Ork units
Что сделать в первую очередь
Скачайте и запустите всемирно известный CCleaner (скачать по прямой ссылке) — это программа, которая очистит ваш компьютер от ненужного мусора, в результате чего система станет работать быстрее после первой же перезагрузки;
Обновите все драйверы в системе с помощью программы Driver Updater (скачать по прямой ссылке) — она просканирует ваш компьютер и обновит все драйверы до актуальной версии за 5 минут;
Установите Advanced System Optimizer (скачать по прямой ссылке) и включите в ней игровой режим, который завершит бесполезные фоновые процессы во время запуска игр и повысит производительность в игре.
Headquarters unit that represents a city’s defenses.
Assault: Classification. Bolt Weapon: The boltgun, or bolter, fires small missiles known as ‘bolts’. Each self-propelled bolt explodes with devastating effect once it has penetrated its target. There are many variations of boltguns, from the short-barreled bolt pistol to the Vulcan mega-bolter often mounted on Titans and other super-heavy vehicles. Upgrade: Increases the armour penetration of bolt weapons.
Rokkit Launcha
Assault: Classification. Upgrade: Increases the armour penetration of grenade, missile and blast weapons.
Set Rally Point
- Sets the rally point for newly produced units in this city.
Free action
Armour: 6Hitpoints: 64Morale: 10Movement: —
20 20(Per existing city)
6 for each city beyond the first
Файлы, драйверы и библиотеки
Практически каждое устройство в компьютере требует набор специального программного обеспечения. Это драйверы, библиотеки и прочие файлы, которые обеспечивают правильную работу компьютера.
Скачать драйвер для видеокарты Nvidia GeForce
Скачать драйвер для видеокарты AMD Radeon
Driver Updater
- загрузите Driver Updater и запустите программу;
- произведите сканирование системы (обычно оно занимает не более пяти минут);
- обновите устаревшие драйверы одним щелчком мыши.
существенно увеличить FPSAdvanced System Optimizer
- загрузите Advanced System Optimizer и запустите программу;
- произведите сканирование системы (обычно оно занимает не более пяти минут);
- выполните все требуемые действия. Ваша система работает как новая!
Когда с драйверами закончено, можно заняться установкой актуальных библиотек — DirectX и .NET Framework. Они так или иначе используются практически во всех современных играх:
Скачать DirectX
Скачать Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5
Скачать Microsoft .NET Framework 4
Скачать Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Service Pack 1
Скачать Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 (32-бит) (Скачать Service Pack 1)
Скачать Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 (64-бит) (Скачать Service Pack 1)
Скачать Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 (32-бит) (Скачать Service Pack 1)
Скачать Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 (64-бит) (Скачать Service Pack 1)
Скачать Microsoft Visual C++ 2012 Update 4
Скачать Microsoft Visual C++ 2013

Terrain Types[]
Special rule
Tile Resources
-20% +20% |
On most human-habitable planets, the icy, treeless ‘arctic’ climates are located towards the poles of the planet. On Gladius Prime, however, ancient climate management means the frozen regions are less predictably-distributed.
Here sits the ruin of an Imperial fishery; there, the abandoned summer villa of a ranking Imperium bureaucrat; there, a camp of desperate, feral human survivors, eking out an existence from the ocean’s bounty.
-20% +20% |
In these bare regions, precipitation is so low as to make life impossible, save for slow-growing extremophiles and the most alien anhydrous lifeforms. The clear land and skies are perfect for solar-capture devices, however.
+20% |
Whether natural plains or once-inhabited regions scoured clean by unholy warp energies, these rolling fields are the most fertile places on the planet, perfect for Imperium-approved crops.
Who knows what treasures have been swept into Gladius’ mighty seas? What long-lost artefacts lie crusted with coral amidst its deep-ocean smokers and light-fearing sea aberrations? Given the richness of the land, no-one has ever explored these questions.
+10% |
Mixed woodland and grassland proliferates here, atop the inevitable human and xenos ruins, making for a landscape that’s both fertile and home to the planet’s unique ore-rich ‘trees’.
+10% |
A stark landscape dominates here, where short growing seasons and low temperatures offered only a bitter existence for the erstwhile human settlers. Food can still be found here, but hydroponic or intensive systems are required for survival.
-20% +20% |
Here, the massive sub-surface pressure triggered by the warp chaos has created seismic eruptions on the surface. For those races willing to risk their lives (or their slaves’ lives), it’s a rich area for ore exploitation.
Hero unit that crushes enemies in close combat and inspires allies.
Rokkit Launcha
Assault: Classification. Upgrade: Increases the armour penetration of grenade, missile and blast weapons.
Power Klaw
Melee: Cannot overwatch. Unwieldy: Reduces the accuracy. Upgrade: Increases the armour penetration of melee weapons.
‘Ere We Go!
- Increases the movement.
Free action
- Requires movement
Cooldown: 5
Attack Squig
- Adds an additional weapon to the Warboss. Damage scales with ability rank.
- Consumes action points
Consumes movement Melee: Cannot overwatch. Upgrade: : Increases the armour penetration of melee weapons.
Big Boss
- Increases the maximum hitpoints.
Passive action
Bust Heads
- Reduces the morale loss for the Warboss and nearby allied units.
Free action
Cooldown: 5
Radius: 2
Prophet of the Waaagh!
- Increase the influence gain when dealing damage for units with Might Makes Right in the region.
Free action
Cooldown: 10
Radius: 3
- Consumes action points
- Consumes movement
Cooldown: 10
Technology: Assault: Classification. Blast: Hits multiple group members of the target unit. Grenade: A small bomb thrown by hand. Upgrade: : Increases the armour penetration of grenade, missile and blast weapons.
Armour: 2Hitpoints: 12Morale: 10Movement: 3
18 ( 3) 10 10 40
2 4
Hero unit with versatile psychic powers.
Weirdboy Staff
Melee: Cannot overwatch. Upgrade: Increases the armour penetration of melee weapons.
‘Ere We Go!
- Increases the movement.
Free action
- Requires movement
Cooldown: 5
- Consumes action points
- Consumes movement
Cooldown: 1 Assault: Classification. Blast: Hits multiple group members of the target unit. Psychic Power: Classification. Witchfire: Classification.
- Increases the number of melee attacks of the Weirdboy and adjacent Mob Rule allied units.
- Consumes action points
- Consumes movement
Cooldown: 2
Radius: 1
Channel Mental Emissions
- Increases the research output of the clan.
Passive action
Da Jump
- Teleports the Weirdboy and adjacent allied units to the target tile and adjacent tiles.
- Consumes action points
- Consumes movement
Cooldown: 5
Armour: 2Hitpoints: 9Morale: 6Movement: 3
15 ( 3) 7.5 7.5 30
1.5 3
Hero unit that heals and augments allied infantry.
‘Urty Syringe
Melee: Cannot overwatch. Poisoned: Increases the damage against infantry units. Upgrade: Increases the armour penetration of melee weapons.
‘Ere We Go!
- Increases the movement.
Free action
- Requires movement
Cooldown: 5
Dok’s Tools
- Restores the hitpoints of the target allied infantry unit.
- Consumes action points
- Consumes movement
Cooldown: 1
Range: 1
Extra Bitz
- Reduces the food, ore and energy upkeep of infantry units in the region.
Radius: 3
Passive action
Cybork Implants
- Permanently increases the damage and damage reduction of the target allied infantry unit.
- Consumes action points
- Consumes movement
Cooldown: 3
Range: 1
Experimental Procedure
- Increases the damage and damage reduction of the target allied infantry unit.
- Consumes action points
- Consumes movement
Cooldown: 5
Range: 1
Armour: 2Hitpoints: 9Morale: 6Movement: 3
12 ( 2) 5 5 20
1 2
Warhammer 40,000: Gladius — Relics of War не запускается. Ошибка при запуске. Решение
Warhammer 40,000: Gladius — Relics of War установилась, но попросту отказывается работать. Как быть?
Выдает ли Warhammer 40,000: Gladius — Relics of War какую-нибудь ошибку после вылета? Если да, то какой у нее текст? Возможно, она не поддерживает вашу видеокарту или какое-то другое оборудование? Или ей не хватает оперативной памяти?
Помните, что разработчики сами заинтересованы в том, чтобы встроить в игры систему описания ошибки при сбое. Им это нужно, чтобы понять, почему их проект не запускается при тестировании.
Обязательно запишите текст ошибки. Если вы не владеете иностранным языком, то обратитесь на официальный форум разработчиков Warhammer 40,000: Gladius — Relics of War. Также будет полезно заглянуть в крупные игровые сообщества и, конечно, в наш FAQ.
Если Warhammer 40,000: Gladius — Relics of War не запускается, мы рекомендуем вам попробовать отключить ваш антивирус или поставить игру в исключения антивируса, а также еще раз проверить соответствие системным требованиям и если что-то из вашей сборки не соответствует, то по возможности улучшить свой ПК, докупив более мощные комплектующие.

A Simple Example Mod[]
By editing \Data\World\Blueprints\WorldParameters.xml you can add an option for larger maps. The original file contains the following code:
<size dimension="27 27" recommendedPlayers="2"/>
<size dimension="33 33" recommendedPlayers="3"/>
<size dimension="38 38" recommendedPlayers="4"/>
<size dimension="46 46" recommendedPlayers="6"/>
<size dimension="53 53" recommendedPlayers="8"/>
We can add a new line at the end to make a new map size, 80×80 with recommended player count of 16:
<size dimension="27 27" recommendedPlayers="2"/>
<size dimension="33 33" recommendedPlayers="3"/>
<size dimension="38 38" recommendedPlayers="4"/>
<size dimension="46 46" recommendedPlayers="6"/>
<size dimension="53 53" recommendedPlayers="8"/>
<size dimension="80 80" recommendedPlayers="16"/>
Now we must also locate the string reference, otherwise the game will crash. We do this by modifying \Data\Core\Languages\<…your language…>\WorldParameters.xml. The original file contains the following code:
<entry name="Size" value="World Size"/>
<entry name="Size0" value="Tiny"/>
<entry name="Size0Hint" value="%1%: Recommended for 2 players."/>
<entry name="Size1" value="Small"/>
<entry name="Size1Hint" value="%1%: Recommended for 3 players."/>
<entry name="Size2" value="Medium"/>
<entry name="Size2Hint" value="%1%: Recommended for 4 players."/>
<entry name="Size3" value="Large"/>
<entry name="Size3Hint" value="%1%: Recommended for 6 players."/>
<entry name="Size4" value="Huge"/>
<entry name="Size4Hint" value="%1%: Recommended for 8 players."/>
where the … represent other code in the file but not directly pertinent for our mod. We want two follow the same structure as the above code and add two new lines at the end:
<entry name="Size" value="World Size"/>
<entry name="Size0" value="Tiny"/>
<entry name="Size0Hint" value="%1%: Recommended for 2 players."/>
<entry name="Size1" value="Small"/>
<entry name="Size1Hint" value="%1%: Recommended for 3 players."/>
<entry name="Size2" value="Medium"/>
<entry name="Size2Hint" value="%1%: Recommended for 4 players."/>
<entry name="Size3" value="Large"/>
<entry name="Size3Hint" value="%1%: Recommended for 6 players."/>
<entry name="Size4" value="Huge"/>
<entry name="Size4Hint" value="%1%: Recommended for 8 players."/>
<entry name="Size5" value="Gigantic"/>
<entry name="Size5Hint" value="%1%: Recommended for 16 players or more."/>
Headquarters unit that represents a city’s defenses.
8x Lasgun
Rapid Fire: Doubles the attacks at half range. Upgrade: Increases the armour penetration of las weapons.
3x Krak Missile Launcher
Heavy: Reduces the accuracy after moving. Upgrade: Increases the armour penetration of grenade, missile and blast weapons.
Set Rally Point
- Sets the rally point for newly produced units in this city.
Free action
Armour: 6Hitpoints: 64Morale: 10Movement: —
20 20(Per existing city)
6 for each city beyond the first
Fortification with heavy bolters that can shelter infantry.
Heavy Bolter
Bolt Weapon: The boltgun, or bolter, fires small missiles known as ‘bolts’. Each self-propelled bolt explodes with devastating effect once it has penetrated its target. There are many variations of boltguns, from the short-barreled bolt pistol to the Vulcan mega-bolter often mounted on Titans and other super-heavy vehicles. Heavy: Reduces the accuracy after moving. Upgrade: Increases the armour penetration of bolt weapons.
Armour: 10Hitpoints: 32Morale: 10Movement: —
18 ( 3) 20
(Only with )Fortification that shields units in range.
Projected Void Shield
- Increases the ranged damage reduction of units in range.
Radius: 2
Passive action
Armour: 9Hitpoints: 16Morale: 8Movement: —
15 ( 3) 10 10
Terrain Features[]
Special rule
Tile Resources
+10% |
This low scrubland is scattered with the detritus and debris from human habitation, and xenos invasion. It might not be attractive to the eye, but it’s fertile enough for basic subsistence.
30px City
- Min 33% ranged Damage Reduction for infantry units
- Breaks line of sight and hides units unless they attack or there is an adjacent enemy
For friendly units:
- Min 33% city Damage Reduction
- +100% x15px Healing Rate
Max 1 movement cost
30px Forest
- Max 2 Building Slots
+1 movement cost to enter
- Min 33% ranged Damage Reduction for infantry units
- Breaks line of sight and hides units unless they attack or there is an adjacent enemy
+10% |
Gladius’ fast-growing forests persist all year around, the vegetal growth stretching to the sky, and blocking lines of sight. Gladius’ plants may seem treelike, but they’re actually iron-hard, as they draw ores from deep under the planet’s surface.
Imperial Ruins
- Max 2 Building Slots
+1 movement cost to enter
- Min 33% ranged Damage Reduction for infantry units
- Breaks line of sight and hides units unless they attack or there is an adjacent enemy
+10% |
The pre-invasion human colony was built for defense and mineral exploitation. Nothing was designed to stand the tectonic shifts and warp-born horrors that came with the Ork invasion, and hence very few structures weathered it. This ruin is a rare survivor.
Necron Tomb
Feature that allows Necrons to found a city on the tile.
Deep beneath this innocuous patch of land lies a Tomb City, where the Necrons have slept away the long millenia. To one who knows the correct protocols, it’s a simple matter to begin the procedure of awakening it and its inhabitants from their dreamless sleep…
Orkoid Fungus
+1 Hitpoints for Ork ground units
+20% for Orks
Feature that increases the food output and healing rate for Orks.
- Claims special features
- Min 17% city Damage Reduction
- Min 17% ranged Damage Reduction for infantry units
- +50% x15px Healing Rate
Feature that grants the controlling player a small resource bonus.
+1 movement cost to enter.
+10% |
This freshwater watercourse wends its way to the sea, concentrating the wealth of mountains and fields as it does. Infantry regiments are less interested in the river’s bounty and more in its capabilities as a natural defensive line.
Max 2 Building Slots.
+20% |
Thrust up by the planet’s seismic hell, these freshly-revealed crags might be bare of organic life, but are a superb source of the rare minerals at Gladius’ heart.
Wire Weed
- No Building Slots
Consumes all movement
- Deals damage each turn when standing on it: 3 Damage, 1 Attacks, 2 Armour Penetration, 2 Accuracy, Blast, Ignores Cover
Woe betide anyone who wanders into these thickets of brambles. Slowly at first, but faster and faster, the living weed draws its razor-sharp filaments tighter around the hapless intruder.
Steam Workshop[]
This section covers the steps needed to get a Mod uploaded to the Steam Workshop.
- A PDF version of this guide is available here
Mod Location
Gladius uses non-destructive modding, i.e., the game’s core files are never modified. In order for Gladius to load mods, they must be placed in:
• Windows:
My Documents\Proxy Studios\Gladius\Mods\<mod name>
• Linux:
$HOME/.config/Proxy Studios/Gladius/Mods/<mod name>
replacing <mod name> with the name of the actual mod. Any mod files meant to replace their original counterparts must be named and placed in the correct directory hierarchy under the Data subfolder in the main <mod name> folder.
In the <mod name> folder, place a PNG image named Preview.png. This image will be used as the Steam Workshop thumbnail. The image should be less than 1 MB in size to ensure continued compatibility with the Steam Workshop platform.

Mod Listing
Login to Steam and Launch Gladius. From the main menu, navigate to Extra → Mods:

If the mod is placed in the correct location in Step 1, then you should see it listed in the Mods menu:

A mod that has not yet been uploaded to the Steam Workshop will have 2 icons for its entry:
- Upload Clicking this icon will begin the upload process to the Steam Workshop. (REMOVED)
- Open Clicking this icon will open up a file browser window for your operating system and show you the mod folder on the computer.
- Enable Clicking this icon will enable/disable the mod within the game.
Uploading to the Steam Workshop
Click on the Upload button in Step 2. A window will appear asking you to accept the publishing terms:

You must agree to these terms if you want your mod to be uploaded to the Steam Workshop.(Feature removed)
Once you accept the terms and click the Agree button, the mod will start uploading. A successful upload to the Steam Workshop will display a prompt saying the mod was uploaded:

An addition icon will now appear in the mod listing:
Details Click this icon to open your Steam browser to the Steam Workshop page for the mod. You can now enter in information about the mod on the Steam Workshop and upload any additional media to showcase the mod.
After the mod has been successfully published to the Steam Workshop, the mod directory will now contain a file called SteamID.txt:

This file is the unique Steam Workshop URL corresponding to the mod.
Any changes / updates to the mod, simply re-upload using the Upload icon as before.
Here are some common errors you might encounter when attempting to upload the mod:
- k_EResultFail — Generic failure.
- k_EResultInvalidParam — Either the provided app ID is invalid or doesn’t match the consumer app ID of the item or, you have not enabled ISteamUGC for the provided app ID on the Steam Workshop Configuration App Admin page. The preview file is smaller than 16 bytes.
- k_EResultAccessDenied — The user doesn’t own a license for the provided app ID.
- k_EResultFileNotFound — Failed to get the workshop info for the item or failed to read the preview file.
- k_EResultLockingFailed — Failed to aquire UGC Lock.
- k_EResultFileNotFound — The provided content folder is not valid.
- k_EResultLimitExceeded — The preview image is too large, it must be less than 1 Megabyte; or there is not enough space available on the users Steam Cloud.
- known and removed, tested Feature has been removed. no longer able to upload to Steam workshop.
Появляется чёрный экран в Warhammer 40,000: Gladius — Relics of War
Драйверы установлены/обновлены, но Warhammer 40,000: Gladius — Relics of War всё равно отказывается работать
нормально? Тогда нужно проверить ПО, установлены ли вообще необходимые библиотеки? В
первую очередь проверьте наличие библиотек
Microsoft Visual C++
, а также наличие «свежего»
Если ничего из вышеописанного не дало нужного результата, тогда пора прибегнуть к
радикальному способу решения проблемы: запускаете Warhammer 40,000: Gladius — Relics of War и при появлении
чёрного экрана нажимаете сочетание клавиш «Alt+Enter», чтобы игра переключилась на
оконный режим. Так, возможно, откроется главное меню игры и удастся определить
проблема в игре или нет. Если удалось перейти в оконный режим, тогда переходите в
игровые настройки Warhammer 40,000: Gladius — Relics of War и меняйте разрешение (часто получается так, что
несоответствие разрешения игры и рабочего стола приводит к конфликту, из-за которого
появляется чёрный экран).
Причиной этой ошибки также могут послужить различные программы, предназначенные для
захвата видео и другие приложения, связанные с видеоэффектами. А причина простая –
появляются конфликты.
И напоследок – проблема, вероятнее всего, может быть связана с технической
составляющей «железа». Видеоадаптер может перегреваться, как и мосты на материнской
плате, что влечёт за собой уменьшенное энергопотребление видеокарты. Мы не будем
вдаваться в детальные технические подробности, поэтому просто рекомендуем в
обязательном порядке почистить свою машину от пыли и также поменять термопасту!

Monstrous Creatures[]
Massive fearsome beast unit that crushes enemy troops and serves as a transport.
Close Combat Weapon
Melee: Cannot overwatch. Upgrade: Increases the armour penetration of melee weapons.
Ordnance: Increases the armour penetration against vehicles and fortifications. Not usable by infantry after moving. Upgrade: Increases the armour penetration of grenade, missile and blast weapons.
Twin-Linked Big Shoota
Assault: Classification. Bolt Weapon: The boltgun, or bolter, fires small missiles known as ‘bolts’. Each self-propelled bolt explodes with devastating effect once it has penetrated its target. There are many variations of boltguns, from the short-barreled bolt pistol to the Vulcan mega-bolter often mounted on Titans and other super-heavy vehicles. Twin-Linked: Increases the accuracy. Upgrade: Increases the armour penetration of bolt weapons.
Aura of Fear
- Reduces the morale of adjacent enemy units each turn.
Radius: 1
Passive action Fear: Reduces the morale each turn.
Free action
- Consumes movement
Cooldown: 1 Large Blast: Hits multiple group members of the target unit. Melee: Cannot overwatch. Upgrade: : Increases the armour penetration of melee weapons.
Hammer of Wrath
- Increases the damage.
- Requires action points
Cooldown: 3
Armour: 6Hitpoints: 96Morale: 8Movement: 3
33 ( 6) 60 60
12 12
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Monstrous Creatures[]
Jet pack monstrous creature unit that provides concealment and debuffs enemies.
Cyclic Ion Raker (Standard)
Upgrade: Increases the armour penetration of fusion, ion, plasma and pulse weapons.
Twin-Linked Fusion Blaster
Assault: Classification. Melta: Increases the armour penetration at half range. Twin-Linked: Increases the accuracy. Upgrade: Increases the armour penetration of fusion, ion, plasma and pulse weapons.
Aura of Fear
- Reduces the morale of adjacent enemy units each turn.
Radius: 1
Passive action Fear: Reduces the morale each turn.
Holophoton Countermeasures
- Decreases the ranged accuracy of target enemy unit.
Free action
Cooldown: 5
Range: 2
Deploy Stealth Drone
- Deploys temporary Stealth Drone. Shares cooldown with other drone deployment abilities.
Free action
Cooldown: 10
Range: 1 Summon: Classification.
Bonding Knife Ritual
- Restores the morale.
Free action
Cooldown: 10
Hammer of Wrath
- Increases the damage.
- Requires action points
Cooldown: 3
Armour: 8Hitpoints: 16Morale: 10Movement: 3
24 ( 4) 20 20
Heavily armoured jet pack monstrous creature unit with excellent fire support and a multipurpose nova reactor.
Ion Accelerator (Standard)
Heavy: Reduces the accuracy after moving. Upgrade: Increases the armour penetration of fusion, ion, plasma and pulse weapons.
Twin-Linked Plasma Rifle
Rapid Fire: Doubles the attacks at half range. Twin-Linked: Increases the accuracy. Upgrade: Increases the armour penetration of fusion, ion, plasma and pulse weapons.
Aura of Fear
- Reduces the morale of adjacent enemy units each turn.
Radius: 1
Passive action Fear: Reduces the morale each turn.
Nova Shield
- Sacrifices hitpoints to increase the damage reduction.
- Requires action points
Cooldown: 2
Nova Boost
- Sacrifices hitpoints to increase the movement.
- Requires action points
Cooldown: 2
Nova Fire
- Sacrifices hitpoints to increase the attacks.
- Requires action points
Cooldown: 2
Deploy Shielded Missile Drone
- Deploys temporary Shielded Missile Drone. Shares cooldown with other drone deployment abilities.
Free action
Cooldown: 10
Range: 1 Summon: Classification.
Bonding Knife Ritual
- Restores the morale.
Free action
Cooldown: 10
Hammer of Wrath
- Increases the damage.
- Requires action points
Cooldown: 3
Armour: 10Hitpoints: 30Morale: 10Movement: 3
27 ( 5) 30 30
Gargantuan creature with phenomenal firepower that is equally lethal in attack and defence.
Pulse Driver Cannon
Ordnance: Increases the armour penetration against vehicles and fortifications. Not usable by infantry after moving. Large Blast: Hits multiple group members of the target unit. Upgrade: Increases the armour penetration of fusion, ion, plasma and pulse weapons.
Twin-Linked Smart Missile System
Heavy: Reduces the accuracy after moving. Ignores Cover: Ignores the ranged damage reduction of the target unit. Homing: Does not require line of sight. Twin-Linked: Increases the accuracy. Upgrade: Increases the armour penetration of flame and missile weapons.
Cluster Rocket System
Heavy: Reduces the accuracy after moving. Upgrade: Increases the armour penetration of flame and missile weapons.
Twin-Linked Airbursting Fragmentation Projector
Assault: Classification. Barrage: Does not require line of sight, but cannot overwatch. Large Blast: Hits multiple group members of the target unit. Ignores Cover: Ignores the ranged damage reduction of the target unit. Twin-Linked: Increases the accuracy. Upgrade: Increases the armour penetration of flame and missile weapons.
Destroyer Missile
Free action
- Consumes movement
Cooldown: 5 Heavy: Reduces the accuracy after moving. Upgrade: : Increases the armour penetration of flame and missile weapons.
Aura of Fear
- Reduces the morale of adjacent enemy units each turn.
Radius: 1
Passive action Fear: Reduces the morale each turn.
Destroyer Missile
Free action
- Consumes movement
Cooldown: 5 Heavy: Reduces the accuracy after moving. Upgrade: : Increases the armour penetration of flame and missile weapons.
Free action
- Consumes movement
Cooldown: 1 Large Blast: Hits multiple group members of the target unit. Melee: Cannot overwatch.
Hammer of Wrath
- Increases the damage.
- Requires action points
Cooldown: 3
Armour: 8Hitpoints: 48Morale: 10Movement: 3
30 ( 5) 40 40
Stationary structure unit that spawns Catachan Devils over time.
Armour: 6Hitpoints: 24Morale: 0Movement: None
Fortification with heavy bolters that can shelter infantry.
Heavy Bolter
Bolt Weapon: The boltgun, or bolter, fires small missiles known as ‘bolts’. Each self-propelled bolt explodes with devastating effect once it has penetrated its target. There are many variations of boltguns, from the short-barreled bolt pistol to the Vulcan mega-bolter often mounted on Titans and other super-heavy vehicles. Heavy: Reduces the accuracy after moving. Upgrade: Increases the armour penetration of bolt weapons.
Armour: 10Hitpoints: 32Morale: 10Movement: —
Headquarters unit that represents a city’s defenses.
Bolt Weapon: The boltgun, or bolter, fires small missiles known as ‘bolts’. Each self-propelled bolt explodes with devastating effect once it has penetrated its target. There are many variations of boltguns, from the short-barreled bolt pistol to the Vulcan mega-bolter often mounted on Titans and other super-heavy vehicles. Rapid Fire: Doubles the attacks at half range. Upgrade: Increases the armour penetration of bolt weapons.
Battle Cannon
Large Blast: Hits multiple group members of the target unit. Ordnance: Increases the armour penetration against vehicles and fortifications. Not usable by infantry after moving. Upgrade: Increases the armour penetration of grenade, missile and blast weapons.
Set Rally Point
- Sets the rally point for newly produced units in this city.
Free action
Armour: 6Hitpoints: 64Morale: 10Movement: —
20 20(Per existing city)
6 for each city beyond the first
(Only with )Fortification that shields allied Chaos units and damages enemy psykers.
Loathsome Aura
- Increases the invulnerable damage reduction of adjacent allied Chaos units.
Radius: 1
Passive action
Malevolent Locus
- Damages enemy non-Chaos psykers in range each turn.
Radius: 3
Passive action Psyker: Classification.
Armour: 8Hitpoints: 24Morale: 8Movement: —
18 ( 3) 10 10
Отсутствует DLL-файл или ошибка DLL

Ошибка d3dx9_43.dll, xinput1_2.dll,
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лечатся одним и тем
же способом – воспользуйтесь
веб-установщиком исполняемых библиотек DirectX
MSVCR120.dll, VCRUNTIME140.dll, runtime-x32.dll и др.
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лечатся установкой
библиотек Microsoft Visual C++ (узнать, какая именно библиотека нужна можно в системных
Избавляемся от ошибки MSVCR140.dll / msvcr120.dll / MSVCR110.dll и
других DLL раз и навсегда
Очень часто стал замечать, что люди плачут об ошибках «запуск программы невозможен, так как
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Warhammer 40,000: Gladius — Relics of War, скачанная с торрента не работает. Решение
Такие версии игр использовать не просто неудобно, а даже опасно, ведь очень часто в них изменены многие файлы. Например, для обхода защиты пираты модифицируют EXE-файл. При этом никто не знает, что они еще с ним делают. Быть может, они встраивают само-исполняющееся программное обеспечение. Например, майнер, который при первом запуске игры встроится в систему и будет использовать ее ресурсы для обеспечения благосостояния хакеров. Или вирус, дающий доступ к компьютеру третьим лицам. Тут никаких гарантий нет и быть не может.
К тому же использование пиратских версий — это, по мнению нашего издания, воровство. Разработчики потратили много времени на создание игры, вкладывали свои собственные средства в надежде на то, что их детище окупится. А каждый труд должен быть оплачен.
Поэтому при возникновении каких-либо проблем с играми, скачанными с торрентов или же взломанных с помощью тех или иных средств, следует сразу же удалить «пиратку», почистить компьютер при помощи антивируса и приобрести лицензионную копию игры. Это не только убережет от сомнительного ПО, но и позволит скачивать обновления для игры и получать официальную поддержку от ее создателей.
Headquarters unit that represents a city’s defenses.
Assault: Classification. Upgrade: Increases the armour penetration of short-ranged weapons.
Heavy Venom Cannon
Assault: Classification. Blast: Hits multiple group members of the target unit. Upgrade: Increases the armour penetration of long-ranged weapons.
Synapse Creature
- Grants this and adjacent units immunity to morale, fear and instinctive behaviour effects.
Range: 1
Radius: self
Passive action
- Effect: Synapse Link: The unit cannot be shaken or broken, is immune to fear and is not subject to instinctive behaviour.
Set Rally Point
- Sets the rally point for newly produced units in this city.
Free action
Armour: 6Hitpoints: 64Morale: 10
10 10(Per existing city)
6 for each city beyond the first
Allows units to tunnel from one Broodhive to another.
Armour: 6Hitpoints: 24Morale: 0
10 5
1 1
Механика игры
В игре нужно делать все постепенно. Сначала необходимо будет изучить технологии на незнакомой вам планете. А затем можно и напасть на территорию противника, используя физические и боевые способности каждого воина в вашей игровой команде. Скачать Warhammer 40000 Gladius Relics of War через торрент возможно в бесплатном режиме с нашего игрового портала. Одной из главных составляющих этой версии игры станет борьба за ценные ресурсы и артефакты, которые хранятся в недрах планеты. Бои будут жаркими и весьма опасными.
Какие же тайны хранит в себе планета? Что это за древнее зло, стремящееся вырваться на поверхность планеты? Именно это выясните вы и вся ваша команда десантников. Смело сражайтесь с вашими противниками и получайте хорошие игровые вознаграждения в этой яркой и динамичной игре с трехмерной графикой!
Особенности Warhammer 40000 Gladius Relics of War
- Бои. Вы станете сражаться не только с землянами, а еще на планете вас будут ждать коварные гоблины и монстры, которые не дадут вам легко завладеть важными артефактами.
- Воины. В процессе игры вы будете улучшать обмундирование и доспехи ваших космических десантников. Ваши бойцы – это реально крутые десантники, которые умело будут атаковать все расы, доступные в игре.
- Планета. Очень необычные локации представлены на планете. Вы должны изучить каждый уголок, чтобы там найти весьма ценные предметы. Да и здешние технологии вам как игроку предстоит изучить.
На этой странице по кнопке ниже вы можете скачать Warhammer 40000 Gladius Relics of War через торрент бесплатно.
Faction quest only hero infantry unit that supports vehicles.
Power Axe
Melee: Cannot overwatch. Unwieldy: Reduces the accuracy. |
Melee: Cannot overwatch. Unwieldy: Reduces the accuracy. |
Melee: Cannot overwatch. Unwieldy: Reduces the accuracy. |
Blessings of the Omnissiah
- Restores the hitpoints of the target allied vehicle or fortification unit.
- Consumes action points
- Consumes movement
Cooldown: 1
Range: 1
Awaken The Machine
- Increases the ranged accuracy of the target allied vehicle or fortification unit.
- Consumes action points
- Consumes movement
Cooldown: 1
Range: 1
Armour: 8Hitpoints: 12Morale: 12Movement: 3