
The return to Harper Hold[]

Six days later Dermin returns and warn that Jaheira’s death has been arranged unless she goes with him, which she agrees to think about, no more. Dermin leaves again.

The next time you wake up in the wilderness, you’ll find Jaheira have departed. Soon a strange Mage named Terminsel arrives and gives you a note explaining why she has left, her urging you not to follow, plus her destination — the Harper Hold in Docks, again. Return to the Harper Hold, deal with a group of mercenaries on the ground floor, go upstairs to welcome Jaheira back to team, kill a new group of mercenaries that arrive downstairs and get out.

Gnome Fighter / Illusionist

This is the best dual class build in Baldur’s Gate, period. This build benefits from the martial arts prowess of the Fighter, while at the same time being able to cast spells as a full-fledged Mage.

What a Gnome Fighter / Illusionist Excels In:

  • Can fight melee AND cast spells at the same time.
  • Can use some of the best weapons in the game, including the Flail of Ages, Celestial Fury, Belm and the Staff of the Magi.
  • Bonus to saves vs. Wands and Spells (up to +5, at 18 Constitution).
  • Awesome abilities, including Greater Whirlwind, Critical Strike, Hardiness and Smite.

Build Details:

  • Race must be Gnome, for the bonuses in saves and the extra spell slot.
  • Preferably 19 Intelligence.
  • Key spells: Web, Mirror Image, Blindness, Melf’s Minute Meteors, Stoneskin and Chromatic Orb
  • For weapons, use Flails, Katanas, Scimitars or Staffs.


The Sorcerer is the best single class build and also the best build for a solo walkthrough. The main advantage of this class is that it gets spells automatically, with no need to scribe them, plus a Sorcerer can cast more spells per day than any other Wizard.

What a Sorcerer Excels In:

  • The Sorcerer is a spell casting machine.
  • Spell casting does not really depend on stats.
  • If you pick the right spells at level up, the Sorcerer build makes for some of the easiest playthroughs.

Build Details:

  • Can be Human or Elf.
  • Recommended stats: 14 Strength, 18 Dexterity, 16 Constitution, 9 Intelligence, 18 Wisdom, 18 Charisma.
  • Key spells: Blindness, Mirror Image, Web, Skull Trap, Melf’s Minute Meteors, Stoneskin, Minor Sequencer, Animate Dead, Breach, Spell Immunity, Sunfire, True Sight, Protection from Magical Weapons, Project Image, Abi-Dalzim’s Horrid Wilting, Chain Contingency, Time Stop, Wish, Improved Alacrity and Summon Planetar.

В поисках друида

Двигайтесь прямо от места заточения барда Воло и сверните на развилке направо в зал, где стоят три гоблина. Минуя их откройте дверь. Вы окажетесь в месте, где гоблины закидывают камнями медведя в клетке. Попросите их этого не делать, после чего зверь толкнет решетку, и раздавит охранника. Начнется бой со всеми гоблинами в этой комнате, но не беспокойтесь, медведь будет на вашей стороне и поможет в сражении.

Первым делом убейте всех, кто будет пытаться сбежать с поля боя, так как они позовут охрану. Перед началом битвы, вы можете пролить жир на пол коридора. Это обезопасит вас от дополнительных врагов.

Разобравшись с остатками гоблинов, медведь превратится в человека. Это и есть тот самый друид Хальсин. Прежде чем он поможет вам избавиться от паразита, вам придется убить трех разных лидеров гоблинов, дабы обезопасить рощу друидов. Халсин предложит вам помощь в форме медведя, но предупредит, что не сможет быть скрытным. Отказываемся от помощи и выходим из зала.

Jaheira renounces her Harper status[]

Right after Xzar is killed, Meronia appears (unless bug encountered) to inform Jaheira that her presence is needed by the Harpers (if you are in a romance with Jaheira, Meronia will only appear after certain romance stages).

Sleep somewhere to make Jaheira return, this time you’ll accompany her to the Harpers Hold in Docks, where you’ll be questioned by Galvarey, no matter what you say, he sees what he wants to see, soon it becomes obvious that he means you harm, stand with Jaheira and kill the twisted Galvarey and his fellow harpers. Note the Ring of Wizardry as a loot.

After four days passed, and probably some banters too, Reviane appears. With a high enough reputation (16 or higher) and the right dialogue choices (1,2) Reviane can be convinced to not fight you, otherwise prepare for battle. Beware if she appears in civilized areas as you don’t want the cross fire to hit innocents. Another three days passed, Dermin Courtierdale, another old acquaintances of Jaheira’s, appears to tell that he’s sent to kill her, their talk ends up in Jaheira renouncing her standing as a Harper, Dermin leaves for now.

Baldur’s Gate & Tales of the Sword Coast[]


Khalid is available during Chapter One and Two. To hire him, travel to the Friendly Arm Inn, you will find him with his wife, Jaheira, at the bar. Explain who you are (Gorion’s ward) and simply invite him to join.

Khalid has to pair with Jaheira.


  • Khalid is a loyal companion and a friend to those who have gained his trust. He stays true to the memory of his friend Gorion and will compliment Gorion’s Ward should they follow in the footsteps of their father by maintaining a high Reputation.
  • As fellow men of honor, Khalid and Ajantis respect each other and get along well.
  • Khalid gets along well with Branwen.
  • Dynaheir and Khalid get along well for the most part, though Khalid believes Dynaheir could demonstrate a bit more tact in her interactions with others.
  • Khalid is uncomfortable around Edwin, though he tries not to be confrontational about it. Edwin, on the other hand, is straight up disdainful and insulting towards Khalid.
  • Eldoth is rude to Khalid and thinks him terribly dull. Khalid is bothered by this, but tries not to make too much of a scene about it.
  • Khalid’s relationship with Faldorn is strained, and while he seems to want to reach some sort of uneasy truce at least, he will sometimes end up in the crossfire between Faldorn and Jaheira.
  • Garrick looks up to Khalid and sees him as an honorable person.
  • Jaheira is Khalid’s wife, and the two are inseparable. They are very much in love with each other, despite their personality differences.
  • Kagain dislikes Khalid and thinks he is an altruistic moron. Khalid, in turn, is uncomfortable around Kagain.
  • Khalid and Kivan respect each other and get along well. Kivan sees a great bravery in Khalid that many others do not.
  • Khalid and Minsc get along well.
  • Quayle thinks Khalid is not that bright and will insult him fairly often. Interestingly, despite this, Khalid is one of the few characters who does not dislike Quayle.
  • Khalid gets along well with Safana, and believes her company is a welcome part of this group.
  • Shar-Teel sees Khalid as an especially weak man, and thus deserving of more ire than men in general. She will cruelly insult him on a regular basis. Despite this, Khalid remains civil towards her.
  • Skie sees Khalid as a good friend.
  • Khalid is uncomfortable around Tiax.
  • Viconia thinks very little of Khalid and will attempt to boss him around.
  • Khalid respects Xan for his honesty, but also believes the mage might be a bit too brutally honest at times and should probably tone it down a bit.
  • Xzar and Montaron – As agents of Zhentarim, a group at odds with the Harpers, these particular unscrupulous types will find the likes of Jaheria and Khalid unacceptable, each pair expressing disgust regarding the other, and will eventually come to blows if either of each pair are in the same group for a prolonged duration.
  • Khalid thinks highly of Yeslick and enjoys his company.


Khalid can be an excellent archer, next only to Coran, close in power to Kivan, and it never hurts to have one more archer in Baldur’s Gate.

  • Baldur’s Gate: Enhanced Edition Trilogy This icon indicates content from all Enhanced Editions of the Baldur’s Gate games. Companions who are under-leveled at the time of joining will be given a certain amount of experience points (XP) for you to manually level them up to gain more control of their status.
  • Baldur’s Gate I & II Classic This icon indicates content from all original Baldur’s Gate games, extensions included. If Khalid is recruited by a level 1 Gorion’s Ward in the original Baldur’s Gate, his intelligence will have a score of 12 only; if recruited later, it will always be 15.
Starting levels
Average party level Level XP Gold Hit Points Weapon Proficiencies Equipment
1.00 — 1.99 1 42 11 13 (Max possible:10+3)
  • Long Sword ++
  • Axe +
  • Longbow +
  • Helmet
  • Splint Mail
  • Medium Shield
  • Long Sword
  • Potion of Healing x 1
2.00 — 2.99 2 3138 14 24 (Max possible:20+6)
  • Helmet
  • Splint Mail
  • Medium Shield
  • Long Sword
  • Arrow x 20
  • Potion of Healing x 1
  • Longbow
3.00 — 4.99 4 8037 17 44 (Max possible:40+12)
  • Long Sword +++
  • Axe +
  • Longbow +
5.00+ 6 33871 25 64 (Max possible:60+18)
  • Long Sword +++
  • Axe +
  • Longbow ++


When asked about his past, Khalid nervously reveals that he was born and raised in the nation of Calimshan. He does not say much of his parents, but you get the feeling that his merchant father thought little of him, devoting much more attention to Khalid’s half brothers. Khalid thus threw himself into the martial pursuits, studying under members of the city militia. He doesn’t go into detail on how he met Jaheira , but his adoration of her is obvious. When asked about how he knew Gorion, he will only say that they had long been friends, and that many shared acquaintances will mourn his loss with harpsong.

Как убить всех лидеров гоблинов

Так как мы уже разобрались со жрицей Кишкой, то нам остается убить еще двух лидеров гоблинов. Первая наша цель — дроу Минтара. Она находится за стенкой от зала с медведем. Забираемся на лестницу и попадаем к ней. Вы можете пообщаться с дроу и рассказать, где находится лагерь беженцев, после чего вернуться к последним и помочь им в истреблении гоблинов. Но этот вариант довольно сложен и может закончиться весьма плачевно для тифлингов.

Первым делом уничтожаем барабан, который расположен чуть выше от Минтары, тем самым мы не позволим гоблинам призвать подмогу. Используйте заклинания тишины и Бейн, чтобы сильно ослабить дроу и как можно быстрее вывести ее из строя. Затем добейте остальных врагов и сохранитесь.

Нам осталось добить вожака гоблинов — Дрора Рагзлина. Он находится за стенкой от местонахождения Минтары. Проходим по мосту и попадаем в большой зал. Принимаем участие в обряде воскрешения иллитида и применяем способность паразита, чтобы попасть в голову мертвеца. Ни в коем случае не рассказывайте Дрору об убийце этого иллитида, иначе вы спровоцируете его на бой.

После обряда, поднимайтесь вверх по лестнице. Это самая удобная позиция для убийства вожака. Первым делом стреляйте по жаровням, чтобы их обрушить. Теперь нижний зал будет в огне, что серьезно доставит неудобства врагам. Выбираем режим скрытности и первым делом убиваем людей в левом углу. У них меньше всего здоровья, поэтому у вас есть шанс убить их и остаться незамеченными. Затем спровоцируйте Рагзлина и убивайте его с дальнего расстояния. Не дайте ему дойти до вас вплотную. После убийства вожака, добейте остальных гоблинов.

Когда трое лидеров гоблинов будут мертвы, вы должны вернуться обратно к Халсину. Но на выходе из зала, вас будет поджидать еще парочка гоблинов. Сбросьте их вниз с моста. Остальную работу предоставьте паукам, которые с удовольствием полакомятся зелеными существами.

Возвращаемся к Халсину. Он поблагодарит вас за помощь и отправится обратно в рощу друидов. Откройте карту и используйте быстрое перемещение до рощи Сильвануса. Откажитесь от награды у лидера тифлингов, и поговорите с Халсином по поводу паразита. Он предложит оставить этот вопрос на завтра, и отпраздновать победу над гоблинами. Спускайтесь вниз к друидам и заберите награду у Рата.

Возвращайтесь в лагерь. Пообщайтесь с тифлингами и попробуйте начать романтическую линию с одним из ваших компаньонов. Как это сделать, вы можете узнать из этого гайда. Поговорите с Воло. Он осмотрит вас и попробует собственноручно решить вашу проблему с паразитом. Через несколько дней, он предложит удалить паразита иглой. Ни в коем случае не соглашайтесь, иначе лишитесь глаза.

На утро, поговорите с Халсином. Теперь вы знаете, что ваша личинка в мозгу защищена магией, и чтобы ее убрать вы должны отправиться в Башню Восхода Луны. Друид расскажет о трех различных методах, чтобы туда добраться, включая Воскресшую дорогу, прохождение через горы или путешествие в подземелье. В настоящее время в раннем доступе есть только один путь через подземелье.

  • Прохождение Baldur’s Gate 3 — Основные квесты (Обновляется)
  • Вот это поворот! Покупатели Baldur’s Gate 3 отдали предпочтение белому мужчине в качестве персонажа
  • Это успех! Baldur’s Gate 3 купили более миллиона раз

Baldur’s Gate: Siege of Dragonspear[]

In a short time after the Iron Throne crisis and the battle against Sarevok, eventually Skie found out that Eldoth eloped with another harlot and dumped her. Feeling betrayed, Skie quit associating with him and moved on to a life without depending on him.

Still looking for excitements and adventure, Skie hides her identity to join the Flaming Fist without telling her family and is enlisted in the marching troops towards the Dragonspear Castle against Caelar Argent’s crusades. Her father, Entar Silvershield, secretly appoints a Flaming Fist officer Bence Duncan to protect her. You’ll find Duncan and Skie quarreling with each other along the road, though there is a tavern rumour that the two are sharing bedrolls.

Skie is murdered by a Hooded Man by the end of Dragonspear event, framing Gorion’s Ward (again) for the deed. Her soul is trapped within the Soultaker but the dagger is nowhere to be found. Her body is preserved and transported back to Baldur’s Gate in hope of reviving her once the dagger is retrieved, which seems less likely to happen for her body has already been soulless for too long and the magical process required to bind her soul back is far too difficult even for grand clerics. It’s unknown of Skie’s final fate as no related content has been added in BG2EE.


I’m Skie. Skie Silvershield, Duke Entar’s daughter. You remember me, right?
How could you forget me? Never mind me—how could you forget Eldoth? We did great things together! He and I made love under the moonlight and extorted gold from Daddy, and then Eldoth left me for some harlot.
Oh, ha ha. Have you been licking a whetstone? Your tongue’s sharper than ever.
I was just a child then. Now, I’m a woman. I’ve even joined—well, never mind. I’ll tell you that later, when I’m sure we’re alone.
Are you awake?
Don’t you want to hear what I have to say?
No, no, it’s REALLY important…
I’ve joined the Flaming Fist!
No, really, I have. Not under my name, of course—Daddy would never allow it. But I’m in it now.
Life as a noble is boring and stupid. I want to do something GREAT with my life and also get out of this dirty old city and maybe meet some handsome soldiers. So I’m going north with you!
I know! All right, go back to sleep. I’ll see you in—oh, I guess you don’t really have time to sleep now. I’ll see you soon.
Remember, whatever you do—don’t tell Daddy about this!

Baldur’s Gate[]

On a quest to fight the bandits and put an end to their operations, Ajantis has come to the region to prove his worth to the Order, hoping it will earn him knighthood.


Ajantis is available to be recruited for the party from Chapter One on. He can be found near the Fishing Village north of the Friendly Arm Inn, standing on the road south of the settlement. If dismissed from the party, he will wait wherever the player leaves him.


Along with Safana, Ajantis’ charisma of 17 is the highest of any companion in the game, making him an excellent leader for good-aligned parties to gain store discounts and favorable reaction adjustments. His good strength and constitution scores let him fill both front-line combatant and tank role well.

Ajantis’ level, skills and equipment upon initially picking him up scale according to the average party level. He will either be level 2, 4 or 6.

He has a rather poor skill set, as the Bastard Sword that he initially specialized in, and comes equipped with, is a one-handed weapon. It is far better to recruit him early, both to maximize his hp and to better manage his proficiencies.

Baldur’s Gate:Enhanced Edition (2012)This icon indicates content from the Baldur’s Gate: Enhanced Edition campaign.
In the Enhanced Edition, companions who are under-leveled at the time of joining will be given a certain amount of experience points (XP) to manually level them up and gain more control of their status.

Starting levels in Baldur’s Gate

Average Party Level

Level XP Gold Hit Points Weapon Proficiencies Old Proficiencies
1.00 — 2.99 2 2263 5

20 (Max possible:20+4)

  • Bastard Sword ++
  • Two-Handed Sword +
  • Longbow +
  • Blunt Weapons +
  • Bow +
  • Large Sword ++
3.00 — 4.99 4 9026 26 32 (Max possible:40+8)
  • Bastard Sword ++
  • Two-Handed Sword ++
  • Longbow +
  • Blunt Weapons +
  • Bow +
  • Large Sword ++
  • Small Sword +
5.00+ 6 37129 48

45 (Max possible:60+12)

  • Bastard Sword ++
  • Two-Handed Sword ++
  • Longbow +
  • Two-Handed Weapon Style +
  • Blunt Weapons +
  • Bow +
  • Large Sword ++
  • Small Sword ++



Baldur’s GateBaldur’s Gate II: Shadows of AmnBaldur’s Gate II: Throne of Bhaal
Video Games
Baldur’s Gate series (Baldur’s GateShadows of AmnThrone of BhaalSiege of Dragonspear)Idle Champions of the Forgotten Realms
Card Games
Dungeon Mayhem: Battle for Baldur’s Gate

Behind the Scenes

In the Baldur’s Gate series of video games, Jaheira is voiced by Heidi Shannon, sometimes referenced to as Hidi Shannon.


In the Baldur’s Gate novel, Jaheira and Khalid have a strained relationship due to his infidelity.

In the novel, Jaheira venerates the deity Mielikki.

In the novels Jaheira accompanies Abdel Adrian as they investigate and put an end to the iron crisis.

In the Baldur’s Gate II: Shadows of Amn novel, Jaheira joins Abdel Adrian in his quest against Irenicus.


  1. ↑ BioWare (December 1998). Designed by James Ohlen. Baldur’s Gate. Black Isle Studios.
  2. ↑ Beamdog (March 2016). Designed by Philip Daigle, et al. Baldur’s Gate: Siege of Dragonspear. Beamdog.
  3. ↑ BioWare (September 2000). Designed by James Ohlen, Kevin Martens. Baldur’s Gate II: Shadows of Amn. Black Isle Studios.

  4. Beamdog (November 2013). Designed by Philip Daigle, et al. Baldur’s Gate II: Enhanced Edition. Beamdog.

Baldur’s Gate II: Enhanced Edition[]

The Enhanced Edition continues the romances that have been started in the first game. However, at this point there is no direct continuation for the romances started in Siege of Dragonspear, which leads to a mild disconnect between the romances in SoD and BG2:EE.

The additional romances introduce a same-sex option for protagonists of either gender and come with no racial restrictions. There are three options for female protagonists and two options for male protagonists.

Additional inter-character relationships

Hexxat flirts with a multitude of female companions, including Viconia and Aerie.

Additional romanceable companions in Baldur’s Gate II: Enhanced Edition
Companion Alignment Race Class Requirements
Dorn Il-Khan Neutral Evil Half-orc Blackguard Any gender; Any race
Hexxat Neutral Evil Vampire Thief Female; Any race
Neera Chaotic Neutral Half-elf Wild Mage Male; Any race
Rasaad yn Bashir Lawful Good Human Monk Female; Any race

Berserker / Druid

Thanks to Armor of Faith, Regeneration and Iron Skins, this is a strong tank who deals considerable physical damage and ultimately gets full access to Druid spells. This build is fun and easy to play.

What a Berserker / Druid Excels In:

  • Can use the Enrage class ability, which grants a status close to invincibility.
  • THAC0 +14 by level 13.
  • Access to high-level Druid spells, including game-changers like Armor of Faith, Iron Skins, Regeneration, Insect Plague, Creeping Doom and Globe of Blades.

Build Details:

  • Character must be Human.
  • Character must be of True Neutral alignment.
  • Must have at least 15 Strength, 17 Wisdom and 17 Charisma.
  • Dual class at Berserker level 13 for maximum benefits.
  • For weapons, use Clubs, Scimitars or Spears.


Imoen is a care-free, optimistic, cheerful and easy-going character. She seems happy to have escaped the boredom of Candlekeep and eager to discover the world beyond the city walls. Imoen will try to joke around with Gorion’s Ward and almost any other companions in the group and lighten their spirits in the hardest moments to come. She never picks up fights with any others, no matter how different they are.

Imoen is also unyieldingly faithful, extremely attached to Gorion’s Ward, to the extent that she thinks it’s her responsibility to safeguard the Ward and sees herself as the Ward’s guardian angel.

In Baldur’s Gate II: Shadows of Amn Imoen appears a bit worried and more mature, as she struggles with her newly-discovered Bhaalspawn heritage and the nightmares related to it. Nonetheless, she retains a great portion of her care-free attitude.


Early Life

Jaheira was born in the 14th century into a noble Tethyrian family aligned with King Alemander IV. She was still still a child during the Ten Black Days of Eleint on the eve of the Tethyrian Interregnum.

Jaheira was orphaned when her parents were killed by a mob of angry peasants. Fortunately, she was saved by one of the serving girls during the uprising, fleeing family’s castle with her to the Forest of Tethir. Soon after, they met an enclave of druids, that later accepted Jaheira into their community. She took on the role of a druid in service to the Oak Father Silvanus.

At some point Jaheira met Dermin Courtierdale, the man who introduced her to the Harpers and mentored her in the ways of their teachings. While with the Harpers, Jaheira met and fell in love with Khalid, a fellow half-elf who hailed from Calimshan. Despite the stark contrast in their characters, the two married in short time.

At some point Jaheira and her associates exposed the Calishite businessman Baron Ployer as a breeder of slaves, destroying his reputation within the realm.

Sword Coast Adventures

In the Year of the Banner, 1368 DR, Jaheira and Khalid were sent on behalf of the Harpers to investigate the iron crisis and the Nashkel mines. They stayed at the Friendly Arm Inn and awaited the arrival of their friend and fellow Harper, Gorion. Unfortunately, Gorion was slain as he tried to smuggle his adopted son Abdel Adrian out of Candlekeep to safety. Jaheira and Khalid welcome them and shared their plans to investigate the troubling goings-on that afflicted the Sword Coast.

After the Iron Crisis was put to a stop and the schemes of Sarevok Anchev were foiled, Jaheira and Khalid traveled to Boareskyr Bridge. They were tasked with investigating the growing Shining Crusade and its leader, the charismatic Caelar Argent. When the crusade invaded, Khalid led the nearby townsfolk into Bridgefort while the chaos left Jaheira stranded outside.

In order to get inside the fort, Jaheira sought an abandoned abandoned temple of Bhaal that had recently been repurposed by Cyricists. During her journey she picked up the warrior-skald Voghiln and reunited with her ally who was then regarded as the Hero of Baldur’s Gate.

Jaheira as she appeared in Idle Champions of the Forgotten Realms.

Time in Amn

Following the defeat of the Shining Crusade in the Year of the Gauntlet, 1369 DR, Abdel Adrian was framed for murder, briefly imprisoned in Baldur’s Gate, and discreetly released from holding. Jaheira and Khalid were quick to join up with them once again, alongside their friends Imoen, Minsc, and Dynaheir. Soon after they set out from Baldur’s Gate the adventurers became clouded by mist, and captured by a group of Shadow Thieves.

Jaheira woke up in a dungeon deep beneath the city of Athkatla in Amn. Some of her fellow companions were also imprisoned while others, such as Khalid, had already been killed. Their captor was the elven wizard from Suldanessellar who had fallen from their grace, Jon Irenicus.

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