


Stove Face’s respective «Arrow Rain» Splash Attack and «Knife» Magic Projectile and Air Projectile make him a member of the fan nicknamed «Arrow Rainers». Bland and common characters that show off nothing special at all. These are considered to be the gold standard for Castle Crashers, as they are painfully below average and are not unique, unlike the characters below them. These are the aforementioned Stove Face, Thief, Peasant, Civilian, and Open-Faced Gray Knight.

Castle Crashers

Mediocre character in Castle Crashers. Struggles in difficult levels like Desert and Full Moon. To make the best of Stove Face, it is advised to use a high Strength weapon or a high Magic weapon that does not reduce Strength. Attribute to Magic for the Elemental Infusion first, or attribute to Agility first. The top 5 Animal Orbs in Snoot, Burly Bear, Hawkster, Piggy, and BiPolar Bear will suffice.

The gold standard of Arena. The Splash Attack is not reliable for hitting opponents or for resets.


Blue Knight

Once Blue Knight has you in a reset, you’re done. Be sure to move around a lot to counter act his tools. Difficult match-up.


Restrict Saracen’s options, to several 50/50s. but counter with a Shield bash. Watch out for his Magic Projectile because it is unblockable.

Pink Knight

Splash Attack has long range and comes out quickly. Air Projectile and Magic Projectile can Critical Strike and can be converted to a reset.


Restrict Necromancer’s options to a 50/50. Watch out for his Magic Projectile and Air Projectile because they are the fastest in the game.




Damage/Hit: Base Magic Damage x 2.0 + Fire DoT Effect

Use / to perform. Fires a wide, orange, continuous ball of energy with his ray gun. Can hit multiple enemies if bunched together. Can be fired three times as often as other Splash Attacks while on the ground. Causes Fire Damage over Time. The explosion effect can, and will, launch enemies incredible distances, or so high that they’ll take fall damage, regardless of their weight group.

«Laser Gun»


Damage: Base Magic Damage x 2/3

Use / to perform. Fires a small yellow ball of energy with his ray gun.

«Laser Gun»


Damage: Base Magic Damage x 2/3

Use , /, to perform. Fires a small yellow ball of energy with his ray gun. This Air Projectile differs from all others because there is no knockback from it, which makes implementing the attack into a juggle awkward, and sometimes impossible.

An advanced use of Juggling, named Spellweaving, can use this Air Projectile for flashy techniques.

«Flame Engulfment»

Element: Fire

Damage: Base Magic Damage + Fire DoT

Use / to perform. Engulfs the enemy in flames with a smack of damage over time. Combined with the large amount of enemies with Fire weaknesses, this is a powerful attack.

«Tractor Beam»


Damage: Base Magic Damage

Use / to perform. Alien utilizes its nearby titular Tractor Beam as a Magic Jump. Very bright and flashy.

Magical Attacks

The Brute, the Barbarian and the Stove Face are three non-elemental characters

Magic as shown in the Magic section of How to Play.

Magic is used to perform non-standard attacks. Elemental magics are specialized and more useful on some targets than others. Non-Elemental magic is general-purpose and will be equally effective on almost every type of enemy. The combos are listed below.

Note: Since your character will always have 1 Skill Point filled for Magic, the Skill Point or Magic Level requirement for the other combos will be listed normally plus the actual cost in game.

Splash Attack

To Perform: + / +/ /

Effect: The Splash Attack deals damage to multiple enemies. As the Magic attribute gets upgraded, more damage and range can be attained (Extra segment every 5 Magic Skill Points). Opponents can’t block most splash attacks with their shields.

Magic Level Requirement: 1 Skill Point (Unlocked by default)

Magic Projectile

To Perform: + / +/

Effect: Magic attack that focuses on a single enemy, but has higher damage than the Splash Attack. Its damage increases with the character’s Magic level. This attack can be blocked by shields. Can also be used in the air, with some kickback.

Magic Level Requirement: 5 Skill Points (Actual amount of Skill Points into Magic needed: 4 Skill Points)

Air Projectile

To Perform: ++ / ++/

Effect: A basic mid-air magical attack with a slanted angle of 45° (22 characters total have this trait) or 60° (5 characters total have this trait) with 4 exceptions. Damage increases with Magic level.

Magic Level Requirement: 10 Skill Points (Actual amount of Skill Points into Magic needed: 9 Skill Points)

Elemental Infusion

To Perform: / / /

Effect: Melee attack imbued with the power of your character’s element. Damage is determined by the character’s Strength and Magic levels.

Magic Level Requirement: 15 Skill Points (Actual amount of Skill Points into Magic needed: 14 Skill Points)

Elemental Infusion (Level 2)

To Perform: / /

Effect: Elemental Infusion with an extra attack at the end, good for killing bosses.

Magic Level Requirement: 15 Skill Points (Actual amount of Skill Points into Magic needed: 14 Skill Points)

Character Level Requirement: 50

Magic Jump

To Perform: + / +/

Effect: Lets you perform a magic-assisted jump, allowing you to jump higher and damage any enemies standing under you.

Magic Level Requirement: 20 Skill Points (Actual amount of Skill Points into Magic needed: 19 Skill Points)


  • Hawkster can pick up multiple fruit from a single enemy if the game thinks they are «on the ground» for longer than usual, and the player picks up the fruit so Hawkster can generate more food. The most common example of this happening is when an enemy jumps or rolls off of the ground after they reach 0 HP, allowing Hawkster to generate multiple pieces of fruit before the enemy drops dead on the ground.
  • Piggy synergizes well with Hawkster, as the owner of Piggy can consistently gain 20% of their health back from the guaranteed fruit drops that Hawkster generates.
  • Hawkster’s Peck has a chance to do critical/elemental effects if the pet owner is holding a Weapon that has the ability to do so.
  • Hawkster will pursue Imps after they’ve been knocked down once until the Imp despawns or is killed.

поиск неисправностей

  • Они необходимы реликвии и / или инструменты для уровень прыжка ?Нет, они тебе не нужны уровень прыжка . Однако я предлагаю использовать оператор что вы получили все реликвии y инструменты .
  • Они нужны Последователи остаться в живых и дойти до конца уровней сообщений de control ?Нет, Последователи не нужно дойти до конца уровней пунктов de control . Пройдите уровень, оставив в живых хотя бы одного игрока (возможно, оператор) достаточно, игра запишет уровень как «просроченный» для всей группы. Однако существуют исключения, если вы хотите получить серебряный / золотой череп или разблокировать дополнительных персонажей, вы можете прочитать раздел Череп / разблокировка персонажа и вход Некромант в разделе ДОПОЛНИТЕЛЬНО: Список всех персонажей Para obtener más información.
  • Какой уровень опыта следует Последователи за пропуск уровней кампании?Для Последователи , вы можете дойти до конца игры, оставив своего персонажа на уровне 1. Однако оператор сильный (уровень 50+) сделает все намного проще и быстрее.
  • Работает ли процедура с локальной игрой?Да, вы можете прыгать по уровням в локальной игре. Используя клавиатуру и три контроллера, вы можете максимизировать количество разблокируемых персонажей для каждой завершенной кампании (то есть 3 новых персонажа на кампанию).
  • я бил Final Boss но я не получил серебряный / золотой череп и не разблокировал дополнительных персонажей.Возможно, вы не соответствовали дополнительным требованиям к нему. С дополнительными требованиями вы можете ознакомиться в разделе Череп / разблокировка персонажа этого руководства.
  • Я преодолел Промышленный замок но я не разблокировал Некромант .Судя по опыту многих пользователей, игрок должен быть жив до того, как ударит последний босс. Во всяком случае, лично я не проверял, потому что разблокировал Некромант регулярно играя в режиме кампании.
  • Какого персонажа лучше всего использовать в качестве оператор?Каждый персонаж можно использовать как операторпри условии, что оператор разблокировать все уровни на карте. Если бы я предложил персонажа, я бы сказал: Красный рыцарьпромышленностьфехтовальщиксиний рыцарь. Первые три символа обладают хорошей магической силой для «control масс », синий рыцарь также это хорошо, но потеря магической силы при использовании еще хуже. Кроме того, имейте оператор сильный (уровень 50+) должен упростить и ускорить процесс.
  • Любые другие предложения?В разделе БОНУС: Как я пропустил уровни кампании , Я описал свой личный опыт работы с пропуск уровней , включая несколько дополнительных советов.

Story Line

Castle Crashers’ story is based on the adventures of one-to-four knights as they attempt to chase down the Evil Wizard and his army after they steal a large magic crystal and four princesses from the palace. Each of the four princesses are held captive by different villains. The first is held by the Barbarians, another is held by a strange, rich Industrialist in purple clothing, although he loses the princess when he is chased down by the knights and the Evil Wizard has to take the princess back. The third princess is given to a cyclops, and the last princess is given to an ice wizard who keeps her in his ice castle in a far away «Snow World».

The knights, at times assisted by the King and his own troops, make their way through several different environments and are able to rescue the kidnapped princesses one by one. Along the way, they are antagonized by a Necromancer knight working for the Evil Wizard, who summons undead Skeletons to hinder their progress, and also revives the Cyclops after he is defeated. After defeating the Evil Wizard’s forces and rescuing three of the four princesses they finally reach the Evil Wizard’s castle, where he holds the final princess. Inside, the knights must defeat a strange purple painter with a lunchbox for a head who uses his paintings as a weapon, the undead Cyclops and his sidekick, the Necromancer, who summons one of every enemy in the game to swarm the knights at once, and finally the Evil Wizard himself, who fights in several forms. The knights ride home on the magic crystal carrying the final princess for a celebration with several other characters from the game. However, when attempting to kiss the final princess, it is revealed that she is actually Tricky the Clown from the Newgrounds animation «xkittyfroggymeowmeow» (Viewer Discretion Advised)


«King’s Healing»


Max Hits: 1 for each player.

Damage/Hit: Base Magic Damage x -0.25

Use / to perform. Magical cloud shaped balls surround the King from the back as they heal him and the party. The party members must be near the King to receive healing. It is not recommended to heal while attacking a large group of enemies. You’ll get hit and lose more health than you gain every time.

«Golden Knife»


Damage: Base Magic Damage

Use / to perform. Throws a golden knife.

«Golden Knife»


Damage: Base Magic Damage

Use , / , to perform. Throws a golden knife.

An advanced use of Juggling, named Spellweaving, can use this Air Projectile for flashy techniques.

«Armor Pierce»


Damage: Base Magic Damage^2 + Base Melee Damage^2

Use / to perform. This attack pierces armor, and it deals two times normal damage. That means it deals as much damage to a Barbarian or Thief on Normal Mode as it does to a Stove Face or Cult Minion on Insane Mode.

«Kingley Jump»


Damage: Base Magic Damage

Use / to perform. A puffy white cloud appears under the King as he jumps.

List of Bosses and their Locations

  • Barbarian Boss — Barbarian Boss
  • Troll Mother — Thieves’ Forest, Marsh (counted as an enemy instead)
  • Catfish — Catfish
  • Pipistrello — Pipistrello’s Cave
  • Conehead Groom — Wedding Crash
  • Giant Troll — Parade
  • Cyclops — Cyclops’ Fortress
  • Industrial Machine — Industrial Castle
  • Dragon and Sock Puppet — Lava World
  • Corn Boss — Corn Boss
  • Medusa — Medusa’s Lair
  • Frost King — Ice Castle
  • Painter — Wizard Castle Interior (Only boss to drop Food when killed, as well as the only boss to drop Health Potions, but only on Insane Mode)
  • Undead Cyclops — Wizard Castle Interior
  • Necromancer — Wizard Castle Interior
  • Evil Wizard — Final Battle



Fire Demon is an incredible character with high unmatched capabilities, barring the other characters presumably having more comfortable, desirable capabilities, such as crowd control, crowd clearing, juggling, etc. Fire Demon has a fantastic movepool due to his options that makes him overall, the 2nd best boss slayer in the game. Typically, a Fire Demon player tends to capitalize Magic at some point in time, due to how incredibly potent it is in said certain roles. After the hurdles of stat attributing subside, Fire Demon becomes an absolute killing machine that faces little to no problems in the game. The deal breaker of Orange Knight’s fantastic Unlock Path.

Castle Crashers

To take advantage of Fire Demon’s Magic, one must decide to commit to Magic to maximize the damage output or potential that Fire Demon has in Castle Crashers. Fire Demon is an easy character to pick up and learn. His game plan is rivaled only by Orange Knight, another fantastic character.


Fire Demon is one of the best characters in Arena. Fire Demon’s Splasb Attack is very quick, leading to decent resets.


Blue Knight

Once Blue Knight has you in a reset, you’re done. Be sure to move around a lot to counter act his tools. Difficult match-up.


Restrict Saracen’s options, to several 50/50s. but counter with a Shield bash. Watch out for his Magic Projectile because it is unblockable.

Pink Knight

Splash Attack has long range and comes out quickly. Air Projectile and Magic Projectile can Critical Strike and can be converted to a reset.


Restrict Necromancer’s options to a 50/50. Watch out for his Magic Projectile and Air Projectile because they are the fastest in the game.



Alien is one of the worst characters in the game. A downside of using Alien is its lack of adaptability as Alien can not switch out its Alien Gun for anything else. In addition, despite its potent spamming potential, the «Comet» Splash Attack is notably weak in large crowds of enemies, despite having the potential to knock back several enemies.This is most notably seen in the Troll Mother fight in Thieves’ Forest and Marsh, and the Necromancer fight in Wizard Castle Interior, respectively.

Castle Crashers

Alien can be stat attributed to Strength first. Has an easy time with the levels besides Desert and Full Moon. Animal Orb selection does make a bit of difference. The top 5 Animal Orbs in Snoot, Burly Bear, Hawkster, Piggy, and BiPolar Bear will suffice.


One of the weakest characters in Arena. Alien can’t knockback other players using the «Comet» Splash Attack.


Blue Knight

Once Blue Knight has you in a reset, you’re done. Be sure to move around a lot to counter act his tools. Difficult match-up.


Restrict Saracen’s options, to several 50/50s. but counter with a Shield bash. Watch out for his Magic Projectile because it is unblockable.

Pink Knight

Splash Attack has long range and comes out quickly. Air Projectile and Magic Projectile can Critical Strike and can be converted to a reset.


Restrict Necromancer’s options to a 50/50. Watch out for his Magic Projectile and Air Projectile because they are the fastest in the game.


«Arrow Rain»


Max Hits: 1 per upgrade level (max 7)

Damage/Hit: Base Magic Damage x 0.5

Use / to perform. Arrows rain down from the sky in front of the character in groups of three. Each upgrade adds another set of three arrows, but each set of arrows can only hit the same enemy once per set. Knocks enemies over and can’t be blocked. A total of 8 characters (including Thief) share the same exact Splash Attack.



Damage: Base Magic Damage

Use / to perform. A spinning knife used as a Magic Projectile.



Damage: Base Magic Damage

Use , / , to perform. A spinning knife used as an Air Projectile.

An advanced use of Juggling, named Spellweaving, can use this Air Projectile for flashy techniques.

«Armor Pierce»


Damage: Base Magic Damage^2 + Base Melee Damage^2

Use / to perform. This attack pierces armor, and it deals two times normal damage. That means it deals as much damage to a Barbarian or Thief on Normal Mode as it does to a Stove Face or Brute on Insane Mode.

«Dust Jump»


Damage: Base Magic Damage

Use / to perform. Leaps up with a dust effect with a metal impact-like sound that damages overlapped enemies.

The «10x Rule»

Most enemies’ health on Insane Mode is multiplied by ten; enemies with 50 health normally will have 500, enemies with 350 will have 3500, etc. On top of that, most enemies’ damage is multiplied by ten (enemies that deal 4 damage normally will deal 40, enemies that deal 35 normally will deal 350, etc.).

There are multiple exceptions to this rule however. Some examples are: Painter having 5x health and his paintings having 3x health and doing 5x damage, Corn Boss having 5x health, certain enemies doing half damage (Ex: All enemies in the Necromancer Fight), etc. See this page for more details.

While the «x10 Rule» seems like a huge obstacle to success, with ten times more health per enemy, you also get ten times more XP per enemy because you have to hit them ten times more to kill them. By never adding to Strength, you can level between 5~6 times faster than a player with more Strength, and a great place to grind XP is the Troll Mother, which is reached very early in the campaign. By farming the Troll Mother on Insane Mode, you can get to level 99 in less than two hours; you just have to never upgrade Strength. For most players, this is the preferred XP grinding spot with all characters. The most efficient XP grinding spot is repeating the first wave of Snow World, and juggling all of the enemies at once against the ice tower on the right, generating a surplus amount of extra, low-damage hits. Though in order to use the Snow World method effectively, you must have minimal to no strength, and an extra controller along with a character who already has Snow World unlocked in Insane Mode so you can bring the character you wish to level up to Snow World early.

The Evil Wizard in his final phase deals 150 damage to himself every time he hits himself with his own fire meteors. Easily killing himself in the process when you utilize the mediumweight juggle.

If your main character is the Fencer or Industrialist, then you can spam Splash Attacks on Catfish or Painter, and by doing this, players with limited juggling skill can level up semi-quickly. For the Catfish method, it is optimal to not have the cannonball stun the Catfish, so you can get the most hits on the boss before he dies.

Игра Castle Crashers

Мы предлагаем вам обязательно Castle Crashers скачать через торрент на нашем портале. Здесь вам предлагается попробовать себя в роли благородного рыцаря без страха и упрека, чьей первостепенной задачей является спасение принцесс из лап разнообразных монстров и злодеев. Эта игрушка крайне динамичная и подвижная, и в ней вам предстоит невероятно много двигаться и сражаться. Вы призваны спасать самых разных принцесс, независимо от их внешности и характера, несмотря на трудности общения с ними и незавидность их судеб. Ведь на то вы и рыцарь. А самое главное для вас – это не устать раньше времени. Для освобождения красавиц и сражений с разнообразными гоблинами можно использовать обширный арсенал оружия, предлагаемый в игре, а также магические способности. С помощью этого вооружения и волшебных заклинаний различной степени воздействия вы сможете брать штурмом укрепленные замки и разносить на мелкие частички толпы противников, которые осмелятся вам противостоять. В игре вам предлагается более двадцати персонажей, которые будут открываться по мере прохождения вами игры. Например, за каждую арену, пройденную в одиночном режиме, вам будет открываться один персонаж. Чтобы узнать, что это за персонажи, и чем они могут вам помочь, нужно Castle Crashers скачать торрент. Также вам не помешают более сорока видов оружия разного калибра и степени нанесения урона и присущие только вам различные приемы и магические атаки. В игре вы можете выбрать себе одного из четырех рыцарей, отличающихся цветом доспехов. И каждый из них обладает четырьмя основными характеристиками: силой, магией, защитой и ловкостью. Эти характеристики можно развивать и прокачивать от уровня к уровню. Для более эффективного уничтожения врагов можно использовать продвинутую систему комбинаций и магии, а по мере развития вашего героя будет предоставляться доступ к новым видам атак. Также вы будете встречать очаровательных зверюшек, которые будут присоединяться к вам и помогать побеждать противников. Не пренебрегайте помощью этих пушистиков. В общем, чтобы развеяться и весело провести часок-другой свободного времени, вам достаточно скачать Castle Crashers через торрент по указанной ссылке. Этот прекрасный двухмерный платформер был выпущен студией-разработчиком The Behemoth, работавшей над таким игровым бестселлером, как «Alien Hominid».

Особенности Castle Crashers

Теперь давайте рассмотрим особенности этого компьютерного проекта:• Режим выживания. Это режим полного безумия, когда вам нужно будет противостоять бесконечному потоку монстров и гоблинов.• Мультиплеер. Если вам скучно играть одному, подключайте своих друзей и знакомых и сыграйте с ними в кооперативном режиме на четверых человек. Можно также принять участие и в сетевых сражениях, рассчитанных на восьмерых пользователей.• Разноцветные герои с особенными способностями. В зависимости от цвета вашего героя он обладает определенным видом оружия (луком, мечом, булавой и др.), а также особыми магическими способностями. Синий рыцарь может замораживать всех и вся, оранжевый обладает силой огня, красный рыцарь имеет возможность ослеплять, а зеленый использовать сильнейший яд.• Множество неигровых персонажей, которые будут вам очень полезны на различных уровнях игры. Открываться они будут по мере прохождения и выполнения вами основных заданий.• Потрясающая вручную прорисованная графика, придающая игре особый колорит. Хоть она и имеет двухмерное изображение, но благодаря качеству графики это никак не сказывается на положительном восприятии игры.

Об игре

  • Год выпуска: 2012
  • Жанр: Аркады / Платформеры
  • Разработчик: The Behemoth
  • Язык интерфейса: Русский, Английский
  • Язык озвучки: Русский, Английский
  • Таблетка (Кряк): Вшита MEX
  • Платформа: на РС

Информация о торренте

  • Ничего не вырезано, не перекодировано;
  • Игра обновлена до поледней версии;
  • Простая и быстрая установка.
  • Тип издания: RePack;
  • Версия игры: v1.1.17.

Beefy Skeletons Fight

Now there isn’t really much to talk about this fight on Normal Mode, aside from the expected damage output that the Skeletons do, but on Insane Mode this fight is challenging and is one of the most hardest parts of the game. Beefy Skeletons can kill you in 3-4 hits, most of the devastating attacks come from a deadly combo of punching and throwing, doing a good 600+ damage per combo.

There are many ways to go about this fight:

1. Play aggressively towards killing the first, quick lead Beefy Skeleton. This will lead to the other Beefy Skeletons turning into assist and support characters. You can do this by using the Beefy Juggle.2. Splash Attack spam efficiently.3. Use Health Potions sparingly. It may seen like you’re nearing death after getting hit twice by a Beefy Skeleton, but you should really only heal when you see your character get pulled from out of the air by a Beefy Skeleton.4. Arrow spam. This is a slower method involving the exploitation of the Beefys getting stuck on a wall. You really have to only look out for 2 things: the lead Beefy Skeleton coming towards you and the assist and support regular Skeletons using their , , , and .5. Play aggressively towards killing all 4 Beefy Skeletons. You die fast, you kill them faster in return.

Trivia (General)

  • The Barbarian Champion is currently the only boss with a gameplay teaser due to his charting, background and poses being the most presentable.
  • The Cyclops and Groom will alternate between 2 independent sprite sheets depending on who is singing, similarly to the parents as seen in Week 5.
  • The red music notes appearing next to the Groom while he sings are reimplemented from Castle Crashers, specifically from when he is pursuing the player in his undead form.
  • Different guest composers have been brought on to create the song for each boss. YingYang (known for Hex), will do Painter, RetroSpecter will do Necromancer, so on and so forth.
  • The songs Bashing Drums and Smudgy have sampled from the original themes of their respective bosses, the Barbarian Boss and Painter.
  • When fought in Castle Crashers, the bosses included in the mod are the ones that reward Boss Chests, aside from the Necromancer who drops his sword instead and a fake chest that spawns prior to a surprise second half of the Evil Wizard fight.
  • The bosses for the mod were selected due to their major story significance within Castle Crashers. The Barbarian Boss, Cyclops, Ice King, and Evil Wizard are the bosses from which the princesses are rescued. Likewise, the Painter and Necromancer are endgame bosses encountered within the Evil Wizard’s fortress, in addition to a rematch with the undead Cyclops and Groom.
  • Boyfriend and Girlfriend will be given appearances that better fit the mod’s atmosphere in the final release.
  • A full week mod for Necromancer by Phantom Fear (creator of Corruption) is being produced with assistance from the original composer of his theme, which is unrelated to Boss Rush’s own incarnation of Necromancer.
  • Since development of the mod is currently on hold, the Barbarian Champion will be released early when time allows.
  • The Painter’s mic has a scribble effect referencing the enemies he draws during his boss fight
  • As of now, this mod has been cancelled, though its most likely an indefinite haitus.
  • Despite Banbuds dubbing him as the «Ice King», his real name appears to be the «Frost King», according to the Castle Crashers Wiki.
  • Bashing Drums’ chart has a few missing notes for Barbarian and Boyfriend respectively, due to it being cancelled and also a work in progress.
  • The barbarian crowd cheers when you miss a note, making it block your view of the chart and possibly making you fail the entire song if you don’t pay close attention to the chart.
  • Barbarian Champion’s notes are spliced into different assets, similar to how Phase 3 Tricky’s sprites are. This may be due to the size of the character.
  • The Painter and the Ice King weren’t actually going to be animated by Banbuds, as the Painter would be animated by Mr. M0isty and the Ice King would be animated by SugarRatio
  • On the 29th of June, Banbuds posted a link to a google drive folder holding all of the finished assets for the Castle Crashers mod. All characters have individual folders. Clip Studio Paint files can be found inside the Ice King and Evil Wizard’s folders holding all sprites for the Ice King and Evil Wizard. The Evil Wizard’s unedited and edited vocals can also be found but they are outside of his folder for seemingly no reason.

Персонажи серии

Их можно разблокировать, пройдя игру определенными персонажами.

Изображение Имя Как разблокировать
Королевская гвардия Завершите режим кампании с помощью Зеленый рыцарь .
Сарацин Завершите режим кампании с помощью Королевская гвардия .
скелет Завершите режим кампании с помощью Красный рыцарь .
нести Завершите режим кампании с помощью скелет .
Промышленное применение Завершите режим кампании с помощью синий рыцарь .
Фехтовальщик Завершите режим кампании с помощью промышленность .
Огненный демон Завершите режим кампании с помощью Оранжевый рыцарь .
Ниндзя Завершите режим кампании с помощью Огненный демон .
Лицо печи Завершите режим кампании с помощью Серый рыцарь .
Пчеловод-убийца Завершите режим кампании с помощью Bдревесный .
змея Завершите режим кампании с помощью вор .
Гражданский Завершите режим кампании с помощью Фермер .
скотина Завершите режим кампании с помощью Ическимо .

Это список всех серий:

  • Зеленый рыцарь Королевская гвардия Сарацин
  • Красный Рыцарь Скелет Медведь
  • Синий рыцарь промышленник фехтовальщик
  • Оранжевый рыцарь Огненный демон Ниндзя
  • Серый рыцарь Печное лицо
  • Варвар Пчеловод-убийца
  • Вор Змея
  • Крестьянин Гражданский
  • Ическимо Брут
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