Как находить созвездия astral sorcery

Types of constellations (before MC 1.16)

Bright constellations

These constellations can be discovered using a Looking Glass, Telescope, or Observatory. They are the only constellations to which players can be Attuned.

Dim constellations

These constellations require a Telescope or Observatory to discover, and can only be discovered by Attuned players. They can be used for all purposes besides attuning players.

Faint constellations

These constellations require an Observatory to discover, and can only be discovered by Attuned players. Their only purpose is for augmenting other constellations’ Rituals and altering their effects.

Colored Lens[]

Colored Lenses are much more than just a fancy lightshow waiting to happen, each of them carry very helpful and powerful effects depending on their color. The only difference is that these «Lenses» are simply additions to regular Lenses ones and must be clipped onto them. Keep in mind these beams can pierce blocks.

  • Red: Damage — Any mob that steps into these beams will take significant damage for as long as the beam is in contact with them. It does technically do magic damage so witches will have some resistance to it. These beams will not work on players.
  • Orange: Ignition — Anything that touches the beam emitted from this Lens will be set on fire, or in the case of foods, instantly cooked! Simply throw the preferred food into the beam and profit! Will not work on placed blocks.
  • Yellow: Break — Any placed block that is in front of this beam will begin to be mined very quickly. The beam does still take time depending on the toughness of the blocks though.
  • Green: Growth — The green beam will cause any crops or plants to grow VERY quickly when it hits them. Use this to make a very fast and efficient farm!
  • Light Blue: Push — This Lens will simply act as a conveyer belt for mobs, pushing along any mob that enters its beam. Very helpful for farms or mob grinders!
  • Pink: Regeneration — The Regeneration Lens is a bit misleading as is does not actually give the regeneration buff. Instead it heals anything that enters the beam very quickly, as if it were being healed with potions of healing!
  • Purple: Ethereal — Most of the beams that pierce through blocks can not link up to more Lenses, but the purple lens allows you to do just that. Using these lenses means that you can project the starlight through a wall and link it up on the other side.


While it seems like crafting them might be fairly easy, there are a few things that are left out. When making lenses it’s important to use a good Rock Crystal for it, as the Purity and Size will have a bearing on the quality and amount of Lenses you will craft. The size of the crystal you use will change how many Lenses you receive when you finish crafting, on the other hand, the Purity is a bit more complex. When a lens is used to extend or change the beam of starlight, some of the power is lost from the original beam. If the Purity of a Lens is high, the beam will not lose as much power as it would if the Purity were low, and chaining lenses compounds this effect. Having Lenses made from Rock Crystals with perfect or 100% Purity will cause none of the starlight to be lost, if you can find such a crystal.

Types of constellations (before MC 1.16)

Bright constellations

These constellations can be discovered using a Looking Glass, Telescope, or Observatory. They are the only constellations to which players can be Attuned.

Dim constellations

These constellations require a Telescope or Observatory to discover, and can only be discovered by Attuned players. They can be used for all purposes besides attuning players.

Faint constellations

These constellations require an Observatory to discover, and can only be discovered by Attuned players. Their only purpose is for augmenting other constellations’ Rituals and altering their effects.

Types of constellations (after MC 1.16)

Bright constellations

These constellations can be discovered using a Looking Glass, Telescope, or Observatory. They are the only constellations to which players can be Attuned.

Dim constellations

These constellations require a Telescope or Observatory to discover, and can only be discovered by Attuned players. They can be used for all purposes besides attuning players.

Faint constellations

These constellations require an Observatory to discover, and can only be discovered by Attuned players. Their only purpose is for augmenting other constellations’ Rituals and altering their effects.


Types of constellations (before MC 1.16)

Bright constellations

These constellations can be discovered using a Looking Glass, Telescope, or Observatory. They are the only constellations to which players can be Attuned.

Dim constellations

These constellations require a Telescope or Observatory to discover, and can only be discovered by Attuned players. They can be used for all purposes besides attuning players.

Faint constellations

These constellations require an Observatory to discover, and can only be discovered by Attuned players. Their only purpose is for augmenting other constellations’ Rituals and altering their effects.


Mod Astral Sorcery
Type Mechanic

Constellations are a mechanic added by Astral Sorcery. They are used to bestow effects beneficial to players. There are three kinds of constellations: bright, dim, and faint. There are currently 16 constellations available: 5 bright, 7 dim, and 4 faint. All constellations (except the faint ones) can be used to attune Rock Crystals, Celestial Crystals, and the Mantle of Stars as well as for enchanting via the Stellar Refraction Table. Bright constellations can be attuned to players by using an Attunement Altar to give them a set of perks or the Resonating Wand to give an extra effect when held in the player’s main or off-hand.

To discover constellations, the appropriate Constellation paper must be acquired by the player first; this will display the constellation’s image in the «Constellations» tab in the player’s Astral Tome. Then, they must be discovered by looking through a Looking Glass or Telescope at night—the former is limited to only seeing bright constellations. Using the paper as a reference the player must trace the constellation out on either device using the mouse. Once a constellation has been discovered it will permanently be displayed in the night sky when it is in view and extra information is added to the «Constellations» tab in the Tome.

Colored Lens[]

Colored Lenses are much more than just a fancy lightshow waiting to happen, each of them carry very helpful and powerful effects depending on their color. The only difference is that these «Lenses» are simply additions to regular Lenses ones and must be clipped onto them. Keep in mind these beams can pierce blocks.

  • Red: Damage — Any mob that steps into these beams will take significant damage for as long as the beam is in contact with them. It does technically do magic damage so witches will have some resistance to it. These beams will not work on players.
  • Orange: Ignition — Anything that touches the beam emitted from this Lens will be set on fire, or in the case of foods, instantly cooked! Simply throw the preferred food into the beam and profit! Will not work on placed blocks.
  • Yellow: Break — Any placed block that is in front of this beam will begin to be mined very quickly. The beam does still take time depending on the toughness of the blocks though.
  • Green: Growth — The green beam will cause any crops or plants to grow VERY quickly when it hits them. Use this to make a very fast and efficient farm!
  • Light Blue: Push — This Lens will simply act as a conveyer belt for mobs, pushing along any mob that enters its beam. Very helpful for farms or mob grinders!
  • Pink: Regeneration — The Regeneration Lens is a bit misleading as is does not actually give the regeneration buff. Instead it heals anything that enters the beam very quickly, as if it were being healed with potions of healing!
  • Purple: Ethereal — Most of the beams that pierce through blocks can not link up to more Lenses, but the purple lens allows you to do just that. Using these lenses means that you can project the starlight through a wall and link it up on the other side.


Mod Astral Sorcery
Type Mechanic

Constellations are a mechanic added by Astral Sorcery. They are used to bestow effects beneficial to players. There are three kinds of constellations: bright, dim, and faint. There are currently 16 constellations available: 5 bright, 7 dim, and 4 faint. All constellations (except the faint ones) can be used to attune Rock Crystals, Celestial Crystals, and the Mantle of Stars as well as for enchanting via the Stellar Refraction Table. Bright constellations can be attuned to players by using an Attunement Altar to give them a set of perks or the Resonating Wand to give an extra effect when held in the player’s main or off-hand.

To discover constellations, the appropriate Constellation paper must be acquired by the player first; this will display the constellation’s image in the «Constellations» tab in the player’s Astral Tome. Then, they must be discovered by looking through a Looking Glass or Telescope at night—the former is limited to only seeing bright constellations. Using the paper as a reference the player must trace the constellation out on either device using the mouse. Once a constellation has been discovered it will permanently be displayed in the night sky when it is in view and extra information is added to the «Constellations» tab in the Tome.


Mod Astral Sorcery
Type Mechanic

Constellations are a mechanic added by Astral Sorcery. They are used to bestow effects beneficial to players. There are three kinds of constellations: bright, dim, and faint. There are currently 16 constellations available: 5 bright, 7 dim, and 4 faint. All constellations (except the faint ones) can be used to attune Rock Crystals, Celestial Crystals, and the Mantle of Stars as well as for enchanting via the Stellar Refraction Table. Bright constellations can be attuned to players by using an Attunement Altar to give them a set of perks or the Resonating Wand to give an extra effect when held in the player’s main or off-hand.

To discover constellations, the appropriate Constellation paper must be acquired by the player first; this will display the constellation’s image in the «Constellations» tab in the player’s Astral Tome. Then, they must be discovered by looking through a Looking Glass or Telescope at night—the former is limited to only seeing bright constellations. Using the paper as a reference the player must trace the constellation out on either device using the mouse. Once a constellation has been discovered it will permanently be displayed in the night sky when it is in view and extra information is added to the «Constellations» tab in the Tome.


You may have noticed that when you initially held shift over a rock crystal, it read something seems to be here, but understanding of it is not yet revealed. When you craft your first luminous crafting table, you will get a notification in chat, Your vision expands. You learned more about ‘Exploration’. Now when you open your Astral Tome you will be able to see a second galaxy with the word «Exploration» over it. Again, you can scroll in and read through all the boxes for information on new elements of the mod that you can use. Here’s an overview:

  • Sextant: Right click on the main block of a multiblock structure, and a 3D hologram of the blocks you need to place will appear. Any multiblock structures can be found in the Astral Tome if the hologram is not clear enough.
  • Looking Glass: Used to trace constellations you have discovered by looking at the night sky. Hold shift to lock the telescope so you can trace. Constellation papers are exceptionally difficult to have obtained at this point because in Sky Factory 4 they can only spawn naturally as a rare drop in chests in the Lost Cities dimension.
  • Lightwell: Place aquamarine or rock crystal into the lightwell by right clicking it. As long as the lightwell has sky access (no blocks above it), it will slowly turn its input into liquid starlight, which can be pumped out of the bottom or removed with a bucket. Standing in liquid starlight grants night vision
  • Infused Wood: throwing wood (logs) into liquid starlight turns it into infused wood, which has a few items it can be crafted into
  • Fosic Resonator: the strength of starlight varies from area to area in the world. While holding a fosic resonator in your hand at night you can see areas that have more starlight (and thus would be better for your LCT). Differences are pretty negligible in my experience, especially late game.
  • Spectral Relay: a multiblock structure. When given a glass lens, can collect starlight and redirect it to LCTs that are within 14 blocks. Spectral Relays that are within 16 blocks of each other will reduce the effectiveness of each other. Look in the Astral Tome entry for an image of the structure, or use a sextant
  • Crystal Growth: submerging rock crystals in liquid starlight will increase the crystal’s size after some time. You can see the crystals size by holding shift while hovering your mouse over the crystal. If you throw a max size crystal into liquid starlight there is a chance that the crystal splits into 2. The 2 resulting crystals will have reduced size but have a chance of having increased purity.
  • Crystal Properties: when you mine rock crystal ore, the rock crystals that you get will have random size, purity, and cutting.
  • Grindstone: you can place rock crystals in the grindstone with right click. If you right click on the grindstone again, it will grind away a little bit of the rock crystal you inserted. This will decrease its size, but increase its cutting each time you spin the grindstone. If you decrease the size to 0, the rock crystal will be destroyed. Shift right click the grindstone with an empty hand to pick up your rock crystal.
  • Crystal Tools: rock crystals can be used to craft any normal minecraft tools in an LCT. The quality of the tools is dependent on the quality of the rock crystals which were used to craft them. These tools will never break, but they will wear down over time, negatively effecting the mining speed/damage. You can sharpen them up again in a grindstone, but doing so will decrease the size of the tool, just like how grinding a rock crystal works. You can also soak your tools in liquid starlight to restore their size.
  • Illumination Powder: right click to throw a projectile that will light up the ground wherever it lands perpetually with glowing yellow orbs. To remove them you have to place a block over the lights.
  • Cave Illuminator: a device which spawns light sources which float around, slowly moving away from the cave illuminator to find dark areas to light up. These light sources, called flares, can move through blocks, and thus can be used to light up caves passively. The cave illuminator will only work with sky access at night.
  • Nocturnal Powder: right click to throw a projectile that will create a dark cloud wherever it lands. Inside the cloud, monsters and bats will spawn very quickly. The cloud slowly disperses after it lands.
  • Starlight Crafting Altar: like the LCT, once you craft this block, you will increase your Astral Sorcery knowledge and enter the next phase. In order to use this new altar you will need to construct a large multiblock structure around it. This is best done using a sextant or by referring to the diagram in the Astral Tome. For reference, the multiblock structure is 9x4x9 (x, y, z)

Stellar Refraction Table[]

The Stellar Refraction Table is the source of all constellation based enchants, and works very differently from a normal enchanter. The first thing you might realize is that it does not consume exp levels at all! Drawing the power of the stars has additional benefits as you can choose the enchantments as long as you understand what the Constellations being used do.


In order to build your Refraction Table the main material needed is Infused Wood, which is very simple to make. Simply throw any Log (not plank) into a pool of liquid starlight and it will transform into Infused Wood. This can be crafted at any normal crafting table to make infused wood planks and these planks can be arranged on Luminous Crafting Tables or Crafting Altars in order to make various single block structures from them. Once this is done, simply put the Refraction Table in an area where it has a view of the open night sky.


There are several things you will need to make use of the Refraction Table, Parchment and Infused Glass. Both of these materials should be relatively easy to make at this point in your Crafting Altar. Once made, go up to your Refraction Table and right click with the Infused Glass to slot it into the top, then shift right-click with the parchment in order to place it below the glass.

Etched Glass

All that’s left now is to wait for your preferred Constellations to appear in the night sky, try to remember which moon phase they appear on! When they appear, right-click on your Refraction Table and you will be able to see them along the sides of the parchment in the UI. It appears to be very simple but don’t be deceived! Properly lining up your Constellations so that small part of them overlap is key, but make sure they don’t overlap too much as this will weaken their individual effects. While doing this you may notice that the parchment keeps burning up, to reduce this try etching the glass at around midnight and keep the Constellations to a maximum of three. Once you have your Etched Glass you’ll be just about done! Just wait until night timeand slot the Etched Glass with the desired enchantments into the Refraction Table. Then shift right-click the weapon, armor, tool, or potion into the Table and give it some time!

The amount of Constellations and effects may be a bit overwhelming at first as each Constellation has different potion, armor, weapon, and tool effects. But try not to be daunted by this, the combinations they can create are extremely powerful if done right!

Potion Effect
Armara Protection III-V Resistance I-III
Discidia Sharpness III-V

Power III-V

Strength I-IV
Vicio Feather Falling III-V Speed II-IV
Aevitas Mending I-III* Regeneration I-IV
Evorsio Efficiency III-V Haste II-IV
Lucerna Night Vision Night Vision I-III
Mineralis Fortune I-III Haste I-IV
Horologium Fortune III-VI

Looting III-VI

Speed II-V

Haste VI-IX

Octans Respiration II-IV Water Breathing III-V
Bootes Silk Touch Saturation III-VI
Fornax Fire Aspect I-III

Flame I-II*

Scorching Heat

Fire Resistance I
Pelotrio Infinity

Lure IV-VI

Regeneration III-V

Absorption II-V

Gelu Frost Walker I-II

Feather Falling I-IV

Unbreaking II-IV

Resistance II-III

Fire Resistance I

Slowness I-II

Ulteria Unbreaking II-III

Fire Protection IV-VI

Blast Protection IV-VI

Projectile Protection IV-VI

Absorption I-III

Regeneration II

Weakness II-III

Alcara Sweeping Edge III-VII

Lure II-V

Luck of the Sea III-VI

Luck III-V

Invisibility I-II

Hunger II-III

Vorux Smite IV-VII

Bane of Arthropods IV-VII

Sharpness III-IV

Power III-IV

Strength III-IV

Resistance I-II

Mining Fatigue II-IV

Getting Started

Astral Sorcery is extremely reliant on three resources that are relatively mid-late game; marble, aquamarine, and rock crystal. Marble spawns underground in a lot of places where ores generate, including the Lost Cities dimension. Aquamarine can be found in aquamarine shale which generates in sandy areas of the Lost Cities dimension. Rock crystals can be found in rock crystal ore which spawns in the Twilight Forest dimension. You can obtain these resources with an Industrial Foregoing Laser as well. It is not recommend that you get into Astral Sorcery if you do not have a considerable supply of marble, aquamarine, and rock crystal.

Astral Sorcery has an in-game guide called an Astral Tome. You should craft this before getting into Astral Sorcery. When you right click on an Astral Tome you will see a night sky with a single galaxy in it. This galaxy will have the word «Discovery» over it. Zoom in on this galaxy by scrolling the mouse wheel or by pressing W. This will allow you to see a bunch of boxes that are connected together with lines. You can click on any of the boxes and read information about stuff you can do with the mod. If you just read these boxes and craft everything that it says you can craft, you will eventually work your way through the entire mod. If that is what you want to do, you can stop reading here. Otherwise, I will give you a streamlined version of how to progress.

In a normal crafting table craft yourself a resonating wand and a luminous crafting table (LCT). These are the key to everything you will craft in Astral Sorcery. The LCT has a bar which displays how much starlight it is currently storing. In order to store starlight, the LCT must have sky access (no blocks above it). The LCT can collect more starlight during the night time, and collects more starlight as its elevation increases, up to y level 120. Whenever you want to use the LCT to craft something, place its recipe into the LCT, exit out of the crafting GUI and right click on the LCT with your resonating wand. If you have enough starlight stored, a beam of light will shine down on the table and the crafting will succeed after a short animation.

Types of constellations (after MC 1.16)

Bright constellations

These constellations can be discovered using a Looking Glass, Telescope, or Observatory. They are the only constellations to which players can be Attuned.

Dim constellations

These constellations require a Telescope or Observatory to discover, and can only be discovered by Attuned players. They can be used for all purposes besides attuning players.

Faint constellations

These constellations require an Observatory to discover, and can only be discovered by Attuned players. Their only purpose is for augmenting other constellations’ Rituals and altering their effects.



While it seems like crafting them might be fairly easy, there are a few things that are left out. When making lenses it’s important to use a good Rock Crystal for it, as the Purity and Size will have a bearing on the quality and amount of Lenses you will craft. The size of the crystal you use will change how many Lenses you receive when you finish crafting, on the other hand, the Purity is a bit more complex. When a lens is used to extend or change the beam of starlight, some of the power is lost from the original beam. If the Purity of a Lens is high, the beam will not lose as much power as it would if the Purity were low, and chaining lenses compounds this effect. Having Lenses made from Rock Crystals with perfect or 100% Purity will cause none of the starlight to be lost, if you can find such a crystal.

Astral Sorcery магическая астрономия, звезды, созвездия.

Мод Astral Sorcery — большой магический мод, связанный с астрономией, созвездиями и обладает крутой проработанностью, с ним вы сможете изучать астрономию, находить созвездия, строить алтари и получать мощные инструменты и полезные свойства.

Мод достаточно большой и интересный, он основан на астрономии и большую часть развития в моде вы будете выполнять по ночам. Используя специальные алтари и ресурсы вы сможете находить и изучать созвездия, строить алтари и проводить целые церемонии которые дадут вам разные эффекты. Получайте лунный свет, находите и обрабатывайте кристаллы, открывайте новые созвездия, перенаправляйте свет и собирайте его, все это довольно интересно.

Мод объемный, он имеет свою книгу — журнал которая позволит вам шаг за шагом изучать и продвигаться по моду, в ней есть вся полезная информация, а еще более подробный гайд на русском языке вы сможете увидеть в видео ниже.


Getting Started

Astral Sorcery is extremely reliant on three resources that are relatively mid-late game; marble, aquamarine, and rock crystal. Marble spawns underground in a lot of places where ores generate, including the Lost Cities dimension. Aquamarine can be found in aquamarine shale which generates in sandy areas of the Lost Cities dimension. Rock crystals can be found in rock crystal ore which spawns in the Twilight Forest dimension. You can obtain these resources with an Industrial Foregoing Laser as well. It is not recommend that you get into Astral Sorcery if you do not have a considerable supply of marble, aquamarine, and rock crystal.

Astral Sorcery has an in-game guide called an Astral Tome. You should craft this before getting into Astral Sorcery. When you right click on an Astral Tome you will see a night sky with a single galaxy in it. This galaxy will have the word «Discovery» over it. Zoom in on this galaxy by scrolling the mouse wheel or by pressing W. This will allow you to see a bunch of boxes that are connected together with lines. You can click on any of the boxes and read information about stuff you can do with the mod. If you just read these boxes and craft everything that it says you can craft, you will eventually work your way through the entire mod. If that is what you want to do, you can stop reading here. Otherwise, I will give you a streamlined version of how to progress.

In a normal crafting table craft yourself a resonating wand and a luminous crafting table (LCT). These are the key to everything you will craft in Astral Sorcery. The LCT has a bar which displays how much starlight it is currently storing. In order to store starlight, the LCT must have sky access (no blocks above it). The LCT can collect more starlight during the night time, and collects more starlight as its elevation increases, up to y level 120. Whenever you want to use the LCT to craft something, place its recipe into the LCT, exit out of the crafting GUI and right click on the LCT with your resonating wand. If you have enough starlight stored, a beam of light will shine down on the table and the crafting will succeed after a short animation.


You may have noticed that when you initially held shift over a rock crystal, it read something seems to be here, but understanding of it is not yet revealed. When you craft your first luminous crafting table, you will get a notification in chat, Your vision expands. You learned more about ‘Exploration’. Now when you open your Astral Tome you will be able to see a second galaxy with the word «Exploration» over it. Again, you can scroll in and read through all the boxes for information on new elements of the mod that you can use. Here’s an overview:

  • Sextant: Right click on the main block of a multiblock structure, and a 3D hologram of the blocks you need to place will appear. Any multiblock structures can be found in the Astral Tome if the hologram is not clear enough.
  • Looking Glass: Used to trace constellations you have discovered by looking at the night sky. Hold shift to lock the telescope so you can trace. Constellation papers are exceptionally difficult to have obtained at this point because in Sky Factory 4 they can only spawn naturally as a rare drop in chests in the Lost Cities dimension.
  • Lightwell: Place aquamarine or rock crystal into the lightwell by right clicking it. As long as the lightwell has sky access (no blocks above it), it will slowly turn its input into liquid starlight, which can be pumped out of the bottom or removed with a bucket. Standing in liquid starlight grants night vision
  • Infused Wood: throwing wood (logs) into liquid starlight turns it into infused wood, which has a few items it can be crafted into
  • Fosic Resonator: the strength of starlight varies from area to area in the world. While holding a fosic resonator in your hand at night you can see areas that have more starlight (and thus would be better for your LCT). Differences are pretty negligible in my experience, especially late game.
  • Spectral Relay: a multiblock structure. When given a glass lens, can collect starlight and redirect it to LCTs that are within 14 blocks. Spectral Relays that are within 16 blocks of each other will reduce the effectiveness of each other. Look in the Astral Tome entry for an image of the structure, or use a sextant
  • Crystal Growth: submerging rock crystals in liquid starlight will increase the crystal’s size after some time. You can see the crystals size by holding shift while hovering your mouse over the crystal. If you throw a max size crystal into liquid starlight there is a chance that the crystal splits into 2. The 2 resulting crystals will have reduced size but have a chance of having increased purity.
  • Crystal Properties: when you mine rock crystal ore, the rock crystals that you get will have random size, purity, and cutting.
  • Grindstone: you can place rock crystals in the grindstone with right click. If you right click on the grindstone again, it will grind away a little bit of the rock crystal you inserted. This will decrease its size, but increase its cutting each time you spin the grindstone. If you decrease the size to 0, the rock crystal will be destroyed. Shift right click the grindstone with an empty hand to pick up your rock crystal.
  • Crystal Tools: rock crystals can be used to craft any normal minecraft tools in an LCT. The quality of the tools is dependent on the quality of the rock crystals which were used to craft them. These tools will never break, but they will wear down over time, negatively effecting the mining speed/damage. You can sharpen them up again in a grindstone, but doing so will decrease the size of the tool, just like how grinding a rock crystal works. You can also soak your tools in liquid starlight to restore their size.
  • Illumination Powder: right click to throw a projectile that will light up the ground wherever it lands perpetually with glowing yellow orbs. To remove them you have to place a block over the lights.
  • Cave Illuminator: a device which spawns light sources which float around, slowly moving away from the cave illuminator to find dark areas to light up. These light sources, called flares, can move through blocks, and thus can be used to light up caves passively. The cave illuminator will only work with sky access at night.
  • Nocturnal Powder: right click to throw a projectile that will create a dark cloud wherever it lands. Inside the cloud, monsters and bats will spawn very quickly. The cloud slowly disperses after it lands.
  • Starlight Crafting Altar: like the LCT, once you craft this block, you will increase your Astral Sorcery knowledge and enter the next phase. In order to use this new altar you will need to construct a large multiblock structure around it. This is best done using a sextant or by referring to the diagram in the Astral Tome. For reference, the multiblock structure is 9x4x9 (x, y, z)

Types of constellations (after MC 1.16)

Bright constellations

These constellations can be discovered using a Looking Glass, Telescope, or Observatory. They are the only constellations to which players can be Attuned.

Dim constellations

These constellations require a Telescope or Observatory to discover, and can only be discovered by Attuned players. They can be used for all purposes besides attuning players.

Faint constellations

These constellations require an Observatory to discover, and can only be discovered by Attuned players. Their only purpose is for augmenting other constellations’ Rituals and altering their effects.


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