Jb markowicz

Events of Watch Dogs

DedSec can trace their origins back to Umeni which at one point sent many of their engineers to prison, subsequently, after being released many of them went on to form the group and fight against corporate injustice and corruption.

At some point in the game, they contact Aiden Pearce to target many corrupt Umeni executives to have their revenge and later on contact him again to infiltrate Danny SoSueMe’s mansion to recover data stolen from them. They also tip him on a shipment containing a Biometric Assault Rifle and to give him the whereabouts of two high ranking Chicago South Club members for him to dispose of on behalf of the group. However, Aiden is not affiliated with DedSec, though he does have dealings with some of its members.

Following Clara Lille’s death, DedSec declares her a martyr and promises a reckoning.

Near the end of the game, they contact Aiden again before he is about to take control of the CTOS satellite to ask for 30 seconds to search through the system and collect all data necessary that could help them in their quest for justice. However, Aiden refused to do so and Dedsec warned that they will not forget this.

It is revealed on one of their broadcasts during the credits that they are tired of people ignoring their warnings, stating their reputation has been damaged and that they had been attacked by other hackers such as Defalt, declaring a digital war upon Blume and the citizens of Chicago.

Despite the fact that Aiden was responsible for releasing the blackmail to the public, DedSec claims credit for this action.

Watch Dogs: Bad Blood

During the «Council of Daves» investigations, it is revealed that one of DedSec’s leaders had grown tired of the other Daves wanting more to «stroke their own egos through social media than bring real change» and wished to further militarize DedSec. The rogue Dave lured Dave04 and DaveZB over to the Ambrose Theatre, Defalt’s old haunt, and murdered them, then coded a video of Defalt’s meeting with the Daves into a QR square on the Pawnee Dam, as a message to the other Daves, to implicate Defalt. He then arranged a meeting with Daveftp, Dave Capisano and Dave_of_Spades at a construction site in Pawnee, then sent Fixers in to ambush them. However, Raymond «T-Bone» Kenney learned of his treachery in time and arrived to protect the Daves from the waves of fixers sent to kill them. The Daves pledged their gratitude to Kenney, who declared that they now owed him a favor. It is unknown what became of the treacherous Dave.


He may be 75, has a cane for walking, and appears weak, but Quinn is certainly not someone to be messed with. Quinn is a balding man with white hair who has glasses, wears a beige overcoat and black striped scarf over a light-green dress shirt and green argyle sweater, along with black slacks and black penny loafers. However, he uses this to his advantage as he has a small blade hidden within the top of his walking stick which he used to stab a thug in the neck he hired to steal a laptop and files.

Quinn is a «philanthropist» and holds events such as auctions and charities to help the citizens of Chicago but in reality, these serve as fronts for his various shady dealings. He also invests in and owns various businesses, such as The Merlaut Hotel and his own Marina. A conniving and underhanded individual, he is not against blackmailing other people and cutting deals with organizations to further increase his standing and influence over the city, as he did with Mayor Rushmore and Blume.

He is shown to lack a moral compass as shown by his partaking in human trafficking and his indifference when being confronted by Aiden on his implications towards Lena’s death. This does indicate his apathetic side.


Клара Лилл

Основная статья: Клара Лилл

У Эйдена и Клары есть сходные интересы в том, чтобы найти неизвестного хакера и врага Эйдена из DedSec. Эйден отмечает, что Клара «является опасно непредсказуемой, но она лучшая хакерша, которую я знаю», подразумевая, что он не полностью доверяет Кларе, но вынужден заручиться ее поддержкой.

Джорди Чин

Основная статья: Джорди Чин

У Эйдена и Джорди отношения любви-ненависти; хотя Эйден может раздражать Джорди, эти двое действительно понимают друг друга и работают вместе.


Основная статья: Ти-Боун Грэди

Эйден и Ти-Боун — напарники. Ти-Боун выручает Эйдена на протяжении всей игры. Как видно в некоторых трейлерах, Эйден и Ти-Боун — друзья.


До событий игры

«У нас было так: или ты или тебя… я был сильней. Я вырос среди волчат. Учился драться. Стрелять. И платить за все. Я и тогда защищал свою семью. Мать говорила, уехав из Белфаста, мы сбежали от отца. Она хотела спокойной жизни, а отец не мог без проблем. Я такой же как он. Мальчик исчез и стал копией отца. Как ни странно, но… Я гордился этим »
―Эйден Пирс

Эйден Пирс родился в Белфасте, Северной Ирландии 2 мая 1974 года. После переезда из Северной Ирландии и становления полноправным гражданином Соединенных Штатов Америки, Пирс обзавёлся обширным досье в Штатах. С его знаниями взлома и навыками социотехники, он познакомился с различными фигурами преступного мира и создал респектабельную репутацию хакера и вора; Сам он говорит об этом, как «лучшее, что сделал».

В какой-то момент времени, Эйден отслужил 11 месяцев в окружной исправительной колонии Кук за его оплошность.

Тем не менее, его действия имели серьезные последствия для него и его семьи, которые привели к смерти его племянницы Лены Пирс.

Движимый чувством вины и первичной потребности в выживании, Пирс начинает выслеживать тех, кто принёс в его жизнь страдания и боль.

Всё это добавило в его досье ещё ряд преступлений, например, программное мошенничество, хранение огнестрельного оружия и воровство. Наряду с сопротивление при аресте и стрельбы по полиции, у Пирса теперь есть судебный ордер на немедленный арест.


Bad Intentions

Marcus meets with a DedSec member at a restaurant in Chinatown. He tells Marcus that in buying weed from the Auntie Shu Boys, his cousin overheard a deal between the Shu Boys and the Bratva; the hacker then says he believes they are moving people instead of drugs. Marcus agrees to take down the human trafficking ring, and the hacker he met with sends him a location in which to find more intel from the Shus.

Just before going there, Marcus informs the group of his findings, with Josh questioning why he would want to anger two crime groups at the same time. Marcus answers «Because everybody loves a vigilante!», only for Josh to yet again inquisitively bicker with him. Marcus then concludes that vigilantism will be beneficial for DedSec in the end, which Josh finally agrees with.

Swap Meet

Marcus goes to the location sent to him by the fellow DedSec member and hacks Victor Cheung’s (a Shu Boy) phone. A text conversation reveals that the Shu crew sent to meet with the Bratva never returned, and that the Shus intend to «salvage» the scenario. Upon finding this, Marcus informs Sitara of his findings, telling her » got an itch» that the Bratva/Shu deal didn’t merely go south. Sitara then tells him «Just don’t get yourself killed trying to scratch it.»

Marcus proceeds to the location where the Bratva/Shu deal was supposed to go down, only to find the remnants of a crime scene. After further investigation, Marcus hacks a phone with an audio conversation explicitly naming Aiden Pearce, and warning the human traffickers about how the Vigilante is «following threads out of Quinn’s fuck up in Chicago.» The audio log ends with a plan to trap Pearce. This bewilders Marcus, knowing that he is crossing paths with the legendary vigilante of Chicago, but decides to act quickly and help Pearce before he gets into further trouble with the Bratva/Shu human traffickers.


Marcus proceeds to a bunker in which the Bratva are holed up inside of. After proceeding past enemies and physically hacking a CTOS box, Marcus discovers Pearce being held in a cell by the Bratva. Seeing that a Bratva thug is holding both Aiden’s phone and baton, Marcus hacks the phone to distract the thug. Aiden quickly seizes this opportunity to strangle the thug through the bars and breaks free. The thug attempts to fight him, but Aiden disarms him of his baton and proceeds to incapacitate the thug. Aiden subtly nods at the camera Marcus was watching through, as a brief «thank you», before triggering a blackout and making his escape.

Marcus finally brags to his friends about doing a tag-team with Aiden Pearce. Sitara asks if it was really him, and if Marcus got a picture. Marcus answers that he could tell it was «the Fox», but didn’t snap a picture because «the man is intimidating as hell» with all of the criminal organizations he has taken down.


When Marcus Holloway, a self-taught hacker, is accused of a crime against the HDC, for a high-tech burglary he did not commit, he takes the fight to them and reveals their corruption. Soon after he is put through a trial by DedSec to erase his digital shadow in a Blume server farm, and while inside he realizes how much data is being collected by the system. The story follows the events of the first game, with CTOS 2.0 being installed across the United States. The player’s mission is to reveal the corruption of the CTOS 2.0 system by the CTO of the Blume Corporation, Dušan Nemec. DedSec members, inspired with the works of T-Bone and Aiden Pearce, are determined to take the fight to the enemy.


Nigel keeps a calm and organized demeanor, while also being a cold and unforgiving liar, murdering the Metropolitan Police Commissioner without any sign of remorse and pinning the Commissioner’s death on DedSec to assume more power and justification to Albion. In the mission Inside Albion, it is revealed that Cass experienced a deeply traumatic event when he witnessed his father, Gareth, being murdered by random gangsters. Because of that, he began exhibiting symptoms after what he frequently described as a ‘random’ event. His initial symptoms included insomnia, paranoia, distorted blame and recurring flashbacks, however he channeled his anger and self-described powerlessness into his work, and to ensure Albion become a quote «mechanism for preventing unpredictable violence.»

Варианты изданий

Standard Edition
Gold Edition
  • Диск с игрой
  • Deluxe Pack (2 набора для персонализации)
    • Тема «Стрит-Арт»
    • Тема «Панки»
Deluxe Edition
  • Диск с игрой.
  • Эксклюзивная упаковка
  • Deluxe pack(2 набора для персонализации)
    • Тема «Стрит-Арт»
    • Тема «Панки»
  • Литографии
  • Карта Сан-Франциско
San Francisco Edition
  • Диск с игрой.
  • Эксклюзивная коллекционная упаковка
  • Deluxe pack(2 набора для персонализации)
    • Тема «Стрит-Арт»
    • Тема «Панки»
  • Задание «Зодиак» + «Форма заключенного»
  • Литографии
  • Карта Сан-Франциско
  • Тематические наклейки в стиле «Сан-Франциско» на ноутбук
  • Фигурка Маркуса (24 см.)
Wrench JR Robot (Collector’s Pack)
  • Диск с игрой.
  • Эксклюзивная упаковка
  • Deluxe pack(2 набора для персонализации)
    • Тема «Стрит-Арт»
    • Тема «Панки»
  • Season pass
  • Робот Рэнч Младший (Wrench Junior)
The return of Dedsec (Collector’s Case)
  • Эксклюзивная коллекционная упаковка
  • Deluxe pack(2 набора для персонализации)
    • Тема «Стрит-Арт»
    • Тема «Панки»
  • Season pass
  • Литографии
  • Карта Сан-Франциско
  • Тематические наклейки в стиле «Сан-Франциско» на ноутбук
  • Кепка Маркуса Холлоуэя
  • Маска Маркуса Холлоуэя
  • Эксклюзивный альбом иллюстраций (64 стр.)
  • Фигурка Маркуса «Dedsec — арт» (27 см.)

Рэймонд Кинни

Рэймонд Кинни или Ти-Бон Грэди — это персонаж, который перекочевал из первой части игры.  Теперь он стал одним из основных в Watch Dogs 2.

Это очень умелый хакер, и ему сложно удерживаться от проникновения туда, куда нельзя. Его вовсе не пугает возможность попасться, а наоборот подзадоривает. Он готов многим пожертвовать ради удовлетворения собственных желаний.

Внешне он – толстяк очень высокого роста, каштановыми волосами и бородой. Ти-Бон одет в рубаху серого цвета без рукавов, майку, и кожаные повязки. Его джинсы старые, грязные, потертые. А обувь – боты коричневого цвета. Также он носит очки для сварки, пирсинг в ноздре, кольца на бороде.

По характеру Ти-Бон очень покладист, обожает спиртное. Его жизнь переменилась после того, как Ти-Бон с помощью прослушки выяснил, что его скоро арестуют копы. Ти- Бон обратился за помощью к Эйдену, который помог товарищу убежать.


Easy level

  1. Pay attention to the countdown timers. Some count down slower than others, like the ones that require multiple inputs on the same one (the ones with the dots above them).
  2. If you hit one with a chain, it will create one or more additional buttons prompts. The countdown timer on the additional ones starts right away so if you hit another chained one, then the one that appeared first should be done first.
  3. Finding a pattern that works is much better than just randomly flying around.
  4. Anticipate the locations of moving ones. If they are moving in a circle, approach it from the opposite direction.
  5. If your circle is covering two of them, you can hit both buttons at the same time.
  6. For the ones that change buttons every couple seconds, try to memorize which ones they switch between.
  7. The detection radius is a little forgiving and you don’t need to completely cover them with your circle.

Medium Level

  1. When you have a moving target that bounces off a wall, you don’t have to move the stick but just a hair to keep it centered. The game will automatically turn direction for you on your stick circle.
  2. When you have both a yellow and blue on opposite sides of the screen, focus on just the one and slowly move the other one around blindly until you get it.
  3. When you need both in the same circle, attempt to get both of them in the same spot and then move them together into the circles.
  4. If all else fails, get a second person and you each control just one Analog stick. Also flipping the controller when they come up backwards may help or changing the x and y axis in the controller setup menu. Adjusting the sensitivity of the controller analog sticks could help. Without proper practice, these adjustments won’t make it any easier.

Hard Level

  1. This mainly applies to the Drinking game in Pawnee. It requires great focus and much practice.
  2. The opponent in Pawnee is the «Extreme Drinking Game Challenge.» This, more than anything, will require some practice. Refer back to the custom help steps for the specific Challenge you have.
  3. Save this Challenge for last! It’s extremely frustrating. This will alternate between both methods provided by the first two opponents and amp up the difficulty considerably. You WILL need to be much quicker.
  4. You will fail and when you fail your will humorously wake up drunk elsewhere in the neighborhood.
  5. There’s nothing new about the QTE button game other than being more difficult, but there is a new twist on the blue and yellow analog stick game.
  6. If you see an orange circle, this means the R or L stick is REVERSED. So UP is DOWN, LEFT is RIGHT, DOWN is UP, RIGHT is LEFT, etc..
  7. Also, when both sticks are involved, sometimes it’s a mystery as to which one is which. Therefore, adjusting the controls, sensitivity, or getting another person to help can make it easier.


  • One tactic that the Blume Corporation did to win over the populace with the CTOS project was to install free Wi-Fi hotspots across the city.
  • «Blume» (ˈbluːmə) is German for «flower». Although pronounced differently in the game, there might be a connection between the meaning of the word and the corporate symbol.

    «Bloom», which is how the corporation is pronounced in the game, means for a flower to blossom, further referencing the logo, which resembles a flower.

  • Originally, Blume had its own Security Guards. However, they were cut from the game due to unknown reasons.
  • As seen in Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag, Blume Corporation sent a corporate sales email to Abstergo Entertainment’s CCO, Olivier Garneau, in which they advertised CTOS, and offered the possibility of having a localized system installed at Abstergo Entertainment’s Montreal facility.
  • Blume is referenced via radio broadcasts in Far Cry 5, in which they are described as «cybersecurity experts» helping American credit agencies following massive data breaches.


  • The first audio log that is available and is under the author Aiden Pearce (#1) states that Jordi was a fixer (as stated above) Aiden hired to help find the gunman, which eventually led Aiden to Maurice.
  • When Aiden or Marcus use the Profiler on Jordi, all of his information is displayed as ‘NO RECORD’ or ‘ERROR.’ This could be due to him meddling with the CTOS. It is also possible that Jordi illegally immigrated to Chicago to begin his criminal career, so has no information regarding his identity.
  • Jordi’s picture can be found on Aiden’s wall in his Owl Motel room. There are notes written next to it that read «TO CONTACT; FIXER #9; TRUST?».
  • His surname ‘Chin’ suggests that he is of Chinese descent. The statement is also backed up by the comments on him by Marcus, who recognizes him as Chinese.
  • His suit bears a striking resemblance to Kazuma Kiryu’s from the Yakuza game series.
  • He can be seen briefly during a Privacy Invasion. Jordi is standing in front of a dead man, whom he probably killed, cleaning up the mess.
  • After completing the entire campaign, Aiden’s first Cars on Demand request includes Jordi Chin telling Aiden that he will be on leave while his associate takes over.



Tobias was originally a CTOS pioneer until the Blume Corporation fired him. He worked on the CTOS project in the bunker along with Raymond Kenney and Rose Washington. It is known that both were pranking Tobias through various ways. After he was fired, Tobias became paranoid, thinking that Blume wanted Tobias dead, just like Kenney. Tobias built his own bridge remote controller to access the Bunker. Tobias also owns a black market shop near the Bunker, which is regularly frequented by DedSec members, as stated by Clara Lille.

Watch Dogs

While looking for a way into the Bunker, Aiden and Clara hacked a camera and found that Tobias has control over the bridges to the island. They visited his shop, but Tobias was nowhere to be found. By hacking a nearby homeless person’s phone, Aiden discovered that Tobias was playing poker in northern Parker Square. He also noted that the call had been traced by two Fixers. Aiden eliminated both before joining the poker game. Tobias was uneasy and stated that he didn’t recognize Aiden. When Aiden asked him if he is Tobias, he became angry and flipped the table before running out of the house. Once caught, Aiden persuaded him to hand over the remote control for the bridges to the Bunker. Before leaving, Tobias tells Aiden about his shop.

After One Foot in the Grave, Tobias’ Shop, located north of the Bunker’s island, becomes available. Aiden can go there at any time and buy fully-crafted tools and one-time hacks.

After Aiden finds 9 Weapons Trade locations, Tobias will call to reveal the location of the final Weapons Trade investigation. He calls again after Aiden finishes that investigation. Aiden then asks Tobias to remove his number, to which Tobias agrees, but later adds that he’ll «…call if there’s anything else.» It’s never explained how Tobias got Aiden’s phone number.

Watch Dogs: Bad Blood

Tobias became a prime target for the Fixers led by Defalt, as he was the best way for him to get to T-Bone. Tobias was first captured and stuffed in the trunk of a car, and managed to call T-Bone for help, who proceeded to rescue him. Tobias later provides most of the information to T-Bone, in order to find the leader of the Fixers.

Watch Dogs 2

Tobias appears in Watch Dogs 2, but as a cameo. He can be seen at the Swelter Skelter festival, inside of the Thunderdome arena, during the mission Looking Glass. Wrench even references him when talking to Marcus. T-Bone also later mentions that he accidentally left Tobias at the event, where he met Marcus Holloway and his DedSec group.


Profiler имеет восемь функций управления городом. Каждая функция требует своего количества заряда батареи. Тем самым вы не можете злоупотреблять Profiler’ом, а должны грамотно использовать его возможности, чтобы не разрядить в самый нужный момент. Почти все способности требуют примерно две секунды на взлом.

Возможности (по часовой):

  • Генератор Помех — отключает все коммуникации в пределах определённого радиуса
  • Разведение мостов — возможность поднять или опустить разводные мосты или барьеры на дорогах
  • Взлом светофоров — возможность переключать сигналы светофора
  • Взрыв Паровых труб — возможность взорвать канализационные или водопроводные трубы
  • Управление поездами (Надземкой) — возможность управлять надземным метро
  • Блэкаут — возможность отключить свет во всем городе на некоторое время. Удобно при побеге или незаметном проникновении на охраняемую территорию
  • Управление трансформаторами — возможность отключить свет в определённом районе.

Также с помощью Profiler’а можно прослушивать мобильные телефоны, однако такую возможность нельзя выбрать в его меню. Ещё можно взламывать банковские счета и получать деньги в банкоматах. Также можно взламывать камеры, и использовать их для вторичного взлома (взлом при наблюдении через камеру). Кроме того, именно Profiler используется для подрыва дистанционно заложенной взрывчатки. Именно с помощью Profiler’а Эйден угоняет машины, а также взламывает радиоприёмники для скачивания музыки и дальнейшего воспроизведения в автомобилях.


Dušan Nemec always admired technology prodigies and programmers ever since his youth in Yugoslavia. He is a programming prodigy, which combined with his charisma made him the newest billionaire in Silicon Valley. Despite his charismatic and naive appearance, Dušan Nemec is actually a power-crazed master manipulator and strategist, whose sole desire became to secretly establish his totalitarian will over the populace of the world. The most prominent part of his personality, however, is his immense arrogance: as stated by the members of DedSec (and shown by himself) numerous times, he believes he is the smartest person in the room and appears to enjoy making himself look superior to others. He has no morals when hunting his goals, as seen when he had the FBI illegally arrest Wrench to gain information about DedSec. He is also a terrorist: he planned to manufacture combat robots and give them to the military and law enforcement to rule over the citizens of the United States, and very possibly overthrown the United States government.

Вербовка Ренча

Как и Эйдена Пирса, так и Ренча можно найти возле главного штаба DedSec в Вестминстере. Чтобы завербовать его, достаточно поговорить с ним, и после короткого разговора он появится в списке DedSec, который вы сможете использовать.

Хотя вы начинаете игру «Наследие» DLC в роли Эйдена Пирса, Ренч становится пригодным для игры примерно в середине игры. Однако оба персонажа могут быть разблокированы в основной игре с самого начала.

Ренч похож на Эйдена Пирса в том смысле, что он невероятно сильный союзник для DedSec и отличный выбор для игры. Его основное оружие — нелетальный Пистолет-пулемёт под названием Princess-Rat-tat-tat, который может активировать взломы у целей, в которые он попадает. Его вторичное оружие — нелетальный гранатомет под названием «Капитан Бум-Бум», который также вызывает взломы у всех, в кого попадает.

Главная способность Ренча позволяет ему вызывать скоростного грузового дрона по имени Сергей, а его вторичная способность позволяет ему метать взрывпакеты под названием «Шары ниндзя». И наконец, он также вооружен кувалдой под названием Леди Смэш.

Audio Logs

Audio File: Horatio’s Report #02 — Found inside the first Hackerspace.

«DedSec found Josh…Hawt Sauce…posting anti-ctOS videos on !Nvite . Kid had a plastic Halloween mask over his face—a skull…but like the worst dollar-store skull you could find. You could see his eyes through it — big no-no when it comes to avoiding a profiler. He had distorted his voice, but didn’t change his speech patterns. See Josh, he’s high-functioning autistic—which means he’s got a very specific way of talking. Sitara found him easily, but he wasn’t at all what we expected. When you get down to pure coding, Josh operates on a higher level than the rest of us. We got a look at his ctOS profile and all kinds of nasty flags popped up. «Emotionally challenged», «unstable», even a low «mental maturity» score. He’s none of those things and he quickly became the activist soul of our group. He has a black and white way of seeing things, fair and unfair, which means he can be refreshing and often hilarious. We caught a glimpse of the damages the ctOS dealt him: rejected care programs, cut funding…overcharges. We offered to help him make things right. When we met Josh, he had the right intentions and the wrong approach-like a laser putting on a pretty lightshow instead of burning holes. If Blume’s system wants to make him unemployable, damn straight we’re going to snatch him up and point him right back at ’em.»

Events of Watch Dogs 2

DedSec in San Francisco.

DedSec has given/will give you the truth, do what you will. 
―DedSec’s slogan in Watch Dogs 2

There are at least one million followers/members of DedSec in San Francisco, California. Their belief is technology should not be used to control people; as a result, they are actively fighting against the San Francisco CTOS, spamming messages about themselves and their cause. Unlike the Chicago chapter, the San Francisco DedSec lacks a militaristic side and focuses more on nonlethal pranks and muckraking-in particularly, advertising their app, which allows their fans to lend their computers’ processing power to their operations. The protagonist, Marcus Holloway, is a member of DedSec. One of the goals in the game is to get more people from the area to download their app and join them, so that DedSec can gain more resources and processing power for bigger hacks; such can be done by doing certain missions to get the follower count up.

DedSec Hideouts

In Watch Dogs 2, DedSec has many hideouts, called hackerspaces, which include their main base in the basement of Gary’s Games and Glory, and a seemingly abandoned garage.


Josh is socially awkward, mostly quiet with little to say and doesn’t seem as emotional as the other cast members. He also doesn’t understand some slang words unless they’re explained to him, such as «cornhole», however, he has a sense of humor similar to that of the other members of DedSec and often makes quiet jokes during cutscenes with the rest of the team. Josh himself implies that he has Asperger’s Syndrome during the Swelter Skelter segment of Looking Glass, and later confirms it in the DLC mission Caustic Progress. It is also referenced in Horatio’s report on Josh where he is referred to as having high-functioning autism. Josh’s voice actor, Jonathan Dubsky, has also revealed in an interview that Josh, his character, has Asperger’s.

Josh holds himself to a very high standard — at the beginning of Looking Glass, he is the first to discover the presence of bot accounts on their social media pages, but is still very hard on himself for not finding it sooner. He is also shown to be more streetwise than his demeanor might suggest, such as when he tricks Lenni Kastner with a sleight of hand at the end of Caustic Progress and closes with the one-liner «Don’t fuck with the Hawt Sauce».


  • «Dermot» is the anglicized form for «Diarmaid», which means «without injunction».
  • His nickname, «Lucky», might be a reference to Charles «Lucky» Luciano, who ran the «National Crime Syndicate» in the Prohibition era.
  • Quinn has a modified cane that houses a sharp blade attached to the pommel, pointing downwards when inside the cane, as seen in «Backseat Driver».
  • He has an annual income of $10,022,700, which previously was the highest income for any Watch Dogs character, until the introduction of Watch Dogs 2‘s Dušan Nemec and Gene Carcani, who have incomes of $110,029,000 and $1,705,032,700, respectively.
  • In one of his audio logs, Quinn says that he is disgusted by the auction, and by man’s libido. He hopes that, when he has enough trust in Iraq, he will not have to attend the auctions anymore.
  • At the age of 75, he is the game’s oldest character.


Wrench is a slim, average height man. His appearance is mainly inspired by punk rock culture. His clothing consists of a black spiked leather mask with an LED visor, a spiked vest with attached patches and pins, a black DedSec hoodie, ripped denim jeans, a red spiked bracelet, black strapped bracelets, and black studded leather sneakers.

Wrench’s mask and mechanical goggles appear to «blink» emotes and various eye expressions, and the mask features a voice modulator that gives his voice a more robotic tone. The goggles can also project multiple pixelated symbols and appear to be made of many small, square-shaped bulbs. Wrench also has a series of tattoos on his arms influenced by Cyberculture. His vest shows a sewed patch inspired by the «y u no» meme on the right side, and an «anarchy» symbol tattooed on his neck. He has additional tattoos on his stomach and back, which are visible when he attends Swelter Skelter in costume during Looking Glass.

While attending the Swelter Skelter fest, he wears his trademark mask, a hood that features a large mohawk, a black motorcycle vest, a black man-thong with a spiked front, spiked kneepads, and black shoes.

Wrench’s face is revealed when he is deprived of his mask during W4TCHED. He has a large, prominent port-wine stain birthmark around his left eye. He has blue eyes and light brown hair. Interestingly, during the mission Motherload, he wears spiked shoulder-pads and spiked knee pads despite not wearing them in any cutscenes before the mission. It’s possible that he put them on just for that mission, or developers forgot to remove them from the controllable model. In Bloodline, he removes his mask and reveals his face to Aiden to prove he is trustworthy enough, saying «No Mask, No Wrench, Just Reggie.»


  • In addition to being a hacker, the original version of Josh was a popular online star with high energy like Wrench.
  • Ironically, Josh’s actor has admitted in an interview that he is bad with computers and has even broken a few of them.
  • In order to get into Josh’s character, actor Jonathan Dubsky had to do considerable research into Asperger’s syndrome and Autism-spectrum disorders. Dubsky claims that the most helpful item was Look Me In The Eye by John Elder Robison, an autobiography about a man who grew up not knowing he had Asperger’s syndrome until late into his life.
  • After the events of Eye For An Eye, Josh hacked into the Tezcas bank accounts and sent money to Horatio’s family.
  • Josh claims he wanted to be an astronaut when he was a kid.
  • Josh doesn’t seem to like alcohol; when his friends are drinking beers, he can be seen drinking a soda.
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