Getting started (skyfactory 3)

Mod List[edit]

Version 3.0.15 of the SkyFactory Pack includes the following 174 mods by default:

Name Version
Actually Additions 1.10.2-r105
Actually Computers 1.0.0
Advanced Generators
Angel Ring To Bauble
Apple Shields Mod 0.1.7
AppleCore 2.2.2
AppleSkin 1.0.8
AutoPackager 1.6.4b
AutoRegLib 1.0-2
B.A.S.E 1.4.0
Baconators 3.0.6
Baubles 1.3.11
Bed Bugs 1.1.6
Better Builder’s Wands
Better Than Bunnies 1.1.0
BetterFps 1.10
BiomeTweaker 2.3.239
BlockDispenser 1.0-1
Blood Magic 2.1.11-80
Botania r1.9-341
Brandon’s Core
Ceramics 1.1.6b
Chameleon 2.3.0
Chance Cubes
Charset 0.3.5
Chest Transporter 2.5.18
Chickens 4.3.2
Chisel 2
Chisels and Bits 12.15
Client Tweaks 1.1.16
Clipboard 1.1.1
Clumps 1.0.5
Colossal Chests 1.6.0
Common Capabilities 1.3.3
CompatLayer 0.2.9
ConnectedTexturesMod 1.0.0
Controlling 1.0.5
Cooking for Blockheads 4.2.45
Custom Main Menu 2.0.5
Cyclops Core 0.10.9
Dark Utilities 1.1.8.finalrc2
Decocraft 2.4.2
Default Options 6.1.5
Dimensional Cake 0.0.1
Draconic Evolution
Dragon Mounts r46
Drawers & Bits 0.36
EnderIO 3.1.193
Engineers Workshop 1.3.6
Environmental Tech 0.10.6b
ET Lunar 0.10.6a
Ex Compressum 2.0.97
Ex Nihilo Adscensio 0.1.20
Experience Rings 1.3.0
Extra Bit Manipulation 2.5.1
Extra Utilities 1.6.3
Extreme Reactors
Fairy Lights 1.10.2
Farming for Blockheads 1.1.16
Fence Overhaul 1.2.1
Flat Colored Blocks 4.4
Flux Networks 1.2.8
FoamFix 0.7.2-anarchy
FTB Utilities 1.1x-3.6.5
FTBLib 1.1x-3.6.5
Fullscreen Windowed 1.5.1
Funnels 1.1.2
Garden of Glass 1.0
Get Ya’ Tanks Here
GraveStone Mod 1.5.13
Grue 1.3.5
Guide-API 2.0.3-46
Hammer Core
HarvestCraft 1.10.2h
Hatchery 0.3.21
Headcrumbs 2.0.3
Hopper Ducts Mod
HydroGel 0.9
Immersive Engineering 0.10-61
InGame Info
Initial Inventory 1.0.1
Integrated Dynamics 0.7.12
Integrated Tunnels 1.2.5
Inventory Sorter 0.11.0+47
Iron Backpacks 2.2.31
Iron Chests
It’s Raining Food 0.1.0
JourneyMap 5.5.0b4
Just Enough Items (JEI)
KleeSlabs 3.3.5
Literal Ascension
LLibrary 1.7.7
Long Fall Boots Hard Mode
Loot Bags 2.3.9
Lunatrius Core
Mantle 1.1.5
McJtyLib 1.1x-2.4.3
MCMultiPart 1.4.0
Mercurius 1.0.6
MineMenu 1.4.5
MineTweaker 1.0.0
Missing Pieces 4.3.0
Moar Signs
Mob Grinding Utils
ModTweaker 2.0.13
More Chickens 1.1.6
More Shearables 1.2.1
More Shears 1.0.5-release
Morpheus 3.1.13
Mouse Tweaks 2.8
MPUtils 1.2.9
MPUtils Basic Tools 1.1.5
MTLib 1.0.3
Mystical Agriculture 1.5.8
Neat 1.3-12
Not Enough Items
Not Enough Wands 1.1x-1.5.5
OpenBlocks Elevator 1.3.0
Ore Excavation 1.2.102
Packing Tape 0.6.0
Platforms 1.2.10
Psi r1.0-42
Quantum Storage 3.3.6
Random Things
Ranged Pumps 0.3
Reborn Core
Redstone Paste Mod 1.7.4
Refined Storage 1.2.26
Reliquia 0.0.7
Resource Loader 1.5.1
RFTools 1.1x-6.13
RFTools Control 1.1x-6.13
Roots 0.208
SBM Wooden Shears 0.0.1b2
Shadowfacts’ Forgelin 1.5.1
ShadowMC 3.6.1
Shetiphian Core 3.3.11
Simple Achievements 1.2.2-28
Simple Barrels 1.26e
Simple Corn 2.2.0
Simple Generators 0.10.6a
Simple Labels 0.0.3
Simply Jetpacks
Solar Flux Reborn 2.17r
SonarCore 3.3.0
Steve’s Carts 2
Storage Drawers 3.7.10
Super Circuit Maker 1.0.4
The Beneath 1.2.0
Tinker’s Construct 2.6.5
Tinkers’ Tool Leveling 1.0.1
Tiny Progressions 1.1.0
Twitchcrumbs 2.0.4
UniDict 2.9b
ValkyrieLib 0.10.6
Waddles 0.5.4
Waila 1.0.0
WanionLib 1.3
WitherCrumbs 0.9


Building a lava farm

Lava will be our first type of fuel to automate. The simplest way to farm a decent amount is to encase a 1×5 area with cobblestone and put a lava source block in the middle so it fills the area. (more than 2 tiles away from the source block it will decrease the Crucible’s speed through) Then place your Crucible over the lava, which will give it a 3x speed boost.

Next we will need a Stirling Generator to get some energy. This requires 1 Redstone for the piston, so we need to sieve some dust through our iron meshes. At the time of writing there is a bug which causes redstone to not land in your inventory but instead somewhere random in your base, so keep an eye out. Place the generator next to your lava farm and deposit a lava bucket to start producing Redstone Flux (RF).

If you want more power, you can craft a coal generator and put in the coal you get from sieving. The RFTools variant is producing more RF/tick, but the Actually Additions variant generates more energy from a single coal and does not require redstone (which is quite a pain at the beginning).

First machines

The lava needs to be regulary refilled. To automate this, we need different metals (Copper and Gold). Drain all iron into your casting basin. If it does not get full, put some more iron (1 ingot equals 144 mb, chunk twice as much) in the smeltery (or just break the basin and place it back). If you put a multiple of 9 chunks in it, this will result in no remainders (2 blocks/9 chunks). With the copper and the gold we can craft an Alloy Smelter. This allows us to gain a lot of materials we’ll need to automate different processes. Put in 3 glass to make 3 Quite Clear Glass. Then craft Fluid Conduits. Place a fluid tank next to your stirling generator and connect it with your crucible. Right-click on the connection on the crucible and set it to «Always active» (torch symbol). The lava should now flow into the tank. Open the tanks menu, click on the gear, move the view until you see the side next to your Stirling generator. Right-click the side in the view until it says «Push/Pull». Now just put an empty bucket in the tank, which automatically gets filled up, sent to the generator and pulled back empty.

Congratulations, you just built your first machine which will steadily generate 20 RF per tick!

Auto Sieving

With our now fully automated power source, we can automate the sieving. Craft an Auto Sieve and place it next to the Stirling generator. Put in a Diamond Mesh and start sieving some dust for redstone. Put a hopper on top so you can input more. We can now let this run while we more on to different tasks. Craft an SAG Mill to make some coal powder. Be sure to put some flint inside, which will increase the output. Craft a Double-Layer Capacitor, which will upgrade our Stirling generator to produce twice as much RF per tick. Then place an Auto Hammer on top and connect it to the generator with an Energy Conduit. Now put a hopper and a new cobblestone generator on top. The result is a slow, but full automatic diamond farm (~1 in 5 min). Switch to a iron mesh if you also want iron (but you will get 3 times less diamonds).


  • When pressing your inventory key, you will see a list of all available items in the modpack next to your inventory. Use the search bar below to find what you want. Clicking on any item (also in a recipe) will show you (almost) every possible way to obtain this item! This is a good way to look up any unknown crafting recipes.
  • To mine faster, there is a mod called Ore Excavation. By pressing a key, you can mine all connected blocks of the same type within a certain range, as long as you have any item in your hand. The key to press is usually the one above the TAB-Key (called Grave). It might differ between different keyboard layouts through (if you cannot find it, head to your controls, search for Ore Excavation and bind the Excavation action to any key you like). Note that this will deplete your hunger quickly, so have an eye on that bar. Watch out to not accidentally deconstruct the floor!
  • In the very early game there is no need to stay at full health/hunger bars. Monsters do not spawn if a player is less than 24 blocks away from a dark enough space. This also means you do not need armor in the early game.


Mods used in Sky Factory 2:

Minecraft Forge:

Furnace 3D: 1.2

ArmorStatusHUD: 1.28

Damage Indicators: 3.2.3

StartingInventory: 1.7.10.r03

Optional Mod; isn’t needed for gameplay: Lucky Blocks: 5.1.0

Applied Energistics 2: rv2-beta-28

AutoFood: 59.0.0

AutoPackager: 1.5.3

BetterTitleScreen: 1.1

BiblioCraft: 1.10.3

BiblioWoods Natura Edition: 1.5

Big Reactors: 0.4.3A

Carpenter’s Blocks: 3.3.6


Chisel 2:


CoFH Core: 3.0.2-262

ComputerCraft: 1.73

Draconic Evolution: 1.0.1 RC 5

Dragon Mounts: r41

Optional Mod; isn’t needed for gameplay: Dual Hotbar: 1.6

Emotes: 1.0.1

Ender IO:


EnderTech: 1.7.10-

Ender Utilities: 0.4.0-beta-1

Ex Astris: MC1.7.10-1.16-35

Ex Nihilo: 1.38-36

ExtraCells: 2.2.68

ExtraTiC: 1.0.0

Extra Utilities: 1.2.4a

Food Plus: 3.2rS

FoxLib: 0.7.0

Greg’s Lighting: 1.11.2-mc1.7.10

Hats: 4.0.1

Hat Stand: 4.0.0

Headcrumbs: 1.3.1

iChunUtil: 4.1.2

Iguana Tinker Tweaks: 2.1.4

Immibis Core: 59.0.8

Optional Mod; isn’t needed for gameplay: Infinite Invo: 1.0.36

InGame Info XML:

Inventory Tweaks: 1.58-147

Iron Chest:

It’s Raining Food: 1.7.10-1.0.2

JABBA: 1.2.1a

Liquid XP: 59.0.0

Loot Bags: 1.5.3


Magical Crops: 4.0.0_PUBLIC_BETA_3

Mantle: 0.3.2.jenkins184

MineFactory Reloaded: 2.8.0-104

MineTweaker 3: 3.0.9C

MobiusCore: 1.2.4

Mod Tweaker 2: 0.7.5

Moo Fluids: 1.7.10-

Optional Mod; isn’t needed for gameplay: MorePlayerModels: 1.7.10

Morpheus: 1.5.26


NEI Addons:

NEI Integration: 1.0.8


OpenBlocks: 1.4.1

OpenEye: 0.6

OpenMods: 0.7.1

OpenPeripheralAddons: 0.3.1

OpenPeripheralCore: 1.1

OpenPeripheralIntegration: 0.2.1

Opis: 1.2.4a

Plugin Messages Mod: 1.0

Redstone Arsenal: 1.1.0

Reliquary: 1.7.10-

SimpleAchievements: 1.1.0-17

Simply Jetpacks: 1.4.1

Stabcraft: 1.7

Solar Flux: 0.5b

Staircraft: 1.7

Sync: 4.0.0

Tabula Rasa: 1.0.1

Optional Mod; isn’t needed for gameplay: Tails: 1.3.1

Tinkers’ Construct: 1.8.4a

Thermal Dynamics: 1.0.0

Thermal Expansion: 4.0.1

Thermal Foundation: 1.0.0-81

Tree Growing Simulator: 0.0.3-22

ttCore: 0.1.1-76

Utility Mobs: 3.1.1

Optional Mod; isn’t needed for gameplay: Vein Miner: 0.26.0

Waila: 1.5.

Waila Harvestability: 1.1.2

Waila NBT: 1.4

Wawla — What Are We Looking At: 1.1.1



bspkrsCore: 6.16


Forge Multipart:

AE2 Stuff:

Automagy: 0.22.2

Botania: r1.6-176

Cosmetic Armor: 1.0.5.B8

Decocraft: v1.12b

Forbidden Magic: 1.7.10-0.562

Ranchable Fluid Cows: 1.1.1-Beta

RFTools: 2.80

MinefactoryReloaded & MagicalCrops extra compatibility: 1.0

RedLogic: 59.1.9

Witchery: 1.7.10-0.24.0


Thermal Casting: 0.0.1

Thaumic Energistics:

TC Node Tracker

Thaumcraft NEI Plugin: 1.7


BD Lib:

Config files:

Age of Enhancement (33)

Image Advancement Title Description
Insert Image I’m Not Lazy, I’m Energy Efficient Craft a Nuclearcraft Energy Upgrade to decrease engery usage of machines
Insert Image Overworked and Underpaid Craft a Nuclearcraft Speed Upgrade to increase the pace of machines while increasing energy usage
Insert Image Gotta Go Fast Craft a Mekanism Speed Upgrade to speed up your machines. Careful, the faster the machine the higher the power usage
Insert Image Shhhhhhh! Craft a Mekanism Muffling upgrade to decrease the machine volume
Insert Image Power Save Mode Craft a Mekanism Energy upgrade to use less power in your machines
Insert Image
Insert Image Unbroken Craft an Unbreakable Tinkers’ Construct Tool or Weapon
Insert Image Hot Pockets Craft an Ender Pouch and ‘LSHIFT’ ‘Right Click’ on an Ender Chest to connect them
Insert Image Ding! Level up a Tinkers’ Construct Tool or Weapon
Insert Image To Be ORe Not to Be Craft a Melter to process your metals
Insert Image Oren’t You Glad I Didn’t Say Banana Craft a Seared or Porcelain Tank to heat your Melter
Insert Image An Enchanting Evening
Insert Image Keep It Between the Lines
Insert Image I’ll Be Your Alloy
Insert Image Getting Warmer
Insert Image Armor 404 Obtain a full set of glitch armour
Insert Image Age of Enhancement
Insert Image Tim the Tool Man Taylor
Insert Image Pattern Me, Sir
Insert Image Rolling into the Station
Insert Image Up in Arms
Insert Image Eat Your Heart Out
Insert Image Storage Wars
Insert Image Edible Arrangements
Insert Image Forging Ahead
Insert Image Suit Up
Insert Image Weirdly Mesmerizing
Insert Image Yo-Yo Ma Create a yo-yo
Insert Image Axe Me Anything
Insert Image You Win! Complete all the advancements on the page. This will award you with 1 prestige point.

Iron Age

By sieving Gravel, Sand and Dust we get ore pieces, which we can craft into chunks and smelt them to get ingots. Iron is required for a lot of machines, so let’s farm it! To do so, we need a «hammer room»

That may sound complex, but it isn’t. Simply build a clear area, at least 7×10 blocks wide. We will place our cobblestone there and mine it all at once for quick farming. To place blocks faster, we can now use a Stone Wand. Simply right-click on any block and it will place additional blocks next to it (if you have them in your inventory). We also use it to place down our cobblestone faster later.

Getting the Smeltery

A 2×2 smeltery with some molten iron inside

The Smeltery will assist us to get twice as much ores from sieving. To build it, we need Grout. 72 Grout is required, we therefore need 36 Gravel, 36 Sand and 9 Clay Blocks. As we need to smelt the grout into bricks, you should get 1-2 additional furnaces.

Then craft 9 Seared Bricks, a Smeltery controller, a Seared Tank and a Smeltery Drain. Place a 2×2 area of Seared Bricks, then surround it one layer higher (use any block to build up) with Controller, Tank, Drain and the remaining bricks (you can leave out the corners and the top layer blocks may be in any order). If you’ve done it correctly, it should look like the image on the right. If the controller does not emit particles, something is wrong.

Then craft a Faucet and a Casting Basin. Place the Faucet on the Drain and the Basin below the Faucet. You can input ore chunks and ingots using the smeltery controller and output the molten metals into the basin by right-clicking on the faucet. You can smelt different ores at the same time but only have one type in a basin at the same time. If needed, you can break the basin to discard anything that is inside (e.g. useful when you want to switch to a different ore)

Quick hammering

In the next time we will need a lot of hammers. But carrying several of them around is kind of wasting inventory space. You can make use of a Crafting Station, which will hold your items. Place it nearby your hammer room and split one stack of cobble and a stack of sticks on it. Now, every time you are done placing your blocks, grab a hammer and smash them. A stone hammer has enough durability to get through 2 stacks of cobble, so the fastest procedure to get gravel is:

  • Get exactly 2 stacks of cobblestone into your inventory
  • Place it in your hammer room with the help of a wand
  • Grab a hammer from the Crafting Station and excavate
  • Collect the gravel and throw the 1-durability-hammer overboard (the last durability will drop cobble instead of gravel anyway)

Sieve your gravel, craft the pieces to chunks (use your inventory crafting grid) and put them into the smeltery. Once you have your first iron block, use it to craft a hopper running into the smeltery controller. Now you can just input your iron chunks in the hopper and they will get smelted automatically. Craft new sieves and get iron meshes inside them. I usually go with 16 iron-mesh sieves, so I can sieve a stack in 4 turns (using less is also fine through).


Iron Meshes give us a 1% chance to obtain a diamond when sieving gravel. While you might be tempted to craft diamond gear, craft a Diamond Wand instead. This allows us to place more blocks at once and it does have a much higher durability, thus speed up iron farming. We will need a couple of diamonds later for diamond meshes, which allow us to get a steady supply of them.

How To Download & Install Sky Factory 3



The Sky Factory 3 modpack can be simply explained by having you start in the sky with a tree and a piece of dirt and that’s about it, from then on all you need to do is use the mods in Sky Factory  to complete all the tasks at hand and each player gets a different set of challenges.

To be able to use the Sky Factory 3 modpack you will need to download and install it and we have listed the steps below on how to do that.

Download The Twitch App/FTB Launcher



FTB Launcher is also known as Feed The Beast Launcher, named after the creator of the same name. This FTB is now owned by Twitch and to get Sky Factory 3 modpack you will need to install Twitch Launcher on your PC.

It is incredibly simple as all you need to do is download the Twitch Launcher is go to the website and then click on the download button which begins the downloading process.

Install & Login To The Twitch App



Once you have downloaded the Twitch Launcher App, all you need to do now is run the program by double-clicking on the downloaded file which will run the installing process.

A window will open up and all you need to do from there is click on the Install button and the rest of the process will be automated from thereon.

Once the Twitch App is installed, it will open up automatically or if it doesn’t you can open it by double-clicking on the icon on your desktop.

After that you will either need to Log in to your account or simply create a new one, to make the Sky Factory modpack to work.



Setup The Twitch App For Minecraft Modding

After logging in you will be taken to the home screen, check out the menu bar and find the Mods button to open up a page.

This new page will have a bunch of games on it, and Minecraft shouldn’t be grayed out here. Click on Minecraft and then you will be taken to a page which says Let’s Play Minecraft.

When you get to this page, simply click on the Install button that you can find at the bottom of the Twitch App.

Download Sky Factory 3

Inside the Twitch App, you will need to search for Browse FTB Modpacks, and then you will see an FTB News section, below it you will find a search bar. Type Sky Factory 3 here and then proceed by clicking Install.

Launch Sky Factory With Twitch & Login To Minecraft

Once you have installed Sky Factory 3 you will need to run it, all you have to do is click on the purple Play button which will open up the Minecraft Launcher. Log In to your Minecraft account, the same one which you have on

Select & Launch

Once the Minecraft Launcher is on, you will need to launch Sky Factory, look at the small arrow beside the Play button. Click on the small arrow and look for Sky Factory 3. This will make sure that your game will run with the Sky Factory 3 Modpack.

This is all you need to do to run Sky Factory Modpack, make sure that you check out all the challenges and then proceed by building to the limit of your imagination.

This is all there is to know about how to download and install Sky Factory 3 mod pack for Minecraft.

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