Crimson mosquito


  • Arcturus (Greek for «bear-guard») is a star in the constellation Boötes. In Greek mythology, he was the son of Zeus and the nymph Castillo. Hera transformed Castillo into a bear, and at some point, Arcturus was out hunting and found his own mother in bear form. Arcturus, unaware of the bear’s true nature, chased the bear, but Zeus saved her by making Castillo the Great Bear constellation.
  • The «Pic-A-Nic Basket?» advancement is a reference to Yogi Bear’s pronunciation of the phrase «picnic basket».
  • The Grizzly Bear texture was updated twice, the first time it was improved in update 1.9.1. and the second time it was completely redone in 1.12.0

Update 1.6.0[]

-Added Alligator Snapping Turtle

-Added Mungus

-Added Mantis Shrimp

-Crocodiles are now breedable with rotten flesh

-Crocodile Egg is now a block instead of an item

-Added new textures for crocodile items

-Added many more advancements

-Added built in support for BYG/Biomes o Plenty nether biomes for crimson mosquito and soul vulture

-Fixed Blobfish spawning in every biome

-Fixed neutral bone serpent config being reversed

-Added german translations

-Updated simplified chinese translations

-Updated swedish translations

-Updated taiwanese chinese translations

-Updated korean translations


Grizzly Bears become hostile if the player gets within 1 block of them. They attack in a similar fashion to Polar Bears, getting up on their hind legs and swiping the player with their claws. They can hunt animals such as Cows and Pigs, and can often be seen with one to two cubs following behind them.


Occasionally, a Grizzly Bear will shed a Hair of Bear, which it also drops upon death. Hair of Bear is a crafting component of several items, including Knockback Resistance potions and Falconry Gloves.

Honey Nest Raiding

If there is a bee nest or beehive nearby with honey in it (honey level 5), bears will take the sweet honey from inside the nest and eat it. Bees will chase after the bear and attempt to sting it, even if the hive/nest has a campfire beneath it. However, the bees’ stings will not deal damage. Grizzly Bears sit up and hold food items when eating.

Snow Coating

If a Grizzly Bear is in a snowy biome it will gain some snow on it’s back, this can also be applied manually using a snow layer. If the Grizzly Bear enters water or a hot biome then the snow will melt, this snow can also be removed manually using a shovel.

Update 1.5.0[]

-Added Snow Leopard

-Added Spectre

-Added Crow

-Added Advancements

-Added Moose Ribs

-New textures for crocodile

-Increased elephant charge damage

-Fixed rattlesnake crash

-Fixed centipede body segments despawning

-Fixed crocodile roll attack dealing damage from afar

-Fixed seals not spawning on ice

-Fixed ticking world crash on block interact

Update 1.5.1

-Now requires Citadel 1.6.0+

-New biome config system, see config/alexsmobs for spawn details

-Bone Serpent segments now count towards monster chunk count

-Added Neutral Bone Serpent config

-Added Fish Oil config

-Added configurable Wandering Trader trades

-Banana and Acacia Blossom now compostable

-Fixed LootEvent server crash

-Fixed crows walking into water

-Fixed snow leopards unable to attack

-Fixed missing subtitles for crow sounds

-Fixed raccoons not eating eggs

-Updated Korean translations

-Updated Traditional Chinese translations

-Updated Russian translations

-Updated Brazilian Portuguese translations

-Updated Swedish translations


Grizzly Bears can be tamed. This is achieved by first dropping honey near them in the form of a Honey Bottle or Honeycomb, or by letting them eat the honey from a hive or bee nest. Afterwards, they will not become hostile if you get too close and will have their face covered with honey to serve as an indicator. In this satiated state, you can drop some Raw Salmon near them to tame them.

Taming Features

After the Grizzly Bear has been tamed, the player can mount it and deal damage by making contact. The Grizzly Bear also comes to your defense. It can be made to sit by shift right-clicking on it. Dropping Raw Salmon or Honeycombs in front of a tamed bear will cause them to eat and regain 1 heart per item.

Tamed Grizzlies will still steal honey from beehives.

Update 1.8.0[]

-Added Emu

-Added Platypus

-Added Dropbear

-Added Tasmanian Devil

-Added Kangaroo

-Added banana peel block

-Added Australia-themed banner patterns

-Added clinging potion

-Added config for disabling straddleboard enchants

-Allowed crocodile attacks to be blocked with shield

-Lowered default crocodile health and aggro range

-Lowered default roadrunner spawns

-Lowered default moose spawns

-Fixed crash on startup related to item properties

-Fixed baby alligator snapping turtles being strong

-Fixed crows picking items up while sitting

-Fixed advancements for grizzly bears and gorilla taming not working

-Fixed raccoons drawn to water after eating

-Fixed tameable mobs taking half damage when not tamed

-Fixed gusters not spawning in desert sub biomes by default

-Updated Simplified Chinese translations

-Updated Brazilian Portuguese translations

-Updated Swedish translations

-Updated Spanish translations by Nebula

-Updated Mexican Spanish translations

-Updated Chilean Spanish translations

-Updated Argentinian Spanish translations

-Updated Ecuadorian Spanish translations

Update 1.8.1

Made flies ambient, surface spawns. They spawn above grass, dirt sand in well lit areas, but only under natural light

-Made kangaroos defend babies

-Made baby kangaroos helpless

-Made emu attack pillager if skeleton config is set to true

-Added config for percent chance of Outback Leggings dodge

-Lowered Outback leggings dodge chance from 70% to 45%

-Lowered Outback leggings armor points

-Lowered Kangaroo health from 24 to 22

-Pocket of sand now has blindness effect

-Implemented 2-3 second cooldown on Kangaroo item eating/healing

-Fixed all mod animal buckets not retaining names of creatures

Update 1.1.0[]

-Added Warped Toad

-Added Moose

-Updated Brazilian Portuguese translation

-Made all sounds directional

-Added Taiwanese Chinese translations

-Added Russian translations

-Added missing empty loot tables for mobs

-Fix debug error message from centipede on server

-Fix segmented entities getting in boats and minecarts

-Fix exploitable packets

-Fix freezing capuchin monkey when attacked by a crocodile

-Fix crash with Lava Vision potion

-Fix configs not working

-Fix riding mob strafing not working

-Fix sopa de macaco stacking

Update 1.1.1

-Fixed moose making smoke particles

-Fixed baby warped toad suffocating under 1 block heights

-Fixed some memory leaks from the crocodile

-Added Spanish translation

-Updated Taiwanese Chinese translation

Update 1.7.1[]

-Added 4 new enchantments for the Straddleboard

-Added Warped Mixture, creative item used to turn a Crimson Mosquito into a Warped Mosco

-Added ranged attacks to Warped Mosco

-Added more recipes to craft Animal Dictionary

-Added new texture for gorillas that aren’t silverbacks

-Changed many animal stats(health, attack damage, etc) to match vanilla better

-Changed launching sounds of Straddler

-Changed names of all Bucket and Bottle items

-Fixed burning mobs not dropping cooked meat

-Fixed guster not dropping glass if on fire

-Fixed crows not being afraid of Jack O’ Lanterns

-Fixed crows not pathing above fences

-Fixed baby flies suffocating

-Fixed Straddleboard sinking

-Funky Kong

-Updated Simplified Chinese translation

Update 1.4.0[]

-Added Elephant

-Added Soul Vulture

-Fixed baby seals always being brown

-Updated Portuguese translations

-Updated Taiwanese translations

Update 1.4.1

-Fixed Elephants being considered undead

-Fixed Soul Vultures not being undead

-Fixed Tusked Elephants being as weak as non-tusked Elephants

-Fixed riding baby elephants

-Fixed elephants having small attack reach

-Fixed not being able to attack crocodiles or crimson mosquitos during attacks

-Fixed baby grizzly bears suffocating

-Updated Taiwanese translations

-Updated Russian translations

-Updated Portuguese translations

-Updated Swedish translations

Update 1.9.0[]

-Now requires forge 1.16.5-36.0.46 or higher. Make sure to update forge and Optifine to the latest 1.16.5 versions, if you use them

-Added Cachalot Whale

-Added Leafcutter Ant

-Added Enderiophage

-Nerfed Drop Bear

-Nerfed Straddler

-Fixed Emu and Piercing enchant crash

-Fixed Elephant/Gorilla follow crash

-Fixed focal_point entity crash

-Fixed riding baby komodo dragons

-Fixed kangaroo lead crash

Update 1.9.1

-Added new Music Disc by LudoCrypt, Thime, obtained from seal bartering

-New textures for Orca

-New textures for Grizzly Bear

-Buffed Enderiophage attack

-Buffed Mantis Shrimp against shulker

-Shulkers killed by Mantis Shrimp always drop a shell

-Kangaroo can now wear pumpkin, player heads, etc.

-Fixed not being able to use name tag, spawn egg on Cachalot Whale

-Fixed Endergrade not dropping saddle on death

-Fixed Leafcutter Anthill not registered properly

-Fixed crash with Straddler and Stradpole

-Fixed Cachalot Whale ignoring mobGreifing

-Fixed Raccoon not triggering taming advancement

-Fixed Cachalot Whale lag when targeting a creature outside of water

-Fixed Kangaroo armor never breaking

-Updated various translations

Update 1.7.0[]

-Added Guster

-Added Warped Mosco

-Added Straddler

-Added Stradpole

-Fixed burning moose and burning lobster not dropping cooked meats

-Fixed roadrunners not spawning in mesas

-Fixed raccoons not being breedable

-Fixed not being able to use Quark wood chests on elephants

-Fixed sunbird blessing not preventing fall damage

-Fixed baby crocodiles spawning right next to players from eggs being untamed

-Reduced client side lag from Mungus explosion

-Updated Simplified Chinese Translation

-Updated Russian Translation

-Updated Taiwanese Chinese Translation

-Updated Sweedish Translation

-Updated Brazilian Portuguese Translation

-Updated Spanish Translation

-Added Mexican Spanish Translation

-Added Chilean Spanish Translation

-Added Argentinian Spanish Translation

-Added Ecuadorian Spanish Translation

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