

Kotoko is a hot-headed girl who loves «adorbs» things. She collects them and seems even slightly obsessed with the concept.

Kotoko also has an odd speech pattern as she often starts to list off-topic facts she finds interesting in the middle of conversation. Sometimes they’re vaguely related to the topic (for example, if the topic is too long speeches, she starts to talk about how things like elephant’s nose and giraffe necks are also too long). Even still, her speech is clear and focused, unlike in the case of Jataro Kemuri.

Kotoko acts cheerful, polite and happy. However, she is mentioned to have a bullying nature and she can be very mean and cruel. She is very mean to Jataro, even more than the others are, and she likes to tease Nagisa Shingetsu. However, she constantly tries to stay on Monaca Towa’s good side and praises her a lot.

Kotoko seemingly loved her stage life, but she doesn’t like to talk about it and considers it a thing far in the past. She was pampered a lot and now has quite strict, demanding personality. She also has a habit of curtsying and being rather dramatic, which also hints at her past as an actress. It’s actually heavily implied that a lot of Kotoko’s behavior is just an act and, being the former Li’l Ultimate Drama, she is very skilled at acting. The official artbook implies that her «cutesy» personality might be a front created as a coping mechanism and she herself mentions that she has to keep acting or else she becomes miserable.

Kotoko is one of the more intelligent members of the group, capable of acting cunning and understanding things a bit faster than some other kids. She was able to trick Monaca with her acting and began to act more independently after Monaca was revealed to be a traitor. Still, even though she never really liked Monaca, she was manipulated by Junko to the point that she truly believed she cared about her and the others.

Due to her trauma caused by sexual abuse, Kotoko has a trigger for the word «gentle» (優しい yasashii), as the men who abused her had said they would be «gentle». When she hears this word, she becomes neurotic, and begins crying and screaming in fear, unable to calm herself down except when somebody tells her that they will not be gentle with her. Supposedly because of Junko’s teachings, she wants to make other «adorbs» girls suffer what she went through, exclusively the older ones she considers Demons. She is bitter because nobody helped her in the past and thus very paranoid of adults, believing they’re all pedophiles.


Изначально банда представляла собой дружескую группу байкеров, сформированную шестью друзьями-школьниками из школ в окрестностях Токио.

Тосва была основана 19 июня благодаря идеи Баджи о создании собственной банды, чтобы бороться с Черными Драконами. Их банда была основана с девизом: «Если один из нас пострадает, мы защитим его… банда, в которой все за одного, один за всех».

Первоначальный состав банды берет истоки из школьных времен: Майки, Дракен, Баджи, Мицуя, Па-чин и Казутора. В то время они катались на мотоциклах, искали развлечений и просто хорошо проводили время. Они постоянно подшучивали и разыгрывали друг друга, но все это было из лучших побуждений. В 2003 году Мицуя создал форму, которая через несколько лет станет официальной формой «Тосвы» и тогда же была сделана культовая фотография основателей.

За несколько дней до дня рождения Майки, Казутора хочет украсть лучший байк для Майки и уговаривает не соглашающегося Баджи пойти с ними. Они почти украли мотоцикл, но владелец магазина поймал их. Чтобы избежать ареста, Казутора бьет его гаечным ключом, но случайно убивает. Казутора срывается, и его отправляют в исправительную школу. Наивной и чистой Тосвы больше нет.


Goddess of Wisdom: Kotoko becomes the goddess of wisdom after trading her right eye and left leg for the yokai that abducted her when she was a child. As a result, she is obeyed by most of spectres, though there are ones that disobey her. The yokai and spectres frequently ask Kotoko to solve their problem. In exchange, she often asks them about details of a case she handles, mostly if they are witness to the case. Additionally, under her order, she has shown to be able to send the spectres and yokai for various purpose, such spying and/or following other people.

Deduction: Kotoko is certainly intelligent and possesses incredible deduction abilities, able to solve supernatural cases. However, what’s more impressive is her creativity to make more explanations if one theory can’t satisfy her client. For example the Guardian Serpent, who is obsessed for an ideal answer, Kotoko eventually manages to convince him. As someone who’s quick on her feet and always ready with a clever response, Kotoko mostly knows the right thing to say. Kotoko has also involved with what appears to be «dueling fictions» against Rikka Sakuragawa, effectively driving mass amount of people into changing their mind, and thus made the imaginary monster disappear.


Kotoko is a hot-headed girl who loves «adorbs» things. She collects them and seems even slightly obsessed with the concept.

Kotoko also has an odd speech pattern as she often starts to list off-topic facts she finds interesting in the middle of conversation. Sometimes they’re vaguely related to the topic (for example, if the topic is too long speeches, she starts to talk about how things like elephant’s nose and giraffe necks are also too long). Even still, her speech is clear and focused, unlike in the case of Jataro Kemuri.

Kotoko acts cheerful, polite and happy. However, she is mentioned to have a bullying nature and she can be very mean and cruel. She is very mean to Jataro, even more than the others are, and she likes to tease Nagisa Shingetsu. However, she constantly tries to stay on Monaca’s good side and praises her a lot.

Kotoko seemingly loved her stage life, but she doesn’t like to talk about it and considers it a thing far in the past. She was pampered a lot and now has quite strict, demanding personality. She also has a habit of curtsying and being rather dramatic, which also hints at her past as an actress. It’s actually heavily implied that a lot of Kotoko’s behavior is just an act and, being the former Li’l Ultimate Drama, she is very skilled at acting. The official artbook implies that her «cutesy» personality might be a front created as a coping mechanism and she herself mentions that she has to keep acting or else she becomes miserable.

Kotoko is one of the more intelligent members of the group, capable of acting cunning and understanding things a bit faster than some other kids. She was able to trick Monaca with her acting and began to act more independently after Monaca was revealed to be a traitor. Still, even though she never really liked Monaca, she was manipulated by Junko to the point that she truly believed she cared about her and the others.

Due to her trauma caused by s****l a***e, Kotoko is triggered by the word «gentle» (優しい yasashii), as the men who abused her had said they would be «gentle». When she hears this word, she becomes neurotic, and begins crying and screaming in fear, unable to calm herself down except when somebody tells her that they will not be gentle with her. Despite this, she can use the word «gentle» herself without any problems. Supposedly because of Junko’s teachings, she wants to make other «adorbs» girls suffer what she went through, exclusively the older ones she considers Demons. She is bitter because nobody helped her in the past and thus very paranoid of adults, believing they’re all p*******s.


Персонажи отсортированы по дебюту в игре

Аой Асахина
Бьякуя Тогами
Джин Киригири
Джунко Эношима
Киётака Ишимару
Кёко Киригири
Комару Наэги
Леон Кувата
Макото Наэги
Мондо Овада
Мукуро Икусаба
Сакура Огами
Саяка Майзоно
Селестия Люденберг
Токо Фукава
Усами/Мономи (только в school mode)
Хифуми Ямада
Чихиро Фуджисаки
Ясухиро Хагакурэ
Братья Мадарай
Изуру Камукура
Рёко Отонаши
Сошун Мурасамэ
Юто Камиширо
Ясукэ Мацуда
Чиаки Нанами ИИ
Абсолютный самозванец
Аканэ Овари
Гандам Танака
Ибуки Миода
Кадзуичи Сода
Махиру Коидзуми
Микан Цумики
Нагито Комаэда
Нацуми Кузурю
Нэкомару Нидай
Фуюхико Кузурю
Хаджимэ Хината
Хиёко Сайонджи
Пеко Пекояма
Сония Невермайнд
Тэрутэру Ханамура
Джатаро Кемури
Канон Накаджима
Котоко Уцуги
Масару Даймон
Нагиса Шингецу
Тайчи Фуджисаки
Хироко Хагакурэ
Юта Асахина
Икуэ Догами
Мэкуру Кацураги
Мисаки Асано
Такуми Хиджирихара
Шуджи Фуджигава
Айко Умесава
Асукасей Хино
Грейт Гозу
Дайки Кубо
Дайсаку Бандай
Джузо Сакакура
Казуо Тэнган
Карен Кисараги
Кирико Нишидзава
Коичи Кизакура
Котоми Икута
Кёсукэ Мунаката
Миайя Геккогахара
Рёта Митарай
Рёта Сомея
Рурука Андо
Сейко Кимура
Соносукэ Изаёй
Сосукэ Ичино
Сузуко Кашики
Таро Куросаки
Томохико Горёку
Цубаса Камии
Шодзи Ёко
Чиаки Нанами
Чиса Юкизомэ
Анджи Ёнага
Гонта Гокухара
Кайто Момота
Каэде Акамацу
Кируми Тоджо
Кокичи Ома
Корекиё Шингуджи
Маки Харукава
Миу Ирума
Рантаро Амами
Рёма Хоши
Тенко Чабашира
Химико Юмено
Цумуги Широганэ
Шуичи Саихара


  • «Oh, sorry for the late introduction! My name’s Kotoko Utsugi, and I play the role of Fighter. I was called Li’l Ultimate Drama, but that was a long time ago, so I’ll leave that part out. My favorite food is peeled chestnuts. My least favorite food is unpeeled chestnuts. Kyahaa! Aren’t you surprised? They’re both chestnuts! And hey, did you know!? Kangaroos can jump backwards! And, and! And believe it or not, snakes have ears! Ewww!»
  • «The Warriors of Hope are heroes who save the world from Demons. Isn’t that amazing?»
  • «Since our paradise is for children only, there won’t be any more pedophiles, either!»
  • «He always acted all big, and was a perverted idiot, but…he was a pretty good person. I remember the time he fixed the air conditioner, and even the chairs and tables, too… Anyway, he was a good person. Oh Lord, why do the good ones always die first!?» (mourning Masaru Daimon)
  • «Demons…are filthy, smelly, ugly chunks of meat, more worthless than dirt… And disgusting, filthy Demons… deserve a disgusting, filthy death. They should all choke on their own poop and suffocate! They should just hold it in, and hold it, and hold it until their intestines explode!»
  • «Woohoo! Sorry for the intrusion, tank you veddy much! Phew, I reached waaay back for that reference! I had to deal with baby boomers all the time, so my gags are kinda dated. And speaking of old …Aw, I can’t think of any follow-up! I must be nervous! *sigh* My heart is racing faster than 16 shots a second! Master Takahashi would be proud!»
  • «Ah, by the way, my dad was a dentist. And also, Papa was always cheating with his dental assistant. But I guess he had an inferiority complex ’cause he always role-played as a brain surgeon. Yes, a great daddy indeed… Neglecting his business and making me earn money instead… A perfect Papa who I could kill over and over and over and it still wouldn’t have been enough…»
  • «Being adorbs isn’t always a good thing. Cute girls go through terrible things… And if you’re adorable too, you have to protect yourself. On your own. If you can’t, you have to take whatever they give you. It’s a shitty rule, but I didn’t make it. Adults did… So be prepared for that life.»
  • «I’m not a bad girl. This is just payback for what happened to me. If you think this is wrong, then what the adults did to me is wrong too, right?»
  • «All I wanted was to be the same as everyone else. A normal kid who didn’t stand out. But she used me to get *her* dream, even if it meant going to «market» with me… Well, the guys who wanted that are to blame too… Business with a mother and daughter set? How perverted can adults be!?»
  • «G-Gentle? Gentle… Please…*sob* Stop with the gentle… Wh-When they’re…gentle, I… I get all flinchy… N-No! *sob* I don’t want gentle, I don’t… Please stop…*sob* A-Anything but gentle! *sob* Please, no, stop with the gentle! *sob* No, I don’t want gentle! I don’t want any more gentle!»
  • «I didn’t know breaking the controller would also end the brainwashing… That would be bad. If it’s just the Monokumas, that’s fine, but the kids… We’d lose all the friends we made… If that happens… I’m gonna be all alone! But even then… I don’t wanna be alone! Please, pretty please don’t take my friends away!»

Battle Phrase

  • «Mega Attack!»
  • «Mega Piston!»
  • «Mega Typhoon!»
  • «Mega Tornado!»
  • «Special attack! Mega Splaaash!»
  • «You want to be gentle with me!? I’ll kill you! I’ll kill you!»
  • «Turning, turning, a swiftly tilting world… Even without a magic circle, spinny spinny…»
  • «Filthy Demons get grinded, grated, flushed down the toilet!»
  • «Why…? Am I about to lose to a Demon? Kids…can’t win against adults…?»
  • «With the Demon Hunting prize money, I’m gonna buy a stork so Monaca and I can have a kid!»

Интересные факты

  • Мандзи (卍) — crux gammata, также известный как символ свастики, является древней религиозной фигурой в культурах Евразии. Он использовался как символ божественности и духовности в индийских религиях, включая индуизм, буддизм и джайнизм. Название происходит от санскритского svastika (что означает «благополучие», от su — «хорошо» + asti «он есть»).

    • Как символ процветания и удачи, свастика широко использовалась во всем древнем мире (например, часто появляясь на месопотамских монетах), включая Северную и Южную Америку, и с древних времен использовалась в Японии как символ буддизма. Если быть точным, то символ, обычно используемый в японском буддизме, — это саувастика, которая движется против часовой стрелки, и по-японски называется манджи

      Руки свастики, направленные по часовой стрелке (卐), принято считать символом солнца. Именно эта версия (hakenkreuz) была извращена нацистами. Саувастика обычно обозначает ночь, ритуалы и часто магические практики.



Kuro Sakuragawa:
They are currently in a relationship with each other. Kotoko met Kuro, who was 20 years old at the time, at the hospital when she was 15 years old. She fell in love with him at first sight. They meet again after two years at the same hospital just after Saki broke up with Kuro. Kotoko is pushy, clingy, attention seeking and many time selfish towards Kuro, causing the latter to be annoyed by her regularly. Despite her mischief, Kotoko genuinely cares for Kuro’s wellbeing and does truly love him as a person and would rather he opened himself more. Although aware of Kuro’s immortality, she still showed concern for him, as she repudiated the idea of Kuro being mauled and maimed repeatedly by Steel Lady Nanase in order to defeat her, and tried her best to defeat her quickly so as to not prolong the brutality of his fight.

Saki Yumihara:
The two don’t get along at first but eventually put aside their differences to solve the mystery of Steel Lady Nanase.

Rikka Sakuragawa:
When they first met, Rikka told Kuro that Kotoko wasn’t «a good one,» only getting him to agree with her. After the awkward introduction, however, they became close and Kotoko even began visiting her at the hospital too.


Серия игр вращается вокруг элитной средней школы, академии «Пик Надежды», которая каждый год выбирает «абсолютных» студентов, талантливых старшеклассников, которые находятся на вершине своей области, а также одного обычного «самого удачливого студента», который выбирается по лотерее.

В «Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc» Макото Наэги, обычный ученик, выбранный для поступления в академию «Пик Надежды», прибывает в школу вместе с четырнадцатью другими учениками, но теряет сознание и оказывается запертым внутри школы вместе с четырнадцатью другими учениками. Здесь садистский плюшевый мишка по имени Монокума с дистанционным управлением объявляет, что ученики будут вынуждены жить в школе вечно, предлагая только один способ закончить обучение: убить другого ученика и остаться безнаказанным. Когда обнаруживается место преступления, проводится «классный суд», в ходе которого оставшиеся ученики должны обсудить между собой, кто убийца. Если им удастся выяснить, кто убил жертву, виновный будет казнён. Однако если они угадают неправильно, преступник сможет покинуть школу, а все остальные будут казнены.

Сиквел, «Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair», имеет схожий сюжет, на этот раз действие происходит на тропическом острове, известном как Бармаглот. Хаджимэ Хината, ученик, который не помнит о своём абсолютном таланте, вместе с пятнадцатью другими учениками попадает туда по воле кролика Усами, которая заявляет, что это экскурсия, чтобы помочь одноклассникам подружиться друг с другом. Однако Монокума снова вмешивается и превращает это в очередную игру взаимных убийств.

«Danganronpa Another Episode: Ultra Despair Girls», действие которой происходит между событиями первых двух игр, рассказывает о младшей сестре Макото, Комару Наэги, в сопровождении Токо Фукавы, поскольку они обе путешествуют по городу, управляемому Монокумами, сражаясь против группы смертоносных детей, называющих себя воинами надежды.

Аниме-сериал, «Danganronpa 3: The End of Hope’s Peak High School», служит завершением (и прелюдией) к сюжетной линии академии «Пик Надежды», показанной в вышеупомянутых играх. Серия разделена на две арки: арка будущего, в которой рассказана история Макото и членах фонда будущего, когда они вынуждены играть в другую игру взаимных убийств, и арка отчаянья, которая подробно описывает события, происходящие до первой и второй игр. Его заключительный эпизод, известный как арка надежды, служит заключением для арки будущего и выживших в играх убийств.

«Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony» рассказывает о новом героем, Каэде Акамацу, поскольку она попадает в тюремную школу и вынуждена участвовать в игре на убийства Монокумы и его детей.



Тег Danganronpa — All Media Types на AO3
Тег Trigger Happy Havok на AO3
Тег Super Danganronpa на AO3
Тег Another Episode на AO3
Danganronpa (Anime) на FanFiction.Net
Danganronpa (Game) на FanFiction.Net
Dangan Ronpa Kibou no Gakuen Zetsubou no Kouksei (игра) на FanFiction.Net
Danganronpa Gaiden: Killer Killer в Книге Фанфиков
Danganronpa 3 в Книге Фанфиков
Danganronpa/Zero в Книге Фанфиков
Danganronpa: The Animation в Книге Фанфиков
Super Danganronpa 2 в Книге Фанфиков
Danganronpa Another в Книге Фанфиков
Danganronpa: Academy of Hope and High School of Despair в Книге Фанфиков
New Danganronpa V3 в Книге Фанфиков
Danganronpa Another Episode в Книге Фанфиков
Danganronpa: Kibou no Gakuen to Zetsubou no Koukousei в Книге Фанфиков
Данганронпа: Киригири в Книге Фанфиков
Super Danganronpa Another 2 «The Moon of Hope and the Sun of Despair» в Книге Фанфиков



Kotoko has ankle-length light pink hair with short straight bangs and slightly curved in locks on the side of her head tied into high pigtails and a shade of vivid pink colored eyes with speech bubbles acting as designs for the irises. She wears a hot pink hairband with two horns atop, both bent in and the left one having a white bow with pink polka-dots by its base. It also is branded with the emblem of the «Fighter» class in between the horns.

She wears a frilled white shirt that have black outlines by the collar, and has a brownish black jacket which has a light pink bow by the bottom left is left unbuttoned and a puffy brownish black skirt which both have pink accents. The lapel of the has the silver Warriors of Hope badge and a silver bobby pin with a flower on it. She also wears mismatched white thigh-high socks with pale pink patterns, one with a criss-cross pattern then the other with a parallel line pattern, and ankle-high boots with the top-edge being pink and white with white bows on each boot and the bases are pale pink.

The creators have mentioned that she has unusual proportions and quite long limbs, which makes her more adult-like.


Kotoko was born and raised in Towa City. She was a child prodigy and a famous child actor whose father was a dentist.

When she was about 10 years old, her parents prostituted her to producers where she was repeatedly /censored/ by them. Her mother did it out of a twisted form of parental love and prostituted herself alongside Kotoko as a «mother and daughter set», believing that this was in her daughter’s best interests and that it would help further Kotoko’s career, make her «sparkle forever» and have the spotlight. Kotoko’s mother saw youth as a great, horrifying power, one that should be used in their advantage when they still could. She didn’t care if Kotoko and the society would hate her, as she believed that her actions were completely right. As a result of the trauma, she ended up developing a breakdown trigger to the word «gentle», a euphemism the producers had used to describe their /censored/.


Свастонов возглавляют Майки и Дракен в качестве главы и заместителя главы соответственно. Есть пять отрядов, в каждый из которых входит около 20 человек.

  • Первый Отряд — возглавляет Кейске Баджи и Казутора Ханемия и на момент основания банды подразумевался как «атакующий отряд». После событий Вальхаллы первый отряд теперь возглавляет Такемичи Ханагаки.
  • Второй Отряд — возглавляет Такаши Мицуя, изначально предназначалась для «элитной охраны» банды.
  • Третий Отряд — возглавляет Пан-чин, оригинальный знаменосец банды. Похоже, отряд специализируется на грубой силе.
  • Четвертый Отряд — возглавляет Улыбашка, не так много информации есть об этом отряде.
  • Пятый Отряд — возглавляет Мучо, это «подразделение специального назначения», в котором допускались междоусобицы. Они считаются «Общественным советом морали» Тосвы. Они могут наказывать любых предателей в Тосве без распоряжения главы.
  • Шестой Отряд — временная шестая дивизия была создана после того, как банда поглотила членов банды Мёбиус и Вальхалла. Его возглавил Шуджи Ханма, который ранее выступал в качестве лидера обеих соперничающих банд. Покидая Тосву, Ханма забрал с собой подчинённых и отряд был расформирован.


Kotoko is a young woman with a petite build and doll-like appearance, often mistaken as a young child instead. She has fair skin and purple eyes framed by short, curly blond hair. As a Goddess of Wisdom, she also has only one eye and one leg, with her right eye and left leg being prosthetics. Her glass eye looks identical to her functioning eye, and her prosthetic leg attaches around mid-thigh height.

Her everyday outfit consists of a white hat with a black ribbon, a white dress with dark blue accents, white socks, brown shoes, and a red cane. The top part of her dress has puffy sleeves and can be taken off independently from the rest of her dress.

After the first arc, she alternates between different dresses.


She has a very outgoing personality and always makes an effort to find the root of any problem, especially when she has the help of yokai. She is oblivious to danger and she tends to be very clingy when it comes to Kuro.

Kotoko is a self-centered, unrepentant prankster, who enjoys poking fun at others expense, and is also a bit of a pervert. She is also shown to have a rather childish demeanor whenever she feels she is not given enough attention or proper treatment, which is aimed especially at Kuro, to whom she can be very pushy.

Contrasting with her mischief belies a cunning individual, well worth her epithet of «Goddess of Wisdom», demonstrating a calculating intelligence that borders in almost diabolical precision and frightening acute. Although she is a terrible liar to her peers, she is a highly manipulative, convincing liar while at work, being able to fool both ancient yokai and a multitude of online fanatics with terrifying accuracy.

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