Barotrauma → решение проблем
The Reputation (RP) system affects how Outposts and Factions relate to the crew. High RP can allow for discounts for supplies or unlock special Events and its outcomes, while low RP may turn Outposts hostile towards the players. RP has no influence over the price of Shipyard’s subs and hiring crewmates from Crew Management.
Each Outpost has a randomized initial RP, ranging from -10 RP to 10 RP, while all Factions have their unique fixed initial RP. There are many ways to boost or diminish the RP of each Outpost and Faction, as straightforward as completing assigned Missions or simply being violent towards the residents in the area and making the wrong decisions during some Outpost Events.
Items inside any Outpost containers are marked with a red hand symbol, indicating they’re the properties of the Outpost dwellers; therefore grabbing hold of them is considered theft, decreasing the Outpost’s RP by 1, unless the culprit manages to snatch the items outside people’s line of sight. As of v0.10.5.0, using the fire extinguisher of an Outpost is no longer considered theft when there’s a fire nearby.
An Outpost’s RP can reach the highest at 100, and the lowest at -100. However, at -81 RP and beyond, every single individual in the Outpost will become more than just verbally hostile. Those without a weapon will flee from the sight of the threat (the player), and those who are armed, mainly the security guards, will actively hunt down and attack every crew member until they either die or run back to the sub. Needless to say, this effectively prevents the crew from doing any sorts of business with the people of the Outpost.
Mining Missions
A cave on the map that contains the target ore is marked, you must keep the ore un-processed to complete the quest.
After getting the reward the ore is not taken away and can be disassembled after docking.
Collecting Quartz
There is only one variation of this Mission:
Collecting Quartzid: quartzcollection
Collecting quartz | |
Info | |
Target | Mine and deliver ten Quartz to the nearest outpost. |
Reward | 1,500 Marks+10 RPOutpost+5 RPEuropa Coalition |
Collecting Pyromorphite
There is only one variation of this Mission:
Collecting Pyromorphiteid: pyromorphitecollection
Collecting pyromorphite | |
Info | |
Target | Mine and deliver ten Pyromorphite to the nearest outpost. |
Reward | 1,800 Marks+10 RPOutpost+5 RPEuropa Coalition |
Collecting Uranium Ore
There is only one variation of this Mission:
Collecting Uranium Oreid: uraniumcollection
Collecting uranium ore | |
Info | |
Target | Mine and deliver eight Uranium Ore to the nearest outpost. |
Reward | 2,000 Marks+10 RPOutpost+5 RPEuropa Coalition |
Collecting Thorianite
There is only one variation of this Mission:
Collecting Thorianiteid: thorianitecollection
Collecting thorianite | |
Info | |
Target | Mine and deliver six Thorianite to the nearest outpost. |
Reward | 2,500 Marks+10 RPOutpost+5 RPEuropa Coalition |
Collecting Titanite
There is only one variation of this Mission:
Collecting Titaniteid: titanitecollection
Collecting titanite | |
Info | |
Target | Mine and deliver six Titanite to the nearest outpost. |
Reward | 2,500 Marks+10 RPOutpost+5 RPEuropa Coalition |
Factions are groups and organizations throughout Europa operating independently, each with their own agenda and isn’t too fond of one another, so aligning with any Factions during specific Events may damage the crew’s RP with the others. There are 4 active Factions in Europa:
Europa Coalition (15 RP)
The autocratic de facto superpower of Europa, with a distributed bureaucracy and an iron grip on the resources, manufacturing and power within Europan society.
The autocratic de facto superpower of Europa, with a distributed bureaucracy and an iron grip on the resources, manufacturing and power within Europan society. They rule by fear, and have the reputation for shutting disobedient colonies and outposts out of the supply loop, or simply subjugating them by direct force. Their motivation is ultimately to preserve humanity, but at any cost, and preferably with the status quo left intact.
The Europa Coalition started off as a trade and cooperation agreement between the two largest Europan settlements and a handful of private paramilitary groups, but gradually grew to become what is essentially the Europan government. Many Europan outposts don’t recognize the Coalition’s authority, although it is still powerful enough that few dare to openly oppose it. There are groups such as the Jovian Separatists who do fight against it, aiming to bring it down and create a more democratic society.
This is the crew’s employer, as shown during the beginning of the Campaign.
Jovian Separatists (-10 RP)
A small, underground organization seeking a more democratic society by any means, from petty resistance to full-blown terrorism.
A small, underground organization seeking a more democratic society by any means, from petty resistance to full-blown terrorism, all with the end goal of disrupting the ability of the Europa Coalition to function, and to undermine its authority.
The Church of Husk (-5 RP)
A religious group that seeks "communion" with the husk parasite in order to usher in a new kind of humanity, one more capable of surviving in this harsh environment.
A mysterious and outlawed religious group with a transhumanist twist, they seek «communion» with the husk parasite in order to usher in a new kind of humanity, one more capable of surviving in this harsh environment, more in tune with the local ecosystem, and devoid of pride, hatred, fear, or complex thought. Hated equally by the Europa Coalition and the Jovian separatists.
Children of The Honkmother (-5 RP)
The Honkmother's children are an unorganized lot who simply heed the call of the bikehorn.
Every once in a while, these minstrels, fools and clowns attempt to form unions, and names like Europan Jesters’ Association pop up. In truth, the Honkmother’s children are a less-than-organized lot who simply heed the call of the bikehorn.
Abandoned Outpost Missions
Outpost Recovery
There are four variations of this Mission:
- Destroy Reactor (Note: This means to cause a reactor meltdown, can be done by setting fission rate to maximum and waiting for the explosion)
- Rescue Hostages
- Destroy Mudraptor Nest
- Destroy Crawler Nest
Outpost Recovery | |
Info | |
Target | Destroy the station’s Nuclear Reactor. |
Reward | 3,000 Marks+10 RPOutpost+5 RPEuropa Coalition |
Outpost Recovery | |
Info | |
Target | Bring all hostages aboard the submarine, alive. |
Reward | 3,000 Marks+10 RPOutpost+5 RPEuropa Coalition |
Outpost Recovery | |
Info | |
Target | Destroy the Mudraptor Eggs inside the station. |
Reward | 3,000 Marks+10 RPOutpost+5 RPEuropa Coalition |
Outpost Recovery | |
Info | |
Target | Destroy the Crawler Eggs inside the station. |
Reward | 3,000 Marks+10 RPOutpost+5 RPEuropa Coalition |
Outpost Assassination
There is only one variation of this Mission:
Outpost Assassinationid: abandonedoutpostassassinate
Outpost assassination | |
Info | |
Target | Kill the bandits leader. |
Reward | 3,000 Marks+10 RPOutpost+5 RPEuropa Coalition |
Питомец | Странное яйцо | Наименование питомца | Что производит |
Слизеподобное существо, выделяющее слизь. |
Существо, похожее на помесь слизняка и жабы. |
Похож на ракообразное существо |
Ктулху фхтагн! Может летать, больше почти ничего не может. |
Pirate Missions
Pirate Vessel
There are is one variation of this Mission:
Pirate Vesselid: pirate1
Pirate Vessel | |
![]() |
Info | |
Target | Kill every pirate. |
Reward | 3,200 Marks |
Pirate Vessel | |
![]() |
Info | |
Target | Kill every pirate. |
Reward | 4,400 Marks |
Pirate Vessel | |
![]() |
Info | |
Target | Kill every pirate. |
Reward | 5,600 Marks |
The game will choose a submarine type depending on your game difficulty, with some randomness: it will probably pick the Dugong if difficulty is around 10, Humpback if difficulty is around 40, or Typhon 2 if difficulty is around 70 or more. Inside the submarine, there will be one Captain, Mechanic and Engineer, and 1-5 Security Officers, with their equipment and stats also scaling by game difficulty.
Barotrauma |
Crew Management
The Crew Management is a Human Resources department where players can manage their crew by looking over the current crew members and the available hireable people. The person in charge of this service is identified as a Watchman by their Watchman Clothes and the Human icon above them.
They possess a Diving Mask and a loaded Revolver, which isn’t just for show. Their station is the section with the Notice Board, a long Bench, and an Office Window.
Usually, the kinds of crew members for hire are random in any Outposts, but depending on its type, the chances for each profession’s availability vary.
Job | Commonness | ||||
Colony | Habitation Outpost | Military Outpost | Mining Outpost | Research Outpost | |
Assistant | 10 | 10 | 2 | 3 | 3 |
Engineer | 3 | 3 | 2 | 5 | 5 |
Mechanic | 3 | 3 | 2 | 5 | 5 |
Medical Doctor | 1 | 1 | 2 | — | 3 |
Security Officer | 1 | 1 | 10 | — | 1 |
Captain | 1 | 1 | 3 | — | 1 |
The prices for hiring crewmates aren’t affected by the RP, but only proportional to their total levels across all skills, meaning the higher their skills combined are, the more expensive it is to hire them. Selected personnel is shown in the Pending Hires box. After validating hires, the newly hired personnel will join the crew when they leave the Outpost.
Players also have the option to fire crew members, effectively removing them from the crew permanently. During expeditions, players can also permanently lose crew members if they happen to die before reaching the next destination. It is also possible to hire people (bots) in Multiplayer Campaign.
Monster Missions[]
Monster Missions are the more dangerous ones as they require the player to terminate certain Creatures of Europan ocean. but they pay well especially for taking down many dangerous and deadly Creatures. In Campaign, these Missions can be unlocked in every Outpost.
There are six available Monster Missions:
Killing A
The player is sent to kill an aggressive Creature that has been terrorizing Submarines. After doing so, the player can either return to the Outpost they’ve just left or reach the end point of the destination to receive their reward. Aside from the inherent danger in fighting these Creatures, the Mission is rather straightforward.
There are three possible Creatures that need to be eliminated:
Killing a Moloch | |
Info | |
Target | Moloch |
Reward | 5,000 Marks
+10 RPOutpost |
Killing a Hammerhead | |
Info | |
Target | Hammerhead |
Reward | 3,000 Marks
+10 RPOutpost |
Killing a Hammerhead | |
Info | |
Target | Golden Hammerhead |
Reward | 3,000 Marks
+10 RPOutpost |
There are two variations of this Mission:
Hammerheadid: killhammerhead
Golden Hammerheadid: killhammerheadgold
Killing a Matriarch | |
Info | |
Target | Hammerhead Matriarch |
Reward | 6,000 Marks
+10 RPOutpost |
The swarm includes 2-3 Hammerheads and sometimes a Golden Hammerhead.
Aggressive Hammerheads
This Mission is identical to Killing a Matriarch, only there are more Hammerheads in the swarm accompanying the Hammerhead Matriarch. The reward is also 6,000 mk.
The swarm includes 3-5 Hammerheads and sometimes a Golden Hammerhead.
Terminate A Swarm
Terminate a Swarm | |
Info | |
Target | Crawler |
Reward | 2,600 Marks (Small)
3,500 Marks (Large) +10 RPOutpost |
The player is sent to kill a swarm of aggressive Crawlers that has been terrorizing Submarines. The Crawlers that must be killed will be marked on the Sonar screen. Once all of these Crawlers have been killed, the Mission will be complete and the player can return to the Outpost they’ve just left or reach the next destination to receive the reward. Aside from the inherent danger in fighting a large group of Crawlers, the Mission is straight-forward.
There are two scenarios in this Mission:
Small swarm: 8 Crawlers.
Terminate a Thresher Swarm | |
Info | |
Target | Tiger Thresher |
Reward | 6,000 Marks
+10 RPOutpost |
Terminate a Thresher Swarm | |
Info | |
Target | Bone Thresher |
Reward | 6,000 Marks
+10 RPOutpost |
Terminate A Thresher Swarm
The player is sent to kill a large swarm of aggressive Threshers that has been terrorizing Submarines. The Threshers that must be killed will be marked on the Sonar screen. Once all of these Threshers have been killed, the Mission will be complete and the player can return to the Outpost they’ve just left or reach the next destination to receive the reward. Aside from the inherent danger in fighting a large group of Threshers, the Mission is straight-forward.
The swarm consists of 5-10 Tiger Threshers and 1-4 Bone Threshers.
Salvaging a Derelict | |
Info | |
Target | Carrier |
Reward | 1,000 |
Salvaging A Derelict NOT ACTIVE
A small cargo submarine, carrying dangerous chemicals (presumably Velonaceps Calyx eggs) went missing two months ago. While initially assumed lost, the vehicle’s emergency beacon was recently activated, and the player is sent to investigate.
Upon arrival, it is revealed that the submarine has been infested with a parasite and turned into a Carrier, which must then be killed.
Beast from the Abyss | |
Info | |
Target | Endworm |
Reward | 10,000 |
An Endworm has appeared in the nearby waters, causing all submarine travel in the area to be cancelled. The player is asked to kill the destructive foe, and is promised a hefty reward of 10,000 credits for the deed. Aside from the inherent cataclysm that always results from facing an Endworm, the mission is rather straightforward.
Monster Missions
Killing a Moloch
There are two variations of this Mission:
- Moloch
- Black Moloch
Killing a Moloch | |
Info | |
Target | 1 Moloch |
Reward | 5,000 Marks
+10 RPOutpost |
Killing a Moloch | |
Info | |
Target | 1 Black Moloch |
Reward | 5,000 Marks
+10 RPOutpost |
Killing a Hammerhead
There are two variations of this Mission:
- Hammerhead
- Golden Hammerhead
Killing a Hammerhead | |
Info | |
Target | 1 Hammerhead |
Reward | 3,000 Marks
+10 RPOutpost |
Killing a Hammerhead | |
Info | |
Target | 1 Golden Hammerhead |
Reward | 3,000 Marks
+10 RPOutpost |
Killing a Matriarch
There are two variations of this Mission:
- 3-5 Extra Hammerheads
- 2-3 Extra Hammerheads
Killing a Matriarch | |
Info | |
Target | 1 Hammerhead Matriarch |
Reward | 6,000 Marks
+10 RPOutpost |
Terminate a Swarm
There are three variations of this Mission:
- 5-10 Tiger Threshers & 1-4 Bone Threshers
- 8 Crawlers
- 15 Crawlers
Terminate a Swarm | |
Info | |
Target | 5-10 Tiger Threshers & 1-4 Bone Threshers |
Reward | 6,000 Marks |
Terminate a Swarm | |
Info | |
Target | 8 or 15 Crawlers |
Reward | 2,600 Marks (8)3,500 Marks (15) |
Hunting Grounds
There are two variations of this Mission:
- Endworm
- Charybdis
Hunting grounds | |
Info | |
Target | 1 Endworm |
Reward | +5 RPOutpost+10 RPEuropa Coalition |
Hunting grounds | |
Info | |
Target | 1 Charybdis |
Reward | +10 RPOutpost+5 RPEuropa Coalition |
Assistant Talents
Jack of All Trades | Grayshirt | Clown | |||
MultitaskerWhenever you gain a skill point, if it’s not for the same skill as the last skill point gained, gain an additional skill point.Gain an additional 20% Repair Speed. | ApprenticeshipWhenever another allied character gains a skill point, you have a 20% chance to also gain a skill point in that skill.Gain an additional 15% Maximum Health. | Playing CatchupIf you are 2 or more levels behind your most highest-leveled crewmember, gain an additional 70% mission experience. | SkedaddleMove 10% faster. When you are attacked, this bonus is increased to 30% for 5 seconds.Gain an additional 30% Stun resistance. | Enroll Into Clown CollegeAs long as you are wearing a full clown outfit, you gain Clown Power.Clown Power allows you to honk your horn to give nearby characters an additional 30% skill gain for a short while.Clown Power gives you an additional 25% physical damage resistance. | |
Stand and DeliverWhenever you finish at least one mission, gain The Sailor’s Guide.Whenever you apply ‘The Sailor’s Guide’ on another character, gain 5 to all skills. | Survival PackageEnemies will ignore you if you have been ragdolled for longer than 4 seconds.1x Morphine1x Bandage1x Blood Pack | Crew LayaboutLose 40% Repair Speed.Suffer a reduction of 15 to all skills.Allies near you repair 25% faster and gain a bonus of 10 to all skills. | Water PranksterUnlock recipe: Clown Diving MaskClown Power gives you immunity to pressure and allows you to swim 60% faster. | Inspiring TunesClown Power allows you to honk your horn to repair nearby electrical and mechanical items, and nearby allies to gain a bonus of 15 to all skills for a short while. | |
Rich in KnowledgeWhenever you gain a skill point, gain an additional 20 experience, while your allied crewmembers gain 10 experience.This effect can only occur up to 15 times until you finish another mission. | Ace of All TradesGain a bonus of 15 to all skills.Gain 15 marks when you gain a skill point. | Insurance PolicyWhenever you die from non-friendly sources during a mission, your crew is paid 700 marks for each mission you’ve completed since the last time you’ve died. | Still KickingWhenever you fall unconscious, revive a short while later and remove all afflictions. | Psycho ClownClown Power allows you to attack faster with melee weapons based on how much Psychosis you have, up to 150%, but you cannot run while having Psychosis. | Slapstick ExpertClown Power allows you to have a small chance to trip randomly when you run.While ragdolled, Clown Power allows you to reduce the power of incoming attacks by 50%, and characters that attack you have a 50% chance of becoming stunned for 4 seconds. |
OlympianYou can gain skills past their ordinary maximum.You gain an additional percentage to the following attributes equal to 50% of the total average of all your skills:Melee PowerRepair SpeedTurret Power Cost ReductionSwimming Speed | Graduation CeremonyUpon creating a new character, retain all of your current experience for that new character. | True PotentialClown Power allows you to honk your horn to slowly heal nearby characters.Clown Power allows you to hit characters with a Toy Hammer for a 0.75% chance to implode them.Clown Power gives you an additional 25% physical damage resistance. |
Medical Doctor Talents
Xenologist | Medic | Scientist | |||
Researcher’s IntuitionWhenever you open an alien container for the first time, you have a 50% chance of finding additional items.While you are holding a large alien artifact, gain an additional 50% Swimming Speed. | Field MedicEvery 100 seconds, if your allied crewmembers are at 80% health or higher, gain 1 point in .Gain an additional 20% Maximum Health. | Dr. SubmarineUsing Medical Items while crouched also applies 50% of thez effects on you as well.Gain an additional 35% Opiate Addiction resistance. | Gene TherapistRefining Genetic Materials improves their potency by 30%.Gain a bonus of 5 to all Skills. | ||
CuriosityWhenever you deconstruct an alien artifact you gain 100 experience, and your crew gains 50 experience. | Double DutyAs long as you are outside your sub, take 25% less physical damage. As long as you are inside your submarine, gain a bonus of 20 to . | Mechanics CourseUnlock recipe: Auto-Injector Headset.Gain a bonus of 20 to . | Fireman’s CarryYou can drag characters at full speed.Gain an additional 50% Burn resistance. | Research GrantUnlock recipe: Pressure Stabilizer.Whenever you refine or combine genetic items, gain 300 marks. | Research and DevelopmentWhenever you finish a mission without a crewmember dying, you gain an additional 25% experience and gain the item Europan Medicine.The deaths of assistants do not count. |
Alien HoarderYour attacks with Alien Pistols have 8% additional power for each Alien Artifact you are carrying, up to an additional 40% power.Gain an additional 50% Psychosis resistance. | Reverse EngineerWhenever you deconstruct an Alien Artifact, gain double output from it and gain 10 to a random Skill. | Bedside MannerWhenever you apply medicine to a friendly character, they gain 20 physical damage resistance and an additional 25% skill gain, the total duration depending on your . | Combat MedicUnlock recipe: Combat Stimulant.Gain an additional percentage to Movement Speed, Ranged Fire Rate and Melee Attack Speed equal to 30% of your . | Gene HarvesterWhen you or another crewmember kills a monster while outside your submarine, you have a 35% chance of finding a random Genetic Material on it. | Genetic StabilityCombining different types of Genetic Materials is 75% less likely to taint the materials.Gain an additional 25% Repair Speed. |
Atmos MachineWhen you deconstruct an Alien Artifact, there is a 20% chance it will instead transform into a random alien item.Whenever you finish a mission, your crew gains 15% additional mission experience for each large alien artifact on board your ship, up to 30%.Gain an additional 150% Deconstructor Speed. | Don’t Die on Me!Unlock recipe: Endocrine Booster.The CPR you apply is much more powerful. | Advanced SplicingUnlock recipe: Advanced Gene Splicer.Whenever you or another crewmember combines or refines Genetic Materials, gain 125 experience and a bonus of 5 to .This bonus is lost on death. |
Barotrauma (Русская версия)
В игре Barotrauma вы будете управлять подводной лодкой, плавая в подземном океане на спутнике Юпитера под названием Европа. Ваша главная задача – заработать как можно больше. На заработанные деньги вы сможете нанимать экипаж и покупать различные необходимые элементы. Причем весь интерес Barotrauma раскрывается в многопользовательской игре, в управлении лодкой со своими друзьями. Конечно же, из-за неадекватности сокомандного может быть убит весь интерес прохождения.Barotrauma – кооперативный 2D-симулятор на выживание, события которого разворачиваются в недалеком будущем. В это время обитаемых мест на Земле стало значительно меньше и человечество отправилось на Европу, один из спутников Юпитера, где под ледяным покровом можно найти участки, пригодные для жизни. Вам предстоит управлять подводной лодкой в недрах инопланетного океана, действуя сообща с командой ради выживания.На одной лодке сможет находиться одновременно до шестнадцати человек. Задача команды – поддерживать субмарину в рабочем состоянии, латая пробоины после битв с монстрами и контролируя системы жизнеобеспечения. Barotrauma может похвастаться процедурно генерируемыми уровнями, различными областями для исследования, случайными событиями и увлекательными заданиями.Barotrauma — многопользовательский 2D-симулятор подлодки в жанре survival horror. На его создание повлияли такие игры, как FTL: Faster Than Light, RimWorld, Dwarf Fortress и Space Station 13. Эта научно-фантастическая игра — сочетание физики «тряпичной куклы», инопланетных монстров, обитающих под водой, командной работы и всепоглощающего страха. В не очень далеком будущем люди отправились на спутник Юпитера. Его радиоактивная поверхность покрыта льдами, так что жизнь существует лишь в океане. Путешествуйте по суровому подводному миру и узнайте, что скрывается в глубинах Европы. Будьте внимательны: опасность в Barotrauma подкрадывается незаметно.В Barotrauma множество способов весело провести время, но столько же — умереть. Работайте вместе со своей командой, чтобы достичь целей, или приготовьтесь к измене, если на борту есть предатель. Играйте вместе с друзьями, незнакомцами или злейшими врагами. Путешествуйте под водой, выполняйте миссии последних представителей человечества, исследуйте руины инопланетной цивилизации, сражайтесь с монстрами или бегите от них. Управляйте сложными бортовыми системами вроде сонара, ядерного реактора, оружия, двигателей и насосов. Общение играет первостепенную роль! Наладьте сложную бортовую проводку, комплексную систему изготовления и медотсек. С помощью встроенных редакторов создавайте собственные подлодки и монстров, способных конкурировать с обычными. Вы даже можете проникнуть в наш программный код и все изменить.Ключевые особенности игрыBarotrauma (Русская версия):- Лучше играть в сетевом режиме — соберите от 2 до 16 игроков на подлодке. Количество игроков можно увеличить за счет ботов. Однопользовательский режим также доступен и далее будет развиваться.- 6 классов игроков с разными навыками и задачами: капитан, инженер, механик, врач, офицер службы безопасности и помощник.- Карта и миссии, созданные с помощью процедурной генерации, а также несколько игровых режимов заставят вас проходить эту игру снова и снова.- Встроенные редакторы подлодки, персонажа и процедурно генерируемой анимации. Находите моды и делитесь ими напрямую в мастерской Steam.- Все данные представлены в формате XML, а программный код выложен в общий доступ на GitHub.Минимальные системные требования игрыBarotrauma (Русская версия):- Требуются 64-разрядные процессор и операционная система- ОС: Windows 7/8.1/10 (64-bit versions)- Процессор: 2.0 GHz- Оперативная память: 2 GB ОЗУ- Видеокарта: 128 MB Video Memory, Shader Model 2.0+- DirectX: Версии 11- Место на диске: 350 MB- Дополнительно: 64-bit operating system is required
Жанр: Выживание / Симулятор / ПлатформерЯзык интерфейса: Русский / Multi 12Инсталлятор. Версия игры:Размер: 733 МбСкачать с Облака:
Жанр: Платформер / Рогалик / Хорроры / Выживание
Chemicals required to cure .
Stabilozine can also be used to treat poisons excepting Paralysis.
Chemical | Description | Usage | Crafting | Store | |||||
Afflictions | Uses | Duration (Seconds) | Level | Components | Craft time (seconds) | Level | |||
Calyxanide | Cures the user of the Husk Infection if used before it is fully developed and with proper skill.
Deals Internal Damage to fully developed Husks. |
(-4/s | -1/s)* (-40)* (+3/s)* (Husked Humans)(+4/s)* (Natural Husks) |
2 | 1 | 11 | 20 | 38 | Velonaceps Calyx Eggs (25%)*Broad-spectrum AntibioticsStabilozine | 60 | 22 | 225-275 (5)* |
Deliriumine Antidote | Cures Deliriumine Poisoning and treats Psychosis over time. | (-100 | -25)*(-13.2 | 0)*(-0.33/s | 0)* | 2 | 1 |
21* | 1 |
41 | Deliriumine (50%)*Stabilozine | 60 | 25 | 112-137 (5)* |
Morbusine Antidote | Cures Morbusine Poisoning. | (-100/s | -1/s)* (-25/s)* | 2 | 1 | 2 | 30 | 44 | Morbusine (50%)*Stabilozine | 60 | 315-385 (5)* | |
Cyanide Antidote | Cures Cyanide Poisoning. | (-100/s | -1/s)* | 2 | 1 | 2 | 30 | 42 | Cyanide (50%)*Stabilozine | 60 | 26 | 112-137 (5)* |
Sufforin Antidote | Cures Sufforin Poisoning. | (-100/s | -1/s)* | 2 | 1 | 2 | 30 | 40 | Sufforin (50%)*Stabilozine | 60 | 24 | 112-137 (5)* |
Antirad | Cures Radiation Sickness. | (-100 | -25)* | 2 | 1 | 2 | 50 | Radiotoxin (50%)*Stabilozine | 60 | 35 | 112-137 (5)* |
Anaparalyzant | Cures Paralysis. | (+800/s | +6.5/s)*(Cured | -6.5/s)*(+5/s | +0.75/s)* | 2 | 1 | 2 | 60 | 64 | ParalyzantStabilozine | 30 | 24 | 180-220 (5)* |
Security Officer Talents
Specialist | Warden | Soldier | |||
First Aid TrainingGain a bonus of 15 to .When you are below 50% health, normal damage types are healed 75% more effectively. | Physical ConditioningGain an additional 25% Melee Attack Speed.Gain an additional 15% Movement Speed.Gain an additional 50% Oxygen Low resistance. | EnforcerUnlock recipe: Shotgun Shell.Gain an additional 25% Maximum Health. | BootcampUnlock recipe: SMG Magazine.Whenever you fnish a mission without a crewmember dying, you gain an additional 25% experience.The deaths of assistants do not count. | ||
Navy DiverUnlock recipe: Slipsuit.Attacks you suffer are 25% less powerful while you are in water. | ScavengerWhenever you open a container outside your submarine for the first time, you have a 20% chance of finding additional items.Gain an additional 50% Buff Duration. | Beat CopYou can tackle other characters by ragdolling into them at high speeds.Inflict 30% more Stun. | Munitions ExpertiseUnlock recipe: Explosive Slug.Gain 100% more from fabricating items.Whenever you fabricate SMG ammo, shotgun ammo, or stun gun ammo, you have a 50% chance to gain twice as much output. | Warrior PoetYou can write a book.To do this, ragdoll yourself. After 15 seconds, you will gain the item Art of Submarine Warfare and 100 marks for each enemy you’ve killed since your last book (as royalties).This effect cannot occur again until you finish another mission. | GunsmithUnlock recipe: Bandolier.Weapons you fabricate are of 1 higher quality. |
BuccaneerUnlock recipe: Boarding Axe.Aiming with a melee weapon before attacking adds up to 100% power to your next melee attack.Gain an additional 35% Stun resistance. | Deep Sea SlayerGain an additional 25% attack power to harpoons.If you are in the open sea, gain an additional 50% attack power to harpoons instead.When you kill a monster while outside your submarine, it has a 40% chance of having an additional alien material. | StonewallWhenever you are attacked, gain an additional 40% physical damage resistance and 40% Stun resistance for 4 seconds. | By the BookUnlock recipe: Fulgurium Stun Gun Dart.Whenever you finish at least one mission, your crew gains an additional 1250 marks and 200 experience for each captured, live enemy human on board your ship, up to a maximum of 2500 marks and 400 experience. | Expert CommandoWhen firing a ranged weapon while crouched, gain 25% additional armor penetration, and your attacks are 35% more powerful, but your firing rate is 50% slower.Recover from Bleeding much more quickly. | Tandem FireAs long as you are manning a turret alongside another allied crewmember, both of your attacks are 25% more powerful.Only the closest allied crewmember gains this effect. |
Dual Spec-OpsWhen you ragdoll in water, propel yourself forward in your current direction.Gain 3 free additional talent points. | ImplacableUnlock recipe: Autoshotgun.You will remain fully conscious even after falling below 0 health. | WarlordUnlock recipes: Assault Rifle, Assault Rifle Magazine.Whenever you attack with any weapon, your attack has 20% chance of becoming twice as powerful. |
Salvage Missions
Salvaging an Artifact
There are ten variations of this Mission:
- Cave Artifacts:
- Faraday Alien Artifact
- Nasonov Alien Artifact
- Psychosis Alien Artifact
- Thermal Alien Artifact
- Ruin Artifacts:
- Faraday Alien Artifact
- Nasonov Alien Artifact
- Psychosis Alien Artifact
- Sky Alien Artifact
- Thermal Alien Artifact
- Psychosis Alien Artifact (Special)
Salvaging an artifact | |
Info | |
Target | 1 Artifact |
Reward | 3,500 Marks+10 RPOutpost+5 RPEuropa Coalition |
Wreck Salvage
There is only one variation of this Mission:
Wreck Salvageid: salvagewreck1
Wreck salvage | |
![]() |
Info | |
Target | 1 Logbook |
Reward | 2,800 Marks+10 RPOutpost+5 RPEuropa Coalition |
Chemical | Usage | Crafting | Store | |||||
Description | Afflictions | Uses | Duration (Seconds) | Components | Craft time (seconds) | Level | ||
Chloral Hydrate | Stuns victim for 10 seconds (or 5 seconds when used with the Syringe Gun) and deals Internal Damage. |
(10)* (5)* (1)* |
2 | Instant | ChlorineEthanol | 90 | 50 | 90-110 (3)* |
Velonaceps Calyx Eggs | Inflicts victim with the , slowly taking over the victim’s body until they are turned into a Husk. Additional uses won’t speed up the infection.
It may be cured with or . |
(+0.3/s)* | 2 | N/A | Lootable from Husks | N/A | N/A | 600-780 (2)* |
Endocrine Booster | Gives the character a talent not normally available to them from a pre defined list | N/A | 1 | Instant | Sulphurite Shard x2Paralyxis x2Deusizine | 50 | 90 | 1260-1540 (5)* |
The Map is the navigation system displaying the crew’s current Location and different paths leading to other destinations with any Missions the player has picked up from the Outpost. It can be accessed through the overlay which appears on top of the screen when the player chooses to leave the Location near the docking area. Alternatively, the player may access the Map by using their sub’s Navigation Terminal/Status Monitor in the Command Room and choosing to undock the sub from the Outpost.
The Map is displayed on a grid, 2 squares high and 15 squares wide. Squares are greyed out until they are travelled to. The crew starts their journey on the left side of the Map and progressively ventures deeper into the heart of Europa to the right. The further they go, the deeper, and the harder levels will get.
The two main elements on the map are Locations (outposts or empty locations) and Connexions (dashes forming a path between two Locations). When travelling from one Location to another, the crew must make their way through a Level, steering the submarine from the entrance to the exit. Locations and connexions the crew has set foot in will be highlighted in green.
There are five Biomes, each having their own difficulty, resources, and depth: from left to right, the Cold Caverns, the Europan Ridge, the Aphotic Plateau, the Great Void, and the Hydrothermal Wastes.
Main article: Shipyard
Buying and exchanging submarines, plus upgrading and maintaining them are the services the Shipyard provides for the crew’s vessel. As the player progresses through the Campaign, so should their sub, especially if they have to start out with their Dugong, a barely armed rustbucket, and the Shipyard’s services can help with bettering its hulls and devices. Or the player can outright purchase a much bigger, tougher, and more advanced sub in place of the old tin can, provided they have the funds for any of the above.
The Shipyard comprises 2 sectors that either share the same area or are practically next to each other, the Maintenance bay sector where new Submarines can be purchased and the Reactor sector that provides Upgrades to the currently selected sub.
The Maintenance bay is run by the Mechanic with the Sub icon above them and the Reactor sector is run by the engineering crew chief with the Upgrade icon above them.