Minecraft dungeons


Sound Description
http://minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/File:Bgm_env_menu-001.OGG Menu
http://minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/File:Bgm_env_missionMap_bip-001.OGG Mission Map
http://minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/File:D4_bgm_ui_missionMapNether-001.OGG Nether Mission Map
http://minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/File:Sfx_ui_startGame.ogg Start Game
http://minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/File:Sfx_ui_startGameAlt.ogg Start Game Alt
http://minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/File:Sfx_ui_missionPlay-001_soundWave.ogg Mission Play
Loading Screen
http://minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/File:Sfx_ui_missionStart-001_soundWave.ogg Mission Start
http://minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/File:Sfx_ui_objectiveStart-001_soundWave.ogg Objective Start
http://minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/File:Sfx_ui_objSmallUpdate-001_soundWave.ogg Objective Small Update
http://minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/File:Sfx_ui_objectiveUpdateSmallRight-001_soundWave.ogg Objective Update Small Right
http://minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/File:Sfx_ui_objectiveComplete-001_soundWave.ogg Objective Complete
Objective Freed
http://minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/File:Bgm_env_missionFinished-003.OGG Mission Finished
http://minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/File:Sfx_ui_missionEndVictoryCrown-001_soundWave.ogg Mission End Victory Crown
http://minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/File:Bgm_env_missionPost-001.OGG Post Mission
http://minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/File:Bgm_env_missionPostStinger-001.OGG Post Mission Stinger

Item loadout[]

  • Torches or other light sources to disable the spawner, as many as possible
  • A sword, stone or better, preferably enchanted with Sweeping Edge‌[Java Edition only], Sharpness, if possible (Knockback and fire aspect are optional)
  • A full set of iron or better armor (enchanted if possible) (If you are experienced enough, and is not playing on hard difficulty, you don’t need armor.
  • A pickaxe
  • Nutritious food like bread or steak
  • Plenty of cheap building blocks, such as dirt or cobblestone
  • A golden apple (optional)
  • A shield (optional)
  • Potions (optional)
  • A lava bucket (optional)
  • A water bucket (Always needed for mining trips)


  • This was the second mission that was confirmed for the Hidden Depths DLC, where it was confirmed in a tweet.
  • Unlike the rest of the secret missions apart from the ones in the Flames of the Nether DLC, this mission has it’s own loading screen instead of an image of the creepy crypt.
  • This mission has a unique ending sequence, in which the ground around the trident begins to disappear and then the platform is shot into the air by a stream of lava.
  • There is a secret area in a cave in which you don’t need to monitor your oxygen. Vindicators, geomancers, creepers, skeletons, and zombies

    On top of the rare chance of the secret area spawning, there is a very rare chance that vindicator chefs would spawn among the mobs in the secret area.

    spawn there.


Main article: Consumable

Consumables are dropped items that are immediately «consumed» upon clicking on it. This includes food, potions, and ammo. These items do not go into the Inventory and are not retained after completing a dungeon. Consumables can be dropped by mobs, certain enchantments or chests.


Food gives the player Regeneration and, in some cases, an additional positive Status Effect for a set duration. The Regeneration effects can be stacked, but the duration does not.

  • Apple
  • Bread
  • Cooked Salmon
  • Melon
  • Pork
  • Sweet Berries
  • Tropical Fish
  • Chorus Fruit


Main article: Potions

Potions provide the player its respective positive Status Effect for a set duration upon consumption.

  • Oakwood Brew
  • Shadow Brew
  • Strength Potion
  • Sweet Brew
  • Swiftness Potion
  • Health Potion
  • Dense Brew
  • Potion of Water Breathing
  • Burning Brew


Consumables that reside within the Quiver slot of the Heads-up Display and deplete when pressing the Ranged Attack Button.

  • Arrow Bundle
  • Conduit
  • Trident
  • TNT


Consumables that are only used to unlock certain or achieve certain mechanics, such as modifying a level.

  • Banner
  • Eye of Ender
  • Elytra

It has been suggested that this section be split into its own page at . [If this split may potentially be controversial, do not split until a consensus has been reached.


The map has three different sections: the Mainland section, the Island Realms section, and the Other Dimensions section. The Mainland section has a total of 17 accessible locations, the Island Realms section has a total of 13 accessible locations, and the Other Dimensions section has a total of 8 accessible locations. The Mainland section can be accessed by all players (excluding The Stronghold which is unocked by purchasing the echoing void DLC), whereas the Island Realms (ecept the Gauntlet of Gales which is free for all players) and Other Dimensions sections can be viewed, but require players to purchase DLC packs in order to access their locations, with the exception of the Ancient Hunts button.

Подводная крепость

Состоит из блоков призмарина. Располагается обычно глубоко в океане. Стоит учитывать, что подводная крепость охраняется стражами и древними стражами. Поэтому необходимо быть предельно аккуратным, исследуя ее.

В плане добычи достаточно скучное сооружение. Среди многочисленных комнат нет ни одного сундука. Основным ресурсом для добычи является призмарин. Единственное, что порадует игроков – золотые блоки. Правда, добыть их будет не так просто, потому что древние стражи накладывают на персонажа эффект усталости (3 степени).

Также в подводной крепости встречаются губки. Довольно полезный предмет для дальнейшего изучения океана.






Summoned by Evokers

Natural equipment

A vex is a flying found in Minecraft Dungeons.


A vex’s appearance in Dungeons is almost the same as its original appearance in the base game, with the only difference is it being more luminescent and glowing unlike its normal, default counterparts, as well as having darker colored cracks on its skin and shorter wings. Another key difference is that when attacking, the cracks now appear as a flaming orange rather than white.


There is no limit to the number of vexes following the hero. Vexes are also the only other entity in the game that can roll, besides dead mobs and redstone cubes. They can only roll while attacking or idle.

Strong attack

Unlike the base game, the vex attacks like any normal enemy, unable to go through blocks.

The Seeking Flame

The arena where the seeking flame is summoned and battled.

The Seeking Flame is the ancient variant of the vex encountered during Ancient Hunts with the minimum offering of the following runes:

The ancient resides within a Desert Temple-themed arena and possesses, at minimum, the following enchantments:

  • Burning
  • Fire Aspect
  • Fire Trail
  • Huge

Three Enchanted Evokers act as the ancient’s minions, possessing the following enchantments:


Upon defeating the seeking flame, a gilded variant of the following items will drop as a reward:

  • Axe

    • Firebrand
    • Highland Axe
  • Evocation Robe

    • Ember Robe
    • Verdant Robe
  • Soul Knife

    • Eternal Knife
    • Truthseeker


The Fiery Forge is a large forge created by the Arch-Illager’s army as means of constructing war machines such as the Redstone Golem and the Redstone Monstrosity to wreak havoc on the Overworld. The forge is built within a mountain and is mostly constructed with decorated blocks that resemble like Polished Andesite, stone bricks and cobblestone forming pillar constructions. There is a bridge made out of stone materials leading to a temple-like area. Below the bridge are multiple pools of lava. There are also lots of Minecarts that contain Redstone that damages the hero. Large Redstone Cores can be seen in a large section near the library where they require to be destroyed to render them useless for the illagers. A small messy library is also seen here where the illagers learn about their war machine’s construction and other things used for causing chaos.


Верхний мир
  • Каньон кактусов
  • Леса криперов
  • Пустынный храм
  • Пылающая кузница
  • Залы высокоблочья
  • Обсидиановая вершина
  • Тыквенные пастбища
  • Шахты красного камня
  • Мокрое болото
  • Побережье кальмаров


Секретные локации
  • ???
  • Архиприют
  • Жуткая крипта
  • Мшистая пещера
  • Подземелье залов
  • Нижний храм
Island Realms (DLC)
Jungle Awakens
  • Грязные джунгли
  • Заросший храм
  • Плато панд
Creeping Winter
  • Замороженный фьорд
  • Одинокая крепость
  • Затерянное поселение
Howling Peaks
  • Ветреные пики
  • Святилище урагана
  • Колоссальное укрепление

Frizon Thing

Minecraft Dungeons
Игровой процесс
  • Мобы
  • Зачаровывание
  • Локации
  • Скины
  • Предметы


  • A screenshot taken from Minecraft Live 2020 displays a Soul Sand Valley biome, the info_update block, a internal block in Bedrock Edition, can be seen among the soul sand.
  • There is a statue in the Nether Fortress that depicts the , a mob that lost the Mob Vote during MINECON Earth 2017

    This can actually be found as a mob in the game files, but was left unused due to time constraints and resource limitations. In the files, it is referred to as the Hovering Inferno.


  • Because the Orb of Dominance is not featured or shown in any way in this DLC, this is the first DLC to not include a final Boss battle.
  • This is also the first DLC to:
    • not add any new Consumables.
    • not make a roar sound when an ambush starts.
    • include unique cutscenes and separate loading screens for secret missions.
    • include a secret mission within a secret mission.
  • Although Wither Skeletons in Minecraft don’t spawn with Bows naturally, they do here in the form of the Wither Skeleton Archer who is equipped with the Red Snake.
  • Piglins and Wither Skeletons do not attack each other unlike the base game.
  • Strider sounds can be heard throughout the Warped Forest level, similar to the Vultures sounds in the Cacti Canyon.

Подводные руины

Места обитания утопленников. Иногда появляются с трезубцем, что позволяет легко получить это уникальное оружие. Оно достаточно неплохое для начальной стадии игры. Однако основная ценность руин заключается в сундуках. Их существуют 2 типа: большие и маленькие. В обеих разновидностях встречаются элементы золотой и кожаной брони. Еще можно отыскать зачарованную удочку или даже карту сокровищ! Она укажет на ближайшую подводную крепость.

Известны случаи, когда руины генерировались на суше. Также не стоит удивляться сооружениям, сделанным из песка – они достаточно распространены в Minecraft. Еще возможно отыскать этот данж на грибном острове.

Кстати, в песчаном варианте руин сундуки с большой долей вероятности находятся под песком. Поэтому стоит обязательно сломать несколько блоков на полу, чтобы отыскать заветный клад.


  • The sound files for behavior animations are known as «Novelty».
  • Armored mobs are classified as «MobVarious2» or «MobVarious3» of a mob instead of «Armored mob» in the game ID. However, in-game, they are separate mobs as seen whenever they spawn enchanted.
  • If a hero’s enchantment is used by a mob, some of that enchantment’s effects turn it purple (examples are Fire Trail and Poison Cloud).
  • If any mob is thirty two blocks away from the hero, its animation stops to prevent the game from crashing.
  • Unlike the original game, the value of mob damage depends on mob data instead of weapon data. The ranged and melee weapons used by mobs are only a part of render and decoration, and does not cause additional damage to mobs and heroes. For example, axes held by vindicators are renders. Ladles used by vindicator chefs are skins of axes instead of unique items.
  • Bows and crossbows used by mobs do not have any animation when used. However, a hero’s bow has a bowstring animation, although there is no arrow on the bowstring when the bow is drawn.


The island on which Jungle Awakens takes place.

Jungle Awakens is set in an unnamed tropical island. The island contains jungle trees and vibrant flora in high abundance. On the west side of the island, there appears to be what looks to be a small lake, a cave entrance, and an offering platform. To the east is a bamboo forest where a large panda head seems to be built into the terrain. It is likely for the cave entrance to exit out of the panda head, as there is an opening in the mouth. At the top of the island is what appears to be an ancient run-down temple upon a hill, with decorative waterfalls flowing out the sides. A small beach and several smaller islands appear on the island map, though most of the details listed do not appear in-game.


  • This DLC was accidentally released early on June 30 for players on Xbox One and Windows 10 through the Microsoft Store.
  • The locations within Jungle Awakens contain no illagers. Other locations without illagers include ??? and those within the Flames of the Nether DLC.
  • This is the only DLC that doesn’t have a Minecraft Dungeons Diaries episode on it. This is most likely because it was released not long after dungeons released, meaning that they didn’t have time to make one for it.
  • It was originally believed that the shard of the orb of dominance created the leapleaf and the whisperer. It was found out after rereading the original “Jungle DLC Out Today Page,” that the shard corrupted the two inhabitants rather than creating them.

Лесной особняк

Самое грандиозное натуральное сооружение по размерам в minecraft. Однако найти его достаточно сложно. Появляются они на расстоянии 50 000 блоков от начального спавна игрока. Отыскать лесной особняк поможет карта, которая покупается у жителя-картографа.

Имеет множество комнат. При этом в лесном особняке может быть сразу несколько сокровищниц. Сундуки находятся в разных комнатах – многие из них бывают даже пустыми. Содержимое обычно, как и везде, но иногда попадаются алмазная или кольчужная кирасы. Можно также отыскать здесь алмазную мотыгу. Из оригинальных предметов в сундуках попадаются бирки и музыкальные пластинки.

Охраняют здание 2 вида мобов: поборники и вызыватели. Последние еще призывают в бой досаждателей. Каждый из монстров спавнится в своей части особняка. Спальни, кабинеты, коридоры – места появления поборников. Вызыватели же встречают игрока в столовых и залах. Все эти мобы опасны, поэтому исследовать лесной особняк нужно аккуратно.


Beta Armored Mountaineer

Main article: MCD:Beta Armored Mountaineer

The Beta Armored Mountaineer is a light red variant of the Mountaineer that was planned for the Howling Peaks DLC, but only appeared in the Howling Peaks DLC’s beta version. It’s outfit is similar to the Rampart Captain. It was added on the files on the Howling Peaks patch.

Chicken (passive)

Main article: MCD:Chicken (passive)

The Chicken is an unused in Minecraft Dungeons that was scrapped alongside the Enchantsmith. The chicken would have only be found next to the Enchantsmith’s camp stall. The Chicken seems to sit idly in position, being unable to be attacked.


Main article: MCD:Enchantsmith

The Enchantsmith is an unused NPC mob in Minecraft Dungeons that was added in the game files in the Echoing Void patch, but was never added into the game.

Jack O’ Lantern

Main article: MCD:Jack o’ Lantern

The Jack o’ Lantern, otherwise known as the Jack o’ Lantern Trap, is an unused mob that was added in the Beta stage of Minecraft Dungeons and was planned for Minecraft Dungeons.


Main article: MCD:Mason

The Mason is an unimplemented merchant that would have been able to upgrade the players gear to their current power level using diamond dust that could be bought for 1000 emeralds. Its item-upgrading functionality was re-added in the Creeping Winter update with the Blacksmith, minus the diamond dust.

Quest Giver

Main article: MCD:Quest Giver

The Quest Giver is an unimplemented merchant that would have been able to give quests to the player similar to the mission map in the camp. It was first added during the Creeping Winter patch along with the other new camp merchants, with it potentially being one of them, but it was never implemented. Its appearance resembles the savanna villagers from regular Minecraft with it having sandals and red and green clothes. It also has a bandanna over its eyes and wears a crown.

Web Spider

Main article: MCD:Web Spider

The Web Spider is an unimplemented mob in Minecraft Dungeons that was added in the game files in the Dungeons Beta, but was removed in It is a variant of the spider that could be featured in a future DLC or update. The only proof of its existence so far are a few textures and models in the game files. It is only inferred that the web spider has red eyes, as the textures for other spiders also lack eyes. The web spider is very similar in appearance to the spider. It’s main similarity is that it has red eyes. The difference is that it has a greenish tint on its texture. In addition to this, looking closely, there is also a very subtle purple tint in the middle of the side of each leg. It also seems to use the old spider texture prior to 1.14 just with a green tint.


Main article: MCD:Wildfire

The Wildfire is an unimplemented mob that was planned for the Flames of the Nether DLC, which its behavior mostly consisted of shooting fireballs and possibly protecting itself using its shields, it was added on the files on the Flames of the Nether patch.


Endersent have the highest brute strength of any powerful mob in MCD:Minecraft Dungeons, since it’s attacks can do more damage than redstone golems. However, redstone golems are tougher since they have more health than endersent. they have three attacks.

Basic attack

Endersent are capable of smashing the hero with it’s club-like hands, dealing massive damage.

Deadly escape

Endersent can also smash the ground with both hands, dealing more damage then most mobs including creepers. It then teleports away, summoning one to four watchlings. After a moment, the Endersent teleports back to where it originally spawned.

Teleport smash

Endersent occasionally will raise one arm at a random hero or summoned mob and teleport away, then immediately teleport behind what it raised its arm at and smash it with both arms, dealing massive damage, though less than the Deadly escape damage.


Minecraft Dungeons
Dungeons Beta Exists internally: teaser poster, island map, Jungle Poison, Panda, Parrot, Jungle Zombie, Mossy Skeleton, Whisperer, Leapleaf, Poison-Quill Vine, Quick Growing Vine, Whip, and Vine Whip. Exists internally: DLC title logo, soundtrack, loading screen images for Dingy Jungle, Panda Plateau, and Overgrown Temple. Added Ocelots, Melons, Oakwood Brews, Ocelot Armor, Shadow Walker, and the Jungle Abomination.
Changed internally teaser poster design.
Jungle Awakens officially revealed, with a release date slated for July 2020.
Jungle Awakens release date confirmed to be July 1st. Jungle Awakens releases. Added exclusive Achievements/Trophies for Jungle Awakens and Creeping Winter.
Fixed flickering of lowered gates in Overgrown Temple.
Fixed missing audio from the last button of the Dingy Jungle puzzle.
Fixed end door prompt of Dingy Jungle stating «Travel» instead of «Exit».
Fixed Panda Plateau not using loading screen image for .Secret Locations Reduced volume of Mossy Skeleton shooting sounds. Fixed over-sized Burning and Hunting Bow Enchantment effects on Leapleaves and Whisperers.
Fixed Missing sound effects on Panda Plateau cage opening, Dingy Jungle stone heads puzzle. Added Thundering Growth.

Binding Eye[]

Binding Eye



The arena where the Binding Eye is battled at.

The Binding Eye is an Endersent encountered in a secret area within Cacti Canyon. The Endersent resides within a small arena and possesses, at minimum, the following enchantments:

  • Chains
  • Echo
  • Fire Trail

To find it, heroes must journey past the chest pond. There is a path marked by stone brick leading to the left of the level, away from the objective. This path can spawn almost at any point between the chest pond and the fossil area. The path leads to an underground structure with some traps. To pass through this, heroes must find three Key Golems. After opening all the locked gates, heroes may find this Endersent arena.

Technical mobs[]

These features appears in specific level or structures. Some of them doesn’t look like regular mobs. However, the in-game data file shows that they are both «entity» and «mob».

Map Structure

Name Icon Exclusive Classification
Firefly Yes (Currently) AnimalMob-likeTexture
Minecart No Entity-likeNon-attackable
Redstone Sentry Yes Block-likeNon-attackable
Starfish Yes AnimalMob-likeTexture
Strider No AnimalMob-likeSound
Vulture Yes AnimalMob-likeShadow
Woodland Sentry Yes Block-likeNon-attackable

Shared Render Mobs

The mobs shares it’s render with other mobs or can be seen before the boss fight such as the Fake Ancient Guardian.

Name Icon Exclusive Classifications
Arch Vessel Yes EnderIllager
Eponymous Squid Yes AnimalNon-attackable
Fake Ancient Guardian 60px Yes Natural
Imperfect Heart of Ender Yes Ender
Yes CloneUndead
No CloneIllager

Cinematic mobs

Name Icon Exclusive Classifications
Armored End Vindicator Yes Illager
End Enchanter Yes Illager
End Evoker Yes Illager
End Illager Yes Illager
End Vindicator Yes Illager
Trader Llama No Animal
Wandering Trader No Villager

Mob Exclusive Enchantments[]

Heals Allies

Main article: MCD:Heals Allies

Heals Allies is an unused powerful armor enchantment that would heal nearby allies by how much damage the player takes. This enchantment is, however, used on enchanted mobs.


Main article: MCD:Regeneration

Regeneration is an enchantment that would allow the player to passively regenerate health after 10 seconds of not taking any damage. This enchantment can still be applied to mobs however.


Main article: MCD:Shielding

Shielding is an enchantment that would give an aura that gives damage resistance to the player and any nearby allies. In, mobs were given the ability to spawn or be enchanted with Shielding. They removed this from the player’s artillery because it was likely to overshadow the protection enchant.


Main article: MCD:Withering

Withering is an enchantment that would give the user the ability to inflict Wither upon hit. The enchantment can only generate on a Stone Sword and the Red Snake wielded by Wither Skeletons and Wither Skeleton Archers respectively)

Finding a dungeon[]

Dungeons generate at any altitude provided they are next to a cave, even if «Generate Structures» is turned off. When mining or exploring underground, if you stumble along naturally generated cobblestone, that’s a good sign you might have found a dungeon, but water and lava mixing also generates cobblestone, so be careful when investigating. Mossy cobblestone generates a lot in the floor, and there are only five naturally occuring sources of mossy cobblestone: dungeons, jungle temples, pillager outposts, ocean ruins and mossy cobblestone boulders. So if you’re not in a jungle biome or aboveground, you’ve found a dungeon.

Dungeons also generate next to caves. Turning sound on can be significantly helpful and subtitles‌[JE only] still help. If you hear a lot of mobs of the same type in one direction, chances are there’s a spawner in a dungeon. The spawner has a chance to be a zombie (50% chance), skeleton (25% chance), or spider (25% chance) spawner. Unlike most generated structures, dungeons cannot be located with .


Представляют собой небольшие снежные сооружения, встречающиеся исключительно в холодных биомах. Часто можно найти иглу в тундре, однако иногда встречается и в тайге. Внутри сооружения имеются кровать, печь и верстак. Это позволяет сделать иглу хорошим временным убежищем. Особенно если персонаж долго путешествовал по карте.

Главная фишка иглу – это подвал. В подобных времянках можно отыскать лестницу (прямо под ковром), ведущую вниз. Там обитают обычный житель и житель-зомби. Последнего можно даже вылечить, так как в подвале встречается сундук с золотым яблоком. Там же присутствуют котел и варочная стойка для зельеварения. Помимо этого всегда есть возможность найти изумруды в сундуках.


  • The illagers have a runic alphabet called Illageralt.
  • In the early Beta version, trailers and poster, illagers used the texture of 1.14 Texture update, but later the head texture was changed with the exception of the illagers with decorative details on their head and main characters such as the Arch-Illager, royal guards, mages, and iceologers.
    • Because only the head texture has been changed, the base color of the geomancer’s limbs are different from the base color of their head.
    • In the later DLC, mountaineers and their variant’s faces use the new head texture. However in the cutscene in the End Wilds of the Echoing Void, the end illager’s head uses the old texture.


Villagers can be found imprisoned in fence gates in the Creeper Woods, where they are being shipped for labor. They can be seen later in the intro for Pumpkin Pastures in the last hearth, and being forced to work for the illagers in the Redstone Mines. Two villagers can also be seen in the intro for Fiery Forge, where they are being followed by a vindicator. Statues of villagers can also be found in the Creepy Crypt although they may be hard to spot. And statues in the Jungle Awakens levels, particularly in the Overgrown Temple, and one on the left arm of the jungle abomination. They can also be found imprisoned in a secret place in the Frosted Fjord. Villagers can also be found in hanging cages in The Stronghold.

Island Realms[]

The Island Realms is the main area in which the first three DLC packs, as well as the fifth, take place. This area contains four islands: Jungle Awakens, Creeping Winter, Howling Peaks and Hidden Depths

Jungle Awakens

The Jungle island where Jungle Awakens takes place.

See Jungle Awakens for further details. It contains the following missions:

Location Unlock Predecessor Internal Name
Dingy Jungle Squid Coast
Panda Plateau Dingy Jungle (Secret)
Overgrown Temple Dingy Jungle

Creeping Winter

The snowy island where Creeping Winter takes place.

See Creeping Winter for further details. It contains the following missions:

Location Unlock Predecessor Internal Name
Frosted Fjord Squid Coast
Lone Fortress Frosted Fjord
Lost Settlement Frosted Fjord (secret)

Howling Peaks

The mountainous island where Howling Peaks takes place.

See Howling Peaks for further details. It contains the following missions:

Location Unlock Predecessor Internal Name
Windswept Peaks Squid Coast
Gale Sanctum Windswept Peaks
Gauntlet of Gales Creeper Woods
Colossal Rampart Windswept Peaks (Secret)

Hidden Depths

The atoll where Hidden Depths takes place.

See Hidden Depths for further details. It contains the following missions:

Location Unlock Predecessor Internal Name
Coral Rise Squid Coast
Abyssal Monument Coral Rise
Radiant Ravine Coral Rise (Secret)


Minecraft Dungeons разработана фирмой Mojang Studios на движке Unreal Engine.

С триумфом уникального Minecraft, Mojang Studios подумала о иных способностях игры, которые имели возможность бы доставить что-нибудь свежее во вселенную Minecraft. Экспериментируя с различными мыслями, игра в начале предназначалась для единичной игры в подземелье, вдохновлённой серией The Legend of Zelda для Nintendo 3DS. Впрочем, от множества функции довелось отречься, в то время, когда игра стала покупать очевидные черты. По текстам директора игры Монса Олсена, игра была воодушевлена Diablo и Torchlight, а ещё Warhammer: End Times — Vermintide и Left 4 Dead.

1 из ведущих задач, с которой столкнулась команда создателей, заключалась в том, дабы выдумать, как приспособить игровой процесс в играх по прохождению подземелий, этих как Diablo, в вселенная Minecraft. Потому что у персонажей Minecraft не было практически никаких особенных врождённых возможностей, довелось задуматься об кандидатурах, этим как класс персонажей. Их заключение состояло в том, дабы сконцентрироваться на разработке орудия и доспехов, которые игрок имел возможность устроить больше сильными с поддержкой чар.

Не считая такого, Mojang Studios желала облегчить классическую игру в подземелье, дабы устроить игру больше доступной. Олсен что, собственно, что иные игры в жанре «в кое-какой степени доступны, но как правило это игры с довольно основательными, взаимосвязанными системами», и, собственно, что они желали устроить вход в Minecraft Dungeons «суперлёгким», но и «мгновенно знакомым». Еще было принято заключение не позволять возводить или же делать предметы, являющиеся главным продуктом уникального Minecraft, для такого, дабы сконцентрироваться на ведущем эксперименте прохождения подземелья. А дабы предоставить больше искусным игрокам вызов, команда что опцию менять сложность игры.

Minecraft Dungeons была анонсирована 28 сентября 2018 года вовремя Minecon. Вовремя E3 2019 был представлен 1-ый геймплейный трейлер. 17 сентября 2019 года было оглашено о переносе игры на консоли. Выпуск игры состоялся 26 мая 2020 года.

Над игрой работает команда из 20 человек.

Локации в верхнем мире

Эти основные и секретные миссии можно найти в верхнем мире.

Локация Предшественник Внутреннее имя
Побережье кальмаров Нет
Лагерь Побережье кальмаров
Леса криперов Побережье кальмаров
Жуткая крипта Леса криперов (Секрет)
Тыквенные пастбища Леса криперов
Архиприют Тыквенные пастбища (Секрет)
Мокрое болото Тыквенные пастбища
Мшистая пещера Мокрое болото (Секрет)
Шахты красного камня Мокрое болото
Пылающая кузница Шахты красного камня
Каньон кактусов Пылающая кузница
Пустынный храм Каньон кактусов
Нижний храм Пустынный храм (Секрет)
Залы высокоблочья Пустынный храм
Подземелье залов Залы высокоблочья (Секрет)
Обсидиановая вершина Залы высокоблочья
??? Пройти все уровни

Redstone Core[]

Redstone Core



A Redstone Core is a device that can be found in the Fiery Forge. They first appear in a mineshaft-like area where the hero must activate all of them in order to proceed further. They also appear in the boss arena near the end of the mission.


When the hero activates a core, it will open up and start making a loud noise while charging up, it will then fire a large heat blast in four directions that will deal severe damage and some knockback damage too if a hero, mob, or pet is struck by it. By overloading the cores, the hero damages the fiery forge. They can also be used to harm the monstrosity, since they appear in the arena. Sometimes a glitch occurs making the heat blasts from the cores freeze in mid-air.


Sound Description
https://minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/File:Sfx_prop_redstoneCoreActivate-001_soundWave.ogg Activate
https://minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/File:Sfx_prop_redstoneCoreActivateHeavy-001_soundWave.ogg Activate (Heavy)
Core Alarm

List of Arcade exclusive mobs[]

Summonable mobs

Name Icon Exclusive Classifications
Chicken No Animal
Fox No Animal
Goat No Animal
Ocelot No Animal
Panda No Animal
Pig No Animal
Polar Bear No Animal

Hostile mobs

Name Icon Exclusive Classifications
Armored Frozen Zombie Yes NaturalUndead
Armored Husk Yes NaturalUndead
Armored Jungle Zombie Yes NaturalUndead
Armored Mossy Skeleton Yes NaturalUndead
Armored Stray Yes NaturalUndead
Evoker No Illager
Giant Royal Guard Yes Illager
Mage Yes Illager
Melee Armored Mossy Skeleton Yes NaturalUndead
Melee Armored Skeleton Yes Undead
Melee Armored Stray Yes NaturalUndead
Skeleton Horseman No Undead

Boss mobs

Name Icon Exclusive Classifications
Giant Cave Spider Yes Animal
Giant Royal Guard Yes Illager
Obsidian Monstrosity Yes Golem

Храм в джунглях

Постройка расположена в джунглях. Данный храм легко заметить издалека: он сделан полностью из булыжника. Так же, как и с пустынным вариантом, здесь присутствуют ловушки. Правда, есть простой способ их обойти. Для этого потребуется разломать цепь редстоуна в самом начале храма.

Состав предметов в сундуках схож с предметами в пустынной версии храма. Такие же ресурсы: изумруды, слитки, алмазы. Иногда встречается конская броня всех разновидностей. Дополнительно храм в джунглях имеет одну уникальную особенность. Это единственная опциональная структура, где генерируются липкие поршни, раздатчики и натяжные датчики. Поэтому опытные игроки особо не заморачиваются с крафтом этих предметов, а находят их прямо в этом сооружении. Также здесь можно добыть немного редстоуна с нитями.



Sound Description
https://minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/File:Bgm_mob_eventEndermanPre-001.ogg Endersent Theme Pre
https://minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/File:Bgm_mob_eventEndermanLoop-001.OGG Endersent Theme Loop
https://minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/File:Bgm_mob_eventEndermanPost-001.ogg Endersent Theme Post


Sound Description
Deadly Escape
Idle Smash
Teleport Smash


  • In the evoker’s bossfight theme, there is a «wololoo» heard in it. This is the sound they make in the base game while turning a blue sheep red. The sound itself is a reference to another Microsoft franchise, Age of Empires, where the priest unit can turn enemy units into friendly units (changing the unit’s color in the process) after making a «wololoo» sound.
  • When the evoker dies, it plays a new ghost screaming in the background with its death sounds. This screaming sound can also be heard in some missions such as the graveyard in the Creeper Woods.
  • When an enchanter enchants the evoker, its HP increases by only 25%.
  • It’s possible to stun the evoker’s fangs, which causes them to simply sit in place and not snap or move. This can be done with the Snowball enchantment.
  • The description of the evoker’s battle robe states that evokers are the ones that made it. In the Redstone Mines and rarely in the Colossal Rampart, the evoker can rarely drop its battle robe when killed.
  • The evoker raises its eyebrows when summoning fangs, and closes its eyes when summoning vexes.
  • In the Arcade version it is a main boss instead.
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