


Hearthstone is a duchy or kingdom ruled by Grende Hearthstone of the House of Marten at the time of the third Gransys Dragon. Has an agreement or treaty of giving aid to countries attacked by the Dragon, which includes Gransys and Voldoa.


Meloire is a duchy or kingdom. The House of Biquard, descended from a cousin of Godking Leonart, is one of the noble houses of the region and described as a mesne lord in Meloire. Warriors of Meloire are regarded as being well skilled.


A duchy or kingdom, Liore, formed from a split of the Liogran Peninsula along roughly north–south lines with Liore in the west and Gransys to the east around 250 years before the coming of the third great dragon.


A duchy or kingdom, Voldoa is part of a reciprocal agreement or treaty to render aid to countries attacked by the Dragon. This treaty includes Gransys and Hearthstone.

Like Liore, Voldoa also borders Gransys to the west.


Gransys, a duchy or kingdom, and the setting of Dragon’s Dogma. Likely part of a relatively small island (around 3 miles across.), or peninsular created as a dukedom along with Liore around from a north–south split of the Liogran Peninsula, with Gransys forming the eastern part. Its capital is Gran Soren. Liore lies somewhere to the west of Gransys.

Gransys is ruled by Edmun Dragonsbane at the time of the coming of the Third Dragon; Edmun was Duke due to having been credited with the defeat of the Second Dragon. According to «Edmun’s Tale» Edmun became Duke on the death of the childless former Duke due to his own defeat of the dragon, however, Pawn testimony states that Edmun was crowned Duke on his triumphant return from slaying the Dragon, with no intermediate period mentioned.

Gransys covers the eastern part of a land mass — and is bounded by mountains to the west.  There are two forts guarding routes west through the mountains: The Shadow Fort to the southwest of Gran Soren and The Greatwall to the west. The climate varies from cold in the north, to fairly temperate in the south.

Lewes has heard that beyond the mountains, far to the north is a path that leads to the Mainland.

Gran Soren

Gran Soren is the capital of Gransys; a walled city divided into quarters by internal walls. An open Craftsman’s Quarter to the west, with gate house; a heavily built up Urban Quarter lies to the east, with a gate house; and the Noble Quarter, accessed through fortified gates from both the urban and craftsman’s quarters. The Duke’s Demesne is accessed via a guarded and fortified gate from the noble quarter and includes a central keep with dungeons, surrounded by gardens, and a separate turreted tower to the northeast rising in the sea bay and linked to the main castle by a high-level stone walkway. An Aqueduct runs through the urban quarter, with a sea outflow to the east; the aqueduct area is also the location of the Slums.

Gran Soren’s urban quarter was almost totally destroyed after the death of the third great dragon, when the Everfall opened up.  Most of the Venery and urban areas collapsed into the Everfall’s great pit.


Cassardis is a fishing village in the south east of Gransys, surrounded by a wall for protection.

Formerly autonomous. Became a protectorate under Gran Soren during the chiefdom of Adaro, at his bidding, for its greater safety.

Pawn Bestiary Knowledge

For full information, refer to the Bestiary page or the according section on the Cyclops page.

Specific techniques

Weak to Ice.

The Cyclops strategy scrolls will grant knowledge (and therefore Stars) for all members of the Cyclops family which includes the Gorecyclops.

In addition to witnessing these techniques, it is necessary for Pawns to participate in killing 50 Gorecyclopes either with their own Arisen or while travelling with others.

  • Gorecyclops and Prisoner Gorecyclops are considered as the same enemy type, thus share the same characteristics (knowledge, kill-count), in a similar way as Cyclops Vs Armored Cyclops.
  • Unlike normal Armored Cyclops, this enemy’s body armor cannot be torn off or rent asunder. However, the helmet can be removed by destroying the strap at the back of the neck.

Pawn Chatter

«Shall we leave it be? …Please?» 
«‘Tis enormous!»
«Perhaps we’d do well not to disturb it.»
«Is this giant, too, a prisoner here?»
«‘Tis hideous, even by a cyclops’s measure!»
«The giant has torn free of its bindings!»
«‘Tis too powerful!»
«It’s fallen! Now! Attack!»
«Their tusks are too short to cleave!»
«Cling to its leg — throw it off balance!» (faulty knowledge flag inherited from Cyclops Bestiary)
«Bleed its arm and it’ll drop its weapon!» (correct knowledge flag inherited from Cyclops Bestiary)
«Good! It’s lost its cudgel!» (Gorecyclops is disarmed)
«It makes to throw! Stand ready!» (Gorecyclops picks up a throwable object)
«A brilliant hit!» (when Gorecyclops is disarmed)
«Its armor is rent!» (Gorecyclops drops a piece of armor)


«This nimble warrior can both mount and attack foes, and use a bow to strike from afar.»

Striders are a highly dexterous vocation focused on swift and powerful melee strikes, along with close range arrow attacks. Their primary weapons are a pair of Daggers, supported by a Shortbow. For armor Striders generally wear Light Armor Sets, or similar non-set components — their armor requires a trade off between defense and mobility. Custom arm armor leaves one hand unrestricted for easy use of the bow.

Striders are uniquely fast climbers and are very well suited to attacking giant creatures directly. When climbing their stamina use is one third less of all other vocations, and they gain a damage boost when climbing certain giant foes. They can also hold their own on the front lines, relying on fast movement and dodges to evade enemy attacks. Their shortbows are best suited to arrow strikes at short distances, and lose power rapidly at distance.

Striders have balanced growth as they gain experience, with stamina development being notably high — suited for their energy sapping quick attacks. They lack magick and all their attacks are based around physical strength.

Additionally they have a variety of skills to trap, stun, and trick foes, and are the only vocation than can steal from other creatures.

The Universal model

The universe is made up of multiple worlds, each separate with their own stories and inhabitants. Connections between the worlds are made via The Everfall and the Rift. Only Pawns can travel between the worlds.

If fully opened, the Everfall (In early conceptions referred to as the Endless Tower.) forms a link between many parallel worlds. It is described as an endless shaft, which doubles back on itself «top to bottom».

The Rift is an otherworldly place accessible to pawns and Arisen; pawns can travel between multiple worlds there. Riftstones are gateways between individual worlds and the Rift. Magic items known as Portcrystals and Ferrystones allow instantaneous travel between distant locations.

The human inhabited world has a conventional Day and Night cycle derived from the motion of a sun, which is from east to west from sunrise to sunset. It is not known if the world of Gransys is flat, round or otherwise. There are multiple stars in the night sky but no moon at the time of the third dragon. However, there are multiple references to the moon in the world of Gransys, such as Moonsbit Pass, or The Bluemoon Tower.

The dying words of Dragons suggest that the Seneschal (God) resides «beyond the stars», this may or may not be figurative.

No reference is made in Gransys to times, dates or years either by number or name, nor are any clocks or sundials to be found — however church bells toll to indicate key times, such as noon.

The sun rises and sets slightly to the south of the east west meridian — suggesting that (if the world is round) that Gransys is somewhere in the northern hemisphere of its world — the fact that the climate becomes colder to the north also supports this.

Magic is based on Five Archmagicks, which are based upon five Elemental Attributes of fire, ice, lightning, holy and dark.  Elements are essential attributes of spells and magickal sigils. The runes associated with the archmagicks appear to hold some special power, and are often inscribed in the form of a cross — where the runic forms mimic the letters representing the compass points (N,S,E & W), with the holy rune at the center. This is found on magic shields such as the Blue Kite Shield and elsewhere, though the form is not universal.

Деревня «Cassardis»

Вашим новым заданием станет: «Harbinger of Destrustion». Причём новая часть сюжетной линии начнётся как обычно с заставки, в которой вы сможете наблюдать за тем, как пробуждается дракон и летит над водой. Сразу после заставки вам предстоит создать своего первого персонажа. И как только вы его создадите, на деревушку главного героя нападёт тот самый дракон, который ранее пробудился в заставке. Вы ж не думаете, что вам предстоит его прогонять? С ним предстоит сразиться, так что подойдите к нему сзади и несколько раз ударьте его по лапе мечом. За то, что молодой герой осмелился противостоять, дракон поедает его огненное сердце и сразу же улетает. И хотя дракон сожрал сердце главного героя, он не погибает, а наоборот – продолжает жить. Причём ещё и устанавливает какую-то загадочную и неизвестную связь с драконом.

После кражи сердца главный герой падает без сознания и начинается заставка. Пробуждается он уже дома, где и получает новое задание: «Newly Arisen». Взяв меч, самое время выбрать для себя класс, которых всего три: маг, ловкач и воин. После того, как определитесь со своей судьбой, берите зелёное растение в этой же комнате, в которой пробудились и выходите с домика, чтобы выслушать то, что вам скажет девушка и старик.

Перед тем, как вы отправитесь дальше, рекомендую сделать следующее: обойти все здания, собрать все лечебные растения, бутылки с зельями, еду и многие другие вещички. Не забывайте посетить берег, потому что в правой стороне находится локация под названием «Starfall Bay», в ущельях которой вы сможете найти два сундука с полезными вещами. И кстати, на крышах домов поселения, в котором вы находитесь, есть также сундуки, и это не говоря ещё о том, что сундуки даже стоят на склонах гор.

В любом случае, самое время отправиться к западному выходу из деревушки. Перед тем, как вы соберётесь пройти через ворота, к вам обратится помощник (он же «пешка») по имени Рок. Обратится к вам он не просто так, потому что позовёт вас вместе с собой в поход к соседней крепости под названием «Encampment». Поэтому так вы получаете задание: «Make for the Encampment». Так что сразу после разговора можете спокойно выходить через ворота и отправляться в указанное место.

Кстати, когда будете двигаться по дороге, тогда в лесу слева и справа на побережье по пути сможете обыскивать сундуки с предметами – не пропустите их

Но самое важное то, что рано или поздно вы встретите бродячего торговца по имени Рейнард. И у него будут неприятности, потому что на него нападут гоблины, поэтому я вам рекомендую его спасти, чтобы за его спасение получить неплохой плащ


The Dragonforged is found in a cave under a set of standing stones at Hillfigure Knoll, in the Northface Forest. He is accompanied at all times, and only by his faithful pawn The Fool, who has come to closely resemble him. Supposedly a man who faced a dragon long ago, he is the only man who knows how to read Dragonspeak.

The Dragonforged is an Arisen from long ago — he created the warrior drawing on Hillfigure Knoll to draw Arisen to him, and seeks to guide any Arisen who come to him. A headless spear and shield can be seen in his cave, and on the knoll itself can be found the Signs of Valor, former spearheads used as daggers — it seems that all these were once the Dragonforged’s weapons, and the drawing on the hill likely depicts himself.

An Arisen also, his arms are burnt black — likely the reason for his namesake of «Dragonforged» is that his hands and legs underwent the process.

There are very few who know of the existence of this man and none knows the truth of his identity. There is only one thing that they know for sure about this puzzling individual: he knows more than anyone else living about dragons.His name and his ties are unknown. Equally mysterious is how he came to possess his considerable familiarity with dragons. However he came about it, the breadth of his knowledge is undeniable. He knows things that no person on the earth should know.No one else can say if the things which he says are true. Some consider him to be nothing but a fabricator of myths and lies. Still he does seem to know something about dragons and so—since his connection with the terrible beasts was the only fact that anyone alive knew about him—he came to be known only as the Dragonforged.
The Dragonforged’s Tale.

Как поймать вора?

В Кассаридисе нужно выполнить квест, связанный с поимкой вора. Чтобы поймать вора, есть несколько вариантов:

  • Подождите его в таверне. Как только вор откроет дверь, то подбегите к нему и оглушите.
  • Можете попытаться поймать его в узком переулке, который уходит по направлению к церкви. Ждите вора за углом. Он будет возвращаться этой дорогой.
  • К слову, гоняться за ним совершенно необязательно. Можно атаковать, когда он будет пробегать мимо вас. Не стоит бояться: нанесите ему 1-2 удара, чтобы сбить с ног.
  • Страйдером можно выполнить быстрый выпад, чтобы атаковать врага. Так вы раните вора, но не убьёте.

Other places of note

The mainland

Inhabitants of Gransys refer to this larger main island or continent simply as The Mainland, which may be separate from the landmass on which Gransys is found, or may be the larger landmass onto which the Liogran Peninsula is attached. Thought to be of more importance than Gransys both in political and religious matters. At their formation the states of both Liore and Gransys were created as dukedoms answerable to the mainland. Both the Grand Cathedral and Great Library are on the mainland.


A city at the time of Savan, it was then subject to a dragon attack. Thought to not have been far from the Barta Crags.

It has speculated that Viete may be the city found destroyed beyond The Tainted Mountain Temple. However the fortress at the mountain top is said to have been built 100 years before Savan’s time and destroyed not long after when a Dragon took roost there. It is not known if the city seen around the Tainted Mountain Temple and the ruins of the fort at the Tainted Mountain’s peak are connected, or contemporary.

Dragon Island

The island on which the Arisen fought their final battle with the third Dragon. It is thought to be to the northwest of the main island. The route by which the third great dragon flew to the area of the final battle includes substantial passage over water.  Its exact location is unknown.


Lestania is the setting for Dragon’s Dogma Online — though separate from the world of Gransys it shares many common elements, including some creatures, writing systems, pawns, and Riftstones.


  • «… The Arisen needs know little, and needs do still less. There is but one mantra you need hear, in truth: Follow your instinct.»
  • «I considered any bond with another being as a seed of doom for the Arisen. I feared them for a weakness, and feared weakness above all… And so I cast all ties aside and rose against the dragon in solitude… To this end. Even now, I know not what I ought have done different. How I ought have faced my weakness… perhaps that doubt above all, explains why I fell short.»
  • «Edmun? Did you speak the name Edmun? Tis the name of the Arisen who came before you. I know not how he turned away the Dragon…I bade him follow his instinct, same as I have bidden you. That is all our kind can do, Arisen of the present day. Continue forth from that first step and never look back. Tis our duty, and our fate. Though my own path stopped short, leaving me to linger on, an unsightly revenant…»
  • «The hour is come, Arisen.  The door lies open.  Seek the temple atop the Tainted Mountain, beyond the Greatwall… At its pinnacle, in the shadow of the wyrm, keeper of the endless ring, you will make your choice. What you there become, only you can decide.»

On the Dragon

«The beast is called death incarnate, the greatest of evils… You will learn, when you come to face it, that the truth is not so simple. It possesses deep insight to match its cold and steady drive to destruction. And an air of resignation, perhaps, lies beneath its imposing rage.»

On the Arisen

«The arisen is a child of man. No more, no less. ‘Tis said the Arisen is born whene’er man takes his first true step toward a goal. When the spirit gives rise to action, a man becomes Arisen. Those, like us, whose paths lead to the dragon are known unto the beast as a matter of instinct. Just as it is our own instinct that guides us on.»

On himself

«I am he(him) who was forged in the dragon’s fire. I stand astride the bounds of life and death, remaining here that I may pass my knowledge on to the Arisen of each coming age. My battle as the Arisen has spanned a thousand years and yet it knows no end. Nor shall it, until the Arisen to follow me strikes the dragon dead.»

On the Arisens’s hearts

«Aye, ours are bodies marked by the wyrm, yours and mine. A scar across the chest, to stand as proof of the dragon’s claim over our hearts. I carved a scarred man into the face of this hill, that it might serve as a beacon to those who bear our mark. It beats yet, as does mine, there within the beast. A thousand years since it was stolen, and yet it beats… As long as the dragon lives, the hearts in its safekeeping know no death. Our kind may die in battle, aye, but neither age nor illness will ever claim us. We have stepped free of this mortal coil, Arisen.»

Pawn Chatter

Main shaft

«The world we knew is but a single leaf upon a vast tree…»
«‘Tis fearsome deep… Fit to pierce the very heart of the world.»
«‘Tis shaft is the axis along which all turns… ‘Tis the source.»
«We stand at the threshold to truth, and all beyond it…»
«We fall, and fall beyond…»
«We stand at the trunk of all the branching worlds. The very root…»


«Are we truly trapped here? Left to wander for all time…»
» ‘Tis the fate of all pawns who lose their masters.»
«What… What is this place?
«They wander still, bereaved.»
«This place feels like no other I’ve known… Stay vigilant, Arisen.»


After the defeat of The Dragon Gran Soren’s Urban Quarter is destroyed, and the Everfall opened out, creating a continuous tunnel drop to infinity; with the bottom of the chasm opening out onto the top, continually.

In its post-Dragon state the circular spiral path has been split, distorted and fragmented into separate ledges around the side of the chasm, which lead to a number of chambers containing various dangerous monsters. Initially all ledges will lead to the Chamber of Confusion, until the beast responsible for the distortion of space, an Evil Eye, is defeated.

Rare Loot

Chamber of Inspiration ledge, lit by Magickal Gleam

For a sortable list of rare items found in each chamber, see List of Everfall Loot.

Post-Dragon Everfall monsters will drop Wakestone Shards and Wakestones, with bosses dropping at least two Wakestones. The possession of a set of Dragon’s Tears (Drake’s Tear, Wyvern’s Tear, and Wyrm’s Tear) increases the amount of victory loot obtained in the Everfall post-Dragon.

Almost all chests within the Everfall’s chambers can contain rare equipment, generally of the best quality outside Bitterblack Isle, and better than anything that can be found in Gransys. The chances of obtaining the rare pieces is low (between 7% and 2%). Specific pieces of equipment are found in specific chests in specific chambers.

There are a number of full armor sets that require many, many visits to the Everfall’s chambers to collect in full. The sets include Crimson Armor Set, Golden Lion Set, Grisly Armor Set, Royal Surcoat Set, and Twilight Armor Set. Some pieces (but not all) of these sets can also be found in Bitterblack Isle.

In addition, there are three Pawns turned peddler : Joye, in the Chamber of Remorse; Delec, in the Chamber of Estrangement; and Akim near the Pawn Guild entrance. Each offers some of the same high level equipment for purchase.

Some Weapon Piles in the chamber may rarely give some of the highest quality equipment, including Cyclops Sigil, Chilling Razors, or Meloirean Greaves.


This list of chambers is ordered from top to bottom in the Everfall shaft, starting from the entrance to the Everfall via the Pawn Guild.
Floor Chamber Main foe Notes View

Exit to Pawn Guild

The pawns Quince and Akim are here
2 Chamber of Anxiety Wight
3 Chamber of Absence mobs
4 Chamber of Hesitation Archydra
5 Chamber of Apprehension Gorechimera and two Wightsortwo Cockatrice
6 Chamber of Remorse Cyclops and Golem The peddler Joye is here
7 Chamber of Tragedy mobs
8 Chamber of Lament Ur-Dragon
9 Chamber of Fate Gorechimera, Chimera, and LichorDrake
10 Chamber of Distress Wyrm
11 Chamber of Estrangement Golem, Cyclops, and OgreorMetal Golem and Lich The peddler Delec is here
12 Chamber of Woe Lich
13 Chamber of Sorrow Evil Eye
14 Chamber of Resolution Cockatrice
15 Chamber of Inspiration mobs
16 Chamber of Hope Gorechimera

Как изменить внешность?

Во время прохождения игры вы получите несколько возможностей для изменения внешности персонажа. Отправляйтесь в столицу «Гран Сорен» и отыщите там парикмахерскую, в которой можно будет изменить внешность героя в умеренных рамках — причёска, макияж, усы и т. д. Если вы хотите изменить внешность персонажа глобально, то придётся использовать предмет под названием Art of Metamorphosis (Искусство метаморфоза). Используется он один раз за всю игру!

С другой стороны, после прохождения основной сюжетной кампании у вас появится предмет Secret of Metamorphosis (Секрет метаморфоза). Точнее, появится возможность использования этого предмета, который нужно будет купить и Джонатана на локации «Лагерь» (The Encampment).

Languages and Writing

People in Gransys speak a similar language to those ‘beyond the rift’ who play the game.. It seems that the peoples of Gransys, Liore, Hearthstone, and Voldoa all share a common language they can communicate with, though each has a distinctive accent.

Writing is not uncommon in Gransys and elsewhere, as attested by various scroll carrying scribes that are often seen, especially in Gran Soren. Further it seems that the use of a written language dates back a considerable time, as attested by such items as the Ancient Slate, or the Altar Slates. There are also places of learning — the center of which may be the Great Library in Auldring.

People in Gransys use the ‘Gransys Alphabet’, and literacy is common enough for it to be worthwhile to add text to shop signs. The widespread use of Books, scrolls and letters suggest literacy is common, if not universal.

There is also an set of alphabetical runes associated with spellcasting — it appears on the casting sigils, such as that used by Magick Archers. This alphabet has been decoded from writings found in Lestania.

There appears to be inscriptions on Riftstones, but this is a different script to the common one of Gransys. Possibly this same ancient script occurs on some artifacts described as ancient — i.e. the Hero’s Surcoat, and Ancient Robe — it may be that this script has some relation to the Wyrmspeak.


In Gransys Wyrmspeak is considered the language of Dragons — it is an ancient language, and understanding of it is mostly lost.

It may be that this language was once the native language of Gransys many years ago, as it seems that only those whose memory stretches back many hundreds of years can understand this language. The Dragonforged understands it. The Ancient Slate, Ancient Tablet, and possibly the Hero’s Surcoat and Ancient Robe may contain writings in Wyrmspeak.

(In-game Wyrmspeak is represented by an unknown language when spoken by Dragons.)

Dialect and Unique Words

Gransys residents speak an archaic form of english, with terms such as Aught,Thou, and Tis used in place of modern synonyms («Something», «You», «It’s»). Additionally there are somewords that seem unique to Gransys, including Southron (for ‘Southern’) as in Southron Oregano or Southron Iron, and Westron (for ‘Western’) as in Westron Labrys Bandits.

A few things are unclear in meaning in comparison to the world outside Gransys: for example Harspud (as in Harspud Milk) appears to be some sort of root vegetable, but it is unclear whether this is synonymous for a potato, or something else.

Additionally many of the names of regions in Gransys have no clear parallel in the outside world, and lack an obvious etymology eg «Vestad», «Verda», «Deos», «Cobal», «Manamia», as well as the names of several of the wider region’s countries.

Early conceptual versions of the world

Access to the ‘Everfall’ from Lunar Altar (from Dragon’s Dogma Design Works, p.298)

Initial conceptualisations of the world of Gransys and the Arisen’s tale differed from the final version. Notable differences in the early version include:

  • The rest of the world beyond the mountains to the west was accessible eventually.
  • The moon had stopped its motion in the sky, causing the tides to cease.
  • The Dragon was fought on a island
    • The island was accessed via a tunnel via ruins in the west of the Island. A ‘Dragon’s Quest’ was needed to enter the ruins — this was found at the location of the Bluemoon Tower in the final version.
    • After defeat of the Dragon the moon starts to move in the sky.
    • The Lunar Altar (at the high peak in the mid of Gransys) becomes accessible after the defeat of the Dragon.
  • The Moon was accessible and may have had a similar use to the Rift — it also allowed access to the ‘Endless Tower’ (Everfall).
  • The Watergod’s Altar was located off the coast of Cassardis — a tunnel from there led to an Elven enclave (roughly beyond the witchwood to the south east) — Elfs, though rare, were also present in the world.
  • A glider, using feathers, allowed travel from a high point (the Lunar Altar), including to islands off the coast
  • Mixed species pawns (including non-human/human hybrids), and «pets» (animals etc) as ‘pawns’.
  • «Enhancing» done at a Dwarfen village.
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