Super brainz (plants vs. zombies: garden warfare 2)


Left abilities
Zombie Heal Station The Zombie Heal Station heals all zombies within its radius.
Armored Heal Station An alternate ability of Zombie Heal Station, Armored Heal Station heals at a slower rate than the Zombie Health Station, and self-destructs the same time as the Zombie Heal Station. Its incredible size allows players to jump on it to get to most buildings.
Cheetah Heal Station An alternate ability of Zombie Heal Station, Cheetah Heal Station heals at a faster rate, but also self-destructs faster.
Center abilities
Warp With Warp, the player teleports a few meters forward in a straight line. The player deviates upward to go upstairs, small fences, etc.
Energy Warp An alternate ability of Warp, Energy Warp allows the Scientist to transform into pure energy (he is invincible in this state. The Scientist is able to travel freely but cannot jump or attack. It also gains a small speed boost.
Cheesy Warp An alternate ability of Warp, Cheesy Warp has the same use as Warp but deals 30 damage to all plants after reaching its destination.
Right abilities
Sticky Explody Ball Sticky Explody Ball is an explosive ball which explodes when an enemy plant is in a meter radius. It deals 50 damage.
Mega Heal Bomb An alternate ability of Sticky Explody Ball, Mega Heal Bomb is a huge ball like the Sticky Explody Ball with a bigger radius. Heals all zombies in its radius by 50 health.
Sticky Cheetah Ball An alternate ability of Sticky Explody Ball, Sticky Cheetah Ball is orange in color with black spots, deals 75 damage.
Left abilities
Heal Beam of Science The Heal Beam of Science is the Scientist’s first activatable ability. Similar to Heal Beam, it will heal any zombie targeted by it, healing faster the closer the Scientist is to the healed target.
Zombie Heal Station The Zombie Heal Station heals all zombies within its radius.
Armored Heal Station An alternate ability of Zombie Heal Station, Armored Heal Station heals at a slower rate than the Zombie Health Station, and self-destructs the same time as the Zombie Heal Station. Its incredible size allows players to jump on it to get to most buildings.
Armored Bling Station The Armored Bling Station is a reskin of the Armored Heal Station and therefore has no difference other than appearance.
Center abilities
Warp With Warp, the player teleports a few meters forward in a straight line. The player deviates upward to go upstairs, small fences, etc.
Energy Warp An alternate ability of Warp, Energy Warp allows the Scientist to transform into pure energy (he is invincible in this state. The Scientist is able to travel freely but cannot jump or attack. It also gains a small speed boost.
Right abilities
Sticky Explody Ball Sticky Explody Ball is an explosive ball which explodes when an enemy plant is in a meter radius. It deals 50 damage.
Mega Heal Bomb An alternate ability of Sticky Explody Ball, Mega Heal Bomb is a huge ball like the Sticky Explody Ball with a bigger radius. Heals all zombies in its radius by 50 health.

Laser Goat

The Laser Goat is an unused character that is only obtainable through hacking. It was intended to be used in an unused mode internally named «Team Vanquish Goats.» It is on both the plants and the zombies’ side. It has green armor if it’s on the plants’ side, and dark purple armor if it’s on the zombies’ side. It can jump high and even has a double jump like the Imp. You can actually see this character in-game currently, but only when someone hacks it in. Its primary weapon has an unfinished name, reading «ID_CU5_H_WEAPON_LASERGOAT_PRIMARY» when vanquished by it. Its icon, sounds, and projectiles are the same as Hover Goat-3000’s. Its primary weapon has infinite ammo and can overheat, and during the overheat penalty it uses the particle effect from Citron’s Orange Beam.


  • Damage Buff Booster Beam — Identical to Hover Goat-3000’s Damage Buff Booster Beam.
  • Healbelch — An ability that heals teammates and Laser Goat. It uses the Heal Beam of Science as a placeholder icon and data from the Mega Heal Bomb for the ability in gameplay.
  • Impulse Grenade — An ability that tosses a grenade that explodes and deals 10 damage. It uses both item and icon from the Gravity Grenade.


On the zombies’ team from the front

On the zombies’ team from the left side

Another image of the goat on the zombies team

Laser Goat on the plant side

Plant Lasergoat in the Portal

Zombie Lasergoat in the Portal

Laser Goat

Plant Lasergoat using Healbelch

Zombie Lasergoat using Healbelch

Развитие [ править ]

В годовых отчетах Electronic Arts о прибылях и убытках была опубликована новая видеоигра Plants vs. Zombies . Продолжение Garden Warfare было анонсировано 8 июня 2015 года. Трейлер Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare 2 был впервые представлен на E3 2015 как часть презентации, проведенной Microsoft в августе. 22 августа 2015 года во время веб-трансляции конкурса красоты Miss Teen USA 2015 на Xbox Live . На Gamescom 2015 было объявлено о создании гибридного приложения с Mass Effect под названием Grass Effect . Игроки, оформившие предварительный заказ игры, получатВдохновленный Mass Effect мехокостюм для нового класса, Имп. BioWare помогли PopCap разработать меховой костюм Grass Effect.

Открытое бета-тестирование игры проводилось с 14 по 18 января 2016 года для PlayStation 4 и Xbox One. Однако это было сделано в основном для настройки многопользовательской игры, и многие игровые режимы и секреты Backyard Battleground были отключены. Пробная версия игры была выпущена к концу апреля 2016 года. Эта версия игры позволяет игрокам играть до десяти часов.

Они выпустили свое первое бесплатное обновление контента под названием The Graveyard Variety Pack. Он был выпущен 8 марта 2016 года и содержит некоторую балансировку персонажей, новую карту Aqua Center, а также некоторые изменения и дополнения Backyard Battleground. Другой пакет, названный Trouble in Zombopolis , был выпущен в июне 2016 года. Он добавляет новую карту под названием Zombopolis и несколько новых персонажей. Trouble in Zombopolis: Part Two была выпущена в июне 2016 года, и в ней были представлены новые функции, такие как задачи сообщества, выполнение задач, элементы платформы и новые точки появления. EA в партнерстве с Diamond Select Toys выпустила фигурки с персонажами Garden Warfare 2 .

Game icons

2,147,483,647 feet
This is a long section. Click show or hide at the right of this template to display or hide the text.

From the 1.0 update to the 1.4 update

From the 1.5 update to the 1.6 update

From the 1.7 update to the 1.8 update

From the 1.9 update to the 2.0 update

The 2.1 update

The 2.2 update

The 2.3 update

The 2.4 update

From the 2.5 update to the 2.6 update

From the 2.7 update to the 2.8.3 update

The 2.9.1 update

The 3.0.1 update

The 3.1.1 update

The 3.2.1 update

The 3.3.2 update

The 3.4.4 update

The 3.5.1 update

The 3.6.1/3.6.2 (iOS) update

The 3.7.1 update

The 3.8.1 update

The 3.9.1 update

The 4.0.1 update

The 4.1.1 update

The 4.2.1 update

The 4.3.1 update

The 4.4.1 update

The second icon of the 4.4.1 update, only used on the Google Play store

From the 4.5.1 update to the 4.5.2 update

The 4.6.2 update

The 4.7.1 update

From the 4.8.1 update to the 4.9.1 update

The second icon of the 4.8.1 update, previously used on the Google Play store

The third icon of the 4.8.1 update, only used on the Google Play store

The 5.0.1 update

From the 5.1.1 update to the 5.3.1 update

The 5.4.1 update

The 5.5.1 update

The 5.6.1 update

From the 5.7.1 update to the 6.3.1 update

The 6.4.1 update

The 6.5.1 update

From the 6.6.1 update to the 6.9.1 update

The 7.0.1 update

From the 7.1.3 update to the 7.2.1 update

The 7.3.1 update

From the 7.4.1 update to the 7.7.2 update

The 7.8.1 update

From the 7.9.1 update to the 9.2.2 update (current version)

Balancing changes

Post Beta Patch

  • ▲ Increased Default Rose damage from 9 to 10.5
  • ▲ Decreased Subsequent Duration Consumption from 50 to 25 (Allows for maximum of 3 blasts)
  • ▲ Decreased Velocity from 8.174513 m/s to 7.45 m/s

Graveyard Variety Pack DLC

  • ▼ Reduced health from 125 to 100
  • ▼ Decreased rate of fire by 10%
  • ▼ Decreased maximum turn angle for projectiles from 45 degrees to 40 degrees
  • ▼ Reduced damage from 10.5 to 9.5
  • ▼ Decreased the lock on angle from the target to the reticle by 66%
  • ▼ Decreased the time it takes to lose a lock when the reticle is off of a target from 0.5s to 0.1s
  • ▼ Decreased the lock on maximum distance from 75m to 40m
  • ▼ Increased the time to activate projectile homing from 0.15s to 0.25s
  • ▼ Decreased projectile speed by 10%

Trouble in Zombopolis: Part One DLC

  • ▲ Increased maximum tracking angle by 5 degrees
  • ▲ Increased lock-on distance by 5m
  • ▲ Slightly increased reticle to target lock-on targets

Dr. Zomboss

Dr. Zomboss was an unused boss. It was seen in the E3 trailer, concept art and multiple pieces of promotional art before ultimately being cut. Some of the assets related to it can still be found inside of the game’s files, such as the model itself and the sound effect used in the E3 trailer. Together with the Zombot itself the model also has Dr. Zomboss and the van used in the original Dr. Zomboss boss fight in Plants vs. Zombies. Originally in development it had a level where you could see the Zombot from the neck up and it’s arms would come down and hit the player. You would walk to a certain spot and the left arm would hit you. It was removed for overall feeling clunky, due to the animations and Al not working correctly. The Zombot itself later on appeared in Cactus Canyon, Z-Tech Factory and Zombopolis, while Dr. Zomboss himself appeared in the Boss Mode trailer. It was again considered for a boss in Garden Warfare 2, before being cut a second time.

The front of the Zombot model

The back of the Zombot model

The front of the Dr. Zomboss model

The back of the Dr. Zomboss model

The model of the van used in the Plants vs. Zombies Dr. Zomboss fight

A concept render featuring the Zombot

Character notes for Dr. Zomboss in the Boss Mode trailer with the unused Dr. Zomboss Model

A developer talking about Dr. Zomboss on reddit

A promotional image featuring Dr. Zomboss

Another promotional image featuring Dr. Zomboss

Another promotional image featuring Dr. Zomboss

Another promotional image featuring Dr. Zomboss

Plants vs Zombies Garden Warfare — Boss Mode Trailer Extended Version
Th Boss Mode trailer featuring Dr. Zomboss

Plants vs. Zombies- Garden Warfare Gameplay — E3 2013 EA Conference
The E3 trailer featuring Dr. Zomboss

The Zombot sound effect used in the E3 trailer

Unused Bosses

In the game’s files, there are multiple unused bosses that can be found. Most of them have very little functionality, but others do. Some, such as Zombot, only have an icon. All of the bosses have names as well.

Spotting icons for some of these unused bosses

Zombot’s icon


Imitater is an unused plant Boss Hunt boss. It was originally intended to appear in the story missions of the game, but it is unknown where at in the story he would’ve appeared. He has leftover bait, which is the Stick of Butter. It has the unique ability to transform into various zombie bosses.

Image of the Imitater boss in the files

Bait icon

Imitater Disco Zombie

Imitater Gargantuar

Imitater Baron von Bats

Imitater Zen Sensei

Its icon

Imitater textures


Unlike other games, the characters it transforms into keep the Imitater’s color scheme, face paint, and beret.

Pup and Wolf

A Z-Mech that is also identified as a boss. It comes with its own Imp called Renegade Imp in the coding. It was originally intended to appear in story Boss Hunts. Its bait was the Cyber Jerky. It would have had 500 health and had 3 abilities:

  • Cluster Cannons: Same effect as the Missile Madness of the regular Z-Mech, seems to home in a lot more.
  • Smokey Motors: It would summon an airstrike the rains down 5 Zombie Stink Clouds.
  • Gravity Missile: It would launch 5 Gravity Grenades at its target(s).

His mech

The Imp

Its icon

Bait icon

Cyber Jerky bait description

Super Chili Bean

Unused Variation of the Super Bean, in a similar fashion to Giga Gargantuar. It was originally intended to appear in story Boss Hunts similar to other bosses. Its bait was a bottle of hot sauce. Its attacks have red effects instead of blue effects. Has an icon as well. He has his own abilities as well, and they are:

  • Chili Laserbean — A more powerful version of Super Bean’s Laserbean ability.
  • Chili Teleport — A teleport ability, although it does not actually work due to the boss’ unfinished nature.
  • Explosive Teleport — A teleport ability that also launches Chili Bean Bombs.
  • Chili Warp — Its warp ability, similar to Super Bean’s warp ability.
  • Chili Charge — Similar to Super Bean’s Overbean ability, except it does way more damage.
  • Chili Twirl — Very unfinished, seems to do no damage at all.

His bait description is:

Super Hot. Super Hot. Super Hot.

Super Chili Bean in-game

Its icon

Its textures

Bait icon

Super Chili Bean in the Backyard

Super Chili Bean in the Backyard

Fiddles the Crab

Fiddles the Crab is another unused story Boss Hunt boss. Unlike the other bosses above, it has very little leftovers in the game’s files. What remains is its icon and placeholders for its appearance in the Boss Hunt. Its bait is a pair of Swim Trunks. It is unknown what its abilities would’ve been.

Fiddles the Crab’s icon

Bait icon

Swim Trunks bait description

Bait Wave text

Placeholder appearance (only in early versions)

Orange Juice Robot

The Orange Juice Robot is another unused story Boss Hunt boss. Similar to Fiddles the Crab, it has very little leftovers in the game’s files. What remains is its icon and placeholders for its appearance in the Boss Hunt. Its bait is the Imbalanced Breakfast. It is unknown what its abilities would’ve been.

Orange Juice Robot’s icon

Bait icon

Bait Wave text

Placeholder appearance (only in early versions)

Beet Boxers

The Beet Boxers are another unused boss, except unlike every other unused boss, they were intended to appear in Graveyard Ops. They have very little leftovers in the game files, with the exception of placeholders, an icon, and a quest description for defeating them.

Beet Boxer’s icon

Quest description

Primary weapon

The primary weapon of the Rose is Magic Thistles. It is a fully automatic weapon that fires slow-moving projectiles that home in on targets, meaning the weapon does not require much aiming. The way the homing works is, as long as you have your crosshair on the target, your projectiles will home successfully. You can tell whether your shots will home or not by seeing whether the crosshair is red or white. If it is red, your shots will home. These projectiles don’t usually miss but can be obstructed by solid objects. It does 9 damage at all ranges and 10 if the damage upgrade is equipped. This weapon can be fired 20 times before it needs to be reloaded.

The Backyard

There are 14 Gold Gnome statues to find throughout the backyard area, including one in each Hero Portal. You must play through the single player story mode to gain access to each Hero Portal on either side.

A few Gold Gnomes are in hard to reach locations, so we recommend using either Super Brains or the Peashooter to search for gnomes. Both of these characters have abilities that allow them to jump high enough to reach rooftops and other tall structures where some Gold Gnomes are found.

Gold Gnome #1 — Enter Davebot 3000’s garage after completing the simple quest to unlock the door. On the left side, there is a Gold Gnome at the edge of the table near the car.

Gold Gnome #2 — Head to the soccer field to the left of the main Treehouse. A Gold Gnome is found at the top of the scoreboard. To reach the collectible, equip a character with a high jumping capability, such as the Peashooter or Super Brains. Walk along the back of the bleachers, then jump to grab the collectible while still in the air.

Gold Gnome #3 — Go to the ZomDocks on the far side of the marketplace. To the right of the docks, you’ll find a Gold Gnome behind bars inside a drain pipe.

Gold Gnome #4 — Enter the sewers through the opening closest to the zombie side. Turn left, and continue down the corridor until you see a Gold Gnome behind bars near a staircase on the right wall.

Gold Gnome #5 — In the sewers, locate a narrow footpath that connects two platforms. Look across the gap toward a pair of copper pipes on the far wall. There is a Gold Gnome in the left corner just behind the pipes. To access this gnome, you must play as a character that can clear the gap, such as the Scientist or Citron.

Gold Gnome #6 — Return to the Treehouse, and enter the Hero Portal for Agent Rose. Look for a mushroom covered button beside the fountain ahead of the door. Shoot the button to reveal the Gold Gnome where the previous fountain statue was located.

Gold Gnome #7 — Enter the Hero Portal for Agent Corn. After completing all of Agent Corn’s missions, you will gain access to the chest to the left of the barn. Walk past the chest and turn right down the narrow alley behind the barn to find the next Gold Gnome.

Gold Gnome #8 — Enter the Hero Portal for Agent Citron. The Gold Gnome is found straight ahead of the portal entrance, on a table to the left.

Gold Gnome #9 — Once you have completed the main Hero quests for the plants, return to Davebot’s garage. Go down the passage beneath the parked car. Just before heading through the gold double doors, look along the wall to the left near the water. There is another mushroom button along the stone wall. Shoot the button, and a Gold Gnome will pop up beside the bridge.

Gold Gnome #10 — Respawn as a zombie, and head to the Mansion. Go past the Multiplayer Portal toward the left side of the Mansion, and look for a Gold Gnome on the ground beside a shallow grave.

Gold Gnome #11 — At the back of the Mansion, enter the purple Hero Portal for Super Brains on the left. Walk up the staircase to the left of where Super Duper Brains is standing, and locate the Gold Gnome behind the large sculpture.

Gold Gnome #12 — Enter the Hero Portal for the Imp and Z-Mech. A Gold Gnome is sitting in the car seat of a small red car along the right wall.

Gold Gnome #13 — Enter the Hero Portal for Captain Deadbeard, the Pirate. Approach ‘Ol Deadbeard at his desk, and turn right toward his bedroom. You’ll find a Gold Gnome on the bookshelf in the right corner of his bedroom.

Gold Gnome #14 — In the Mansion area, drop down the hatch beside Dr. Patient to reach the laboratory. Once you enter the portal, walk forward and turn around to look toward the back wall. A Gold Gnome is sitting at the edge of the rock pillars. Use either Super Brains or the Footsoldier, and activate their abilities to jump to the rocks to reach the collectible.


  • Sometimes the game refers to his class as the «Superhero.»
  • He is one of the two characters to have two primary weapons, depending on whether the player is holding the left trigger or not, the other being Captain Deadbeard.
  • When he is shot out of a cannon, he holds up two fists as he «flies.» However, in Plants vs. Zombies Heroes, when Super Brainz uses «Carried Away,» he holds up one fist as he flies.
  • His huge chin is an exaggerated reference to the fact that many male superheroes (ex. Batman) have such large chins.
  • In the Garden Warfare Prequel Comic, he is, according to Rose

    Though in real gameplay, he can be turned into a goat.

    , too powerful to become a goat.

  • He is one of four classes in the game to have two Legendary variants (Toxic Brainz and Party Brainz), the others being Citron (Iron Citron and Party Citron), Kernel Corn (Commando Corn and Party Corn) and Imp (Scallywag Imp and Party Imp).
  • According to his stickerbook description, he was created in a lab, and the only purpose of his creation was to fight in the Battle of Zomburbia.



Playing as the Scientist takes a bit of practice. You need to know when to retreat, when to heal yourself and your team, and when to attack. A good loadout for offensive scientist use is the Warp ability, the Armored Heal Station, and the Sticky Explody Ball. Try to keep an eye out for any flanks you can in the plants defenses. Doing so can catch the enemy off guard, disrupting whatever it is they were doing.  Also try to have two Warps available on you before you try to attack. Use the first warp to get close to your target, and the second warp to flee if you need to. Heal. Repeat. Also be sure to heal any teammates you can. Useful healing abilities for the Scientist include the Mega Heal Bomb and the Zombie Heal Station.


One of the key factors when engaging a Scientist is the range you engage them. Depending on the type of Scientist, be it an Astronaut or a Chemist, you will want to be either a long or medium distance from him. Since the Scientist and his variants achieve maximum damage at close range, you want to keep a good distance when engaging. Try not to let the Scientist get too close to you, as that is when he becomes a real threat. 

Effective counters to the Scientist include the Cactus, the Citron, the Torchwood, the Peashooter and the Chomper.

Team Vanquish

In this mode, Scientists are vital to the team’s success, as they revive much faster than other zombies. Reviving a zombie subtracts a point from the other team, so because of this, the Scientist should try reviving every vanquished zombie he sees. The Scientist should try sticking their Sticky Explody balls onto zombies that get close to plants, like the All-Star. If the Scientist is in a combat situation, he should warp closer to the offending plant in order to get more damage. Scientists are easy prey for the Peashooter, as they move very quickly, and are hard to hit. Cacti are dangerous at long range but the Goo Blaster makes short work of them at close or mid range. This class is useful against Chomper, as Chompers need to get close to deal damage, the Scientist Zombie deals more damage than Chomper at close range, so they should take advantage of getting Gooped, and shoot down the carnivorous plant when they get close.

Gardens & Graveyards

The Scientist has two possible roles in this mode: being the zombie team’s Medic or a fast-moving close-range attacker. The Scientist’s high damage at close range makes it a good class for assaulting the garden since the plants have to stand within the garden’s capture zone to block the capture, which forces them to come close to you, allowing you to gun them down. Keep track of your teammates’ health and deploy Zombie Heal Stations near groups of injured zombies. If you wish to maximize your healing power, use the Mega Heal Bomb to provide healing more liberally. At longer ranges, the Scientist is highly vulnerable to the Cactus, Stay behind cover and use Warp to avoid the Cactus’ line of sight. Once you enter close range combat with the Cactus though, the Scientist can make short work of it. Peashooters are a little harder to deal with, they can use rooftops like the Foot Soldier to avoid close range combat while attacking you with their superior range and they have Hyper which allows them to, should they be forced into close range combat, avoid your shots while retaliating with their splash damage. Sunflowers are merely a nuisance at long range since their weapons suffer from a noticeable damage fall-off and at close range, their below-average attack power makes them weak at self-defense. It is at mid range where they are dangerous since if they can keep out at an arm’s length distance from themselves, they will be able to deal large amounts of damage to you while your weapon’s damage fall-off will play against you. Forcing plants into cramped corridors and tight spaces allows you to use your high close range power to gun them down almost regardless of their health.

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  • Растения против Зомби 2
  • Растения против Зомби 3
Шутеры от третьего лица
  • Растения против Зомби: Садовая война
  • Plants vs. Zombies: Battle for Neighborville
  • Растения против Зомби Приключения
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  • Растения против Зомби 2
  • Растения против Зомби: Садовая война
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Список игр

Playable zombies

There are four playable character classes. All four have different abilities with different perks to using them.

Zombie Image Weapon Upgrades Health Variants Primary Weapon Primary Weapon Damage* Abilities Classic FPS class
Foot Soldier 125 Camo RangerSuper CommandoGeneral SupremoTank CommanderArctic TrooperSky TrooperCenturion Z-1 Assault Blaster 4-8 (impact damage)5-9 (critical damage) ZPGRocket JumpZombie Stink CloudMulti-RocketRocket LeapSuper Stink Cloud Soldier class
Engineer 125 WelderPainterMechanicElectricianPlumberLandscaperSanitation Expert Concrete Launcher 35-36 (impact/critical damage)10-20 (splash damage) Sonic GrenadeZombot DroneJackhammerProximity Sonic MineRocket DroneTurbo Jackhammer Support class
Scientist 100

ChemistPhysicistDr. ToxicAstronautMarine BiologistArchaeologistDr. ChesterPaleontologist

Goo Blaster Sticky Explody BallWarpZombie Heal StationMega Heal BombEnergy WarpArmored Heal StationSticky Cheetah BallCheetah Heal Station Healer class
All-Star 200 Baseball StarRugby StarHockey StarCricket StarGoalie StarWrestling StarGolf Star Football Cannon 3-9 (impact damage)3-10 (critical damage) Imp PuntSprint TackleDummy ShieldLong BombUltra TackleShield Decoy Tank class
Dr. Zomboss None 2000 None None N/A Superb Zomboss RadarZomboss Healing StationCone StrikeReviving Brainz BBQ

Boss class

*exact damage varies depending on distance


Rose’s primary weapon requires a person with decent crosshair precision to use. In order to activate its homing ability, the crosshair must follow the target, forcing the player to predict their movements to land hits. Rose’s homing attack also has a range limit, so keep in mind you need to fight targets up-close for the homing ability to work.

Goatify is a very difficult skill to aim but yields good rewards for hitting it. Like Rose’s primary weapon, try to make your crosshair follow the target so you can land Goatify easily on them.


Rose is surprisingly an amazing team player for the Plants. Time Snare and Goatify will allow you to land easy vanquishes if one is paired with a skilled Rose. However, it should be noted that Rose isn’t as effective when fighting up close to make use of her primary weapon. Try to keep your distance from the zombies (about medium to long distances).

Rose can also be extremely useful in huge waves in Garden Ops as she can slow down a huge group of zombies at once, and use her other abilities for her useful crowd control, giving the team a chance to quickly and easily finish the zombies off.

In Herbal Assault, Rose can build teleporters, allowing her team to advance on the graveyard and capture faster. Teleporters provide 100 XP when built and 10 XP when any player uses them, so a player should definitely take the time to make one. Be aware that teleporters can be destroyed, though, so defence on the plant team’s part is crucial.


Rose is weak against close-range attacks due to the fact that her primary weapon’s projectiles take time to reach their target and cannot make steep turns while in flight, meaning that they can be dodged at close range, allowing you to deal a lot of damage to her without giving her much of a chance to retaliate.

That being said, however, attacking a Rose at close range is more often than not going to provoke her into casting one of her spells (Time Snare and/or Goatifiy) which can either easily turn the tables if she hits you with them or allow her to escape and get away.

Rose becomes especially dangerous at longer ranges (but still within her lock-on range) where her projectiles, due to the fact that they lock on and home in on their target, become nigh-impossible to avoid without cover, allowing her to deal a lot of damage to a given target.

Things become even worse if she has allies nearby, like Peashooters , Citrons or Kernel Corns  as these plants are able to face the attacker head-on while Rose is able to stay at a safe distance, lock on her target and deal extra damage with her primary weapon to support said ally, making short work of most zombies. The Magic Thistles’ projectiles have no damage fall-off, meaning that Rose’s damage output will not be impacted by distance. Regardless of circumstances, do not give Rose a chance to lock onto you if there is no cover nearby, as that will allow her to deal an immense amount of damage at any range.

Tips and tricks

  • Rose is great at crowd control. Use her abilities against groups of Zombies to their maximum potential.
  • The Arcane Enigma can be used to attack groups of Zombies or flee from tricky situations.
  • Use Rose’s Goatify ability against powerful Zombies like the All-Star or Super Brainz to make them weak and easy to vanquish. Goatify can also temporarily remove enemy shields, such as Coffins or Screen Doors, to make those zombies easier to vanquish.
  • Time Snare can slow down zombies, which can give you the chance to easily vanquish them, or escape from them before they catch you.
  • Use Time Snare against zombies in a large group, which will let your teammates help to vanquish them all.
  • Rose can mainly be used as a support class, so Rose can use her abilities to slow or weaken zombies, letting its teammates do the rest.
  • When firing at a zombie with your Thistles, if the cursor is red when over a zombie, the Thistles home in on your enemies.
  • Keep in mind that Goatify does not work on bosses or Z-Mechs. Do not waste it trying to Goatify them.
  • Rose is surprisingly effective at taking out Z-Mechs. Due to the fact it ignores the Z-Mech’s armor and deals normal damage, it can quickly take it out.
  • Rose is very good against a group of Imps, due to the fact that her homing weapon can go after the Imps easily despite their speed. Also, one Arcane Enigma ability can greatly injure a group of Imps.
  • Rose can jump higher than any other plant without using an ability, but only jumps slightly higher and nowhere near as high as Super Brainz or Peashooter’s mobility abilities.



  • The Chili Bean Bomb had a sombrero that looks exactly like the Sombrero Bean Bomb. The bean also had a much more higher pitched voice and took longer to explode.
  • Hyper’s icon showed a Repeater at full speed. The Repeater’s look is from Plants vs. Zombies 2.


  • His zombie-eating length was shortened. 
  • Spawnable zombies actually attacked the Chomper as opposed to avoiding him.
  • Goop’s icon was the same color as the projectile.
  • Burrow had Chomper’s «fin» sticking out, making him look like a shark. Also when his «eating» animation was there, the «Dig Power» would continue to stay until he actually ate a zombie.
  • He had 200 health.


  • She had an unused ability where she would drop sunlight from her back. These sundrops would have healed Sunflower and other plants.
  • Heal Beam looked noticeably much larger. 
  • Sunbeam was originally called «Void Ray» and Sunflower would have had a red glow on herself when using it.
  • Heal Flower originally looked like Marigold, and would have had 2 uses, meaning you could plant 2 Heal Flowers.


  • She originally had 100 health.
  • At one point, her weapon was originally called «Semi-Auto Needle» and had 60 ammo.
  • Potato Mine would have had 10 uses.
  • Garlic Drone originally had text saying «Garlic Drone Ready!» when used, and «Corn Strike Ready» when deploying airstrikes, and had a different weapon name called the «Spike Needle». Corn Strike had more corns in earlier gameplay.
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