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Сюжет ПК игры Lambda Wars

Основные действия в модификации напрямую взяты из игр серии Half-Life, в частности – из второй части. Lambda Wars развивает тему противостояния землян и инопланетных захватчиков, а игроку предстоит выбрать одну из сторон конфликта: сопротивление или альянс, после чего вступить на тропу бесконечных баталий и войны.

Данная игра позволит окунуться в знакомые локации под “новым углом”. На этот раз не придётся управлять молчаливым героем, вместо этого под управление игрока попадёт целая база с возможностью устанавливать новые постройки, нанимать разнообразных юнитов и технику, исследовать технологии и улучшения, а также громить многочисленные базы противников.


Version 2.0.0, screenshot of the map .

The development of Half-Life 2: Wars began sometime in 2007. Since that year, the modification has seen several major and some minor version releases, along with media and news updates.

On November 3, 2007, a version 0.1, intended as a «preview of the mod», and featuring two single-player maps, was released. It required Half-Life 2 and Half-Life 2: Episode One to work. The release of the version 0.5 on July 11, 2008 brought two new maps, balance and gameplay tweaks, and AI improvements, though single-player was still the only mode available. From then on, it required having The Orange Box Source SDK Base installed.

On November 27, 2010, the version 1.0, the first multiplayer public beta of the modification, was released, featuring three game modes: Overrun, Antlion Skirmish and Antlion Capture the Point. The first one is still present in the newest builds of the game, and has been described above. Antlion Skirmish is a multiplayer deathmatch between Antlion colonies, competing for control of local pheromone markers, which produce Grubs that can be harvested by Workers and then used to purchase units. The match ends when one colony reigns supreme and annihilates all competing colonies. Antlion Capture the Point is a variation on that game mode.

The next major update saw the light of day on September 25, 2012. The version 2.0.0, with all of the core multiplayer gameplay fully implemented, from then on required having Alien Swarm installed and Half-Life 2: Episode Two purchased. It brought a completely redesigned HUD, new models, new maps ( — a 1v1 map set in a sprawling urban environment, designed for the primary game mode of Half-Life 2: Wars — Annihilation — and , later renamed to , taking place in a snowy Arctic installation, meant to be played by up to 4 players either in a free-for-all or a team game), and a bigger variety of units (such as Striders, Hunters, and Vortigaunts), buildings and abilities.

The versions 2.0.1 to 2.3.6 introduced gameplay balance changes, bugfixes, new music tracks, visual improvements, a tutorial, new maps, both single- and multiplayer (such as , , , , , , , , , and ). On November 25, 2013, the modification was renamed to Lambda Wars. In January, 2014, the mod successfully passed through Greenlight. The last two non-Steam versions (2.3.5 and 2.3.6) were updated not to require owning Episode Two.

On December 5, 2014, Lambda Wars was released on Steam as a beta. It has been regularly updated since then. On May 9, 2015, a set of 20 Steam Achievements was released.


Despite not having a full single-player campaign, and therefore no story, the game features four mission maps (, and ), each with its own plot. In Abandoned, the player has to re-secure a forest held by headcrab canister launchers while commanding groups of hungry and hopeless Rebels. In Radio Tower — rebuild the titular structure, which was destroyed by an Advisor, after collecting the needed parts, and send a message to White Forest about an upcoming Combine offensive. In Valley — gather Resistance forces and defend a group of refugees from waves of Combine units. In Waste — gather forces to rescue a Rebel scientist from a Rebel scientist now siding with the Combine.

Основные особенности стратегии

Lamba Wars — классическая военная стратегия. Основная компания и миссии рассчитаны на многопользовательское прохождение и сражения с другими игроками по сети. Хотя никто не мешает выбрать компьютерных противников в случаях, когда отсутствует желание играть через интернет.

Тем не менее, у игры можно отметить следующие особенности:

  1. Возможность устроить совместные с друзьями или незнакомцами баталии на локациях Half-Life
  2. Наличие полноценного лобби, при желании любой игрок может подключиться в качестве простого зрителя.
  3. Большое разнообразие карт и режимов игры.
  4. Классический для стратегий в реальном времени игровой процесс с постройкой базы, исследованием новых технологий и сражениями за немногочисленные ресурсы.
  5. Внушительное разнообразие тактик и стратегий для победы. Некоторые выберут более осторожный стиль игры с развитием базы и постройкой сильных войск, в то время как другие могут попробовать быстро задавить соперника слабыми и дешёвыми юнитами.
  6. Наличие обучающих режимов игры, в которых игрок может опробовать новые тактики против ботов.
  7. Возможность участия в одной игровой сессии до 8 игроков или компьютерных соперников.
  8. Низкие системные требования, игра будет бодро работать даже на старых ПК или ноутбуках.
  9. Классический для стратегии интерфейс со всеми необходимыми элементами.

Хотя у игры присутствует парочка досадных недостатков:

  1. Игрокам, не знакомым с вселенной Half-Life, может быть непонятным происходящее на экране.
  2. Отсутствие редактора карт, из-за чего самостоятельно создать карту или миссию не получится.

Заключение об игре Lambda Wars

На ПК в последнее время выходит мало годных и затягивающих стратегий, разработчики игр предпочитают выпускать проекты в более популярных жанрах. На помощь приходят энтузиасты, которые на основе других игр делают стратегии. Lambda Wars – отличный пример выверенной RTS, в которой все элементы гармонично дополняют друг друга

Любителям качественных стратегий определённо стоит обратить внимание на Lambda Wars, данный проект способен подарить море положительных эмоций и затянуть даже привередливых игроков


Lambda Wars seems to have been gaining critical acclaim since the very beginning of its development. In November, 2007, Rock, Paper, Shotgun writer, Alec Meer, said that the modification is «really lovely, a smart and pure celebration of the House That Valve Built» even though «it’s barely past tech demo stage at the moment». He praised the concept of a Half-Life RTS game, stating that «it’s very, very early, with a lot of work to go – just two rather sparse levels, with minimal AI and no base-building as yet – but it’s a ton of fun to see the familiar in such a different, and well-considered, format.»

The mod’s Steam release was reported by various gaming websites. Wired called the mod «amazing» though «not without problems», saying that some models are difficult to tell apart at the standard aerial viewing distance, and that the game has occasional problems with pathfinding.LambdaGeneration stated that the modification «still has a few rough edges but it looks great and plays well.»Kotaku’s Nathan Grayson said «it’s cool that fans are keeping the series alive in our hearts and minds, and on our PC screens as well.»ValveTime stated that the modification is «definitely an ambitious and exciting project.»

As of August 2016, user reviews of Lambda Wars on Steam are very positive, with 93% of reviewers praising the game one way or another.

Awards and recognitionedit

Lambda Wars has received the following awards:

  • Mod DB — Mod of the Year 2008 (10th place)
  • Mod DB — Players Choice — Mod of the Year 2010 (9th place)
  • Mod DB — Editors Choice — Mod of the Year 2014 — Best Overhaul


Screenshot of the Radio Tower map.

Lambda Wars features four single- (vs. AI) or multiplayer gamemodes (Annihilation, Destroy HQ (Competitive), Overrun, Sandbox), three singleplayer missions and a tutorial. In the standard skirmishes, players can choose to side either with the Combine or the Resistance; additionally, the sandbox also features Antlions. The mission maps are played from the point of view of the Rebels. The AI difficulty (easy, normal or hard) can always be set before starting the game.

The player wins the game in the Annihilation mode when every enemy building is destroyed and each hostile unit killed. In the Destroy HQ mode, the goal is to demolish the opponents’ central buildings. In the Overrun mode, the players, commanding Combine troops, work cooperatively to build defensive structures and purchase units and devices such as Hoppers and Turrets to defend their garrisons from never-ending, increasingly stronger waves of Antlions. The objective is to survive as long as possible before the swarm overruns and destroys the Combine outpost.

Both factions have their own units, abilities and buildings. Each can be recruited, utilized or constructed by builders using requisition points, scrap (for the Resistance) or energy (for the Combine). Requisition is produced by the headquarters and captured points, which then can be further upgraded. Scrap can be gathered from special piles by Resistance Engineers or found after killing enemy units. Power can be produced by Dark Energy Reactors or Scrap Power Generators. While at the beginning of the match, only the requisition points are used, scrap/energy is needed to unlock higher-tier units, buildings, and abilities. Moreover, an increasable population limit prevents the player from recruiting an unlimited number of soldiers. Randomly placed crates, which can be turned on or off before starting the game, provide the players with units or resources.

The units can engage in combat, patrol between their current and target position, hold their position and not pursue the enemy, man previously build turrets and use their abilities (such as throwing a grenade, deploying a Manhack or a Turret, shooting an explosive bolt). Stalkers and Resistance Engineers can also construct structures (such as Garrisons or Barracks, Generators, Billets, higher-tier upgrade centers, Aid Stations, depending of their faction). Some units (for example Scouts or Medics) utilize energy, which regenerates over time, to activate their abilities.

A Source Engine modification that gives you Half-Life 2 in a real-time strategy shell

What’s new in Lambda Wars 3.11b rev. 6577:

  • Changed the prices for control points on Lvl 1 and Lvl 2. Advanced/Professional players requested that the prices are changed for better competitive gameplay.
  • Misc:
  • Added badges for tournament players who participated and those who received respective places.

Read the full changelog

Since we’re all waiting for Half-Life 3 to come along and we know Valve is taking its time (you can’t rush perfection), why not try something interesting in the meantime? Here’s Lambda Wars, a Source Engine mod that takes you into the world of Half-Life 2 from an RTS point of view.

A great idea that’s on the right track

This has been in the works for a while now and so far, even though it’s still in early development, it looks just great. You get Source Engine graphics neatly packed into an RTS that pitches you in the war between the Rebels and the dreaded Combine.

Following the classic RTS gameplay blueprints, in Lambda Wars you need to build a base, upgrade your tech while creating an army, scout the enemy position and figure out an attack plan. If you were to take gameplay alone, the game doesn’t seem all that interesting but be serious, this is a Half-Life inspired RTS, you can’t really go wrong with it.

If you’re a fan, you might just love the idea and the game will get you hooked pretty fast, especially since it offers plenty of maps, several game modes and best of all, the chance to challenge other HL fans from around the world. On the other hand, if you’re a hardcore fan of the HL2 universe, you will certainly encounter moments when Lambda Wars won’t really measure up.

An experiment with plenty of vibes

Right now, it’s hard to say when or if Lambda Wars will evolve into a full-time RPG with all the polished perks it needs but it’s giving all the right signals. Gameplay is solid, animations are undeniably smooth, effects are great, factions seem to be pretty well balanced and after a few minutes into a game, when the first shots are fired, you can’t help but enjoy the Half-Life 2 audio with the C&C: Generals feel of it all. It just works.

In Lambda Wars you have a good deal of units to use on both sides, each with their special touches and fights between the two factions are totally enjoyable. A good deal of strategy is needed to turn the tides of a battle in your favor but after a few games, things might seem a bit repetitive and this is where the lack of more units might be felt. I mean, Dog would have been awesome to see in a fight against a strider.

Lead the rebels to victory or use the Combine forces to crush humanity

On a closing note, Lambda Wars is definitely a good addition to the Half-Life universe. Give it a shot, and see what fits, what doesn’t and offer the developing team your two cents on the matter.

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