Pixelmon лаунчер для minecraft


Новые Квестовые Предметы:
  • Броневой пропуск
  • Голубой лепесток
  • Футляр для монет
  • Коронный пропуск
  • Сфера Девона
  • Модный Чехол
  • Мешок Для Корма
  • Золотые Зубы
  • Зеленый Лепесток
  • Высокотехнологичные Наушники
  • Голографический заклинатель
  • Нефритовый Шар
  • Пропуск Свободы
  • Максимальный мёд
  • Членская карта
  • Мистический билет
  • Письмо Дуба
  • Дубовая посылка
  • Карта Старого Моря
  • Апельсиновый лепесток
  • Розовый лепесток
  • Покеблок Кейс
  • Маска профессора
  • Ящик вещей
  • Фиолетовый Лепесток
  • Радужный цветок
  • Радужный пропуск
  • Красный лепесток
  • Пейджер для поездок
  • Кейс наклеек
  • Секретный ключ
  • Очки Сильф
  • Книга Сони
  • Сверкающий Камень
  • SS Билет
  • Карточка Стиля
  • Тройной пропуск
  • Желтый лепесток
  • Z Силовое кольцо
  • Z Кольцо

Общее описание

Вселенная покемонов имеет крайне большую популярность во всем мире. В нашей стране ее пик пришелся на конец 90х, когда транслировался соответствующий мультсериал. После этого популярность стала затухать – игра в основном осталась на консолях от Нинтендо, которые в нашей стране не очень распространены. Следующий всплеск произошел спустя много лет, с выходом приложения Pokemon Go. Новая технология и новая механика вновь вернули интерес к этой вселенной у наших соотечественников. Были, конечно, и другие мобильные игры по покемонам, но зачастую они оказывались весьма странными на взгляд отечественных геймеров. Например, кубическая невнятная RPG – совсем не то, чего можно было бы ожидать.

Совсем другое дело – MOBA с покемонами. Конечно, этот рынок нельзя назвать пустеющим. Тут есть много лидеров и отличных проектов. Даже Brawl Stars можно отнести к той же категории. Но когда Покемоны боялись конкуренции? Пусть боятся соперники! Тем более, что игра действительно получилась очень классной.

Главное в игре – это не убийство других покемонов, а уничтожение вражеских баз. Эта особенность характерна для жанра. Но уничтожаются базы не при помощи обычной атаки. Нет – вам придется забивать голы, чтобы уничтожать вражеские точки! И на этой идее строится весь игровой процесс. Мы решили скачать Pokemon Unite на ПК и разобраться во всем подробнее.


  • Removed Mr.M.

  • Fixed catching Pokémon being super hard! Turns out it was an actual bug, not just superstition.

  • Fixed Castform and Deoxys not defaulting to their normal forms.

  • Fixed Baton Pass in AI.

  • Fixed Transform causing HP to display incorrectly on the client side.

  • Fixed HP animations for lower level Pokémon not being nearly smooth enough for me.

  • Fixed battle state corruption when a player crashes and rejoins.

  • Fixed Multiscale affecting Endeavor.

  • Fixed Sticky Web failing when targeting a fainted Pokémon.

  • Fixed incorrect Abomasnow stats.

  • Fixed Regenerator not updating HP client side, nor animating it.

  • Fixed multi-hit moves hitting too many times.

  • Fixed experience displaying incorrectly after an event has modified it.

  • Fixed Power-Up Punch not making contact.

  • Fixed Dark Void being 100% accurate.

  • Fixed a crash caused by out-of-sync Berry Tree tiles.

  • Fixed a crash caused by out-of-sync Apricorn Tree tiles which is definitely a separate bug deserving a separate line in the changelog.

  • Corrupted Apricorn Trees will be automatically purged and the entire fiasco logged. You’re welcome!

  • Fixed Heat Crash and Heavy Slam dealing no damage when target weighs under 33kg.

  • Fixed /endbattle causing NPC trainers to give out multiple sets of rewards.

  • Fixed selected Pokémon changing immediately before battle.

  • Fixed battle clauses not being imported correctly.

  • Fixed Dig external move breaking blocks they probably shouldn’t break.

  • Fixed Pixelmon painting bounding box.

  • Fixed trading machine client crash when player display names are hacked into having $ symbols. Why though.

  • Fixed some of the weirder biomes not getting any spawns.

Pokédex entries

XOmega Ruby They knock down flying prey by firing compressed water from their massive claws like shooting a pistol.
YAlpha Sapphire Through controlled explosions of internal gas, it can expel water like a pistol shot. At close distances, it can shatter rock.
Ultra Sun Its claws occasionally fall off, and it keeps a low profile until they grow back. The meat of its claws is so delicious!
Ultra Moon It moves around by jetting water from its right pincer. It has a poor sense of balance, so it’s terrible at swimming straight.
Sword Clauncher’s claws can fall off during battle, but they’ll regenerate. The meat inside the claws is popular as a delicacy in Galar.
Shield By detonating gas that accumulates in its right claw, this Pokémon launches water like a bullet. This is how Clauncher defeats its enemies.

Server-related fixes and changes:

  • Fixed async saving options being completely ignored.

  • Fixed a possible storage-related crash made possible by Sponge. Thanks Sponge.

  • Fixed a held item duplication trick connected to battles on servers. No more dupes 4 u.

  • Fixed Pixelmon donation sashes sometimes not appearing on other people in-game.

  • Fixed ranch blocks being very invisible in most cases.

  • Fishing rods can no longer be used to pull entities that are unable to be pushed, like stationary trainers and armour stands.

  • Fixed deleting a move and various other things causing more async stuff that Sponge hates. God damn it Sponge.

  • Fixed the Red and Blue Orbs being dupe-able on Sponge servers.

  • Further improved Better Spawner efficiency on Sponge servers.

  • Fixed Pokérus spreading sometimes causing end of battle errors. Almost definitely caused by a sidemod problem, but it won’t happen again either way.

  • Spawn sets no longer need to be suffixed with .set.json.

Server-related fixes and changes:

  • Fixed async saving options being completely ignored.

  • Fixed a possible storage-related crash made possible by Sponge. Thanks Sponge.

  • Fixed a held item duplication trick connected to battles on servers. No more dupes 4 u.

  • Fixed Pixelmon donation sashes sometimes not appearing on other people in-game.

  • Fixed ranch blocks being very invisible in most cases.

  • Fishing rods can no longer be used to pull entities that are unable to be pushed, like stationary trainers and armour stands.

  • Fixed deleting a move and various other things causing more async stuff that Sponge hates. God damn it Sponge.

  • Fixed the Red and Blue Orbs being dupe-able on Sponge servers.

  • Further improved Better Spawner efficiency on Sponge servers.

  • Fixed Pokérus spreading sometimes causing end of battle errors. Almost definitely caused by a sidemod problem, but it won’t happen again either way.

  • Spawn sets no longer need to be suffixed with .set.json.

API/Back-end (For sidemodders):

  • Removed PixelmonApi (The class file, I mean).

  • Added a large and versatile spawning API.

  • Added PixelmonCommand to API.

  • Added Dialogue with choices API.

  • Fixed PokemonSpec#apply(…) not updating the model. Bet you didn’t even notice.

  • Rewrote evolutions to make them far more flexible and far easier to modify externally.

  • Rewrote most of the texture handling code.

  • Fixed Pixelmon.’devEnviroment’ being spelled wrong! How embarrassing.

  • Added copy function to PokemonSpec to escape object reference.

  • Made the Pixelmon config’s back-end suck a lot less.

  • Moved all the Pokémon models into a separate subfolder under models. Sorry about your resource packs.

  • Added HeldItemChangedEvent.

  • Added SetBattleAIEvent to make it easy to customise specific opponents’ battle AI.

  • Added BaseStatsLoadEvent to modify base stats as they are cached.

  • Added LevelUpMovesEvent to tamper with level up move-sets as they are checked.

  • Added BattleEndEvent which is guaranteed to fire for all battle ending.

  • Marked PlayerBattleEndedEvent and PlayerBattleEndedAbnormalEvent as deprecated. Use BattleEndEvent.

— Added a lot of new NPC skins to both chatting and trainer NPCs. Big thanks to Starwarschamp4 and Crystal_Missile for them. Now I’ve been told to list them all:

  • Chatting NPC: Aqua Grunt Male and Female, Blacksmith, Bride, Cultist, Evil Professor, Gardener, Groom. Jon Snow, Knight, Magma Grunt Male and Female, Mailman, Monk 1 and 2, Pirate Captain, Pirate Grunt, Professor Ras, Rocket Grunt Male and Female, Santa, Tesla.

  • Trainer NPC: Aqua Grunt Male and Female, Jon Snow, Knight, Professor Ras, Rocket Grunt Male 1-6, Magma Grunt Male and Female, Pirate Captain, Pirate Grunt 1 and 2, Football Fan 1 and 2, Gardener 1 and 2, Pokemaniac Girl 3, Swimmer Male 2 and Female 1 and 2, Youngster 5.

  • Added the N-Solarizer and N-Lunarizer, and their effect on Necrozma. It’s basically exactly what DNA Splicers do, though?

Launcher Version History

Aragas’ Launcher

Version Release Date Summary

Minor anonymous fixes.

  • Implemented Servers support.
  • GitHub Token can be used now for bigger API limit.
  • Implemented German and Netherlands translations.
  • Fixed Profile moving.
  • Fixed version comparison.
  • Implemented new language support.
  • Added GameJolt support for a future Indev 0.55 version of the game.

Improved overall stability.


Version update.


Replaced WebBrowser with HtmlRenderer.


Version update.

Anonymous bug fix.

  • Moved DL section to Settings.
  • Renamed ProfileIndex to SelectedProfileIndex.
  • Disabled «Up to date» notification on startup.
  • Version update.

Removed unused assets from release.


Replaced Icon.ico.

Fixed Settings and Update check bug.


Version update.

  • Fixed Invocations.
  • CustomUpdaterForm is now parallelized.
  • Implemented new project that is building UpdateInfo.yml.
  • Implemented Polish translation.
  • Improved kinda the UI control in downloaders, but still needs some improving.
  • Removed NAppUpdate.
  • Removed NotInstalled.
  • Removed Update check if profile is not downloaded.

Implemented German translation.


Implemented Spanish and Dutch translation.


Fixed the GitHub API limit.

  • Updated the Lithuania translation.
  • Renamed DirectDownloaderForm to DirectUpdaterForm.
  • Implemented the launcher updater.
  • Moved Folder and File contents into FileSystemInfo.
  • GitHub releases are now cached, resulting in faster app response time.
  • Checking for updates is now true by default.

Initial release for the new launcher.

Version Release Date Summary

All launcher support was dropped. The game was now directly opened.


Original launcher support was dropped.

  • Implemented the ability for the launcher to self-update.
  • Implemented the support to start the game in Force Graphics mode.
  • Implemented a Map View mode in the launcher.
  • Implemented a new icon.

Fixed Read-Only files causing the launcher to crash.

14.05.2014 Unknown Changes
18.09.2013 Unknown Changes
07.05.2013 Unknown Changes
11.03.2013 Unknown Changes
Unknown Date

Made several alterations to the Settings window:

  • Applied copyright information under the About tab.
  • Implemented a check for Content Packs for Debug.
  • Enlarged the Settings window.
  • Moved the disclaimer to its own tab.

Minor alterations to the launcher update window.

  • P3DL-1: Fixed Clear launcher temp files not deleting the UpdateInfo.config-file.
  • P3DL-2: Fixed the auto-start function not operating properly.
  • P3DL-3: Fixed updating the game not stopping the auto-start function.

Fixed error messages generating more times than they should be.


Launcher no longer announces if the game is already up to date by itself.

  • The launcher update window will no longer show when there is no update available.
  • Implemented the option to display launcher updates in the Settings window.

Applied minor adjustments to the user interface.

  • Fixed the temporary files folder not being deleted when a download is cancelled.
  • Fixed the text on the Update button…again.
  • Fixed the text on the Update button.
  • Fixed the launcher page occasionally opening in the browser.
  • Fixed launcher updates not being able to move and rename files.
  • Launcher now requires .NET 3.5 instead of 4.0.
  • Implemented the ability to halt downloads.
  • Implemented the ability to view the version of the game through the main window.
  • Implemented a Settings window.
  • Implemented an automated system for checking for software requirements to run the launcher and the game.
  • Implemented easier launcher updating capability.
  • Altered the target website to a different server.
  • Altered the text on the buttons of the main menu.
  • Altered the default window size.
  • Applied minor adjustments to the user interface.
  • Fixed the Kolben Logo appearing stretched.
  • Fixed some spelling errors.
  • Fixed the web browser compatibility for Windows computers not operating Internet Explorer.

Installation and Setup


  1. Once the download is completed, run the downloaded executable file to install the Pixelmon launcher.
  2. Accept the terms and conditions and specify where the Pixelmon launcher should be installed.
  3. When the installation finishes, the Pixelmon launcher will start automatically. A shortcut will be placed on the desktop for future use.
  4. Enter in your Minecraft

    To complete this step, you need to own a purchased copy of the computer version of Minecraft. You cannot use the Pixelmon launcher if you use a cracked version of Minecraft, or if you only own Minecraft Pocket Edition (including Windows 10 Edition) or console editions (Xbox, PlayStation, Wii U).

    account details to log into your account.

  5. If you are using the launcher to run a Pixpack, click . Otherwise, continue below.
  6. Click the «Create New Profile» button in the green box. This will cause the profile editor interface to appear.
  7. Choose the desired Pixelmon and Forge versions
  8. Name the new profile if desired.
  9. If you want to use any additional mods alongside Pixelmon, click the «Add Official Sidemods» button for Pixelmon sidemods and/or the «Browse for Mods» button for other mods on your system.
  10. Save your profile once you are finished creating it.
  11. Click the download icon in the top-right area of the launcher to install Minecraft, Pixelmon, and Forge into the Pixelmon launcher. This may take a few minutes.
  12. Once the downloading is finished, the download icon will be replaced with a play icon. Pressing this button will launch Minecraft.
  • If you are unable to launch Minecraft because you cannot allocate enough memory to Pixelmon, see .


Profile settings

The profile settings window

These settings can be found in the profile editor screen.

  • Use custom window size: This allows a window size (width and height) to be defined exactly; it is an alternative to dragging the lower-right corner to resize the window.
  • Additional arguments to use when initializing Minecraft.
  • Keep output dialog open after Minecraft exits: This specifies whether the Minecraft console will persist after Minecraft closes.
  • Reinstall all libraries next install: This will force all files to be re-downloaded the next time the profile is used.

Minecraft settings

The Minecraft settings window

These settings can be found by selecting the gear button in the top-right corner of the main menu.

  • Volume: The volume of the music playing in the Pixelmon launcher.
  • Maximum memory: The maximum amount of memory that can be allocated to Minecraft when it is running.
  • Select Java Install: This specifies which version of Java to use when running Minecraft.
  • Change Storage Location: Allows the location of Pixelmon launcher data storage files to be changed.
  • Java arguments: The JVM arguments to use when running Minecraft.
  • Auto-updater: This feature will check if there is a Pixelmon launcher update periodically (can be configured or disabled) and automatically update the Pixelmon launcher if there is one.
  • Enable advanced features: This enables certain features that should only be used by players with knowledge of the subject matter, such as JVM arguments.

Language can be changed by clicking the flag button in the top-right corner of the launcher.


  • Теперь на покемона сотого уровня можно применить конфету, чтобы спровоцировать эволюцию.
  • Убрано ограничение в 100 очков статистики из витаминов, что позволяет использовать их для 252 для одной статы / 510 в общем.
  • Обновлены ягоды, которые исцеляли. Теперь они исцеляют на треть больше чем раньше.
  • Уменьшен шанс спавна Дубовых Святынь… намного.
  • Добавлены подсказки к предметам из Pixelmon.
  • Повышена прочность блоков для Зайгарда.
  • Уменьшен экран покупки у продавцов с максимальным размером стака предметов, который они продают.
  • Подправлены автоматы с колой.
  • Два и больше байков больше не могут стоять на одном блоке.
  • Специальные текстуры стали формами для покемонов.
  • Обновлён покедекс, для остальных покемонов 8-го поколения.
  • Обмен болью теперь не наносит прямой урон.
  • 8.0.1 — Покемоны теперь следуют за игроком, если он держит мяту.
Изменения Моделей:
  • Обновлена модель ожидания для Реджайса
  • Обновлена ​​модель для Сэндайла (мы слышали, Blocky Сэндайл теперь обновляется как доступная форма)
  • Обновлена ​​модель для Политода
  • Обновлена ​​модель для Драпиона
  • Обновлена ​​модель для Крокорока
  • Обновлена ​​модель для Крокодайла
  • Обновлена ​​модель для Криогонала
  • Обновлена ​​модель для Снорлакса
  • Обновлена ​​модель для Ямаска
  • Обновлена ​​модель для Скорупи
  • Обновлена ​​модель для Голдина
  • Обновлена ​​модель для Сиакинга
  • Обновлена ​​модель для Параса
  • Обновлена ​​модель для Парасекта
  • 8.0.1 — Обновлена ​​модель для формы Создателя Иви
Квестовые Изменения:
  • Исправлены ошибки в ITEM_GIVE если он использовался более одного раза.
  • Исправлены ошибки при отображении клиентских квестов на серверах.
  • Исправлены ошибки, когда квесты загружались, когда их не было.

Установка Pokemon Unite на ПК

Данная игра появилась в библиотеке Gameloop и стала одним из главных хитов этого эмулятора. Напомним, что Gameloop изначально создавался, как эмулятор для PUBG и носил имя Tencent Gaming Buddy. Сейчас же он стал более универсальным. В нем нет встроенного магазина от Google, вместо него используется своя библиотека. Их плюсов такого подхода – нет необходимости создавать аккаунт, все игры оптимизированы и имеют удобные настройки управления по умолчанию.

  • запустите эмулятор Gameloop кликом по ярлыку на рабочем столе Windows;
  • откроется вкладка с играми, где сразу будет видна вкладка с рекомендуемым – там вы легко найдете Pokemon Unite;
  • также можно зайти на вкладку Библиотека и ввести название игры в строке поиска;
  • кликните по кнопке установки, чтобы начать загрузку игровых файлов;
  • в итоге ярлык Pokemon Unite появится на вкладке Мое эмулятора, откуда ее можно будет запускать в любой момент!

Управление в игре уже настроено, и оно очень удобно и привычно для любителей MOBA.

— Added in a massive amount of new mounts. Thanks to ProudSquirrel for doing all of these!

  • Gen 1 — Arbok, Vileplume, Cloyster, Rhyhorn, Snorlax, Dragonair
  • Gen 2 — Ariados, Crobat, Lanturn, Quagsire, Donphan
  • Gen 3 — Ludicolo, Swellow, Pelipper, Slaking, Exploud, Hariyama, Aggron, Mega Aggron, Manectric, Mega Manectric, Sharpedo, Mega Sharpedo, Vibrava, Whiscash, Claydol, Sealeo, Walrein, Huntail, Gorebyss, Regirock, Regice, Registeel
  • Gen 4 — Bibarel, Floatzel, Gastrodon, Purugly, Hippowdon, Drapion, Lumineon, Probopass, Heatran, Regigigas, Giratina
  • Gen 5 — Stoutland, Gigalith, Conkeldurr, Seismitoad, Scolipede, Darmanitan, Carracosta, Emolga, Galvantula, Ferrothorn, Klinklang, Eelektross, Haxorus, Stunfisk, Bouffalant, Mandibuzz, Durant, Zweilous, Hydreigon
  • Gen 6 — Chesnaught, Pyroar, Furfrou, Goodra, Zygarde

Moves learned by Clauncher

  • In other generations

Moves learnt by level up

Clauncher learns the following moves in Pokémon Sword & Shield at the levels specified.

Lv. Move Type Cat. Power Acc.
1 Splash Normal
1 Water Gun Water 40 100
5 Vise Grip Normal 55 100
10 Flail Normal 100
15 Aqua Jet Water 40 100
20 Smack Down Rock 50 100
25 Hone Claws Dark
30 Water Pulse Water 60 100
35 Swords Dance Normal
40 Aura Sphere Fighting 80
45 Bounce Flying 85 85
50 Muddy Water Water 90 85
55 Crabhammer Water 100 90

Egg moves

Clauncher learns the following moves via breeding in Pokémon Sword & Shield. Details and compatible parents can be found on the Clauncher egg moves page.

Move Type Cat. Power Acc.
Aqua Tail Water 90 90
Bubble Beam Water 65 100
Entrainment Normal 100

Move Tutor moves

Clauncher can be taught these attacks in Pokémon Sword & Shield from move tutors ():

Move Type Cat. Power Acc.
Flip Turn Water 60 100
Terrain Pulse Normal 50 100

Moves learnt by TM

Clauncher is compatible with these Technical Machines in Pokémon Sword & Shield:

TM Move Type Cat. Power Acc.
Rest Psychic
Rock Slide Rock 75 90
Snore Normal 50 100
Protect Normal
Icy Wind Ice 55 95
Attract Normal 100
Rain Dance Water
Facade Normal 70 100
Helping Hand Normal
Dive Water 80 100
Bounce Flying 85 85
U-turn Bug 70 100
Venoshock Poison 65 100
Round Normal 60 100

Moves learnt by TR

Clauncher is compatible with these Technical Records in Pokémon Sword & Shield:

TR Move Type Cat. Power Acc.
Swords Dance Normal
Surf Water 90 100
Ice Beam Ice 90 100
Waterfall Water 80 100
Substitute Normal
Sludge Bomb Poison 90 100
Endure Normal
Sleep Talk Normal
Iron Tail Steel 100 75
Muddy Water Water 90 85
Aura Sphere Fighting 80
Dragon Pulse Dragon 85 100
Flash Cannon Steel 80 100
Sludge Wave Poison 95 100
Scald Water 80 100

Moves learnt by level up

Clauncher learns the following moves in Pokémon Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon at the levels specified.

Lv. Move Type Cat. Power Acc.
1 Splash Normal
1 Water Gun Water 40 100
7 Water Sport Water
9 Vise Grip Normal 55 100
12 Bubble Water 40 100
16 Flail Normal 100
20 Bubble Beam Water 65 100
25 Swords Dance Normal
30 Crabhammer Water 100 90
34 Water Pulse Water 60 100
39 Smack Down Rock 50 100
43 Aqua Jet Water 40 100
48 Muddy Water Water 90 85

Egg moves

Clauncher learns the following moves via breeding in Pokémon Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon. Details and compatible parents can be found on the Clauncher egg moves page.

Move Type Cat. Power Acc.
Aqua Jet Water 40 100
Crabhammer Water 100 90
Endure Normal
Entrainment Normal 100
Helping Hand Normal

Move Tutor moves

Clauncher can be taught these attacks in Pokémon Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon from move tutors ():

Move Type Cat. Power Acc.
Aqua Tail Water 90 90
Bounce Flying 85 85
Dragon Pulse Dragon 85 100
Helping Hand Normal
Icy Wind Ice 55 95
Iron Tail Steel 100 75
Snore Normal 50 100
Water Pulse Water 60 100

Moves learnt by TM

Clauncher is compatible with these Technical Machines in Pokémon Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon:

TM Move Type Cat. Power Acc.
Toxic Poison 90
Venoshock Poison 65 100
Hidden Power Normal 60 100
Ice Beam Ice 90 100
Protect Normal
Rain Dance Water
Frustration Normal 100
Smack Down Rock 50 100
Return Normal 100
Double Team Normal
Sludge Wave Poison 95 100
Sludge Bomb Poison 90 100
Facade Normal 70 100
Rest Psychic
Attract Normal 100
Round Normal 60 100
Scald Water 80 100
Swords Dance Normal
Rock Slide Rock 75 90
Swagger Normal 85
Sleep Talk Normal
U-turn Bug 70 100
Substitute Normal
Flash Cannon Steel 80 100
Surf Water 90 100
Waterfall Water 80 100
Confide Normal

Transfer-only moves

Clauncher can only learn these moves in previous generations. It must be taught the moves in the appropriate game and then transferred to Pokémon Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon.

Move Type Cat. Power Acc. Method
Secret Power Normal 70 100 Generation 6 — TM
Cut Normal 50 95 Generation 6 — HM
Dive Water 80 100 Generation 6 — HM
  • In other generations

API/Back-end (For sidemodders):

  • Removed PixelmonApi (The class file, I mean).

  • Added a large and versatile spawning API.

  • Added PixelmonCommand to API.

  • Added Dialogue with choices API.

  • Fixed PokemonSpec#apply(…) not updating the model. Bet you didn’t even notice.

  • Rewrote evolutions to make them far more flexible and far easier to modify externally.

  • Rewrote most of the texture handling code.

  • Fixed Pixelmon.’devEnviroment’ being spelled wrong! How embarrassing.

  • Added copy function to PokemonSpec to escape object reference.

  • Made the Pixelmon config’s back-end suck a lot less.

  • Moved all the Pokémon models into a separate subfolder under models. Sorry about your resource packs.

  • Added HeldItemChangedEvent.

  • Added SetBattleAIEvent to make it easy to customise specific opponents’ battle AI.

  • Added BaseStatsLoadEvent to modify base stats as they are cached.

  • Added LevelUpMovesEvent to tamper with level up move-sets as they are checked.

  • Added BattleEndEvent which is guaranteed to fire for all battle ending.

  • Marked PlayerBattleEndedEvent and PlayerBattleEndedAbnormalEvent as deprecated. Use BattleEndEvent.

— Added Silvally’s RKS System ability.

  • Added Poison, Ice, Fire, Rock, Ground, Steel, Bug, Flying, Psychic, Dark, Ghost, Fairy, Dragon, Water, Grass, Electric, and Fighting memory held items.

  • Added evolution moves; moves that are taught on certain evolutions.

  • /pokebattle now supports wild Pokémon battles.

  • /pokebattle and /pokebattle2 now support comma-separated Pokemon Specs (Pikachu,s,lvl:50)

  • Added Big Malasada and updated the Rage Candy Bar to a status healing item.

  • Added all the region-specific healing items to shopkeepers.

  • Added Pearl, Big Pearl, Pearl Chain, King’s Rock, Comet Shard, Ice Stone, and Ice Stone Shard to Water Fishing Loot.

  • Added the sprites for all the different Vivillon forms.

  • Added the Beast Ball. Technically it’s been in for a while, but it wasn’t in the creative menu before so now it’s added!

  • Added Tree Top location type to the spawner.

Pokémon Voices:

Thank you Alstrador, Avery, Drago, Fatyg5, JM Knuckles, LinnRiddikuluss, Lu, Robin Hoot, TheDonStrife, and bigbadgav for the voice acting work!

  • Added Altaria, Amoongus, Audino, Axew, Azumarill, Azurill, Baltoy, Beautifly, Bergmite, Bibarel, Bidoof, Bouffalant, Braixen, Breloom, Buneary, Cascoon, Cleffa, Corsola, Deerling, Emolga, Fennekin, Foongus, Happiny, Haxorus, Kirlia, Klefki, Luxio, Mamoswine, Mime Jr., Minccino, Noctowl, Noibat, Ralts, Sawk, Seedot, Sentret, Shiftry, Shinx, Shroomish, Silcoon, Skarmory, Smoochum, Spinarak, Sunflora, Sunkern, Sylveon, Teddiursa, and Throh.

  • Updated Blissey, Charmeleon, Croagunk, Croconaw, Drowzee, Glaceon, Magikarp, Phanpy, and Torchic.

— Added in a massive amount of new mounts. Thanks to ProudSquirrel for doing all of these!

  • Gen 1 — Arbok, Vileplume, Cloyster, Rhyhorn, Snorlax, Dragonair
  • Gen 2 — Ariados, Crobat, Lanturn, Quagsire, Donphan
  • Gen 3 — Ludicolo, Swellow, Pelipper, Slaking, Exploud, Hariyama, Aggron, Mega Aggron, Manectric, Mega Manectric, Sharpedo, Mega Sharpedo, Vibrava, Whiscash, Claydol, Sealeo, Walrein, Huntail, Gorebyss, Regirock, Regice, Registeel
  • Gen 4 — Bibarel, Floatzel, Gastrodon, Purugly, Hippowdon, Drapion, Lumineon, Probopass, Heatran, Regigigas, Giratina
  • Gen 5 — Stoutland, Gigalith, Conkeldurr, Seismitoad, Scolipede, Darmanitan, Carracosta, Emolga, Galvantula, Ferrothorn, Klinklang, Eelektross, Haxorus, Stunfisk, Bouffalant, Mandibuzz, Durant, Zweilous, Hydreigon
  • Gen 6 — Chesnaught, Pyroar, Furfrou, Goodra, Zygarde

— On top of that, some previous mounts were also fixed

  • Gen 1 — Venusaur, Charizard, Mega Charizard X, Fearow, Tentacruel, Graveler, Golem, Tauros, Mega Gyarados, Aerodactyl, Mega Aerodactyl, Zapdos

  • Gen 2 — Raikou, Entei, Lugia, Ho-Oh

  • Gen 3 — Mega Swampert, Mega Camerupt, Flygon, Milotic, Tropius, Absol, Salamence, Mega Salamence, Metagross, Mega Metagross, Latias, Mega Latias, Latios, Mega Latios, Groudon, Primal Groudon, Primal Kyogre, Rayquaza, Mega Rayquaza

  • Gen 4 — Staraptor, Drifblim, Honchkrow, Magnezone

  • Gen 5 — Serperior, Samurott, Archeops, Braviary, Kyurem-Black, Kyurem-White

  • Gen 6 — Aurorus, Avalugg

  • Added a lot of bugs, probably.


Clauncher is a crustacean Pokémon that resembles a bright blue shrimp. It has three pairs of light gray legs; two pairs have simple blue spikes, while the foremost pair forms a larger set of claws. One claw forms a single, sharp point and the other is much larger and forms a more traditional pincer with a tiny yellow claw. Each front claw has a black stripe across the top. It has a pair of yellow antennae on top of its head, yellow eyes, and three pointed mandibles. There are three black stripes along its back that separate its body into segments, and it has a light gray underside. Two black, rectangular fins form its tail.

Clauncher’s large claw gives it a poor sense of balance and makes it difficult to swim straight. Instead, it moves by firing compressed water from this claw. This is achieved through controlled expulsions of internal gas. Additionally, it uses this ability to shoot down flying prey and can shatter rock at close range. Occasionally, its claws will fall off and it keeps a low profile until they grow back. The meat inside its claws is said to be delicious; therefore, it is a popular delicacy in places like Galar.

In other languages

Language Title Meaning
Japanese ウデッポウ Udeppou From 水鉄砲 mizudeppou (water gun) and 腕 ude (arm)
French Flingouste From flingue and langoustine
Spanish Clauncher Same as English name
German Scampisto From Scampi and Pistole
Italian Clauncher Same as English name
Korean 완철포 Wancheolpo From 완 (腕) wan, 철포 (鉄砲) cheolpo, and possibly launcher
Cantonese Chinese 鐵臂槍蝦 Titbeichēunghàh From 鐵臂 titbei, 槍 chēung, and 槍蝦 chēunghàh
Mandarin Chinese 鐵臂槍蝦 Tiěbìqiāngxiā From 鐵臂 tiěbì, 槍 qiāng, and 槍蝦 qiāngxiā
More languages
Hindi कलौंचर Clauncher Transcription of English name
Russian Клаунчер Klaucher Transcription of English name
Thai อุเด็ปโป Udeppo Transcription of Japanese name
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