.

УронУрон, который будет наносится существам при столкнвоении. Чем быстрее метла будет лететь, тем выше будет урон.

ЧастицыНасколько много частиц должно быть при полёте.

ПламяЛюбые существа покроются пламенем при столкновении.

УдарПозволяет ломать блоки при полёте на метле. Чем выше значение модификатора, тем более прочные блоки метла может сломать.

УпругостьСущества при столкновении будут отброшены.

ИссушительПри столкновении на существ будет наложен эффект иссушения.

НенасытныйСущества при столкновении будут испытывать голод.

КамикадзеПри столкновении с существами метла будет взрываться. Очень маловероятно, что наездник метлы выживет после такого.

Иссушающий шитЧем выше значение этого модификатора, тем выше шанс наезднику защититься от снарядов.

ЗадумчивостьЧем выше значение этого модификатора, тем меньше полёту метлы будут мешать всякие внешние факторы.

ЭффективностьЧем выше значение этого модификатора, тем медленне кровь в метле будет заканчиваться.

ПлаваниеgЭтот модификатор делает метлу более манёвренной в жидкостных средах.

ЛедянойЗамедляет существ при столкновении.

StickyOther entities can stick to you. The higher the modifier, the more entities can stick. Make sure to have a sufficient level of Thoughness to carry all those entities!


Max Modifiers

  • 1
  • 1



  • 9
  • 1



  • 9
  • 1



  • 8
  • 2



  • 1
  • 50


Урон при столкновениях

  • 1
  • 2









  • 5
  • 1



  • 1
  • 9



  • 9
  • 1



  • 1
  • 1
  • 1
  • 10
  • 1
  • 1
  • 1
  • 1
  • 1
  • 1






  • 1
  • 20
  • 25
  • 4
  • 9



  • 1
  • 10
  • 5



  • 1
  • 2
  • 4
  • 16

Вторая Эпоха / Инструменты / Метла / ОсновыВторая Эпоха / Инструменты / Метла / Части метлы

Introduction: RLCraft Guide for Beginners


RLCraft is a modded add-on to Minecraft created by Shivaxi, which means the player must already have Minecraft and download the pack from online. It is said to be the hardest mod for Minecraft and for a good reason. The mod pack contains a plethera of new content to make playing the game more realistic while also adding in a ton of monsters who almost all want to kill you. This beginners guide is intended for those who know how to play Minecraft already and have just spawned into a new world.

*** If you have never played Minecraft before this modpack is probably not for you. But in the future it may be something to consider ***

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the evilcraft mod?

Created by mod developer Kroeser, this mod adds new mobs, new items, new weapons, new structures, and more. EvilCraft is a magic, content, and technical mod that is based on a secret and ancient source of evil. The game features a tiered technological progression of the evil technology that opens up even more evil things to the game.

Where can I find information about evilcraft?

Additional info: http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/2403603-164forge-evilcraft-open-source/ EvilCraft is a magic/technical mod that is based on somewhat evil things. Throughout the game you will discover an ancient source of evil. These powers can be used in various technological advancements to initiate a second age of evilness.

Is Resident Evil MC a good mod?

Resident Evil MC is a celebration of the series within the confines of Minecraft, and it manages to shine quite brightly in this regard. From iconic enemies to classic weapons — this Minecraft horror mod ends up being a worthy homage to the amazing nature of Resident Evil.


Количество опыта, полученного от победы над NPC (не играбельным персонажем), зависит от уровня игрока. Если уровень вашего животного выше, чем у NPC, количество полученного опыта уменьшится; чем выше ваш уровень, тем меньше вы получите

Важно охотиться на картах, которые соответствуют вашему уровню животных для достижения наилучших результатов. Полученный опыт также может уменьшиться, если вы охотитесь с членом семьи вашего животного, несмотря на их уровень (боссы исключение)

Напротив, если вы победите NPC более высокого уровня, ваш опыт будет намного выше. Это возможно только с боссами или если вы должны были играть с другим, более высоким уровнем игрока в многопользовательском режиме.

How to install EvilCraft Mod

  • You have already installed Minecraft Forge.
  • Locate the Minecraft application folder.
  • On windows open Run from the start menu > type %appdata% > click Run.
  • On mac open finder, hold down ALT > click Go then Library in the top menu bar.
  • Open the folder Application Support > look for Minecraft.
  • Place the mod you have just EvilCraft Mod downloaded (.jar file) into the Mods folder.
  • When you launch Minecraft and click the mods button you should now see the EvilCraft Mod is installed.

EvilCraft Mod Download Links

For Minecraft: 1.16.5

For Minecraft: 1.15.2

For Minecraft: 1.14.4

For Minecraft: 1.12.2

For Minecraft: 1.11.2

For Minecraft: 1.10.2

For Minecraft: 1.7.10




Hostile mobs refer to NPCs in Minecraft that are actively or passively hostile to the player and, in some cases, friendly NPCs. They are some of the most common and dangerous obstacles in the game, and are a constant threat for those playing in Survival mode on any difficulty beyond Peaceful.

The majority of hostile mobs spawn in low-light areas, and thus often appear either at night or in caves, dungeons, and fortresses. Undead mobs like Zombies and Skeletons burst into flame and die in sunlight, thus the best way to avoid hostiles mobs is to travel during the daytime and keep important areas well-lit with torches and other light sources (though this doesn’t apply to all mobs).

In most cases, hostile mobs won’t attack each other, and will even attack in teams such as Illagers in raids, being much more of a challenge to all players. However, some can hurt each other by getting caught in their line of fire (such as a Creeper’s explosion, or a Blaze’s fireball), and some will even attack each other, such as when a Skeleton accidentally hits another skeleton with its arrows.

Most Hostile mobs will attack any player, villager, or pet that either gets too close or catches their attention, after which they will relentlessly attack them until either they die, their target dies, or their target runs far enough away. They can also destroy players’ property and kill nearby farm animals, either by blowing things up (in the case of Creepers/The Wither), setting things on fire (Blazes, Ghasts, etc), or simply taking/moving blocks (Endermen, though their ability to do this is limited to a few blocks), although property damage caused by hostile mobs is always incidental, not intentional. A few mobs such as The Wither, Zoglins, and «Johnny» Vindicators, (that is, a Vindicator given the name «Johnny» via a nametag), will indiscriminately attack any and all mobs except, in regards to Zoglins and «Johnny» Vindicators, their own kind.

Overall, the hostile mobs are a constant threat to players throughout the entire game, regardless of skill level.



MinecraftHostile Mobs (Wither Illagers & Ender Dragon)

Minecraft Mods/Modpacks, Legends, and/or CreepypastasHerobrine |
Hostile Mobs (Wither) |

Minecraft: Story ModeRomeo |
Hostile Mobs |
The Ocelots |
Ivor |
Wither Storm |
Soren the Architect |
Aiden |
Maya |
Gill |
White Pumpkin |
Hadrian |
Mevia |
Em |
Stella |
Prismarine Foes |

Minecraft DungeonsIllagers (Arch-Illager) |
Redstone Monstrosity |
Hostile Mobs |
Heart of Ender

Gameknight999Herobrine |
Hostile Mobs |
Entity303 |
Charybdis |
Feyd |
Xa-Tul |
Reaper |
Erebus |
Malacoda |
Shaivalak |
Shaikulud |
Oxus |
Vo-Lok |
Lich King |

Animation vs. MinecraftThe Second Coming |
Hostile Mobs (Wither, Elder Guardian, Cave Spider King & The Witch) |
Herobrine |
Pig |
Purple |
Killer Bunny |
Orbs |
Orange |

What does EvilCraft feature?

There are several great features added to the mod, for instance:

  • There is Machinery based on blood.
  • You will approach lots of Modular Brooms. You can make lots of brooms that let you fly around and explore the world.
  • There are some Origins of Darkness.
  • For World Generation, you can use Dark Gems and Crushed Dark Gems to create many things in the mod.
  • For Vengeance Spirits, when mobs meet their end, they will leave the Vengeance Spirit behind.
  • There are several Machines and Tools.

EvilCraft diversifies your gameplay. Hence, you should apply it to the game for a new experience. Before you have it in the game, make sure you already installed Minecraft Forge and Cyclops Core. Try and have fun with it!

EvilCraft Mod Download Links:

File Name Status Game Version Date
EvilCraft-1.12.2-0.10.76.jar Release 1.12.2 Jun 24, 2019
EvilCraft-1.10.2-0.10.29.jar Release 1.10.2 Oct 15, 2017
EvilCraft-1.12-0.10.36.jar Release 1.12.2 Sep 24, 2017
EvilCraft-1.12-0.10.34.jar Release 1.12.1 Sep 1, 2017
EvilCraft-1.12-0.10.31.jar Release 1.12 Jul 30, 2017
EvilCraft-1.11.2-0.10.22.jar Release 1.11.2 Mar 24, 2017
EvilCraft-1.10.2-0.10.21.jar Release 1.10.2 Mar 24, 2017
EvilCraft-1.7.10-0.9.12.jar Release 1.7.10 Nov 5, 2016
EvilCraft-1.9.4-0.10.2.jar Release 1.10 May 26, 2016
EvilCraft-1.9.4-0.10.1.jar Release 1.9.4 May 22, 2016
EvilCraft-1.9-0.10.0.jar Release 1.9 May 19, 2016
EvilCraft-1.8.9-0.9.8.jar Release 1.8.9 May 12, 2016
EvilCraft-1.8-0.9.1.jar Release 1.8 Nov 19, 2015
EvilCraft-1.7.2-0.4.1b-10.jar Beta 1.7.2 Jul 17, 2014
EvilCraft-1.6.4-0.4.1b-51.jar Beta 1.6.4 Jul 17, 2014

Credits: kroeser

← Magneticraft ModCursed Chests Mod →


As the game lacks in-game lore, Notch, Jeb, and the rest of the Mojang developers stated that they will never add any specific lore to the game to sustain Minecraft ‘s mysterious and atmospheric setting, and that players (or people) are free to wonder about the game’s lore. However, here are some possible known theories regarding about the hostile mobs (monsters):

  • The Hostile Mobs’ motives for killing the player multiple times in Survival mode are utterly unknown, due to the fact that the game lacks official lore from the developers. However, many theories that explain it.
    • One, they are brainwashed creatures that are being controlled by an omnipotent being, programmed to kill the player in the surrounding dimensions they’re in.
    • Another theory is that they are just simply evil creatures that attack and kill any players, or other mobs for no reason, and it is all just fun and games for them. Or that the player did something horribly wrong in the past and the hostile mobs are never going to forgive them for their wrongdoings.
    • The third theory is that the hostile mobs simply does not welcome any players or villagers in all three dimensions (Overworld, Nether, and The End), and that all of them were trespassers, and will do anything to get them out of the way, if by means attacking or killing every single one of them.
    • The fourth and possible main theory is that the hostile mobs are represented as the player’s biggest fears, being the bullies, the enemies, and the darkness inside the player’s dream, and that the player must overcome them to overcome their biggest fears, given the fact that the game eventually mirrors real life. The fourth theory is possibly more believable by other people, due to the belief that the game was all just a dream, and that the hostile mobs are all the manifestations of the players’ fears. However, the End Poem is the closest thing that explains their existence in the game.
    • But as of now, there are no real intentions as to why the hostile mobs are hostile against other players.
  • The Ender Dragon can be considered as the main antagonist in the original game’s End level, and she is also somewhat behind in the disc 11 story, as the dragon may have ordered an enderman to subsequently kill the player. However, the dragon only appears in the endgame or the final stage of the game, this leads to an explanation of why the player’s final goal in Survival mode, is to kill the Ender Dragon. This leads to an explanation that the dragon may have corrupted past humans into endermen. Popular opinions also show that the dragon somewhat represents the darkness and the biggest and last fear in the player’s dream. Killing the dragon is also required to open the gateway back to the overworld, and there, the player can optionally read the End poem.
  • The hostile mobs may also seem evil at first, but all of them had been considered by many to have a terrible backstory and why they are considered as one of the most tragic enemies in the franchise. Some theories or facts hint their tragic past, one notable example is that Herobrine or (possibly) the Wither is behind in the creation of them.
    • For example, The Zombies, Skeletons, and other humanoid hostile mobs, were past humans, creepers always appear with a frown face, and the rest were all seem to just confused and scared only of the environment, even endermen had a secret message in their languages. Additionally, Illagers (as stated in the Mobestiary) were exiled and expelled from villages.
    • Currently, the hostile mobs’ backstory was not mentioned officially, but several theories their terrible past, but all hostile mobs are considered misanthropes, as they always attack and kill the player, which are the only humans of the game. One possible theory is that they may only be afraid of humans.

New evil things were added by the mod

This is such an evil Technology mod! However, it will be fun to have it in the game. It is because the mod aims to make the battles in the game much harder. To that end, it adds lots of new evil things, like flying monsters. You will see them following you around then they will attempt to poison you. Not only that, but the mod also adds several bottles you can use for containing or managing the weather.

As you play the game, you will find an old source of evil. Then, you can make use of those powers in many technological developments to start the second age of evilness. Here are the simple ways you get started:

  • Make sure you mine one Dark Ore using an Iron Pickaxe for getting a Dark gem.
  • Besides, you will need to have a common Book showing all the details about the mod.
  • Then, you create a Darkened Apple.
  • Search for a certain animal
  • Give the Darkened Apple to it then watch it meet its end.
  • Now, you must add the Book to the resulting anomaly.
  • Then, you enjoy the knowledge as well as animal leftovers.


Изображение Название Описание

Вагонетка с мировым якорем Движущаяся версия мирового якоря. Заставляют игру прогружать близлежащие чанки, так что все механизмы рядом будут работать, даже если игрока нет поблизости

Вагонетка с персональным якорем

Вагонетка с якорем администратора

Вагонетка с энергохранителем (Внимание! При использовании игра может выдать фатальную ошибку) Используются для хранения и перевозки энергии IndustrialCraft2 по рельсам. Вагонетка с МФЭ

Вагонетка с МФСУ

Вагонетка с цистерной Вагонетка, которая может перевозить жидкости

Вагонетка с динамитом Взрывающаяся вагонетка, которая может быть использована в качестве замены для пушечных ядер или как фейерверк.

Переукладчик путей Специальная вагонетка, которая может заменять железнодорожные пути.

Врубовая машина Специальная вагонетка, которая может заменять блоки под рельсами на любой блок.

Укладчик путей Специальная вагонетка, которая укладывает пути когда движется как проходческий щит, но при этом не может копать местность.

Убиратель путей Специальная вагонетка, которая убирает пути по которым движется.

Вагонетка с верстаком Вагонетка, которая может использоваться как верстак.

Проходческий щит Устройство, которое роет туннели и устанавливает железнодорожные пути.

Вагонетка с тыквой Взрывающаяся вагонетка, после взрыва которой выпадает случайное зелье и появляются определённые мобы.Крафт возможен в октябре и ноябре.

Вагонетка с подарком Взрывающаяся вагонетка, после взрыва которой выпадает 50 на 50 либо 2 «подарка», либо уголь.Крафт возможен в декабре и январе.

Паровой локомотив Транспортное средство способное двигаться по железнодорожным путям и тянуть за собой вагонетки.

Электровоз Электический локомотив. Работает на электричестве Railcraft.

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The Hostile Mobs have weaknesses as well, allowing the player to defeat them strategically.

  • Sunlight: Zombies, Zombie Villagers, Drowned, Skeletons, Strays and Phantoms will burn when they are caught by sunlight and Creepers, Spiders, Witches and other overworld hostile mobs will despawn from the surface afterwards. Piglins, Piglin Brutes, and Hoglins cannot survive in the Overworld or The End, and they’ll become Zombified Piglins and Zoglins respectively after several seconds.
  • Water: Endermen and Blazes hate water and take damage from it. When water touches them, Endermen will teleport and Blaze will try to escape.
  • Dehydration: Some Underwater Mobs will suffocate when they can’t swim underwater. Dolphins have this weakness.
  • Drowning: Most Hostile Mobs will drown when they stay underwater (except Iron Golems, Undead Mobs, Guardians and Elder Guardians). Dolphins will drown if they stay underwater more than four minutes.
  • Fire/Lava: Most Hostile Mobs will burn when they exposed are to it, save for mobs found in the Nether (Blazes, Wither Skeletons, Magma Cubes, Zombified Piglins, Ghasts, Zoglins).
  • Suffocation: If trapped inside a solid block, such as being crushed via a piston or buried in sand/gravel, mobs will suffocate and die.
  • Falling: Mobs that cannot levitate will die when dropped from high enough (save for chicken jockeys and iron golems)
  • Magic: Mobs are vulnerable to potions and enchantments.

Step 4: What to Do Next

From here on there is a whole world of RLCraft to explore it is up to the player to decide what to do next.

Option 1 (Recommended): The player can go fight dungeons to try and get loot drops as well as the good chests they contain. One of the best dungeons to start out with is the battle tower (pictured above) because it is very simple and almost guarantees good loot at the end.

Option 2: The player can try to go mining and set up a better base more like normal Minecraft. Keep in mind that the player will need to upgrade their mining level which is explained in the next step.

Option 3 (For more experienced players): The player can explore the world and try to find new places with waypoints so if they have one they can be more connected with the rest of the world.


Whenever the player creates a new world, they spawn in a very mysterious and lonely infinite world, which is very uninhabitable due to the hostile mobs, and will proceed to kill every player they see. Some of their victims are the player’s pets, or some are all of the past humans or society in the world. Below is a list of their possible victims:

  • Countless humans (possibly)
  • Countless mobs (caused by the Wither)
  • The Player(s) (Hardcore Mode)
  • Wolves, or cats (when they are provoked)
  • Endermen (caused by the Ender Dragon)
  • Endermites (Caused by endermen)
  • Numerous villagers (can be caused by zombies, creepers, and illagers)
  • Iron Golems (only if they attack or come close to it)
  • Snow Golems (only if they attack or come close to it)
  • Numerous passive mobs/animals (indirectly)
  • Herobrine (possibly)

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Disambiguation articles


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The Prince <— disambiguation page, with links to:

The Prince (frog)
The Prince (human)
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  • For more information, see Help:Stubs.

Step 2: Tools

Aquiring tools is much harder than in normal Minecraft. To start out the player needs to get flint from gravel and sticks from a tree (the leaves not the wood itself).

1. To break down the flint into flint shard the player must right-click the top of a hard block with the gravel in their hand.

2. Use a flint shard and a stick to craft a flint knife (shown above).

3. Use the flint knife to cut grass and get plant fiber. Use the plant fiber to craft plant string (shown above).

4. The string, a stick, and a flint shard can now all be combined into a flint hatchet (shown above) and the player can now cut down their first tree.

Быстрая и эффективная прокачка

После того, как вы получите необходимое количество опыта, вы будете уровень вверх. Количество опыта, необходимого для повышения уровня, увеличится на 500 пунктов, пока вы не достигнете максимального уровня 200. Вот некоторые из наиболее эффективных способов повышения уровня:


Боссы могут дать больше опыта из любого животного на карте. Убивать боссов лучше всего делать в одиночном режиме, потому что боссы слабее в мультиплеере и поэтому дают меньше опыта при поражении. Босс фермы делается быстрее всего, когда игрок находится с семьей своих животных. Сумма полученного опыта будет уменьшаться только в том случае, если уровень члена семьи значительно выше, чем у босса. члены семьи тоже будут бить сапоги, поэтому, если вы находитесь на высоком уровне или если ваш питомец, рекомендуется оставить их в логове.

Сильный Бизон

Сильный Бизон может дать больше всего опыта любого другого босса в зависимости от его уровня при поражении. Тем не менее, это может быть самым сложным для фермы, так как только игрок, который получает последний удар, получит опыт.

Помощь петов

Если вы достаточно прокачаете своего питомца, это может быть чрезвычайно полезно для получения опыта для ваших животных более низкого уровня. Поскольку уровень и урон питомца никогда не уменьшаются, они могут легко победить низкоуровневых NPC, и это не повлияет на ваш выигрыш Exp.

Wild Club

Wild Club помогает получить вдвое больше очков опыта, поэтому большинство игроков высокого уровня либо имеют, либо имели Wild Club. Wild Club особенно помогает с животными более высокого уровня (уровень 150+), так как становится все труднее повышать уровень. Использование трансформации и дикого клуба — самый простой и лучший способ получить очки опыта.

What are templates?[]

Wiki templates provide a means to insert the same content over and over in different (or the same) pages. This saves editors the hassle of duplicating the same text again and again, and also helps ensure consistency.

Templates are generally shown with the format required to use the template (e.g. ). Clicking the template name takes you to the template’s page, where you can see what it looks like and how it is used.

Detailed instructions on the usage of each template should exist on:

  1. a subpage using {{documentation}}; or
  2. the template page itself (inside «noinclude» tags); or
  3. the template’s talk page.

For more information on templates, see Help:Templates.

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